You,Under My Name

Chapter 360: 360

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The shrieking Li luoran almost couldn't hold his mobile phone.

"Ha ha ha, don't be so excited, Miss Li. You are usually very humorous. Why can't you make a joke at such a short time? Don't worry. I was just joking with you. You are my idol. How can I let so many men smear you... "

The boy's voice was ringing in Li luoran's ear.

Li luoran was relieved at last.

However, it wasn't long before Lu Shaochen relaxed his voice and said, "I'll kiss you again."

Li luoran doubted life.

Xiao Qianhua, Jiang Xiaojing, police officer Zhang and police officer Li looked at each other face to face.

"Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are on their way to your home. At his current speed, they will arrive in five minutes. You must kiss Lu Shaochen in front of Jin Xintong, and you can't let him know why you kiss him. Do you understand?"

Li luoran must be calm, "understand..."

"Very good, praise for you ~" the boy said evil,

"remember, this kiss lasts at least three minutes, and it needs tongue kiss, deep tongue kiss! Otherwise your baby son will be disfigured by me. For your son, come on

"Lu Shaochen will be here soon. Now go to the yard and wait for him. I'll take care of you."

Drop this word, hang up a line decisively.

However, Li luoran, who was still in shock, kept holding her hand to talk with her mobile phone in a cold sweat.

Officer Li put out a victory gesture, "officer Zhang, I successfully tracked the location of the kidnapper when he called. What should I do next?"

"Contact the nearest police station to the kidnapper's location to arrest him." Officer Zhang made a quick decision.


Officer Li immediately called to arrange the task.

Officer Zhang patted Li luoran on the shoulder. "Miss Li, although the kidnapper has exposed the target, in order to stabilize him, you have to cooperate with him to finish the play."

Li luoran nodded.

For her now, it's a struggle to kiss Lu Shaochen on her own initiative, but it's worth doing anything for the sake of the bright moon.

"By the way, Mr. Xiao ~"

officer Zhang turned to Xiao Qianhua,

"I think there should be a camera in this living room."

Xiao Qian shakes his head.

No matter how security conscious people are, they will only install cameras in the courtyard and the door. What kind of people will install cameras in the living room!

Can't you use it to monitor your private life?

"Alas Police officer Zhang sighed,

"when the kidnapper called Miss Li, he seemed to be able to see the picture in the living room. If there was a camera in the living room, he might have invaded the camera. Since there was no camera in your living room, the kidnapper was even more terrible."

"God..." Jiang Xiaoxiang looked around like a ghost,

"so, how did he see us?"

Officer Zhang shook his head. "I have to wait until I catch him and ask him myself." Then he stepped out of the door,

"the kidnapper said on the phone that Mr. Lu would arrive in five minutes. If he was right, it means that everyone's every move is under his control. It also means that the kidnapper is more powerful and difficult to deal with. Go out and verify it."

Li luoran, Jiang Xiaojing and Xiao Qianhua follow officer Zhang to the yard.

Police officer Zhang looked far away at the gate of the yard, "I hope the kidnapper is just bluffing, I hope it's just a juvenile prank."

Just after that, a black car appeared in everyone's field of vision. The car was getting closer and closer, and in a twinkling of an eye, it came to the gate of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Xiao Qianhua's mobile phone rings.

Li luoran's eyes couldn't help throwing at Xiao Qian's painting.

I don't know what the person on the phone said to Xiao Qianhua, but Xiao Qianhua said, "open the door for him."

The next second, the gate of the yard opened, and the black car drove into the yard and drove straight to where they were.

Everyone fell into silence.

At the moment when Xiao Qian said "open the door for him", everyone knew who was coming!

At the same time, the atmosphere of terror shrouded every officer.

Although the kidnappers are two minor children, it is chilling.


Rolls Royce is getting closer.

With a clear voice, the door opened and Lu Shaochen in the cab got out of the car first.

Lu Shaochen is still that Lu Shaochen -

it seems that he is always wearing a black suit that is as straight as new, his hair is always in order, and his face is always so handsome and perfect no matter how much time he experiences, and he will never be eroded by years

I knew that it was Lu Shaochen. However, when I saw Lu Shaochen with my own eyes, Li luoran was a little confused."Mr. Lu, why are you here?" Jiang Xiaojing and Xiao Qianhua both looked at Lu Shaochen with unfriendly eyes, only officer Zhang spoke respectfully.

Lu Shaochen gently opened thin lips, "come and have a look."

It's like saying nothing!

Or he didn't want to answer.

"Ha ha ~" officer Zhang was busy trying to solve the problem,

"look, I asked a lot. Mingyue is Mr. Lu's own son. Mr. Lu knows we are handling a case, so of course he wants to come and have a look, right?"

Lu Shaochen, with a thin and cool face, "yes."

"Ha ha ~" officer Zhang laughed and stabbed Li luoran in the back with his finger.

Li luoran silently took a breath and walked step by step to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, who thought that Li luoran would alienate himself as before, was surprised that Li luoran would take the initiative to come to him. The feeling of being flattered made him feel like a deer.

