You,Under My Name

Chapter 373: 373

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The temperature of the thermometer on the instrument went up in a straight line. In a short time, it went up to 350 degrees and gave out a continuous alarm.

"What the hell?"

Xiaoqiang subconsciously turns his eyes to the instrument. Although he doesn't know what the instrument is used for, he hears a life-threatening alarm sound and sees that the temperature on the thermometer has already exceeded the dangerous red line of "300 degrees". He has a very bad premonition.

"Little bastard, don't you feel the danger? What are you doing in a daze, not running for your life? " Lu Mingyue, no matter how small she is, does not give a good look.

He doesn't care about this little bastard.

He only took care of this little fart for suxige's sake. It's none of his business that this little fart died in an accident.

Lu Mingyue is calm. He is not in such a hurry as Xiaoqiang. Instead, he walks out of the workshop with his hands behind him.

It's almost that little cute just stepped out of the door of the workshop, and there was a loud bang behind her.

The instrument exploded, the huge workshop collapsed, and the whole workshop turned into a sea of fire.

"Lie down! Slot

Xiaoqiang, standing in the open space outside, is staring at the scene filled with fireworks. He can't get back to God for a long time.

At this moment, Suxi just took off his clothes and was preparing to take a bath. After hearing the news, he ran out regardless of his clothes. He was staring at the burning workshop,

"what happened?"

Xiaoqiang, with a trance face, "blew up..."

Suxi, "what?"

Xiaoqiang, "that iron bucket like thing in the workshop exploded..."

"Damn it! It's really bad luck to drink cold water and stuff your teeth. Even the iron bucket is against me? Why did it explode at this time? Special! The five million cash I extorted from Lu Shaochen is still in the workshop, and now it's all burnt to ashes! "




Anxious Suxi did not cover the body in situ straight Circle.

"Alas! What's the use of turning yourself around? Think about what to do next! "

Xiaoqiang's reminder quickly brought Suxi's thoughts back to reality. He anxiously grasped his hair,

"no! This explosion will lead to the fire police tea. Now we are wanted kidnappers all over the country. If we are found by the police tea, we will be completely dead! Run


"Ranran! Wake up

"Sister Ranran..."

"Sister Ranran!"

Li luoran was shaken up by Jiang Xiaojing. She opened her heavy eyes. At the moment, she was lying on the sofa, covered with a thin quilt. She thought that the thin Jiang Xiaojing had covered her after she fell asleep.

Jiang Xiaojing is sitting on another group of sofas on her right side. Police officer Zhang, police officer Li and Xiao Qianhua are standing in a straight line not far away, looking at her solemnly.

"What's the matter?" Li luoran had a bad feeling.

"Well, just now, we got the news..." Officer Li couldn't bear to tell Li luoran the truth. She winked at officer Zhang,

"let's talk about it."

"two minutes before the explosion, Zhang Mingcheng and the police arrived at the scene of the accident and sighed

Hearing the news of Mingyue, Li luoran's eyes brightened. "Did they catch the kidnapper? Did they save Mingyue? What about the moon? Where is he now? "

"Miss Li..."

Seeing Li luoran's excited appearance, he thought that the poor weak woman was haggard because of the missing of Mingyue. Officer Zhang wanted to make up a white lie to appease her.

However, as a police officer, he has to be realistic.

So, after a moment's meditation, officer Zhang said truthfully,

"they drove away in spite of the fire warning. The fire was very serious. On the one hand, the fire fighters had to take care of the fire fighting, but they didn't catch them. Later, the officers of the second police force sent out many police cars to chase and intercept. The two crazy kidnappers and the police officers had a fierce exchange of fire. Their shooting skills were super accurate. Six of our police officers were killed and three of them were injured. One of the purple haired kidnappers was killed by the police officers on the spot. After the exchange of fire, the blue haired kidnapper fled into the mountain forest as a hostage to Mingyue. Later, our police officers heard a gunshot, Then... "

"And then what? What happened to that gunshot?! How's Mingyue? " Li luoran excitedly grabs officer Zhang's arm.


Officer Zhang sighed a long sigh,

"then, the blue haired kidnapper disappeared. The police officers found a child's body in the mountain forest. After the body was shot and burned, it was beyond recognition and burnt all over. It should be your son."

Although officer Zhang's tone was gentle, it was like a bolt from the blue to Li luoran. Her haggard face had no blood color, her heart seemed to be held by a cruel hand, and her mind was blank."Ranran, officer Zhang also said that the corpse may be Mingyue. It's not sure yet. There's still hope, isn't there? And Mingyue is so smart that she won't be killed so easily. You must be open! " Jiang Xiaojing comforts Li luoran and stares at officer Zhang.

It's really hard to take science straight man. Although as a police officer, he has to tell the victim the truth, he doesn't have to be so straightforward, does he?

Wouldn't it be nice to be a little more tactful?

Liloran was desperate. She felt everything around her shaking and spinning.

Four years ago, the fatal car accident left Li luoran an incurable sequelae. She easily fell into a coma when she was too nervous or too excited. But this time, she insisted on not letting herself coma. Her trembling lips were hard to emit dry syllables,

"where is the bright moon? I'm going to see him... "

Police officer Zhang looks confused, "Lu Mingyue has been burned..."

