You,Under My Name

Chapter 367: 367

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"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm a trustworthy person. I'll do what I say. When I've arranged, I'll meet you immediately and wait for my call."

The boy's voice is clearly ringing in Li luoran's ear.

Li luoran was afraid that there would be any accident if she was dragged down by the kidnappers. She urged anxiously, "I want to see him now. Where are you? I'll go to find you."

"Ha The boy seems to hear a big joke,

"you really think I have no brain, idol, please don't despise my IQ again and again, OK? Lu Shaochen has raised the reward for finding a son to 600 million yuan. People who are jealous of money are crazy and want to catch me. I'll tell you where I am. Do I want to die? "

All right!

If you think about it, what the kidnappers said is quite reasonable.

"The game is over. I won't make trouble for you any more. You just wait for my call. Oh, by the way, seeing your wonderful performance by Lu Shaochen, I feel that it's outrageous to watch it alone. So I share it with another person and enjoy it at the same time. I don't know if she will be as happy as me after enjoying it."

"What?" Li luoran almost burst into tears,

"you can only watch it alone. Who did you give it back to?"



There's already a line over there.

Li luoran had never felt so confused.

Li luoran is just an ordinary girl. She doesn't have any shortcomings like a saint. Li luoran admits that she has done something that she regrets. However, anything she has done wrong in the past is not as good as what she does today. Lu Shaochen makes her ashamed and disdainful.

Now she knows that the kidnapper actually watched the whole process of her forcing Lu Shaochen.

The kidnapper not only watched the whole process by himself, but also shared it with another person

Li luoran came to the parking lot nervously.

The cold little hand opened the door, and as soon as his front foot entered the car, he was interrupted by a gentle voice,

"can you be more shameless?"

Jin Xintong's voice

Even if she was angry when she spoke, her voice was still so clear and graceful, like a warbler.

Li luoran takes his right leg back to the ground, turns around and looks at Jin Xintong, and asks tentatively,

"what are you talking about?"

"What to wear? Do you want to hide from everyone after you have done such shameless things? Look at yourself A tablet computer smashed into liluoran's arms.

Li luoran catches up with conditioned reflex. At the moment, a video is playing on the tablet computer. In the video, a man without clothes is tied to the sofa, and a woman with only a coat is riding on the man, ups and downs

This man is Lu Shaochen.

Of course, this woman is Li luoran herself!

This video is also the video of Li Luoqiang and Lu Shaochen not long ago!

At that time, Li luoran was so ashamed that she didn't dare to open her eyes during the whole process. At this moment, seeing the video clip recorded nearby, Li luoran realized that the scene was hotter than she had imagined

Hot to, Li luoran holding Jin Xintong's tablet computer, stupidly moved his eyes.

"It's really an eye opener. I always thought that you were a very introverted girl. It turned out that it was just your appearance. In fact, you used to be so debauchery and extravagant. Your Kung Fu in this aspect is inferior to that of a professional girl who makes money from her body!" Thinking about the scenes of Li luoran and Lu Shaochen who couldn't bear to look directly at each other, Jin Xintong was angry and resentful,

"in the past, I couldn't understand why Shaochen was so infatuated with you. It was because of this that you completely took away his soul in bed with your efforts to please a man!"


What is that!

If you change to the past, Li luoran will definitely take it back.

However, this time, it was really her fault. In any case, she tied someone else's husband and took the initiative in the whole process She has no reason to say

"I don't argue with you. I'll think what you like. I just want to say that I didn't mean to green you, and I'm helpless."

Throw the tablet to Jin Xintong and turn around to get into the car.

"Make it clear to me before you go!" Jin Xintong pulls the door handle hard to prevent Li luoran from closing the door.

Li luoran had to give up closing the door.

Jin Xintong pulls the car door to the maximum extent, lowers her head and looks at her angrily,

"you said you didn't mean to green me, what do you mean? Obviously you take the initiative, Shaochen simply can't resist, obviously you strong him, why do you say you are helpless? What do you mean you are helpless too? "

“……” Li luoran's lips moved, thinking that the moon is still in the hands of the kidnapper, and the kidnapper repeatedly told her not to tell the truth, so she had to change her words,

"OK, I take back my words."

Voice falls, she sees Jin Xintong's body obviously shakes, the tablet computer that she held in her arms falls to the ground, and cracks appear on the screen.Jin Xintong didn't go to pick up her tablet. She just stared at Li luoran with hatred. Her eyes were like looking at an unforgivable sinner, "Li luoran, you play with me! You have never thought of breaking up with Shaochen, so when you see that he is more and more alienated from you, you kiss him, give him bath photos, and then sleep with him

Li luoran was stunned.

Finally, or indifferent lips, "yes, what you say is what."


Jin Xin Tong completely lost control, raised small hand, a slap to Li Luo dye face to throw.

Li luoran sees Jin Xintong's hand. She can easily dodge or catch Jin Xintong's wrist, but she doesn't. She still looks up and gets the slap.


