You,Under My Name

Chapter 374: 374

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"What you see is only the surface. Xiaojin is the purest and kindest girl I've ever seen. If she is not a good at both inside and outside, then no woman in the world deserves to use this word to describe her. It's because she loves Lu Shaochen too much that she acts in front of Lu Shaochen without conscience, which shows her professionalism and consistency."


Sure enough, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In Xiao Qian's eyes, the poison of jinxintong is too deep. I'm afraid even jinxintong's fart is fragrant!

Jiang Xiaojing, "OK, I won't fight you. I just ask you. You said that jinxintong is the purest and kindest girl you've ever seen. Then, what about sister Ranran? In your mind, sister Ranran and jinxintong, who is more pure and kind? "

“……” Xiao Qianhua takes a peek at Li luoran,

"Ranran and Xiaojin are two different types of people. There is no comparability between them. If I compare you with Xiaojin, I can give you a clear answer immediately."

It's a perfect distraction.

It also perfectly avoids the embarrassment caused by Li luoran.


Jiang Xiaojing's attention was successfully diverted by Xiao Qian's painting, and she looked at Xiao Qian's shining bald head,

"you say!"

Xiao Qian drew his lips and said, "you are far away from Xiaojin. If Xiaojin is a flawless jade, you are a piece of rotten wood Yeah! I suspect that with your intelligence, you may not understand such elegant words, so I need to explain them more directly? "

Explain your sister!

Is Xiao Qian's painting retarded?

If it wasn't for Xiao Qianhua's driving, strangling Xiao Qianhua at this time would also threaten the safety of himself and Li luoran. Jiang Xiaojing would have jumped on Xiao Qianhua's neck.

Xiao Qian's face sank and his eyes were serious. "In the future, you are not allowed to call Xiaojin Xinji whore in front of me, you are not allowed to call her playwright, you are not allowed to say that she is disgusting, you are not allowed to say anything bad about her. I only warn you this time."

Jiang Xiaojing was frightened by the cold tone of Xiao Qian's painting, and his eyes couldn't help throwing at Li luoran.

Li luoran shook his head.

Although Xiao Qianhua and Li luoran bet that they would not do anything for Jin Xintong any more, Jin Xintong's position in Xiao Qianhua's heart is still shining, which can not be replaced by anyone.

Jiang Xiaojing, who has a clear understanding of the essence of Xiao Qian's painting, disdains to talk to Xiao Qian's painting again.

The car with excellent sound insulation became silent.

At this time, Li luoran's call ring.

Li luoran does not hesitate to pick up the call from fengqianji.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Don't you miss me?" When the line was connected, the sound of wind came from my ear.

Now Li luoran is not in the mood to quarrel with Feng Qianyi. She says faintly, "if you have anything, just say it."

The wind is shallow, "it's no big deal, just want to see you."

“……” Li luoran was speechless, and he could not help showing the appearance of wind shallow and playful smile.

Fengqianshe also knows about Mingyue's kidnapping. Just yesterday, fengqianshe called to comfort Li luoran. Fengqianshe likes to make jokes. Li luoran didn't expect that fengqianshe should provoke her at this point.

"I'm in a mess now. I don't want to see you." Li luoran tried to be calm.

"I'm at your door. I have a gift for you. I'll wait for you." He dropped the words and hung up the line.

Li luoran was helpless.

Jiang Xiaojing, who overheard what Feng Qianji said to Li luoran on the phone, sighed, "Oh, is Feng Qianji itchy? What kind of stimulation does he want from you if he doesn't go to the production team? "

Li luoran shook his head.

Jiang Xiaojing excitedly pulls Li luoran, "I heard him say that he wants to give you a gift. Guess what it is?"

Li luoran shook his head.

I'm afraid her precious gift can't be lifted before the bright moon returns.

Luxury Rolls Royce all the way to Jiangnan Yipin.

