You,Under My Name

Chapter 375: 375

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Jin Xintong's smile gradually ossified, she looked to Lu Shaochen awkwardly.

However, Lu Shaochen turned a blind eye to her, just looking at the little cute baby in her arms,

"what Qian said is that what Mingyue needs most now is sleep. If you want to show your mother's love, you'd better let him have a steady sleep."

“……” Jin Xin Tong's face is more unable to hang.

She did not expect that Lu Shaochen did not give her face at all in front of others.

Jinxintong where can continue acting, can only put Lu Mingyue back on the sofa.

Lu Shaochen looks at Jin Xintong lightly, and there is a suspicion in his dark eyes.

Lu Shaochen never doubted that Jin Xintong was Mingyue's biological mother. Moreover, after the paternity test, he believed deeply.

Lu Shaochen also fully understands Jin Xintong's mood of reuniting with Mingyue after Mingyue's disaster, but for no reason, Lu Shaochen faintly feels that Jin Xintong's performance is a little wrong

It's like acting!

To be exact, actors with high acting skills are engaged in acting, but no matter how high and lifelike their acting skills are, they will inevitably make the audience feel unreal.

"Hey, godfather, do you want to say something?"

Feng Qian came to Lu Shaochen, and he was close to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen pretended to be confused, "eh?"

"Godfather is a smart man, so there's no need to pretend to be confused." Feng Qianji's right eyebrow kept stirring at the cute baby on the sofa,

"do you know how fierce the kidnapper is? He killed several police officers by himself. I went after him by myself, but I risked my life. Why don't you tell me? "

"Well." Lu Shaochen had an epiphany expression,

"just say what you want."

The wind is shallow, the blue eyes shine, "just say it? Really? You'll give me whatever I want? "

Lu Shaochen nodded.

Feng Qianji peeked at Lu Shaochen, "in a previous international auto show, I took a fancy to a top super car specially made by a master. I wanted to buy it, but I didn't have enough money at that time. Two weeks later, I sold several suites and borrowed some from my friends. Finally, I got enough money. When I contacted the seller again, the seller told me that the car had been bought by others Next, ha ha, I don't need to say more about who the buyer is. "

Lu Shaochen, "it's me."

"Well, well! Ha ha ha, godfather is powerful, godfather has vision, ha ha ha... " Feng Qianji was surprised that Lu Shaochen didn't continue to pretend to be a fool. Thinking of the car, he salivated and licked his lips.

"I heard that Godfather also cherished it. He only drove it once after he bought it. I'm not in love, but I really love the car. Can Godfather resell it to me?"

Lu Shaochen, "No."

“……” The wind is shallow and the light in the blue eyes vanishes instantly.

All right!

He just held the attitude of questioning. The car was the most precious one in the world. If he had bought the car, I'm afraid that even if Lu Shaochen knelt down and begged him, he would not agree to resell it.

Lu Shaochen, "here you are."


Lu Shaochen was stunned for three seconds, and then his soul returned to its original position and became ecstatic,

"Godfather! Godfather is invincible! Godfather is the best godfather in the world

Completely complacent forget line, so embrace Lu Shaochen deeply in Lu Shaochen's face kiss.

Li luoran, "..."

Jiang Xiaojing, "..."

Xiao Qian's painting, "..."

Jin Xintong, "..."

"Why do you owe so much?" Lu Shaochen's face was black for a moment. He pushed the wind away.

The wind is shallow, and he laughs, "godfather, I can't help it. Godfather is so lovely, respectable and amiable." While talking, he wiped the saliva on Lu Shaochen's face with his palm.

"All right!"

Lu Shaochen looked disgusted and opened the distance from the wind. He walked to the bathroom with his eyebrows locked.

Happy to open the flowers of the wind shallow, happy to fly up.

Jiang Xiaojing made a disdainful gesture to him, "Hello! Why don't you take a car with you? What can I do for you? "

"Broken car?" The wind is shallow and the eyes are inclined to smile,

"do you know how much this broken car is worth?"

