You,Under My Name

Chapter 361: 361

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Li luoran said, "there are only two of us here. Go ahead."

A face depressed brocade Heart Tong, "why kiss Shaochen?"

Li luoran had expected that Jin Xintong would ask, she pulled her lips, "why not."

"Ah ~" Jin Xintong smiles. Up to now, the picture of Li luoran kissing Lu Shaochen is still stabbing her heart like a knife,

"with my understanding of you, since you have decided to break up with Lu Shaochen, just like my brother Jinqian, you try every means to stay away from him. I didn't expect that you are different from Lu Shaochen. You are so cheap."


Li luoran, who was described by Jin Xintong, couldn't help laughing,

"yes, I'm cheap. What's the matter?"

"You -" brocade Heart Tong instantly lost control, a slap to Li Luo dye throw.

However, before he could touch Li luoran's face, he was caught by Li luoran's wrist.

Li Ran took the initiative to challenge you. How did you forget to beat me

Thinking that she was beaten by Li luoran in the past, Jin Xintong's extremely beautiful face shows a bit of fear. She is also angry before she takes the initiative to fight against Li luoran. Now she and Li luoran are locked up in the car alone. If Li luoran starts to fight against her, her result will never be good.

"Don't worry, I won't hit you." Li luoran shakes off Jin Xintong's hand,

"Jin Xintong, I clearly remember that when Lu Shaochen and I just got divorced, you came to me and told me that you wanted me to be Lu Shaochen's underground wife. You also said that you didn't mind Lu Shaochen's intimate relationship with other women at all. Why, I just gave him a kiss, so you are not calm?"

Jin Xintong was speechless.

It's a slap in the face when I think back to what I said.

"So, Jin Xintong, don't say that I'm cheap any more. Compared with the things you've done to me, what I've done can't even be regarded as fur. In this world, you are the least qualified person to say that I'm cheap!"

Drop this and kick the door open.

After getting off the car, before closing the door, he turned back arrogantly, "remember what I said, and I'll do it later."


The door was heavily slammed by Lilo.

Jin Xintong, who is locked in the car, slaps her hand on the window in anger. She looks at Li luoran's thin figure through the translucent car glass,

"Li luoran, you have to die!"

The car's sound insulation effect is so good, even if Li luoran is very close to the door, she can only vaguely hear Jin Xintong's cry. She turns a deaf ear and doesn't go back to Jiang Xiaojing.

In fact, even if he was not coerced by the kidnappers, Li luoran would not explain to Jin Xintong.

She and the brocade Heart Tong have already torn the skin.

If Jin Xintong misunderstands her, she doesn't care.

Anyway, Jin Xintong already hates her to the bone, she doesn't mind Jin Xintong hating her more.


as soon as Li luoran came back to Jiang Xiaojing, Xiao Qianhua came to her and said, "don't you ask if I'm jealous?"

Li luoran shook his head, "we have no feelings between us, how can we be jealous."

Xiao Qian shrugged, "I'm your husband."

Li luoran said, "so what?"

Xiao Qian painted, "there is no husband in the world who likes to be green. Besides, you not only green me, but also green me in front of so many people."


Li luoran breathed in silence and apologized in her eyes. "In fact, no matter what, I should consult you before kissing Lu Shaochen. It's just that after receiving the phone call from the kidnapper, I was in a mess, so, right..."

"Needless to say I'm sorry." Xiao Qianhua interrupts Li luoran before she says "I'm sorry". He taps Li luoran on the shoulder with a big, generous hand,

"I know that everything you do is for the bright moon, and I'm just talking about it. It's not really so small hearted. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you don't need to consult me at all."

Li luoran said with a smile, "thank you ~"

there should be no next time!

The kidnapper can't be bored until he grabs her and leans on Lu Shaochen

Jiang Xiaojing and Li luoran walk towards the main building.

Xiao Qian watched her figure.

"Hello! Don't you think Xiao Qian's painting is strange? " As soon as Jiang Xiaojing came out of Xiao Qian's painting field of vision, he was busy and asked Li luoran.