Clear voice reverberates in the open parking lot, Li Luo dyed half a red face like a tomato.

Brocade Heart Tong still don't Jie Qi, another slap to Li Luo dye throw.

This time, he was gripped by Li luoran.

Although his face was red and bleeding, Li luoran still raised his chin with pride,

"enough! You can't beat me. If you think about it, you won't suffer losses when you fight with me. If you fight again, I'll fight back. "

"You..." Because the wrist is tightly held by Li luoran, Jin Xintong's hand can't move forward and can't take back, so she can only stare at Li luoran anxiously.

"In fact, at the beginning, I felt guilty. I did shameless things, and I blushed. But after seeing you, I remembered what you had done to me, and I suddenly didn't want to have a hard time with myself." Li luoran shakes off Jin Xintong's hand,

"Jin Xintong, even if I kiss Lu Shaochen, give him a bath photo or even force him to sleep for no reason, what? Compared with the unscrupulous way you broke us up, what I did is not worth mentioning at all

Jin Xintong looks at Li luoran in pain.

Li luoran pushes her out of the door, slams the door and starts the car to drive in front of Jin Xintong.

The tablet was run over by the wheel and fragmented.

The complexion pale brocade Heart Tong is in a trance looking at Li Luo dye's car to walk more and more far, hysterical hate is like a knife edge to keep beating her heart.

Li luoran, you wait!

From now on, I jinxintong and you this cunt are irreconcilable!


Lu Shaochen is the only one in the president's office.

He was so busy with his work that after being forced by Li luoran, he completely lost his mind and couldn't devote himself to his work any more. He drove away the two assistants and sat on the sofa alone. Li luoran had been away for a long time, but he had the illusion that there was still her fragrance in the air. When he breathed, he would think of the pictures close to her.

After seeing with his own eyes that Li luoran was so active in Xiao Qianhua, Lu Shaochen really wanted to put Li luoran down. Even though he was so unwilling and reluctant, it was good for everyone

However, the trees want to be quiet, but the wind does not stop.

He finally made up his mind to go his own way with Li luoran, but Li luoran rushed at him, which made his heart more restless

This kind of agitation is just like when he first met Li luoran a year ago

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The idea of being with her is so strong that I would rather give up everything for her.

Damn it!

He and Li luoran had a marriage. Why do they feel like they have a first love again?!


Someone pushed the door open in a hurry.


This is followed by a gentle call.

Hearing Jin Xintong's voice, Lu Shaochen didn't look up and said indifferently, "this is my office, not a place to quarrel with people."

The brocade Heart Tong immediately stops to walk, the Jiao body of front protruding back warping faintly trembles.

These days, she and Lu Shaochen are fighting almost all the time

Lu Shaochen and Luo Chen quarrel with each other after they wake up last night

Jin Xintong doesn't want to quarrel with Lu Shaochen so fiercely. However, once she thinks that Lu Shaochen is obsessed with Li luoran, she can't control her little emotion.

"In fact, I came to you to apologize. You and sister Ranran had to divorce. I just took advantage of the situation. I shouldn't destroy your wedding photos. It's my fault." The brocade Heart Tong light says.

Lu Shaochen slightly lowered his head, "it's just some photos. I keep the source files of the photos. I can develop the photos and mount them again at any time. People outside of work are not welcome in my office. You can go."

"Oh! If the person who comes to your office to look for you is not me, but Li luoran, will you be so eager to see off the guests? " Jin Xintong smiles desolately.

Lu Shaochen was speechless.

"I know you don't want to say the answer, so let me help you say what you want. If Li luoran comes to you, you will not let her go, but will try every means to let her stay with you. You want her to be tired of being with you all the time..."Jin Xintong, who is already in front of Lu Shaochen, looks down at the sofa Lu Shaochen is sitting on

This sofa is exactly the sofa used by Li luoran and Lu Shaochen when they were sweet.

Just ten minutes ago, in the same office, Lu Shaochen and Li luoran were so passionate, but only ten minutes later, in the same place, Lu Shaochen was as cold as an iceberg to himself, and Jin Xintong was as painful as a knife.

She sneered,

"Shaochen, you tell me, when you and Li luoran are sweet on this sofa, do you think this is your office? Have you ever thought that people outside of work are not welcome here? Have you ever thought about asking her to leave? "

Excessive excitement made her voice far away.

Jin Xintong did not close the door after entering the president's office. At this time, a group of employees gathered outside the door to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Before, Li luoran and the president closed the door tightly and stayed in it for so long, which aroused some people's suspicion. Now, Jin Xintong said it himself. Sure enough


That sentence is, for a woman, the biggest and most defenceless rival is her husband's ex-wife. Maybe one day, if she doesn't pay attention, her husband and ex-wife will sleep together. This is not true. Even Miss Jin, who is in a great state, can't escape such bad luck!

"What are you looking at? Don't want a year-end bonus, do you? Give me back to my post and work hard! " A low voice sounded in the corridor.

