You,Under My Name

Chapter 372: 372

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Gu lianyue said with a helpless smile, "I don't blame you for always thinking too bad about me. After all, I was really harsh on you in the past, but I really didn't mean any harm today. I want to say, thank you."


Gu lianyue, who always treats Li luoran more ruthlessly than her stepmother, would say such a thing?

Li luoran would rather believe that there are aliens in the world than believe that this is true. She watched Gu lianyue on guard, and only felt that she had any turning point in the future.

"I mean it."

Gu lianyue takes a look at Li luoran, but she doesn't look back and focuses on the road conditions.

"I went to ask you for help that day. You were very cold, but you still couldn't bear to watch me. You know that Anjian won't let me go, so she went to Jinqian for help. When Wangyuan and I were in the most difficult situation, Jinqian gave us a big order to save our lives, and our company won't give up because of this order Turning losses into profits, Wangyuan and I want to thank Jinqian. Jinqian said that you entrusted him to help me, and the person we should thank is you. "

Li luoran understood the whole story.

Not long ago, Gu lianyue and Lu Wangyuan jointly opened a company with all their savings. After the company started, it couldn't open because of the strong resistance of an Jiaren. As early as a few days ago, Gu lianyue asked Li luoran to ask for her love. On the one hand, Gu lianyue spoke fiercely to Li luoran; on the other hand, Li luoran knew that an Jiaren hated Gu lianyue, so it was hard to grasp her It is impossible to let go of a chance to revenge on Gu lianyue, so I didn't agree to Gu lianyue.

Since then, Li luoran has been plagued with troubles, and he has forgotten about Gu lianyue. Unexpectedly, in the end, Jin Qian has helped Gu lianyue out.

Although Li luoran seldom has direct contact with Jinqian, he often pays attention to the dynamic of Jinqian. No wonder that even a business genius like Lu Shaochen is particularly optimistic about Jinqian. After leaving the family business, Jinqian has successfully made a comeback. It took him only a month to make a comeback. Of course, Jinqian can save Gu lianyue's company by his own efforts.

"Well, what if I entrust Jinqian to help you?"

It's not that Li luoran wants to be a good man.

Just want to know Gu lianyue's performance after learning that Li luoran helped her.

"Ironically, in the past, I only valued Xiaojin, and I only regarded her as my own daughter. I was very different to her and to you. However, every time I met with something, she always stood opposite my enemy, and you were the one who wanted to help me. Maybe this is the trick of fate..."

Pity on the moon sighed, thinking back to a year ago.

She clearly remembers that in Fudao that night, in order to embarrass her, an Jiaren asked Jin Xintong and Li luoran to sever the mother daughter relationship with her in front of the people in the restaurant. Jin Xintong did not hesitate to do so, but Li luoran disobeyed an Jiaren in public.

In fact, the pity month at that moment has been seen clearly!

Li luoran is the daughter who should be treated well by her.

However, her hatred for Li Qingtian is deep-rooted. How can she accept Li luoran? Therefore, she did not look back, but intensified her attack on liluoran.

Maybe it's because everyone has to keep balance. The more cruel Gu lianyue is to Li luoran, the more she prefers Jin Xintong. She loves and hates Jin Xintong. In order to favor Jin Xintong, she wants Li luoran to sacrifice everything

"Ranran, now I have come to realize that you are the good daughter who will treat me as a mother. Let all the unhappiness in the past be written off. From now on, I will treat you as my own daughter."

Gu lianyue said with sincere feelings.

In the past, Li luoran was so eager to get maternal love like most happy girls, so eager to treat Gu lianyue as her own daughter. How she hoped Gu lianyue would say these words to her!

However, at this moment, when Gu lianyue really said these words, Li luoran's mood was extremely calm.

Calm as if a bay will never rise again waves of stagnant water.

"Ha ha..."

Li luoran even laughed and looked at Gu lianyue's heavily makeup face. In her cool eyes, there was such a strong sense of irony,

"unfortunately, now I have come to realize that I will never treat you as my mother again."

The moment the voice falls, Li luoran finds that Gu lianyue's face is obviously distorted.

The lost Gu lianyue stepped on the brake so deeply.


The screeching sound of the brakes, the sparks of the tires rubbing on the ground, and the cool Ferrari convertible suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

"Damn, can you drive? You want to die? "

"Dammit, it's great to drive a luxury car. What are you doing? You'll be killed if you brake like this, you know? "

"Curse you to be killed next time!"


A series of angry and abusive voices came from behind.

Gu lianyue seemed unheard of, but looked at Li luoran in disbelief, "I know you long for maternal love. In the past, no matter how I abused you, you never gave up on me. I can see that even if I do it again, you want to repair it with me...""That's why you feel that it doesn't matter how much you hurt and trample me. No matter how much you hurt me, as long as you give me a kind look, I will climb back and lick you like a pug at any time?" Li luoran interrupts Gu lianyue's words indifferently.

Gu lianyue was stunned.

Li luoran wrung his lips sarcastically and said, "I'm not as shameless as you think. Like my father, I used to hope for you, but you woke me up with your practical actions. I've been stupid before, and I'll never be again!"