Li luoran looks confused.

Jiang Xiaojing reminds, "you always say that Xiao Qianhua loves Jin Xintong to the bone. Jin Xintong is so sad to see you kiss Lu Shaochen. Shouldn't Xiao Qianhua be the first to comfort her? But he thinks of you first

Li luoran still doesn't know what Baijiang Xiaojing wants to express.

"Cut! Are you really stupid or fake? "

Jiang Xiaojing scornfully points to Xiao Qian's painting in the distance,

"I think this bald man has been fascinated by you. Congratulations, you have successfully replaced Jin Xintong in his heart.""Poof ~"

even in this state of mind, Li luoran is amused by Jiang Xiaojing. She looks back at Xiao Qian's painting standing in its original place like a watchman's stone,

"don't be silly, no one can replace Jin Xintong's position in Xiao Qian's painting."

The deeper the understanding of Xiao Qian's paintings, the more Li luoran can feel Xiao Qian's infatuation with Jin Xintong.

Li luoran believes that Xiao Qianhua wants to comfort Jin Xintong very much, but just because he doesn't want to affect the relationship between Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen, he chooses to stand by with pain.

After the conversation between officer Zhang and Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen gets on the bus and leaves with Jin Xintong.

Zhang, the police officer in charge of the case, accompanied Li luoran until dark. However, the kidnapper never called again.

"The kidnapper will definitely contact you again. No matter what conditions he puts forward, try to satisfy him." Officer Zhang told me to leave after these words.

Only Li luoran, Jiang Xiaojing and Xiao Qianhua are left in the huge living room.

Now, everyone is at a loss.

No one knows the intention of the kidnapper, and no one knows where the kidnapper is and when he will reappear. All Li luoran can do is wait.

It's getting to early morning.

Li luoran hasn't slept for nearly 36 hours, but she still doesn't feel sleepy when she lies in bed. Jiang Xiaojing beside her is already in a deep sleep, holding a pillow in her arms and snoring incessantly.

"I hold time, but it doesn't care..."

Li luoran's mobile phone rings suddenly.

Strange number of calls, she nervously picked up.

"I'm sorry, idol. I miss you so much that I can't help calling you in the middle of the night. Didn't I disturb the idol's dream?" The boy's voice is green and playful.

Li luoran insisted, "you don't have to be so hypocritical. If you really care about disturbing me, I won't kidnap Mingyue. What about Mingyue? Where is he? I want to talk to him. "

"Well, your son is sleeping so soundly that he may be having a dream. How can I have the heart to interrupt this little cute baby's dream?"

Li luoran, "..."

"Well, I won't talk to you anymore. I can't sleep. I want to keep my idol playing games with me, so let's start the second round and get ready! Start

Hearing this, Li luoran heard a "buzz" in his ears.

The boy's evil voice continued to ring in Li luoran's ear, "I want you to take bath photos."


Li luoran doubted life.

"if you want me to kiss Lu Shaochen, I will. Don't make it worse!"

"Make it worse? ha-ha! Of course, I'm going to make it worse. Idol, as a big star, you haven't played games, have you? In the game of breaking through barriers, of course, the more difficult the barriers are, otherwise, what's the point? " The boy said relaxed, as if really playing a virtual game.

Li luoran's little hand trembled with his mobile phone.

Just listen to the boy's quiet way,

"don't I have to explain to you what a bath photo is? The so-called bath photo, as the name suggests, is the photo of your bath, of course, you can't wear clothes. If you want Jiang Xiaojing to take pictures for you, you must take them very clearly. Six pictures are taken on the front, back, left and right sides, and a total of 24 pictures are taken. I'll give you ten minutes. Call me after shooting and I'll wait for you. "

"Otherwise Ha ha... "

Then he hung up the line.

Li luoran put down his cell phone in pain.