Sure enough, the water blue Lamborghini in the wind is just outside the door of the villa, and the wind is lazily leaning on the door to play hand tour.

Xiao Qianhua stops his car at the right rear of Fengqian.

Li luoran, who got out of the car, glared at him angrily, "you know I'm not in the mood to play boring games with you now, right? What's the matter with you? " Really like Jiang Xiaojing said, the skin itches? Want to be beaten?

The breeze shallow Yi picks eyebrow, "isn't already said to you very clear, have gift to send you?"

"Do you want to stop teasing me?" Looking at the evil and playful look of Feng Qianji, Li luoran couldn't bear it,

"for the last time, I'm very irritable now. I don't want to play with you. Let's go!" If change to do in the past, early to the wind shallow she fists and feet to wait on, but now she is full of worry about the moon, even hit people's mind also no longer have.

The wind is shallow to narrow the blue eyes of double enchanting people's hearts, "are you sure you don't accept my gift?"

Lilo was so angry that he said, "I'm sure!"I really don't know what's wrong with Fengqian's goods today

The wind is shallow, and the face is full of fun.

"don't you regret it?"

Lilo was so angry that he wanted to cry, "I don't regret it!"

Feng Qianji shrugs,

"give you one last chance, think it over and then answer me, otherwise I will really leave."

Li luoran was so mad that her voice was out of control, "do you want to go or not? I'm really upset! "

"All right! ok Alas! It's very kind of you to be a donkey's liver and lung. You want to relieve your worries. In the end, you get a bad scold. Since people don't appreciate you, why should I be so shameless? "

With a dejected look, Feng Qianji turned around and opened the front passenger's door.

Seeing the young figure in the co pilot's seat, Li luoran first suspected that she was hallucinating. She calmed down and immediately exclaimed excitedly,

"bright moon!"

At this moment, Jiang Xiaojing can't help but hand over the sound.

Xiao Qian's handsome face on the driver's seat was instantly full of shock.


With a clear voice like a silver bell, xiaomengwa jumps out of the car and plunges into Li luoran's arms with joy.

Li luoran hugs xiaomengwa, kisses and pinches her, and tears are streaming down. Xiaomengwa's arms are tightly wrapped around Li luoran's neck, and tears are also pouring down.

Looking at this warm scene, the eyes of the wind are hot and humid, but he is still cynical on the surface, "Hello! Who just drove me away without asking me what gift I was going to give? Now that I see the gift, why don't I keep driving away? "

"Why didn't you say it earlier..." Li luoran is very sorry.

It suddenly occurred to me that although Feng Qianji was unruly, he always thought about Li luoran. If he hadn't found Mingyue, he would never have made fun of her when she was upset

She misunderstood the wind.

The wind is shallow to pick eyebrow, twinkle this crystal clear tears in the enchanting blue eyes, "want to give you a surprise, but think of you just that pair of ferocious appearance, a little regret, I shouldn't tease you at this time, really doubt that if you have a knife in your hand just now, will stab me, so I die more injustice."

Li luoran was amused in tears with a smile.

The guard opened the door and everyone came to the living room.

Li luoran gradually clarified the whole story from the narration of Feng Qianji and Lu Mingyue

It turns out that after learning that Lu Mingyue was kidnapped, Feng qianzhen didn't go to the production group to shoot again, but asked for leave to try to find Lu Mingyue.

The explosion of the instrument made by Lu Mingyue successfully attracted the fire. Later, the two kidnappers were chased and intercepted by the police. Many police officers were killed in the fierce exchange of fire. The purple haired kidnapper was also killed on the spot. The surviving blue haired kidnapper fled into the mountain forest with Mingyue.

In the process of escaping from the mountain forest, blue hair kidnapper accidentally found a child's body. He immediately burned the body with branches and leaves, and then took Mingyue to land to continue to escape. In this way, the police officers were successfully distracted by the body. The kidnapper took Mingyue to escape from the mountain forest, and stopped a car on the road outside the mountain forest, then drove to land Mingyue to continue to escape.