But Li luoran had come to the position one step away from him, but he was still moving forward until he was only one palm away from him.

Lu Shaochen was stunned, "what's the matter?" Wenru, who clearly wants to pretend to be indifferent, but his voice is involuntary.

Li luoran raised his face slightly and looked at him calmly, "I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Lu Shaochen nodded, "just say it."

Li luoran, "you promised me."

Lu Shaochen, "I promise." Still no hesitation.

Even though he was so helpless to be separated from Li luoran, Lu Shaochen always felt that he was ashamed of Li luoran. He was willing to compensate Li luoran in any way, but Li luoran was too stubborn to ask for anything

At the moment, Li luoran took the initiative to ask him for help, which made him excited and gratified.

Li luoran, "lower your head, get closer to me."

“……” Although Lu Shaochen was confused, he still bowed his head according to Li luoran's requirements. His lips were only about two centimeters higher than Li luoran's. as long as Li luoran stood on tiptoe, he could kiss her.

Li luoran was stunned.

The breath from Lu Shaochen's nose and lips was warm as spring, as if enchanting, which made her feel surging.

Li luoran didn't expect that the gap between her and Lu Shaochen was so deep that when she faced Lu Shaochen at close range, she still could not help palpitating.

She was calm, trying to keep calm, "I want to borrow your three minutes, the next three minutes, no matter what I do, you are not allowed to resist, do not move, OK?"

Lu Shaochen simply replied, "yes."

Li luoran, "you have to be sure."

Lu Shaochen, "sure!"

Li luoran said, "thank you!"

The voice fell, and his arms were around Lu Shaochen's neck. At the same time, he stood on tiptoe to kiss Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen's body is obviously stiff. He has not yet reflected what happened. He has been deeply kissed by Li luoran.

At this moment, the door of the co driver's seat of the Rolls Royce car opened. Jin Xintong, who was going to get off the car, suddenly petrified when he saw Lu Shaochen and Li luoran kissing each other. Her slender left leg was frozen in mid air before she could land.


Lu Shaochen and Li luoran are not kissing!

To be exact, Li luoran is kissing Lu Shaochen!

It can be seen from Lu Shaochen's dull expression that he didn't expect that Li luoran would kiss him, because he didn't react. His hands were wooden at his waist and didn't hold Li luoran, but Li luoran held Lu Shaochen tightly -

as if he was afraid that Lu Shaochen would run away

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Time seems to stop in this second, everything around seems to be static.

Everyone was staring at the scene.

Everything became so quiet, only the sound of two people kissing clearly spread into everyone's ears.

This scene lasted for three minutes.

Three minutes is as long as three centuries for Jin Xintong!

Li luoran finally let Lu Shaochen go.

Lu Shaochen stares at her with surprise, confusion and doubt in his beautiful green ink eyes, but more joy and joy. He knows that Li luoran is a girl who is indomitable. Therefore, since Li luoran broke up with him, he thinks that he will never be reunited with Li luoran again. Li luoran takes the initiative to kiss him, which makes him hope again

However, Li luoran turned and left.

"Stop!" Lu Shaochen holds Li luoran's hand hard,

"what's your explanation?"

Li Ran was so excited that he almost grasped luoran so tightly.

Li luoran doesn't seem to feel the pain. Her arms are like kicking a rabbit. Her mind is empty. She kisses Lu Shaochen and her soul.

She pretended to be calm. "I've already said everything to you in advance. It's your help."

“……” Lu Shaochen's eyes were obviously darker,"Is that your explanation?"

She's going to ask him, so let him stand still?

What kind of explanation is that?!

"Yes, that's my explanation." Li luoran looks back and looks indifferent.

"Lu Shaochen, I know you don't understand, but don't think too much about it. If you really can't understand it, just take it as my revenge on you."

Lu Shaochen's face was not worried, and his extremely handsome face was in a haze, "revenge?"

Li luoran laughed haughtily, "yes, you used to kiss me. This time, I'll pay you back."

Lu Shaochen's face was very embarrassed, holding Li luoran's big hand was obviously shaking.

Li luoran took the opportunity to shake off his hand, left him, and walked back to Jiang Xiaojing without looking back.

Jiang Xiaojing made a victory gesture to her, "Ranran, good job!"

Li luoran shrugged his shoulders with pride on the surface, but his heart was empty.

Frustrated with Lu Shaochen, she finally decided to let him go. She just wanted to keep a distance from him as much as possible. In this case, the last person she wanted to see was Lu Shaochen.

Mingyue's being kidnapped has already made Li luoran very anxious. The kidnappers let her kiss Lu Shaochen, which makes her heavy heart worse.

She didn't know why the kidnapper did it.


officer Zhang sighed silently.

Few people know that Lu Shaochen and Li luoran had a marriage. It was only after Li luoran, Jiang Xiaojing, Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong left the police station yesterday that police officer Zhang learned about the complex relationship between Lu Shaochen, Li luoran and Jin Xintong through secret channels. It's a headache to think about it.