Then she received a picture message, and she opened it. It was Lu Mingyue in the picture -

xiaomengwa was lying on a temporary wooden bed with her eyes closed. She seemed to be sleeping. A knife was hanging on his face, and the tip of the knife almost poked into his skin. At the junction of the tip of the knife and xiaomengwa's skin, there was a string of blood beads made with special effects -

it's obviously a reminder to Li luoran that if Li luoran doesn't do it, the knife will stab xiaomengwa in the face and destroy her face


Shaking hands lose strength, Li luoran's mobile phone falls to the ground.

Jiang Xiaojing, awakened by the sound, sat up on the bed like a spring, "ah! What's the sound? " The next second, after seeing Li luoran in a trance, his eyes turned into worry,

"Ranran What's the matter? "

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Li luoran sent out a gaunt syllable between his lips and teeth, "just now, the kidnapper called again..."

“……” Jiang Xiaojing suddenly woke up,

"my God, what did he say?"

Li luoran did not return.

Just quietly take a breath, and then low body picked up his mobile phone to Jiang Xiaojing, "up to help me take photos."

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaojing suspects that Li luoran is sleepwalking,

"are you OK, Ranran? What do you take in the middle of the night? "

Li luoran, "bath photo."

Jiang Xiaojing, "..."

Li luoran had already walked out of the bedroom.Li luoran is a traditional girl in her heart. Many things that seem to be indifferent to some open girls are insurmountable bottom line for Li luoran.

For example, having a skin kiss with the opposite sex who has no feelings.

For example, take too exposed photos!

But this time, Li luoran must cross the bottom line!

Even officer Zhang repeatedly told her to do as the kidnapper said, indicating that in addition to this, she had no better way!

For the moon, she must be brave!

For the moon, she is willing to give everything!

When Li luoran walks into the bathroom, his clothes are completely removed, and his delicate skin looks like a perfect white jade.

Open the shower, crystal water spray down, she stood in the bright light, concave convex body enchanting attractive.

"Are you sure you want to shoot?" Jiang Xiaojing, who has learned the whole story, looks at Li luoran hesitantly.

Li luoran looked at himself in the mirror, hesitated slightly and nodded his head.

According to the requirements of the kidnappers, Jiang xiaojinggong took 24 photos. They were clear and detailed in front, back, left, right and every direction. Looking at himself in the photos, even Li luoran could not help blushing.

After seeing the photo, Li luoran wants to call the kidnapper back.

Jiang Xiaojing grabs her hand, "you are a big star now. How many female stars are ruined because of the exposure of private photos. If you send these photos to the kidnappers, your future may be ruined. You want to know."

Li luoran let go of the hook lips, "don't worry, I have thought clearly, for the sake of the moon, I am willing to give up everything."

"Alas! Ranran, why is your life so hard... "

Jiang Xiaojing's eyes are full of tears.

Li luoran patted Jiang Xiaojing on the back of his hand, picked up his cell phone again and called back the kidnapper.

The kidnappers were slow to answer the phone.

After a while, Jiang Xiaojing's ring rang.

Jiang Xiaojing quickly picked up, "hello?"

"Cut the crap and give me your mobile phone." There comes the boy's voice that can't wait.

Jiang Xiaojing turns her mouth and gives her mobile phone to Li luoran.

Almost as soon as Li luoran took over the mobile phone, the boy said with a smile, "have you taken a good picture?"

Li luoran said coldly, "yes."

"Well, it's good, it's good. I believe for the personal safety of my own son, the idol will take a good picture, alas When I think of my idol's bath photo, I'm itching. I want to have a good eye. But as a young man with good physical and mental health, how can I see what adults can see? Forget it. "

The boy's voice was especially clear in the silence of the night.

Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing look at each other.

According to the normal mode of thinking, after the kidnapper told Li luoran to take a bath photo, Li luoran naturally thought that the kidnapper would ask her to send the photo.

However, she was wrong.

What on earth is the kidnapper doing?

"Now send a message to Lu Shaochen and ask if he's asleep." The boy's voice sounded again.

