You,Under My Name

Chapter 368: 368

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Li Ran drove to the nearest drugstore.

The enthusiastic saleswoman came up and said, "what do you need, please?"

Li luoran was about to speak when the salesman screamed excitedly, "ah! Are you really? Li luoran, little sister


Li luoran wants to cry without tears. She can't imagine that she was recognized even though she covered her face with a mask.

The salesman pointed to the car that was parked outside the drugstore by Li luoran, "ha ha, as soon as I saw this luxury car, I knew the owner's identity was extraordinary, but I was still surprised and surprised to see you. Little sister, I love the movie" matchless Queen "starring you. Aren't you shooting a sequel? Why didn't you go to the crew?"

Li luoran smiles awkwardly, "there's something private these days, so I didn't go."

"Oh, so it is..." The salesperson was so enthusiastic that she remembered that Li luoran was here to buy medicine. She patted her head,

"look at my brain. When I see my favorite star, I even forget my work. Little Sister Li luoran, what medicine do you want to buy?"

"Er..." Li Luo ran Shun pointed to a brand of Ganmaoling on the medicine rack,

"I feel a little sick in my throat. Maybe I have a cold. Please take this medicine for me."


The salesperson took two boxes of medicine politely.

After payment, Li luoran quickly left the drugstore, closed the door and threw the two boxes of Medicine on the front passenger seat.

In fact, Li luoran came to the drugstore to get the emergency contraceptive.

Before she went to find Lu Shaochen, she didn't know that the kidnappers wanted him to be intimate with Lu Shaochen, so she didn't prepare protective measures in advance. Now the relationship between her and Lu Shaochen is embarrassing enough. She doesn't want to be pregnant with Lu Shaochen's child any more. Unexpectedly, she was recognized by the shop assistant of eye poison as soon as she entered the drugstore.

Maybe it's because of the guilty conscience. Now Li luoran is a public figure. The netizens are so powerful that if people know that they are buying emergency contraceptives at the drugstore near Lu Shaochen's headquarters, they may not pick up the "scandal" between her and Lu Shaochen

So forget it!

In retrospect, Li luoran was very difficult to conceive a child since she gave birth a year ago. Even Lu Shaochen's hard work all night failed to sow seeds for her. This time, it won't be so coincidental!

Li luoran returned to Jiangnan.

Before stopping the car, Jiang Xiaojing, who ran to the front of the car, excitedly pulled her down. "The kidnapper actually sent a spoof video to Xiao Qianhua, and said that the people in the video were you and Lu Shaochen. I doubt that the kidnapper has the potential to be a comedian, otherwise how can he be so funny!"

Li luoran had a bad feeling, "what video?"

"Er ~ it's a video that's not suitable for children. It's funny to say that a man is tied to a sofa and a girl Oh, my God! It's very ugly. Ha ha, that woman is a woman with good physical strength. She is definitely a world-class stall woman


Lilo was pale.

Jiang Xiaojing didn't notice Li luoran's change and continued to tease him,

"Ranran, do you think the kidnapper is funny or not? He even said that the men and women in the video are you and Lu Shaochen. How can he cheat ghosts? Although the woman is a bit like you, and the man is also quite like Lu Shaochen, I don't know you. You are a traditional introverted girl. How can you be so dissolute? I guess you never took the initiative when you were good with Lu Shaochen. "

Then he realized that Li luoran's hand was shaking, and Jiang Xiaojing was confused,

"Ranran? What's the matter with you? "

"Dye dye?"

"Dye dye?"

His hands shook liluoran's body.

Li luoran, who gradually wakes up, looks at Xiao Qianhua standing on the steps outside the main building in a trance. "The kidnapper didn't cheat. That dissolute woman is really me. The kidnapper asked me to go to Lu Shaochen's office to find Lu Shaochen, and the purpose is for me to do this."


"I don't know!"

Jiang Xiaojing's eyes are almost staring out.

Li luoran knows what Jiang Xiaojing is thinking.

No wonder Jiang Xiaojing doesn't believe it. Even when Li luoran saw the process between her and Lu Shaochen from Jin Xintong's tablet, he was shocked by his "indulgence".

Li luoran can't argue!

Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing go to the main building.

Xiao Qianhua had seen Li luoran for a long time. He walked down the steps and met Li luoran at the last step. "The kidnapper gave me a video. I don't believe it was..."

"That's true."

Li luoran interrupted Xiao Qian's painting.

The expression of Xiao Qian's painting is distorted sharply, and the original extremely handsome face becomes shapeless.

"I understand how you feel now. I don't want to make excuses for myself, and I won't hide it. I can only tell you from facts that Lu Shaochen and I really stepped out of that step, and I went off the track..."

Although she was intimate with Lu Shaochen, Li luoran was still very sorry. She patted Xiao Qianhua on the shoulder,"I remember on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, after we left KTV, you confessed to me that you had an affair, and now we are even."

After that, he walked past Xiao Qianhua.