Jiang Xiaojing, "how much?"

The wind stretched out a finger.

Jiang Xiaojing, "ten million?"

The wind shook his head.

Jiang Xiaojing, "100 million?"

The wind is shallow and scornful.

Jiang Xiaojing took a cold breath, "my God! Isn't it a billion? "

The wind is shallow, and he is proud to stand on tiptoe, "guess again!"

"10 billion?" Jiang Xiaojing's voice is shaking Is there such an expensive car in the world? So much money to build an aircraft carrier?The wind shallow Chen Yang face, "calculate you answer correctly, exactly say is 13.6 billion, odd I don't say."

Jiang Li and Luo look at each other in the mirror.

Fengqianchen is also a rich man. If Lu Shaochen's car is not very expensive, fengqianchen will never be so complacent that he kisses Lu Shaochen in front of so many people.

"You've actually seen that car." Feng Qian's eyes turned to Li luoran,

"it was a Rolls Royce made of pure gold. It was that car that Godfather drove when he went to the cast audition for the first time."

Li luoran immediately remembered Lu Shaochen's first audition. When the golden luxury car drove into the crew, everyone was attracted. The insider of the crew said that the wheels of the car were also made of pure gold, and the gold value lost by friction was tens of thousands of yuan per kilometer

That kind of car is really not for driving, but for collecting.

As a matter of fact, Lu Shaochen also prized the car as a treasure. He just drove it once for shock scenes and loading, and then kept it in a secret room with the highest security level.

Lu Shaochen is willing to give his treasure to fengqianhe.

Sure enough!

Lu Shaochen's true love for his son!

Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing are fascinated by the shallow wind.

Sitting on the sofa, Jin Xintong is as calm as water on the surface and disdains the wind in her heart.

As early as many years ago, Jin Xintong couldn't stand such a person as Feng Qianyi!

Feng Qianji is just like Jin Yu. He has nothing but a good skin bag. He just uses a face that boys and girls like to impress others!

Sitting on another group of sofas, Xiao Qianhua silently pays attention to Jin Xintong. Whenever and wherever Jin Xintong is present, Xiao Qianhua's attention will all shift to Jin Xintong. For him, anyone else is the foil of Jin Xintong.


Lu Mingyue sleeps deeply.

After experiencing too much right and wrong, Li luoran finds it awkward to stay in the same room with Jin Xintong, so he goes out for a walk with Jiang Xiaojing.

It has to be said that Xiao Qian knows how to enjoy his paintings. His villa is very beautiful. The pool, court, garden and fountain in the compound Everything, even if a person in this villa closed for a year will not feel lonely.

When Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing were standing by the pond looking at the lotus, Lu Shaochen came to them. He glanced at Jiang Xiaojing faintly, "you should avoid it."

Jiang Xiaojing has long been used to Lu Shaochen's warm attitude towards Li luoran and his indifferent attitude towards others. He is too lazy to care about him. He turns his lips and goes far away unhappily.

"You said that when you sorted out everything, you would be given a clear answer. Have you sorted it out now?" Lu Shaochen went straight to the theme.

Li luoran immediately remembered the conversation he had with Lu Shaochen in the hospital today.


The answer is yes!

After leaving the hospital, Li luoran asked everything from Xiao Qianhua.

Li luoran took a breath silently, "yes, you didn't cheat me. Everything you said to me is true. I misunderstood you in the past."

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Lu Shaochen's ink eyes showed a strong expectation, "so?"

So, I apologize to you

Lu Shaochen's expectation in his eyes is more intense, "and then?"

Li luoran looked confused, "then? What else? Haven't I already apologized to you? "

"Oh Lu Shaochen had no choice but to smile bitterly,

"do you really don't understand or don't you fake it?"?! I said I'll make it clear to you. "

Li luoran, "..." Is her answer not clear enough?