Feng qianzhen, who has been paying close attention to the real-time dynamics of the incident, also arrived at the scene when the police officers exchanged fire with the kidnappers. After the kidnappers fled into the mountain forest, Feng qianzhen did not go to the mountain forest with the police officers to track them, but went to the road under the mountain forest to break off.

It was a mistake. Sure enough, he hit me

The place where the kidnapper robbed the car was only a few hundred meters away from the waiting position of fengqianshe. When the kidnapper ran away with the robbed car and landed on Lu Mingyue, fengqianshe chased after him. The kidnapper had already run out of bullets when he exchanged fire with the police, and he could not kill fengqianshe. The ordinary car he robbed could not run fengqianshe's luxury car. The kidnapper watched the wind Shallowly the car chase closer and closer, in order to protect themselves, even crazy to push the moon out of the car.

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Where does Feng Qianji care to go on chasing the kidnappers?

He immediately braked to save Mingyue.

Fortunately, Mingyue was pushed out of the car and fell into the green belt. The child with flexible bones was also resistant to falling. He was only scratched with blood marks on his neck by a branch, and his life was not in danger

In the days after being kidnapped, xiaomengwa was seriously short of sleep. She was already sleeping in liluoran's arms when she described her heroic deeds.

After this disaster, Li luoran cherishes Lu Mingyue even more. Although xiaomengwa is asleep, Li luoran still holds him.


Speaking of the hoarse voice of Feng Qian, who looked at Li luoran discontentedly,

"you don't express any feelings about my heroic performance."

Li luoran's vision turned from Lu Mingyue's face to Feng qianzhen, "you are very brave."

“……” The wind is shallow,

"what else

Brave?Isn't that what he said when he praised himself?

Do you want to be so perfunctory?

What else do you want to hear

The wind shrugged, "I don't know. I just want to know what you think of me." Although it doesn't matter what he said, his evil face looks like he saved the galaxy and asked for praise.

Li luoran knows fengqianhe too well. Of course, she knows what she wants to hear.

So, Li luoran put Lu Mingyue on the sofa and rubbed her cool blonde hair with her little hand while she was laughing. "Qianwei, I always thought you were the kind of cynical man. You are good at playing. I think you are good at nothing except playing and this delicate face that makes thousands of girls drool. After this, I found that I was wrong, I was wrong It's crazy. "

"Well!" Feng Qianji's waist was straight enough, but he was so elated that he just straightened it up again,

"Why are you so wrong?"

Li luoran looked at him seriously, "you are not only the most beautiful person in the world, but also the most courageous person in the world. You are the superhero of me and Mingyue. I adore you. I think Mingyue will adore you like me after this."

Feng Qianji is about to fly when he is praised. He pattes Li luoran on the shoulder with pride.

"although I admire myself very much, I will not forget myself. After all, I just do what I should do. This kind of thing is nothing to me."

"Cough! Cough On one side, Jiang Xiaojing tried not to laugh.

A person's face value and IQ are often inversely proportional

At this time, Jiang Xiaojing's most skeptical words.

But the performance of Feng Qianji always verifies the correctness of this sentence time and again.

As a matter of fact, fengqianji is very smart under normal conditions. His ability to read lines is beyond our expectation. But once he meets Li luoran, his IQ and EQ will drop rapidly to the level of an idiot like a cold current. He is always coaxed out of his mind by Li luoran.

Why is there such a strange species in the world?!

"Yes, yes!" In fact, I don't want to admire you, but you are so powerful that everyone can't help admiring you

The wind is shallow, the music is blooming, "that is, that is..."

Jiang Xiaojing looks disdainful.

No one has noticed that Xiao Qian's painting on the sofa has always had a good look. Since the appearance of Feng qianshe, Xiao Qian's painting has not said a word, but sometimes cast a hateful look at Feng qianshe.