After being stabbed in the back by officer Li's finger, Li luoran suddenly realized that he meant to see Mingyue's body. He turned his mouth awkwardly,

"sorry, Mingyue has been sent to the third hospital. I advise you not to see it. I've seen the picture, and it's like a meat kebab roasted all day on the barbecue rack. Alas It's terrible. You may not accept Hello... "


Li luoran had already staggered to the door.

Xiao Qianhua, who has long legs and big steps, catches up and helps Li luoran, "wife, walk slowly, I'll help you."

Jiang Xiaojing also catches up and holds Li luoran's other arm.

Zhang police officer also wants to catch up, Jiang Xiaojing waves to stop him, "what are you doing with Ranran?"

Officer Zhang, "go to the third hospital to see the dead."

Hearing the word "dead", Li luoran's body trembled again.

Jiang Xiaojing rolled his eyes, "you don't have to make trouble!"

"I'm the person in charge of this case. Of course, I'll go. Maybe I can find some clues on the dead man."


Jiang Xiaojing wants to cry without tears, "you really should go to the hospital, but not to investigate the case, but to treat yourself."

"What? What's wrong with me? " Officer Zhang asked for an answer with a serious face.

Jiang Xiaojing laughs, "straight male cancer terminal, if not treated in time, will die!"

Officer Zhang, "..."


The third hospital.

When Li luoran arrived, Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong were standing outside the morgue. Lu Shaochen's face was heavy, his eyes were red, and his pain was obvious. Jin Xintong lowered his head and wiped his tears, looking very sad.

Seeing Li luoran, Jin Xintong excitedly welcomes Li luoran,

"Li luoran, you killed my son!"

Li luoran calms down, and her excessive hurt makes it hard for her to say a word. She can only watch Jin Xintong silently.

"It's all your fault! Mingyue and I have been together for so long, and they are safe and sound. I protect him very well. One day after you robbed him, he was kidnapped and killed. Li luoran, Mingyue died because of you. You killed Mingyue. If it wasn't for you, my son would never have been kidnapped. Our family is still well off! Woo Wu Wu... "

I don't know whether it's real pain or fake pain. Jin Xintong is crying. She excitedly grabs Li luoran's clothes,

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Li luoran, you killed my son. Why do you want to take my son away from me? You didn't have a good heart, did you? Woo You return my son Wu Wu... "

"Return my son!"

Li luoranming knows that Jin Xintong is acting for Lu Shaochen. However, she doesn't push Jin Xintong away. Some words of Jin Xintong pour on her like cold water.


Now think about it. The kindergarten where Mingyue used to live has a very high level of security. Mingyue's daily life is two or one line, either in the kindergarten or in the Lu house. If Li luoran doesn't pull Mingyue back, the kidnappers will never have an opportunity.

Mingyue is kidnapped. She has an unshirkable responsibility

This cognition pierces liluoran's heart like an awl.

"Are you disgusting?" Jiang Xiaojing can't see it any more. She despises Jin Xintong,

"you are so beautiful. Why don't you learn to play hardcover? You just like acting in front of Lu Shaochen. What do you do with Ranran?"

Looking at Jiang Xiaojing with tears, Jin Xintong bites her lower lip wrongly,

"mirror, I know you are Li luoran's best friend. I don't blame you for protecting her, but what I lost is my own son. Do you know how painful I am? You said these unkind words to protect Li luoran. Did your conscience go too far? "

"I bought a watch last year!"

Jiang Xiaojing can't help being rude,

"you know in your heart whether you are suffering from real pain or fake pain. You are so brazen that you say that you have lost your own son. Why didn't you cry so heartbroken when you let the killer kill your own daughter?""You..." Jin Xin Tong's small face is red. She seems to be out of breath. She holds the wall with one hand and caresses her bandaged forehead with the other. She seems to faint at any time.

Jiang Xiaojing still wants to sarcasm Jin Xintong a few more words, but he is stopped by Xiao Qianhua's cold voice,

"OK! You don't kill too much. Xiaojin has just been hurt. Don't you have any sympathy? "

Xiao Qian's fierce appearance is really terrible. Even Jiang Xiaojing is afraid of him. Jiang Xiaojing sticks out his tongue and doesn't dare to say anything more.

Red eyed Lu Shaochen always stood in the corridor, as silent as when Chu Xingchen was shot. His whole life seemed to turn into an iceberg.

Li luoran enters the morgue.

The administrator took Li luoran to a morgue and said, "this is the body that the police sent. Let's see for ourselves."

On the morgue bed was a charred corpse, which had been burned beyond recognition. There was no complete skin from head to foot, and even bones were exposed in many places. It can only be judged from the size of bones that this child was about four or five years old.

Looking at the scorched black body, thinking about Lu Mingyue's lovely and cute health and liveliness, Li luoran's tears flowed again.

She didn't know how she got out of the morgue.

Sitting in a chair outside the morgue, my mind was empty.

Once upon a time, Lu Mingyue was the only hope for her to persevere, making her brave to persevere no matter what twists and turns she encountered.