Push open the door, resolutely out of the car.

Before leaving, he calmly turned back, "by the way, I know that Jinqian helped you in my name in order to make you feel good for me, but that's really not what I mean. You don't owe me anything, and I don't want you to owe me anything."

Close the door, cross the flowerpot, and walk back to the sidewalk.

Gu lianyue is sitting in the driver's seat. There is no emotion on her heavily makeup face, but the regret in her eyes grows stronger with Li luoran's fading away.


Li luoran took a taxi back to Jiangnan Yipin.

Xiao Qianhua, who came home before her, was standing at the gate of the yard when liluoran got out of the taxi. Xiao Qianhua immediately came to her,

"Ranran, after I separated from you in the hospital, I always thought about it. Now, I think clearly, I will be your husband from now on, and I promise I will never help Xiaojin do anything again."


"I don't think it's as valuable for her to help you with anything else as she once did

"Are you so sure?" It's a serious picture.

Li luoran's eyes were firm, "high."

Xiao Qian scratched his shining bald head. "Since you are so sure, dare you make a big bet with me?"

Li luoran was quite surprised, "bet what, you say."

Xiao Qianhua, "bet on the happiness of you, me and Lu Shaochen for the rest of their lives."

“……” Li luoran was stunned.

Xiao Qianhua explained with a clear mind, "from now on, if I don't help Xiaojin any more, I'll be the winner. Then you must keep a distance from Lu Shaochen. Of course, you can communicate normally like friends, but you are not allowed to take the initiative to kiss him, give her a bath photo, and sleep with him. Even if he takes the initiative, you must fight against him."


She was also forced to do something to Lu Shaochen. Is that ok?

Can you stop talking about it?!

Li luoran wants to cry without tears, "what else?"

Xiao Qianhua continued to talk about the rules, "on the contrary, from now on, as long as I do one more thing for Xiaojin, then you win, and I will fulfill your love affair with Lu Shaochen as you wish."


Li luoran said with a confused face, "what do you mean to complete my affair with Lu Shaochen?"

Xiao Qianhua sneered, "cut! You and Lu Shaochen know very well that it's necessary for me to open the window and tell the truth? "

Li luoran's eyes are more confused. She doesn't understand what Xiao Qian's painting is trying to express.


Xiao Qianhua spread out his hands,

"since you are pretending to be confused, I might as well say that Lu Shaochen is always pestering you to be his secret wife. Although you resist on the surface, in fact, you still want to promise him in your heart. If you win, I will let you be a secret husband and wife with him. Even if you bring Lu Shaochen home to sleep in front of me, I will accept him Lose, never complain. "

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Li luoran almost couldn't help a light to fan to Xiao Qian.

What does Xiao Qian think she is?

Is she so casual?!

Today, she did that with Lu Shaochen for Mingyue!

When Li luoran was sulking, Xiao Qian said, "from your point of view, if you don't gamble with me, you can have a secret relationship with Lu Shaochen in the future. If you lose, you should follow the gambling agreement and keep a distance from him. It's not good for you. It's human nature to be afraid of losing, so you can not gamble."

Li luoran was even more out of breath.

At the same time, the unyielding stubbornness in her heart was lifted up to the maximum, and she raised her eyebrows coldly and arrogantly, "bet on bet, I'm not afraid of you!"

"So, deal!"

Xiao Qianhua, who successfully used the thirty-six plan, happily extended his right hand to Li luoran.

Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua hit one palm hard, "deal!"

After clapping high five with Xiao Qianhua, Li luoran ignored him and walked quickly to the main building.

Xiao Qianhua stands alone at the gate of the courtyard, with a proud arc in the corner of his mouth.

"Laugh to death! It's the first time I've ever seen someone who's done something stupid and is as smug as Mr. Xiao. " A beautiful girl's voice came not far away.Xiao Qianhua confidently looks at Jiang Xiaojing, who is walking slowly towards him. "You know a fart, I won't lose. Liluo has been cheated by me."

"Poof!" Jiang Xiaojing couldn't help laughing,

"don't get me wrong, I don't underestimate your self-control, but I know how powerful Jin Xintong's energy is. Even Lu Shaochen is fooled by her. How much better do you think you are than Lu Shaochen? Can you escape the palm of her hand? "

Xiao Qianhua still disdains, "Lu Shaochen is fooled by Xiaojin because Xiaojin has my help. I've decided not to help her any more. No matter how she pesters me, I won't be soft hearted. You'll see."

"Well, well, I'll see..."

Jiang Xiaojing looks at Xiao Qian's bald head playfully,

"Mr. Xiao, since you are so smart and not stupid at all, have you ever thought about it when you decided to bet with Ranran? If Ranran never thought of being the kind of secret husband and wife you said, once you lose, don't you push her and Lu Shaochen to the same bed?"

Xiao Qianhua said, "I won't lose. I don't need to think about this."

"Alas Jiang Xiaojing sighed,

"today, when I learned that the video of Ranran sleeping Lu Shaochen was true, I saw your sour look. I feel that my big teeth are almost sour by you. I really want to see what you look like when you lose because you suffer from your own consequences."


