You,Under My Name

Chapter 382: 382

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Feng qianzhen did not dare to stay in front of Lu Shaochen, sold a smile, and walked to the shooting area behind Li luoran.

Lu Wanyue, who is used to putting on airs and letting others wait, although she has been ready for a long time, after Li luoran and Feng Qianchen both came on the stage, she deliberately made excuses and delayed for more than ten minutes before she was the last one to enter.

It's a big play with both emotion and conflict. It's not expected that the total time will take up about 11 minutes in a movie with nearly 100 minutes. It's also the most important thing in the whole movie.

All the staff were well prepared and the atmosphere was especially dignified.

Everything is ready.

Director Song Yi shouts, "action."

Lu Wanyue's Witch red robe is standing at the air outlet, looking coldly at the beautiful woman coming against the light of the setting sun.

After a while, Hua Mo Li, who is played by Li luoran, comes to Lu Wanyue. She points to the red witch's face and says, "it's you who poisoned master mo. what do you want to do? Why do you want to harm him if you save him

The red witch sneered, "I saved him to get him. I told him earlier that if he went to you again, I would get his life back. If you want to blame yourself, you should blame yourself for making him crazy."

Flower Mo Li raises eyebrow, "less long winded, give me antidote."

"Oh..." The enchanting face of the red witch was full of satire, "the antidote is your heart. If you want to save him so much, dig out your heart and give it to him."

"You Hua Moli's anger soared,

"it's said that you have a herb bag. All your poisons and antidotes are in it. Give it to me."

The red witch subconsciously stroked her chest and said, "is your message quite well-informed? Yes! The antidote is on me. If you have the ability, come and get it. "

It's no use to say anything more. Hua Moli stabs the red witch with a sword.

The two men were entangled.

At this time, the camera pulls to the distance, and the emperor, played by Feng Qianji, rides on a white horse and arrives at the scene against the blood red sun. He dismounts in a hurry, shakes his arms and shouts,

"don't fight!"

"Stop it"

"stop it all!"

"If you don't stop, I will kill you

However, fengqianhe was the emperor in the imperial court, but he was nothing in the world dominated by the Wulin alliance leader. No matter how he gave orders, the two women were still fighting fiercely.

After all, the red witch is good at witchcraft. She is far from Hua Moli's opponent in martial arts. Hua Moli doesn't want to hurt the red witch. Her purpose is to subdue the red Witch and force her to hand over the antidote, so she shows mercy everywhere.

The red witch was forced to be more and more passive, and was about to be controlled by Hua Mo Li.

At this time, the red witch uses a deadly blood witchcraft. She bites her finger and raises a piece of blood mist. Hua Moli is blinded by the blood mist. According to the direction of the script, the red witch takes advantage of this opportunity to rise up and release the ten thousand poison curse on Hua Moli

Lu Wanyue's body has already been wrapped with a wire rope sling.

The off-site staff slowly pulled Lu Wanyue to a height of nearly three meters from the ground through a mechanical arm. At this moment, Lu Wanyue, who was "suspended" in the air, reached into her arms to take the poison from her herb bag.

I don't know what part Lu Wanyue touched by mistake. Li luoran only hears a clear metal sound of "Ding". The next moment, Lu Wanyue's body loses its balance, screams "ah", and falls face down to the ground.

"Be careful!"

Li luoran subconsciously meets Lu Wanyue.

A tall figure ran past her at a very fast speed and took Lu Wanyue in her arms before her.


Lu Wanyue was also shocked. She looked at the man holding her for a long time and couldn't say a word.

It's the wind.

At this time, the evil face of Feng Qian was slightly twisted. Although Lu Wanyue was not heavy, she fell from a high place. The moment Feng Qian caught her, she took more weight than Lu Wanyue. Even if he was strong, his arms were numb.

Lu Wanyue, who gradually recovered, "do you take advantage of it? Why don't you take your salty hands away? "

The wind is shallow, so I feel strange.

Lu Wanyue fell down on her stomach. Therefore, when Fengqian picked her up, his hand was just touching Lu Wanyue's privacy

The style of painting is wonderful.

"Er..." Feng Qianji was also very embarrassed. He put Lu Wanyue on the ground in a hurry,

"ha ha, I'm really sorry. In fact, I can't blame him all. I think I can't avoid it."

