You,Under My Name

Chapter 381: 381

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Shortly after Lu Shaochen left, Li luoran received a call from the guard.

It turns out that although Mingyue survived, the kidnappers are still at large. Lu Shaochen worried that the tragedy would happen again, so he sent a bodyguard to protect Mingyue.

Li luoran immediately asked the security guard to let the bodyguard in.

About three minutes later, a black car appeared in Li luoran's view. When the door was opened, Li luoran only saw a burly figure in a distance. He was wearing a black suit and looked like a big man.

Li luoran lowered his head and continued to read the script.

Suddenly, the bodyguard came into the living room and said, "Mr. Lu wants me to protect the young master."


Li luoran was surprised that what she heard was a female voice. She raised her head and saw the familiar face. She couldn't help exclaiming her name,

"Alan? Why are you

Alan's face is expressionless. "I haven't seen you for hours. What's so unexpected?"

Li luoran sticks out his tongue.

All right!

She did just meet Alan at the hospital.

Li luoran understands that Alan is a very powerful bodyguard. At the beginning, Su Su wanted to kill Chu Xingchen. Lu Shaochen specially asked Alan to protect Chu Xingchen. After Su Su Su died, although Chu Xingchen was not in danger, Lu Shaochen still asked Alan to protect him. Now, Mingyue is threatened by the kidnappers, Lu Shaochen asked Alan to protect Mingyue.

In fact, Li luoran has decided not to send Lu Mingyue to kindergarten before the police catch the kidnapper, but to leave him at home all the time. However, considering that the kidnapper's intelligence is extremely high, Li luoran is still worried that the kidnapper will rush into the house to hijack Mingyue. Now with Alan as the patron saint, Li luoran is relieved.

Li luoran takes Alan to the second floor to see Lu Mingyue's bedroom, and arranges the bedroom adjacent to Mingyue for Alan to live in.

The moon didn't wake up until evening.

Xiaomengwa first politely greets Li luoran, then stares at Alan curiously with big black eyes, "who are you?"

Alan has no expression. "Alan."

“Alan!” "Are you English?" asked the baby, who is familiar with four languages

Alan looked serious, "my father is from western countries, my mother is from this country, I was born in my father's country, only half a westerner."

“……” Xiaomengwa holds her chin in her little hand. She looks at Li luoran and Alan, as if she is thinking about something carefully. Finally, she asks with a smile,

"are you a boy or a girl?"

Li luoran, "..." I doubt that xiaomengwa is making fun of Alan!

However, looking at xiaomengwa's prudence, he is very serious.

Alan, "girl."

"Why are girls so tall, so strong, and so loud?" she said

Li luoran feels that she wants to do a good job of popularizing science for little cute baby, so how to not make girls angry.

Alan didn't show any sign of anger, but he still said seriously, "my mother is as tall as me. In your country, my mother's type can't be married. In my father's country, boys like tall and strong girls, so my father loves my mother very much."

Xiaomengwa looks confused.

Obviously, I don't understand why Alan's father loves her and why his mother is so strong.

In fact, Lu Mingyue is very picky about her friends, and Alan seems to be stiff and boring. Li luoran was worried that he would not get along with Alan. Unexpectedly, Mingyue and Alan had a good time.

Alan basically doesn't take the initiative to speak. No matter what Mingyue asks, he always answers questions like a good student who is called by the teacher. Although he doesn't understand humor at all, he never deals with it. Mingyue seems to like this type very much.

Xiao ran didn't go to sleep until he saw Luo Qian.

The next day, as soon as Li luoran got out of the bedroom, Xiao Qianhua, who had been waiting outside the door, came up and said, "let's talk about the woman man."


Must mean Alan?

Li luoran shrugged, "she is the one Lu Shaochen sent to protect Mingyue. Lu Shaochen is Mingyue's father. It is reasonable for him to send a bodyguard to protect his son. Is there anything to talk about?"