Lu Shaochen can't laugh or cry. "It's no use pretending to be stupid. I won't spend any more time with you. You promised that if I didn't cheat you, you would be my secret wife. You must fulfill your promise."


Those are all Lu Shaochen's own wishful thinking, OK?!

Li luoran doesn't care about that topic at all. When did she promise?!

Li luoran was helpless. She shook her head. "I don't deny that I misunderstood you before, but I will never admit what I have never said. Lu Shaochen, I will never be anyone's Secret wife."

I'm afraid that Lu Shaochen will entangle again, and his voice will fall down. He turns around and hurried to jiangxiaojing in the distance.

"What shall we do in the future?" Lu Shaochen looked at her stubborn figure in a trance.

Li luoran kept walking, turned his back to Lu Shaochen and said, "we can be friends."


Lu Shaochen chewed and tasted the alienated vocabulary repeatedly. Finally, his eyes were evil and charming, "friends who can sleep at any time?"

The hot picture of Lu Shaochen's forced sleep flashed in her mind again. Li luoran's steps were disordered. She tried to calm down before she could make a sound,"Now that the moon has returned safely, I think officer Zhang has explained to you why I did that to you."

Lu Shaochen squinted at her, "so what?"

Li luoran said with a bitter smile, "how? All I did was forced and helpless, no matter I kiss you, tease you or sleep, you are not out of voluntary, what do you say? Why do you have to hold on? "

Lu Shaochen, "because I think that's cool, so I want to live with cool all my life."


Lilo is stopped by thunder. She turns around and looks at Lu Shaochen with the same look as a monster.

Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows. "I'm really a bad person. I don't care what the reason is. In a word, if you kiss me, tease me and sleep, don't try to get rid of me."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran wants to cry without tears.

Lu Shaochen winked at her and said, "accept the reality, Li luoran. You can't escape. Next time, I'll tie you."

Turn around and walk away.

Tuliuli luoran stood alone by the lotus pond with the breeze.

Seeing Li luoran's pale face, Jiang Xiaojing rushed to Li luoran's side, "why is her face so bad? What did Lu Shaochen say to you? Did he bully you again? "

Looking at Lu Shaochen's disappearing figure in a trance, Li luoran issued a trembling syllable between his lips, "mirror, I'm finished..."


Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong have been waiting for Lu Mingyue to wake up.

Around five o'clock in the afternoon, a red Porsche arrived.

Walking in the yard with Jiang Xiaojing, Li luoran recognized from a distance that the people who came down from the car were Li Qingtian, an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue.

When Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing rush to meet them, Lu Shaochen, Feng Qianyi, Xiao Qianhua and Jin Xintong come out of the living room. A group of people happen to get together.

It turns out that in the past few days, an Jiaren is also worried about Mingyue's being tied. After hearing that Mingyue was rescued by Fengqian, she immediately pulls Li Qingtian and Lu Wanyue to see Mingyue.

Lu Shaochen helped an Jiaren, "Mom, if you want to see the moon, I'll send him to you. How did you come here?" After all, this is the home of Xiao Qian's paintings, which is not suitable for an Jia.

An Jiaren sword stares at Xiao Qianhua and says, "why can't I come? I don't care if he's black or white. When my grandson is in his house, I can come to see him at any time. Don't try to stop me! "

Lu Shaochen smiles in his heart.

Xiao Qianhua felt his bald head awkwardly, "don't worry, you take Ranran as your daughter, and I'll take you as my mother. You can enter this house at will, and no one dares to stop you."

"Who is your mother? How can I have a good son like you? How can a big man be so shameless? "

Thinking of Xiao Qianhua's marriage to Li luoran, an Jiaren is very angry. She points to Xiao Qianhua angrily,

"look at your face. If I had a son like you, I would have drowned in the Yellow River with shame."

Excessive embarrassment distorts Xiao Qian's expression.