Xiao Qian's face was calm and didn't say a word.

Even though his wife kisses his ex husband in front of him, considering that Li luoran is also forced to be helpless, he can only be knocked off his teeth and swallow in silence.

Jin Xintong is still sitting in the car. The scene of Li luoran kissing Lu Shaochen is like a sharp blade stabbing her heart.

Lu Shaochen stares at Li luoran with complicated eyes -

Li luoran's kiss seems to ignite his hope;

however, after kissing, she turns around and pours cold water on him, which extinguishes all his hopes and turns his heart into ashes again

"Officer Zhang!"

Accompanied by the sound of hasty footsteps, officer Li ran to officer Zhang in a hurry,

"just now, the news came from the 13th detachment of the police station, and no one was caught."

Li luoran had a bad feeling.

Officer Zhang was also quite surprised, "didn't you track down the specific place where the kidnapper called? How could that be? "

"That's what I want to say to you..." Officer Li stamped his foot in frustration,

"the kidnapper knew we were tracking him, so he used technical means to fake the fake location to play with us, and we were played around by him."

Officer Zhang frowned deeply.

Police officer Li sighed, "according to the description of Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing, the perpetrators are two teenagers, and their voices also verify this point. Usually, people with such high technical means and intelligence at a young age can easily earn money. Therefore, they kidnap Mingyue not for money."

Officer Zhang frowned more tightly. "That's what worries me the most."

It's not for the money. It's for what?

Are they really fans of Li luoran?

Do you really want to play games with their idols?

"I hold the time, but it doesn't care. Is there anyone else who wants to be comforted like me..."

Li luoran's call rang at this time.

Li luoran answered the phone in a hurry, "hello?"

"Ha ha, little sister, you are worthy of my idol. Congratulations. I am very satisfied with your performance. You have successfully saved your son's face." The boy's loud voice was ringing in Li luoran's ears.

Li luoran tried not to get out of control. "I've won the game. I'll keep your promise and let the moon go."

"What? I did say I'd play this game with you, but I didn't say it was only one game. "


Li luoran felt dizzy. Her body shook violently. She didn't fall down because she was held by Jiang Xiaojing in time. Her voice trembled,

"you What do you want? "

"Playing games with you..."

The boy's tone is very playful,

"it's just the first round, you win, then there will be the second round, the third round, the fourth round, the fifth round I don't know how many rounds there will be. Maybe when I'm tired of playing, I'll stop playing. However, before I'm tired of playing, you have to play with me all the time. The rules are the same as before. If you keep winning, Congratulations, your son will be fine. If you lose, apologize, idol, your son will be disfigured. "

Li luoran's whole body is about to explode. She roars out of control, "you let go of Mingyue. You don't have the ability to catch me. I'll play with you in person to the end!""Shh - don't be angry with idols. Anger will not look good. If you are not good-looking, I may not like you. If I don't like you, I may attack your son..."

Liluoran's face was pale. He didn't dare to say anything more. His tears fell down.

"Don't worry, idol, I want to play this game with you, so I will take good care of your son before you lose. Don't be angry!" The boy said calmly,

"well, don't forget, don't let Lu Shaochen know that I want you to kiss him, otherwise, you will lose the first round."

Li luoran almost collapsed.

"When I call, I may want to play the second round with you at any time By the way, and let those two stupid police officers save their strength. They can't catch me. "

When the line hung up, Li luoran's ears were clean.

Officer Zhang looks at officer Li who has been tracking the location of the call. "What about this time?"

Officer Li spread out his hands, "it's the same position as last time. It's fake."

Officer Zhang looks more serious.

As a famous police officer who has cracked more than 130 kidnapping cases, officer Zhang is the first time to encounter such a difficult kidnapper -

the kidnapper knows the police's means of investigation, knows how to evade tracking, and more importantly, up to now, no one knows what the purpose of the kidnapper is.

"Mr. Lu, I don't think the kidnapper can rule out the possibility of being one of your enemies. Can I have a talk with you?" Officer Zhang handed a cigarette to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen and Zhang went to the fountain outside the 100 meter courtyard alone.

Jiang Xiaojing helps Li luoran with a heavy heart to walk indoors.

Jin Xintong's voice rang out behind them, "I have something to say to you."

Li luoran didn't stop and didn't even look back. He said indifferently, "I'm not in the mood to talk to you."

Jin Xintong, "are you so afraid of me? After a few words, I promise I won't disturb you any more

Li luoran reluctantly turns around and sees that Jin Xintong still keeps her body in the car and a leg out of the car. She never changes.

Jin Xintong points to the car.

Jiang Xiaojing wants to get on the bus with Li luoran. Li luoran signals her to stop, go into the cockpit alone and close the door tightly.


The door of the front passenger's seat is slammed by jinxintong.

Super luxury high-end sports car, excellent sound insulation effect, all the outside sound is isolated, inside and outside the car like two worlds.

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