People outside the door broke up in a crowd, and at the same time, the door was closed by an executive.

Lu Shaochen as if unheard of, just light way, "you can put forward a divorce."


As if hearing a bolt from the blue, Jin Xintong's beautiful face turned white, "Shaochen, you What are you It means... "

"I admit that I have a close relationship with Ranran, and it's just now, right here on the sofa." Lu Shaochen put his right hand on the sofa and looked up lazily towards the ceiling,

"but I didn't feel guilty at all. I didn't do anything wrong. We were forced to walk together by Xiao Qianhua. In my heart, Ranran and I are still husband and wife. I just did the most common thing between husband and wife with her. I feel at ease. If you feel aggrieved, you can leave Marriage. "

"Shao! Chen... "

He stared at Shaochen in disbelief. Jin Xintong's painful voice was like crying blood,

"how can you say such heartless words? Since you never took me as your wife, why did you push me down in the KTV room that night? Why do you want to have sex with me? "

Thinking of that impulse, Lu Shaochen's eyes were deep. He confessed, "I saw Ranran and Xiao Qianhua very close in the car. I lost my mind for a moment, so I took you Let out... "

Jin Xin Tong's thin body shakes. For a moment, she feels that she will fall down.

What happened that night was planned by her and Xiao Qianhua. The purpose was to make the misunderstanding between Lu Shaochen and Li luoran deeper and deeper. Jin Xintong succeeded. She successfully made a real couple with Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran also succeeded in disheartening Lu Shaochen.


Jin Xintong knows that Lu Shaochen is just taking her out that night.

In other words, Lu Shaochen took her as a tool to "revenge" Li luoran for his failure.

Jin Xintong thought that Lu Shaochen would treat her as a real wife as long as she had a close relationship with her. However, she did not expect that Lu Shaochen and her body were getting closer and closer!

And now, Lu Shaochen actually told her the fact that he took her out!

Now her status in Lu Shaochen's heart has been reduced to how unbearable?!

"Xiao Jin, I'm sorry!" Lu Shaochen stood up and put his right hand gently on Jin Xintong's trembling shoulder,

"I admit that I have done something wrong, but the most wrong thing I have done is that I was rude to you that night. I regret that I did that to you. I know how much harm it would do to a girl I no longer love. But seeing Ranran and Xiao Qian painting together, I feel like a changed person, and I lose myself It's like I'm possessed by reason Anyway, I'm sorry, Jin



"Don't Shaochen, don't say sorry to me, no Please Don't I don't want you to do this to me, I don't want Wu... "

The despair and pain of the heart seem to break the dike, and Jin Xintong burst into tears.

Lu Shaochen apologizes to her, which shows that he no longer loves her!


Although Lu Shaochen is heartbroken, he can only insist on saying,

"I know it's cruel to you. I know you love me very much. After I married you, I saw Ranran and Xiao Qianhua getting closer and closer. I wanted to make a decision with her. I also wanted to forget her completely and go to the end with you. It's good for you, Ranran and Mingyue. Although I tried to forget her, I couldn't help it If I don't admit it, the more far away I am from her, the more painful I feel. I can never change the fact that I still love her. ""Shaochen..." Jin Xin Tong can only cry out the name of Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen patted her trembling back.

Looking back on the time when he and jinxintong fell in love, every time jinxintong shed tears, his heart was hurt like a knife.

Now Lu Shaochen will also feel pity for his tears.

However, this kind of heartache and pity is no longer the kind of affection for lovers, but more like pity for friends.

He and Jin Xintong can't go back to the past!

"This is the beginning of our marriage." Lu Shaochen sighed,

"Xiaojin, Xiao Qianhua's original intention is for you. Now I, Mingyue and Ranran are all poisoned. I think if you go to him and say you want to divorce me, he may change his mind, so that Ranran and I can get together again."


Jin Xintong's eyes are round.

The excessive shock and panic stopped her tears suddenly. She stared at Lu Shaochen through her tears. After a long time, her trembling red lips made a pale voice,

"Shaochen, after all, you still want to use me and Li luoran to get back together..."

Lu Shaochen shook his head helplessly, "every word I say comes from my heart. I don't want to use you, but only you can end all the pain."

"End? pain? Hehe, after I married you, even though you were so indifferent to me, I was still so happy and proud. On the night when I was married, I saw that you were very abnormal. In the whole process, you were expressionless, not gentle at all, but occupied me coldly. I still regarded that as the most wonderful moment in my life, because it was our first time, I was so happy, and I was not happy As for you, it turns out that all I bring to you is pain. It turns out that you just want to end as soon as possible Ha ha ha... "

"Good! I won't drag you down any more. Since you want to end it, I'll give you a complete end! "

The brocade Heart Tong flows a tear, Mao sufficient strength bumps toward the wall.


A loud noise came, the whole president's office seemed to be shocked, Jin Xintong didn't hum a soft fell to the ground, blood DC on the forehead.

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