It's not that he didn't want to let Lu Wanyue go for the first time. It's just that his arms were shocked and numb. For a moment, he could only keep the graceful posture of holding and landing, and didn't dare to move at all.

"What are you talking about! Believe it or not, I'll fan you to death Lu Wanyue raised her hand and pretended to fight against the wind.

Feng Qianji stepped back two steps, disdaining in her enchanting blue eyes,

"it's bad luck for labor and capital. I knew it would be good to see you fall to the ground." As he spoke, he looked at the landing tactfully and said with a smile,"You have excellent shock absorption effect, even if you fall on the ground, you will be OK, ouch, I'll be on the ground because Lu Wanyue raised her long leg and kicked her in the stomach.

Feng Qianji covered his stomach with both hands, and looked at him wrongly and angrily, "are you wrong? Labor saved your life. How do you repay labor in this way? "

Looking at him condescensively, Lu Wanyue said, "who is so rare that you can save him? You're right. I've got my own shock absorber. I'll be safe if I fall to the ground. "

The wind is shallow

Everyone in the room was hit by five thunderbolts.

Lu Wanyue walked out of the shooting scene in the eyes of a crowd.

Director Song Yi Ran to Lu Wanyue in a hurry, "Wanyue, do you have something to do?"

"You didn't see me caught by Mr. Feng. What can I do for you?" Lu Wanyue rolled her eyes,

"what's the matter with this crew? I'm risking my life to make a film, but I don't even have any security? Fortunately, I didn't fly high just now. If I fly more than ten meters high, not only I will die, but also the person who picked me up will be killed. Are you trying to kill people? "

Song Yi said with a smile, "what I'm saying is, what I'm saying is, don't be angry with Miss Lu. I'll report to the person in charge. If I shoot this kind of dangerous scene in the future, it will definitely add double no Triple insurance. "

Lu Wanyue unconsciously looked to the position where fengqianhe was, "hum, it's almost the same. If this happens again in the future, be careful if my brother is not happy. If my brother is not happy, you all have to go away."

Wang Zimo, Qin Weijie and several other directors of the cast also surrounded Lu Wanyue. Who is Lu Wanyue She is the younger sister who is held by Lu Shaochen like a treasure, and Lu Shaochen is the behind the scenes investor of the whole drama group. Can't you hold her like Lu Shaochen?

Here, like all the stars holding the moon, we gather around the landing and politely ask questions.

Over there, the dusty wind is still squatting on the ground with his hands covering his stomach. Only Li luoran is still with him in the same place.

Li luoran held out a small hand to him, "can I help you?"


He wanted to stand up by himself, but in the middle of it, because his arms and abdomen hurt badly, he sat down on the ground again.


Knowing that Feng Qianji is stubborn, Li luoran simply doesn't pull him, but sits on the ground with him. She grabs Feng Qianji's arm with her right hand,

"do you want to go to the hospital?"

Feng Qianwei shook his head, "I'm ok. Don't touch me. Don't you know that men and women are not compatible? I'm a man of integrity. I don't want to be gossiped. "

Li luoran had no choice but to take his hand away from Fengqian's arm.

From the heart for the wind shallow worry.

At the moment when fengqianshe catches Lu Wanyue, Li luoran beside fengqianshe clearly sees that fengqianshe's face is twisted badly. Later, fengqianshe looks like nothing on the surface, but if you look carefully, you will still see the pain in his eyes.

Feng Qianji is a person who is used to no matter how much pain he has.

What's more, the power of the falling objects is amazing. Just now, fengqianhe catches Lu Wanyue forcefully. It's impossible to say that fengqianhe doesn't hurt at all. The more he pretends to be nothing, the more uneasy Li luoran is.

"Well, it's not really what I think in my heart." The wind is shallow, the blue eyes are narrowed,

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"I'm still eager to be cared by you. Just because my godfather is here, I can only tell you to stay away from me. I don't want to ruin my car for a moment."

Li luoran, "..."

Feng qianzhen stole a look at Lu Shaochen. Seeing that Lu Shaochen was not paying attention to himself, he continued to say with a smile, "so when godfather is not here, you can go to my house as you please."