Xiao Qianhua stands in the same place in a daze. He is not willing to show any pain in front of others. When he hears Li luoran's confession, he feels as if he is stabbed by a needle.

Besides the pain, there is also the loss that can not be covered up.

Li Yunran and the other women in LuoTan can tell him that there is no change in their expression after the festival

Now, Li luoran has had an affair with other men.

Xiao Qianhua knows that Li luoran is forced and helpless.

What makes Xiao Qianhua lose is that Li luoran doesn't explain her helplessness to him at all. Instead, he tells him that she and he are even like a deal!

"Well Even if we're even... " When Xiao Qian opened his mouth again, Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing had already stepped up the steps and were preparing to enter.

Li luoran stopped, but did not look back.

Xiao Qianhua squinted at her thin and enchanting figure with dark eyes like night, "but you must guarantee that this will not happen again in the future."

"Well." Li luoran nodded.

In addition, no more superfluous words.


This time, she has gone too far!

Enough for her to feel at ease for a while!

When Mingyue is safe, she will draw a clear line with Lu Shaochen as before, and never have such an embarrassing accident again.

Officer Zhang and officer Li are staring at Li luoran indoors.

When they heard the conversation between Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua, they naturally knew that the video that the kidnapper sent Xiao Qianhua was true. This made them embarrassed and surprised.

In order to solve the case, Li luoran told the two police officers the whole story of being threatened by the kidnappers.

The onlooker Xiao Qian painted a black line on his face. Although he expected that Li luoran was helpless, he was still in a bad mood.

"Fortunately, you and Mr. Lu had a marriage. How embarrassing would it be if the kidnapper forced you to do this with a man you didn't know?" Officer Zhang sighed.


Jiangxiaojing just drink into the mouth of a mouthful of milk tea spray a tiannu scattered flowers.

Officer Li shook his head.

Police officer Zhang is a well-known straight man in science. Sure enough, this realm of thought is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Xiao Qian's face became darker.

He was painted by his wife and his wife's ex husband?

If you are green by your wife and a man you don't know?

What kind of logic is this?!

This kind of thing can also be measured by this kind of mathematical addition and subtraction method?!

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Well, well, no one can help in such an accident. Let's analyze the case." Officer Zhang gets to the point,

"first of all, there must be an internal ghost arranged by the kidnapper in Mr. Lu's company. It is this internal ghost who installed a camera in Lu Shaochen's office and drugged Lu Shaochen before Li luoran entered the office, which led to Lu Shaochen's coma. However, the kidnapper asked Li luoran to conceal the truth that she was coerced to get close to Mr. Lu. Therefore, for the safety of Mingyue, we are going to We have to hide everything from Mr. Lu, that is to say, we can't tell Mr. Lu that his company has an insider. "

Officer Li nodded in agreement.

Science men's reasoning is impeccable.

Police officer Zhang continued, "secondly, judging from what the kidnappers have done since kidnapping Mingyue, although his motive is strange, he is also a man of integrity. Maybe his purpose of kidnapping Mingyue is simply to play this game with Li luoran. Now that the game is over, he should keep his promise to return Mingyue. Therefore, we'd better wait patiently and not for the time being We should beat the grass to scare the snake. "

Officer Li once again cast an adoring look at officer Zhang.

They asked Li luoran to wait patiently for the kidnappers to call.

Li luoran has heard many horror stories about kidnappers tearing up tickets. It's nearly two days since Mingyue was kidnapped. She is in a terrible panic. However, she has no other way but to wait.

At this time, Xiao Qianhua's mobile phone rings.


Xiao Qianhua's voice is very gentle when he answers the phone. It can be imagined that the person who calls is very important to Xiao Qianhua.

After the caller said a simple word, Xiao Qian's expression became heavy.

Li luoran only heard him say softly, "wait for me, I'll be right there."

Xiao Qianhua, who hangs up the phone, immediately looks at Li luoran, "it's Xiaojin. She's in an accident. Now she's in the hospital."


Xiao Qianhua drives the car himself.

It's very fast.

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Li luoran saw that his eyebrows were locked tightly. Along the way, he didn't say a word more.Jin Xintong's hospital is not close to Jiangnan Yipin, but Xiao Qianhua only took more than ten minutes to arrive.

When Li luoran walks into the ward, three medical staff are asking questions around Jin Xintong on the bed. Jin Xintong's forehead is bandaged, and there is no blood on her small face. She is extremely haggard and weak.

Lu Shaochen stood in front of the window, his handsome face as cool as ever.

Seeing Li luoran, Jin Xintong suddenly looks excited, "how cheap! You even have the face to come to see me. Have you hurt me enough? You came to see your own masterpiece, didn't you? Are you satisfied with me? "

Pick up the pillow cell phone, hate to Li luoran hit.

Because of excessive bleeding and lack of Qi and blood, Jin Xintong doesn't have much strength. Her mobile phone doesn't fly far and falls on the ground.

Li luoran sighed in silence.

At first, Li luoran didn't want to come.