Li luoran was stunned. "I've broken up with him completely. I don't want to contact him any more." It was also at this moment that I realized that the original purpose of the kidnapper's calling Jiang Xiaojing's mobile phone was to let Li luoran free up his mobile phone to contact Lu Shaochen.

"So, do you want to disfigure your cute son?" The boy sneered.

Liluoran almost vomited blood.

Now Li luoran is like a snake. He wants to bite the kidnapper to death, but because he is caught seven inches, he can only be manipulated.

"Idols, for the sake of their baby son must be obedient, don't capricious oh." The voice of ridicule echoed in liluoran's ears like a magic spell.

Li luoran squeezed out a word in his teeth, "good!"

Open the chat tool mentioned by the kidnapper, open the chat window with Lu Shaochen, and type the words with thin fingers trembling,

"did you sleep?"

Land house.

At the moment, Lu Shaochen is standing in front of the French window of the living room on the first floor, and the bright light outlines the tiredness on his face.

The disappearance of Mingyue is gripping Lu Shaochen's heart. Last night, he didn't sleep all night. Today, he has been busy all day looking for Mingyue, but he still doesn't feel sleepy.

Although Mingyue's being tied has affected his mind too much, he still thinks of Li luoran frequently, and when he thinks of her, he is still confused.


The phone vibrated violently in the pocket.

He took it out.

Seeing the news on the screen, I first suspected that I had hallucination. After a careful look, I was sure that it was Lilo dye who sent the news. Finally, a trace of warmth appeared on his dignified face.

Lu Shaochen thinks it's a waste of time to chat about w-letters. Therefore, he seldom reads w-letter messages, and sets it as not to remind. Only Li luoran is set to pay special attention to it. That's why his mobile phone vibrates when Li luoran sends a message.Quickly open the dialogue window with Li luoran.

"Did you sleep?"

Li Luo's hair was dyed with only these three words, but Lu Shaochen seemed to have detonated three deep-water bombs in his heart. He hit out a line with the fastest speed,

"not asleep, how about you? What are you doing? "

He felt that he was too attentive, and quickly changed to, "haven't you slept, have you?"

However, I still feel that it is not appropriate.

In the end, only one "no" was left. After hesitating for a moment, it was sent back.

"What did he return?" The kidnapper can't wait to ask Li luoran.

As far as the safety of Mingyue is concerned, Li luoran does not dare to deceive him. He can only say, "he said," No. "

"Good. What should you go back to next? Let me see ~ "the boy pondered for a moment,

" well, you can't go back to sleep, because you've been thinking about you. "

Li luoran had the illusion of darkness.

"I'll go - are you crazy?" Jiang Xiaojing was also scared out of his mind.

"As I said, as long as there is a discrepancy in one word, I will make your baby son ugly all his life!" The boy accentuated his voice.

Because you can only gnash your teeth and don't want to sleep

Seeing these words, Lu Shaochen had a feeling of brilliant spring. However, he could not help suspecting that he was left out immediately after being forced to kiss by Li luoran

Li luoran told the kidnappers of Lu Shaochen's reply on the phone.

Learned that Lu Shaochen such back to the kidnappers, "back - want to see my bath photo?"

Jiang Xiaojing, "..."

Helpless, Li luoran didn't know how to type these seven words.

Lu Shaochen shows that he is inputting.

It took at least a minute to come back with the words,

"good night."

Seeing these two words, Li luoran was finally relieved. She excitedly said to the kidnapper, "Lu Shaochen said good night. He doesn't want to see any bath photos. He's going to sleep. Should the game be over?"

The boy's voice suddenly chilly, "send him all the photos I asked you to take."


Li luoran was shocked.

Jiang Zhen's body was shocked.

The whole villa seemed to be shaken.

"Send all the photos to Lu Shaochen. No less than one of the 24 photos is allowed. Send them now!" The cold voice of a boy of sixteen or seventeen is so sinister and terrible.

Li luoran knew that she couldn't escape anyway. She opened the photo album and selected the 24 bath photos Jiang Xiaojing had just taken with her mobile phone. All of them were sent to Lu Shaochen

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