Li luoran did not expect that heaven was so cruel that she took away her only hope.

She was totally disillusioned. The lights in the corridor were changing and people were coming and going. She was unconscious. Jiang Xiaojing kept talking beside her, but she couldn't hear a word. It seemed that the whole person had been separated from the world, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with her

There's a warm current in my hand.

It was this long lost warmth that brought her erratic thoughts back to reality. She must be calm. It turned out that it was Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen does not know when to sit beside her, Jin Xintong is also standing in Lu Shaochen's right hand, and Lu Shaochen actually clenched her hand in front of Jin Xintong.

"Before you came, the doctor took the bone marrow and my blood from the corpse for paternity test. I know that the hope is very slim, but it's not hopeless. I wish it wasn't Mingyue's corpse..." Lu Shaochen said lightly.

Lu Shaochen, who is very good at concealing his emotions, has such a trembling and hoarse voice that he is weeping blood.

Li luoran can imagine how sad Lu Shaochen is now.

Li luoran knows how much Lu Shaochen loves Mingyue. Moreover, Mingyue was brought to three years old by Lu Shaochen alone. Lu Shaochen's affection for Mingyue may be deeper than Li luoran's.

Li luoran's lips trembled, but he could not say a word.

At this moment, she clearly felt that Lu Shaochen's hand holding her little hand was more tight.

In a trance, other sounds from the outside world were insignificant to Li luoran, while Lu Shaochen's sad and magnetic voice didn't come from her side, but it seemed to ring from her soul.

Li luoran clearly heard Lu Shaochen say,

"if this is the truth, I will not collapse, because I still have you, Ranran, if I lose the moon, you will be my only hope to live."

Li luoran's eyes blurred again.

She didn't shake Lu Shaochen's hand.

It's not good to know that her married wife and Lu Shaochen are so close. She knows that people are coming and going in the corridor, and that Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua are just watching. She still lets Lu Shaochen hold her hand tightly.

Maybe it was because she was too cold in her heart. At this moment, she was greedy for the warmth brought by Lu Shaochen's palm.

At this moment, Lu Shaochen, who focuses on Li luoran, doesn't see it. Jin Xintong's eyes are more poisonous than arsenic.


"Mr. Lu, the results of DNA comparison have come out."

"Mr. Lu?"

"Mr. Lu?"

Jiang Xiaojing grabs Lu Shaochen's suit twice. Lu Shaochen's thoughts come back to reality. He looks up at the doctor and says, "come on, I'm ready."

"Mr. Lu, where is that?" The doctor smiles,

"it's a great honor for me to bring this good result to Mr. Lu. The matching degree between the DNA of the deceased and Mr. Lu can't reach the standard between father and son. In other words, the deceased is not your son."

Jiang Xiaojing, "..."

Xiao Qian's painting, "..."

Jin Xintong, "..."

Even Li luoran was stunned.

Before that, everyone identified the dead as Mingyue, which was unexpected.

Even Lu Shaochen couldn't believe it. He was silent for three seconds before opening his thin lips again. "Are you sure?"

Indeed, Mr. Qianlu The doctor smiles respectfully,

"so, Mr. Lu, everything is a false alarm. Congratulations. I think your son will be safe."Lu Shaochen was so excited that he almost burst into tears. He trembled and squeezed out two words between his lips and teeth, "thank you..."

Li luoran breathed a long sigh of relief. After a hysterical despair, he saw hope again.

"Thank goodness, the moon is still alive! The moon is still alive

Jin Xintong, who has just lost her face, suddenly looks like she is on drugs. She hugs Lu Shaochen's arm excitedly, as if she is about to fly up with joy.

"Shaochen, I know mingyuefu has a big life and won't be so short-lived. He is still alive, and our son is still alive! I know, you promised to give the kidnapper so much money, he will not put so much money, no, he will certainly send the moon back to us! "

Lu Shaochen did not answer, nor did he look up at Jin Xintong, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jiang Mingyue said, "it's really hard for some people to blush."

Before the last word "death" was uttered, Xiao Qian's fierce eyes scared him to withdraw his words.

Li luoran didn't care.

Once upon a time, what she disliked most was the Opera master. Now, the good news that Mingyue is still alive makes her feel that other things are irrelevant.

However, Mingyue is still missing.

Li luoran calls officer Zhang.

Li Mingyue is still in the process of being caught and killed by the kidnappers, so he hopes to be distracted by Zhang Mingyue.

Up to now, all liluoran can do is wait!

Jiang Xiaojing insists on accompanying Li luoran to find the bright moon, so he goes back to Jiangnan with Li luoran and Xiao Qian.

Like when he came to the hospital, Xiao Qianhua drove himself.

On the way, Jiang Xiaojing asked Xiao Qianhua, "I don't understand. Mr. Xiao, who is rich and handsome, usually has good taste. The girl she likes should be both internal and external, right? Although Jin Xintong is beautiful, she is a scheming bitch. You know every bad thing she does. When she acts in front of Lu Shaochen, you also know that she is acting, more affectation and more love Disgusting. Why are you so devoted to her? "

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