"Really?" Xiao Qian painted a face in mourning,

"I don't think Lu Shaochen's intention is so simple."

Li luoran only thinks that Xiao Qian's painting is unreasonable, she disdains to pull her lips, "what's the point of protecting one's own son? How come he's not simple? "

Xiao Qianhua said, "I don't deny that the main purpose of Lu Shaochen's sending this fake man is to protect Mingyue, but his intention is by no means so simple. He clearly took this opportunity to insert inside information into our house. From now on, all the secrets between us can't escape Lu Shaochen's surveillance."“……”

Li luoran fell into silence.

thought deeply about it. Xiao Qian's words were quite reasonable. With Lu Shaochen's eye liner, Lu Shaochen was just like he lived in Li Luo dyeing and Xiao Qian painters, who knew everything about the family.

"So, drive her away!"

Xiao Qianhua solemnly puts his right hand on Li luoran's shoulder,

"leaving this fake man in our house is tantamount to letting Lu Shaochen install a surveillance camera in our house. All our privacy will be exposed. You can rest assured that even without her, I will ask the bodyguard to protect Mingyue."

"Don't worry, let me think about it!" Li luoran thought seriously for about five seconds. Finally, he shook his head,

"no! I want to keep her


Xiao Qianhua never thought that Li luoran would make the wrong decision even though he had made the truth so clear.

Li pushed his hand away and ignored him.

"Why on earth?"

Behind him came the question of Xiao Qian's painting.

Li luoran didn't look back and said, "I think Alan is very good. She protects the moon. I can rest assured."

"It's just an excuse. If you drive her away, I can ask 10, 20, 100 bodyguards like her to keep the moon safe 24 hours a day. You insist on keeping her, not because you can rest assured." Xiao Qian said reluctantly.

Li luoran said with a smile, "since you think so, it's up to you. In a word, you forced me to live in this villa with you. Since I live here, I am the owner here. I have the same right to make decisions as you. You just need to know that it's my decision to leave Alan, and you don't have the right to drive her away."

While talking, I want to walk in the bathroom.

“……” Xiao Qian's painting is a stay at first, and the next second, the extremely beautiful corner of his mouth evokes a sour arc,

"what do you think Alan is very good, what she protects the moon, you can rest assured, what you have the right, excuse! All are excuses! What do you really think in your heart is that you want to show your heart to Lu Shaochen through this man's mother-in-law? "

Li luoran's words were so unexpected and shocked that her front foot just stepped into the washroom and was petrified like a sculpture,

"you What are you talking about? " Looking back in amazement and confused at the handsome man standing in the morning light,

"what do you mean?"

"Don't be silly!" Xiao Qian's face is jealous and his eyes are sarcastic,

"you never give up on Lu Shaochen, but you can't put down your face to tell Lu Shaochen that you have always kept a distance from me. You just tell Lu Shaochen how loyal you have been to him through Alan's mouth."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran couldn't believe what he heard.

However, she does not explain, also does not deny, on the contrary haughty smile, "perhaps Lu Shaochen is to monitor you and Jin Xintong?"

Remembering the unbearable scene of himself and Jin Xintong yesterday, Xiao Qianhua is ashamed.

Li luoran looked up and said, "Xiao Qianhua, if you don't mention this kind of thing, I can't think of it. According to what you say, I think Lu Shaochen deliberately arranged Alan to come to our house, in case his wife and you put a green hat on him in this house. What do you think?"

Xiao Qian's face was blue and red for a while, but he could not say a word any more.

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With a proud smile, Li luoran turned and went into the washroom.


Although Li luoran also wants to stay at home with Mingyue.

However, in the past, she always delayed the progress of the whole production team because of her own private affairs. Now that Lu Mingyue is safe, Li luoran can no longer affect the whole production team in order to accompany her children, so she went to the shooting base.

It's still the familiar shooting base.

Li luoran found that after more than a year, this shooting base seems to have become another home of his own, and filming here has become a way of life of his own. Every time he comes here, Li luoran has a kind of affinity of fate.