When Li luoran came into the living room, police officers Zhang and Li were still sitting on the sofa discussing the case.

In fact, the kidnapping of a normal child will not arouse the police's high attention, just because Lu Mingyue is Lu Shaochen's son, and Lu Shaochen has offered a high reward, which makes the whole city stormy. The high-level officials are only afraid of causing public panic and demand that the case be solved as soon as possible.

Li luoran did not join police officer Zhang and Li in discussing the case, but went up to the second floor alone.

Lying on the sofa, endless fatigue hit, two eyelids began to fight.

Since Mingyue was tied up, Li luoran has been suffering from insomnia. Now, when she learns from Lu Shaochen that Mingyue will be returned safely by the kidnappers, she is relieved and sleepy.

Mingyue, Mommy miss you so much.

Where are you now?

Must be thinking about Mommy, too?


Jiangcheng city.

A factory workshop that has been abandoned for many years.

Lu Mingyue is lying on the spring bed. Her petite body is tightly tied with the spring bed by the rope. Her delicate face is covered with black oil. It's hard to see the original appearance.

He stared at the blue haired boy sitting on the edge of the spring bed with big black eyes.

"What are you looking at? Brother, even if I'm handsome, you've seen it for more than two days. Should you have enough of it? " The blue haired boy rubs Lu Mingyue's head.

Little cute looks disgusted.

The blue haired boy said, "it's really special. I've tied you up for more than two days. You little bastard didn't even say a word. Why? Talking to the kidnappers will make your mouth dirty? Look down on our kidnappers? "

Xiaomengwa still looks at the boy stubbornly and refuses to say a word.

The blue haired boy reluctantly let him go. "It's really hard. Maybe it's harder than Lu Shaochen when he grows up."

"I said, do you want to be so boring? If the little fart boy refuses to speak, you can treat him as a mute. Why do you press him to talk to himself?"

The purple haired boy squatting at the door spits with disdain,

"brother Xi, didn't we get the five million cash that Lu Shaochen gave us? With this money, we can do something for them. We can just get rid of this little bastard and run away."

"Look at you Su used to despise the purple haired man,

"five million is a fart compared with five billion. Lu Shaochen is a trustworthy guy. As long as we send him back safely, he will give us the remaining 4.9 billion. Do you know what that money means? Do you know what we can do with that money? "

The purple haired man shook his head. "I only know that the five million is enough for us to be free for a long time. Anyway, your purpose of kidnapping this little villain has been achieved. I don't want so much money. I just want to kill this little villain and make Li luoran's cheap watch miserable."

"Short sighted! I hate that bitch more than you do. Do you think I don't want to? " Su used to hate kicking her foot on the spring bed,

"I meant to let Li luoran and Lu Shaochen kill her bastard after sleeping. I didn't expect that Lu Shaochen's Iron Rooster would pluck her hair for his baby son like this. Xiaoqiang, it's not only Li luoran who killed my sister, but Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua. Now I've stirred them up, Why don't I want to kill this little bastard and make them more noisy? But for the money, we have to put up with it. "

Xiaoqiang bowed his head, "money is not so important, five million is enough for us to escape to the ends of the earth,"

"escape? What are you running for? "

in the past, the criminals yelled, "should we be killed? After I get the money, I can buy off the most powerful killers in the world. I will not only kill Lu Shaochen and Li luoran, but also let them all pay for their blood“……”

I'm so sorry for the pain before I get back to you

"Well!" Su Xi firmly held Xiaoqiang's hand,

"Xiaoqiang, you are my good brother sharing weal and woe, we share weal and woe."

Xiaoqiang tearful eyes, "don't forget sister Su Su, even if she has gone, she will always be the boss in our hearts."

The two teenagers encouraged each other.

The little girl on the spring bed is staring at the bucket like waste instrument behind Xiaoqiang for a moment -

although the waste factory has been powered off for many years, the electronic thermometer on the instrument still keeps flashing, and the temperature display fluctuates between 233 ℃ and 236 ℃

At this time, Su Xi's eyes fell back on Lu Mingyue. "Tomorrow we will make a deal with Lu Shaochen. Don't make this little bastard dirty. Give him a bath. Lu Shaochen will be happy and give him money more."


Xiaoqiang unties Lu Mingyue and pulls him out of the workshop.

About half an hour later, Xiaoqiang pulls Lu Mingyue back after taking a bath.

Su Xi lightly pinched Lu Mingyue's small face, "it's so tender. I don't know how many good girls I'll sleep with when I grow up."

"To save a girl is to kill him." Xiaoqiang stares at Lu Mingyue angrily.

Xiaomengwa looks up, not afraid at all, and looks at Xiaoqiang angrily.

"Come on! I've been stuffy here for two days, and my whole body stinks. I'll take a bath, too. I'll take care of the little bastard. It's five billion yuan. " Suxi picked up a towel and left.

Xiaoqiang despised Lu Mingyue, "don't tie you first, don't want to run, or you will be shot." Then he lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

Xiaoqiang didn't see it. Xiaomengwa, standing beside the bucket like instrument, quietly touched the above buttons with her little finger, and then quietly stayed away from the instrument.

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