It's not that he helped Li luoran find the moon.

Xiao Qianhua also hopes that Mingyue will return safely as soon as possible.

However, every time he saw Feng qianzhen talking with Li luoran, he was very upset, and Li luoran did not hesitate to move.

No wonder when Lu Shaochen and Li luoran got along well, they regarded Feng qianzhen as the number one enemy more terrible than Jin Qian

Jin Qian is a man of integrity. No matter how deeply he feels about Li luoran, he will stick to the bottom line and keep a distance from Li luoran, but the wind is not the same. He never changes his mind about Li luoran. He dares to move in front of Xiao Qian's painting. I don't know what he dares to do!

At this time, officer Zhang called Li luoran.

It turned out that officer Zhang did not know where he heard that Mingyue had been rescued by Fengqian, so he called to confirm.

Li luoran said he was sure and told officer Zhang that Mingyue had been sent back safely by Fengqian.

Officer Zhang means that the police will try their best to track down the kidnappers, and told Li luoran to be more careful before the kidnappers are arrested.

Of course, Li luoran will be more careful.

Although this matter has come to an end for the time being, the kidnappers have left Li luoran with too many questions. Until now, Li luoran still doesn't know why the kidnappers are trying to get her to Lu Shaochen's bed.

Li luoran is a man of principle.

Although she was forced to divorce Lu Shaochen at the beginning, and she had no choice but to marry Xiao Qianhua, according to her temperament, she would never cross the bottom line of marriage and have an extra marital relationship with Lu Shaochen again

However, the kidnappers forced her to cross the line.

It was also after this storm that Li luoran discovered that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong were not what Jin Xintong said. Lu Shaochen originally wanted to defend herself for her. It was Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua who conspired to make Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong a real couple, and that was the only time between Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong

"Do you want to see Lu Shaochen?"

The sound of Xiao Qian's painting rings.


Li luoran's voice trembled because he was guilty.


She was really thinking about Lu Shaochen. Did Xiao Qian see through her mind?

Xiao Qianhua, "the guard called, Lu Shaochen at the door, let him in?"Well

It turned out that Lu Shaochen had come, not that Xiao Qian had seen through his mind.

Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief. Before he answered, Xiao Qianhua shook his head sourly and said, "Oh What else can I do? "

Pick up the cell phone and say to the guard, "open the door for him."

Li luoran, "..."

Jiang Xiaojing, "..."

The wind is shallow

Before long, Lu Shaochen's black Rolls Royce drove into the yard, and the figures of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong appeared at the door.

"Bright moon!" Before Lu Shaochen had time to speak, Jin Xintong happily ran into the room. No matter Mingyue was sleeping, she excitedly picked Mingyue up on the sofa,

"Mingyue, you scared Mommy, my baby son, are you ok? Bright moon

Ecstatic look, infecting everyone.

"Special!" When Xiao Tong and Xiao Tong come to the front of the performance room, they don't like each other.

The startled little girl opened her eyes and then went on sleeping.

Jin Xintong shakes him harder, "Mingyue, I'm Mommy! Don't you miss Mommy? Why are you still sleeping? Why don't you open your eyes to Mommy? "

"Baby! Wake up



Li luoran really can't bear to see Jin Xintong continue to toss the moon, just want to stop, the wind shallow has been ahead of Li luoran said, "the child is innocent, you can't let him go?"

“……” Jin Xintong quickly turned into a grateful smile after a slight pause,

"Mr. Feng, officer Zhang told me on the phone that you saved Mingyue. Shaochen and I are very grateful to you."

The wind shallow Chen Yang face, "save it, don't be grateful, you are godfather's heart tip pet, how do I want your gratitude?" As he spoke, he cast his eyes on Lu Shaochen's paralyzed face,

"besides, don't call me teacher Feng. I can't stand it. Lu Shaochen is my godfather. In terms of seniority and age, Ranran and I have to call you godmother."

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