Walk into the shooting base.

Shu Xinshuang came up and took her arm as before,

"Ranran, I learned the story from Shaochen, alas! I think I'm not qualified as a friend, but I can't do my best when you're involved in such a big business. "

Li luoran said with a smile, "what are you talking about? It's strange if you can do your best. "

Not to mention Shu Xinshuang, after Mingyue was kidnapped, Li luoran always felt powerless. The only thing he could do was to be obedient to the kidnappers, and was manipulated by the kidnappers like a doll.

After Mingyue was kidnapped, Shu Xinshuang also wanted to ask for leave to accompany Li luoran like Jiang Xiaojing, but Li luoran resolutely refused, because Li luoran knew that at that time, even the two police officers had no way to take the kidnappers. Even if Shu Xinshuang went to accompany Li luoran, it would not help, on the contrary, it would only waste Shu Xinshuang's timeAlthough Shu Xinshuang didn't accompany Li luoran, she still cared about Li luoran. Every day, Shu Xinshuang would make dozens of phone calls to ask Li luoran about the situation.

as Li luoran, Shu Xinshuang has done enough, and Li luoran is very grateful.

"By the way, Ranran, someone just told me that Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua were caught by Shaochen in the bathroom. Is that true or false?" Shuxinshuang's clear voice sounded again.

Although Shu Xinshuang didn't name her, Li luoran instantly guessed that Shu Xinshuang's so-called "someone" was Feng Qianyi.

First of all, even though Lu Shaochen and Shu Xinshuang are very familiar, Lu Shaochen almost does not hide any secrets from Shu Xinshuang, but with Lu Shaochen's character, he will never tell anyone about the things that affect Jin Xintong's reputation;

secondly, although Lu Wanyue has a big mouth, Lu Wanyue and Shu Xinshuang do not like each other, and they often open mutual pinching mode without saying a word Therefore, Lu Wanyue is also excluded.

Except Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue, the only person in the crew who knew about yesterday's scandal was Feng Qianji.

Feng Qianyu is an open-minded man. According to his temperament, he is not only shameless, but also shows off to Shu Xinshuang that he and Lu Wanyue are in the same boat as a heroic deeds

"Sure enough!"

Although Li luoran didn't give a positive answer, Shu Xinshuang could see the answer from her eyes,

"xiaojinben is a poor man. She must have the heart to die when she is teased by Lu Wanyue."

Li luoran nodded.

Isn't it?

Shu Xinshuang continued, "although I don't want this kind of thing to happen, since it has happened, I'm itching. How wonderful the picture must be. I really want to go back to the scene yesterday to see it with my own eyes."

“……” Frightened, Li luoran stops,

"no, Xinshuang, do you want to be so dark?"

What's more, the picture is really not good-looking, OK?

Xiao Qianhua and Jin Xintong are both wearing clothes. They are in the posture of leaning back against the wall. All the places are covered tightly. But Jin Xintong's voice makes people blush

Shu Xinshuang's cheeks flushed slightly. "I'm just talking about it. What are you excited about?"

At this time, Li luoran inadvertently saw Lu Wanyue standing at the gate of the "imperial palace". Her eyes lit up and the thief said with a smile, "I secretly tell you that Lu Wanyue took a video at that time. If you really want to see it, you can ask her for it."

Shu Xinshuang said, "the giant baby Lu Wanyue?! Cut! Forget it

Two people laugh as they walk.

When I was about to go to Lu Wanyue's side, I was silent.

Seeing Li luoran getting closer and closer, Lu Wanyue came to her and said, "your car is very good. If only I could drive a few more days."

A car key flies to liluoran.

Li luoran catches it and immediately throws it back to Lu Wanyue, "then you can drive a few more days."


Lu Wanyue clenched the key which reserved the temperature of Li luoran. Looking at Li luoran, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Knowing Lu Wanyue's temperament, Li luoran doesn't expect Lu Wanyue to say any polite words, and takes Shu Xinshuang to continue walking to the "imperial palace".