First, Xiao Qianhua wants to bring her; second, Li luoran comes to see Jin Xintong because he can't think of what Lu Shaochen has done, and he is inevitably guilty.

"I don't want to see you. You're going to disappear from my eyes!"

"I want you to disappear. Do you hear me? Get out of here!" Jin Xintong points to Li luoran tremblingly,

"go away!"

"Go away!"

Li luoran shrugs helplessly and has to turn around and walk out of the ward.

It can be seen that this is a great blow to jinxintong.

Although Jin Xintong used to hate Li luoran very much, she always performed a very gentle manner in front of Lu Shaochen, as if telling Lu Shaochen that she treated Li luoran as her own sister, but Li luoran rejected her.

This is the first time that Jin Xintong tears Li luoran's face in front of Lu Shaochen.

But Jin Xintong is a person after all.

Jinxintong will appear hypocritical if she deliberately behaves generously after Li luoran's forced sleep with Lu Shaochen. Her unconventional abuse of Li luoran shows that she loves Lu Shaochen deeply. Lu Shaochen will not doubt jinxintong, but will feel that she is dazzled by love.

Li luoran stood alone at the window at the end of the corridor.

After quieting down, I immediately remember the bright moon.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket, but the kidnapper never called.

"Thinking about the moon?" Behind him came a very magnetic male voice.

Although Xiao Qian's painting also has the same sound as this one, Li luoran, at this moment, seems to have telepathy and immediately judges that the speaker is Lu Shaochen.

She did not look back, still standing, across the bright glass, calmly looking at the tall building outside, "you are not in the ward with her, come out for what?"

"She wants to talk to Xiao Qianhua alone."

Lu Shaochen stood behind her, with her chest about 20 cm away from her back. As she spoke, the warm breath of her lips brushed liluoran's hair like a spring breeze.

Lu Shaochen's face was shown on the window glass. She was so handsome and beautiful. Li luoran looked at this ethereal face in a trance,

"how did she get hurt?"

"She was excited to learn that you had been to my office and wanted to be killed." What Lu Shaochen said was very concise and implicit.

Li luoran understood.

In fact, when she learned that Jin Xintong was injured and admitted to hospital, she had already guessed.

This kind of thing will make the client out of control if it happens to any woman. Besides, Jin Xintong's love for Lu Shaochen is so deep.

Li luoran believes that no matter how much of Jin Xintong's performance in front of Lu Shaochen is acting, this time, Jin Xintong's grief comes from her heart. Li luoran even believes that Jin Xintong really wants to be killed


Now, Li luoran doesn't know what to say.

If you think about it carefully, the kidnapper forced Li luoran to do so, as if he had dropped a heavy bomb between her, Jin Xintong, Lu Shaochen and Xiao Qianhua, which made all of them fall into deep water.

"I still don't understand why you're doing this. It's not like you." Lu Shaochen's voice sounded.

Li luoran pretended to be stupid, "what is not like my style? What style should I be? "

Lu Shaochen said, "from my understanding of you, you are an introverted girl. Even if you miss me very much, you will take care of your status as a woman and hide it in your heart. You won't take the initiative to give me bath photos, let alone ask me for love. When we used to do it, most of them were me up and you down. This is the first time we used this posture. I thought you wouldn't do it."


Just talked about Jin Xintong why is injured time is not quite euphemistic and reserved?

How to talk about this topic so frankly and openly!

Li luoran blushed, but tried to say coldly,

"maybe I used to play in front of you? Maybe this is the real me? Perhaps, I am empty and lonely, want to play with you? "Lu Shaochen was silent for a moment.

Li luoran saw Lu Shaochen's face heavy from the reflection in the glass. Is he angry?

However, the next second, I saw Lu Shaochen's good-looking mouth slightly tilted up, "when you are empty and lonely in the future, just look for me. I'd like to be played by you all my life."


Li luoran had the illusion of being hit by thunder.

She was shocked by the excessive shaking.

She subconsciously wanted to go away, but Lu Shaochen held her in his arms.

"What do you mean, Lu Shaochen?"

Li luoran tried her best to make her voice cold. Lu Shaochen's hands folded in her abdomen. She grabbed his fingers and tried her best to break off his hands.

However, no matter how hard she tried, Lu Shaochen always held her tightly. Her trembling fingertips drew blood marks on the back of his hand, and he didn't seem to feel the pain.

"To be my sunny people, we are like before. As long as you want to sleep with me, I'll be on call. You can tie me like today, and ask me to do any posture. I'll follow you, eh?" Thin lips stick to liluoran's ears, hot voice is like fire.

Li luoran heard a "buzz" in her ear, and her voice trembled with excitement,

"Lu Shaochen, you are so fantastic, your wife That is, Xiaojin, who you love, is still lying on the bed because of your cheating. You should say such shameless words to another woman outside the ward. Don't you dislike yourself when you say such words? "

Lu Shaochen hugged her and refused to let go. "I don't feel shameless. What I say is all truth. From now on, no matter what other people think, I only belong to you and I'm only sleeping by you."

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