Lu Wanyue shakes her head behind an Jiaren As like as two peas pretend to be cool,

brother is really confused. She has no standard in her remark. Xiao Qian's face is just like that of Shaoxing brother.

"All right! I'm too lazy to talk to you. Where's my grandson? " Angie.

Xiao Qian is busy painting in the room.

She took the lead to walk indoors.

When Li Qingtian, who was walking side by side with an Jiaren, passed by Xiao Qianhua, Xiao Qianhua said with a gallant smile, "Dad..."


Li Qingtian, who didn't reply, just sighed heavily and didn't know what he meant.

Xiao Qian's painting can't be embarrassed any more.

Lu Wanyue had seen fengqianshe for a long time. She stopped in front of fengqianshe and asked, "son, I thought you were a worthless waste. I didn't expect that sometimes waste can do earth shaking things."

Feng Qian sneered, "you know what? Before labor and capital, they used to cover up their edge intentionally. I'm a hero who doesn't show water leakage. I'm not like some people who are arrogant and domineering all day. They have long legs, big breasts, no brains and thick skin. They can't do anything big."

"What are you talking about?"

Lu Wanyue raised her eyebrows and slapped her hands angrily. She felt that there was no need to slap her face because of something like this. She put down her hand and said with a smile,

"do you believe it? I'm going to do one thing today that makes you vomit blood. "

"Ha Feng Qianji laughs,

"my little godmother, can you stop scaring me? When you say that, I'll spit up blood

"Cut! Believe it or not Lu Wanyue holds Feng Qianji's sleeve,

"come here, I have something to tell you to do."

Don't you listen in the same place? There's something to say here! "Lu Wanyue glared resentfully,

"come here for me!"

All right!

On the one hand, Lu Wanyue was spoiled by Lu Shaochen and an Jiaren, and fengqianshe never got good at it; on the other hand, Lu Wanyue was fengqianshe's "godmother". Fengqianshe couldn't do without bowing her head, so she could only follow Lu Wanyue to her back.

Lu Wanyue lowered her voice and said a plan in her ears.

After hearing this plan, Feng Qianyi's face was scared without a trace of blood, "God, is this your plan that makes me worship hematemesis? no way! I can't go along with you! Godfather will kill me! I haven't heard anything. Go to someone else to help you... "

Trembling voice said, ran.

Lu Wanyue grabbed him, "do you know what my brother is most sensitive to?"

The wind nodded.

Who knows about Lu Shaochen doesn't know that Lu Shaochen is the most sensitive about Li luoran, especially the "lacy affair" between Li luoran and other men

Lu Wanyue said, "if you don't help me, I'll keep making up lies about your plot against Li luoran in front of my brother until he hates you to death."

“……” Lu Shaochen's head is numb with fear. His godfather has just promised to give him the luxury car he dreams of. Although Lu Shaochen is wise, he is a vinegar jar. When he is jealous, he has no reason and calmness at all. If Lu Wanyue tells Lu Shaochen bad things about him and Li luoran at this time, Lu Shaochen will believe it. His dream of luxury car will come to nothing every minute

Seeing the success of the threatening method, Lu Wanyue said, "don't worry, I'll do things by myself. If something happens, I'll bear it by myself. I'll never give you up. And if you think about it, we'll help Li luoran get rid of his anger. Don't you really want to help Li luoran get rid of his anger?"

The wind is shallow, and the enchanting blue eyes are tangled. "It's just that it's too dirty. Xiaojin is the perfect goddess in Godfather's heart. If we destroy her like this, I think it's dirty and shameless, and Godfather will be very sad..."

"Cut! Dirty what? Shameless what? Don't you know what jinxintong is? We are saving my brother

Thinking of Jin Xintong, Lu Wanyue's voice is out of control. Fortunately, there is no one around and no one hears what she is saying. She rubs Feng qianzhen's golden hair,

"the only one who can help me here is you. I beg you, can't you?"

The wind is shallow, and he nods helplessly, "Alas! You are going to kill me

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