Shu Xinshuang shook his head. "The shelf is really big. Is it so difficult to say" thank you "

Lu Wanyue glared, "mind your own business, it's none of your business!"

Shu Xinshuang did not show any weakness to reply, "I didn't name you. How do you know I'm talking about you? Are you the kind of person I'm talking about, so you can't habitually put your hat on your head when you hear others say this?"

"You..." Lu Wanyue stamped her feet in anger.

Shuxinshuang also wants to tease Lu Wanyue. Li luoran doesn't want to see them pinch her. She pulls shuxinshuang into the "Palace".

The palace is full of excitement.

Because not only Feng Qianchen and Wang Zimo, the representatives of the whole cast, but also Lu Shaochen, the eye-catching man, are at the scene. Just one of the three men with the beauty of the golden age makes the girls dazzled. The three of them appear at the same time, which is undoubtedly a great beauty.

Li luoran realized why all the way to the palace, all the men around her were attracted to the palace to see the beautiful scenery

Due to the nature of fengqianshe, there are a lot of gossip about her "like men" on the Internet. Therefore, in order to refute rumors, fengqianshe is always far away from people of the same gender.

Today's Fengqian is very unusual. From the beginning of entering the "Palace", Li luoran found that Fengqian was around Lu Shaochen. He not only laughed at Lu Shaochen, but also occasionally made some kind of intimate moves to Lu Shaochen.

Attracted countless questioning eyes.

Li luoran's mind can't help showing the picture of the wind kissing Lu Shaochen yesterday.

Today's film is about the dispute between Li luoran, Feng Qianhe and Lu Wanyue.

After learning the news, Li luoran was quite surprised.When he saw Lu Shaochen at the scene, Li luoran thought that he would shoot a play related to Lu Shaochen today. Because Lu Shaochen is very busy, he usually comes to the crew only after he has to go on the stage to shoot.

As a former makeup artist, Li Yuran used to make up for Luoxin.

An hour or so later, Li luoran was absorbed in reciting the script. When she came to the studio, she was dressed in green clothes, with black hair and a green dragon sword hanging around her waist. She was like a female Xia who had strayed into the time tunnel from ancient times to modern times.

"Well! It's beautiful. It's my dish. I'll spoil you when I'm in bed tonight. " Come to Li luoran in front of the wind shallow, squinting enchanting blue eyes in front of her than a "love".

Li luoran is also used to the style of wind shallow. He doesn't beat him or scold him. He just turns around and walks away.

Feng Qianji still wants to chase Li luoran and continue to make fun of him. A cold shadow blocks him. He has no time to stop and bumps into this figure.

He frowned in displeasure, and was about to say something like "let people go". Seeing that Lu Shaochen was blocking him, he immediately turned into a smiling face and said, "ha ha, it turned out to be godfather. I'm sorry, Godfather. It's my fault that I just walked and didn't look at the road. Does it hurt when I hit you? Shall I rub it for you? "

Before his right hand touched Lu Shaochen's clothes, he was scared back by Lu Shaochen's cold eyes.

At this moment, the wind suddenly realized what he had done wrong.

In fact, although Lu Shaochen's face is black, he usually doesn't stare at people with such ferocious eyes. Only in one case can Lu Shaochen show this kind of hungry wolf's eyes

When someone teases Li luoran!

Such a look is not only a warning, but also a threat.

It's also this kind of threat that makes Feng qianzhen think of the luxury car that Lu Shaochen has promised him, but he hasn't succeeded in getting it. This is the reason why Feng has been sticking to Lu Shaochen and flattering Lu Shaochen regardless of other people's eyes.

Now Lu Shaochen is clearly warning him with his eyes that if he is so close to Li luoran, he will never get his car.


I want to slap myself in the face.

What's wrong with him?

At this point, molesting Li luoran is not a death?

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