Li luoran almost couldn't help kicking at the wind like Lu Wanyue.

It's no wonder that Lu Wan's date avenged his kindness when he thought of what Feng qianzhen had just said to Lu Wanyue. Feng's goods are good everywhere. Everything is bad in a bad mouth. In this world, there are no jokes he dare not make

"Well, I ask you, do you admire me now?" The sound of the shallow wind once again sounded in Li luoran's ears.

Li luoran nodded, "a little bit?"

The wind is shallow to pick eyebrow complacently, "yesterday Xiao thousand painting and brocade Heart Tong......"

"Well! All right

From Feng qianshe's unkind eyes, she can see that the goods are going to make jokes next. Li luoran interrupts her,

"I really don't want to hit you. You should sober up yourself."


Although there are a group of people around Lu Wanyue like a top, Lu Wanyue, who grew up in the love between Lu Shaochen and an Jiaren, disdains them completely. She drives them away impatiently and goes straight to Lu Shao, who has nothing to do with them,"I was in such great danger that I almost lost my life. Even outsiders cared about me for the first time, but you always stood outside the crowd. You didn't care about me at all."

Lu Shaochen lightly looked at the group of people, "when you fell, only me, Ranran and Qianhe ran to save you without hesitation. None of those people who you thought cared about you responded. After you were safe, the people who really wanted to save you didn't respond when you had an accident. Those people who had never thought of saving you immediately surrounded you. What did you think of?"

“……” Lu Wanyue could not help feeling,

"sorry, brother, I misunderstood you."

Lu Shaochen shook his head, "I don't care. I'm not the one who is most wronged."

Lu Wanyue couldn't help looking at the wind again.

Feng Qianji is still sitting at the scene of the accident. It's him who saves people. He should be the one who should be cared about most. However, because he was robbed of the limelight by Lu Wanyue, he was ignored by everyone. Only Li luoran was with him.

"Brother, I feel shallow..." Lu Wanyue wanted to say something, but she took it back.

Lu Shaochen's inky eyes, dark as night, were slightly tight

Lu Wanyue nibbles her lips and reproaches herself in her clear eyes.

"in fact, I think that although shallow Chen's mouth is a bit cheap, he is still heroic in his desperate rescue. I should have appreciated him, but Alas! I just can't control myself. I hit him. "

"Well." Lu Shaochen nodded with satisfaction,

"so? How do you want to make it up? "

Lu Wanyue looked confused, "some things are done, how can you compensate?"

Lu Shaochen, "you can marry him."

"Cut!" Lu Wanyue immediately looked contemptuous,

"brother, are you crazy? According to your logic, even if a pig saves me, I will promise myself to compensate the pig? "

Lu Shaochen said, "I'm just joking. Don't get excited."

During the conversation, he turned his eyes to fengqianshe with a look of admiration.

"I have met many people, some of whom are very talented, some of whom are famous, and some of whom are selfless, but only qianshe is the one I really admire. Seriously, in front of qianshe, I feel inferior to myself..."

Lu Shaochen's eyes are like looking at an idol,

"he looks more handsome than me, but he is never proud. He seems a bit of a girl, but he is not a girl at all. In his heart, he is a super tough guy. He can go all out to chase the kidnapper alone, and the kidnapper killed six police officers with a gun before, which I can't do! But I don't hesitate to help you when you are in danger! It's my pride to have such an excellent son. "

Lu Wanyue was obviously rhythmic by Lu Shaochen. After listening to Lu Shaochen's high praise of Fengqian, she remembered that Fengqian had just saved herself. Unexpectedly, she unconsciously showed her respect for Fengqian

A warmth came from the shoulder.

Lu Shaochen patted the landing tactful shoulder with his big hand, "tactful, but it's a pity that I'm a man. If I'm a girl, I'll go after him at all costs."

Is that right?

In fact, this is not the first time that Lu Shaochen has boasted about fengqianshe in front of Lu Wanyue. When Lu Shaochen wanted to arrange her engagement with fengqianshe, he almost blew fengqianshe in front of her.

At that time, Lu Wanyue disdained Fengqian.

Of course, Feng Qian also disdained Lu Wanyue.

As a result, after they were forced to meet, they had a quarrel in front of their parents and Lu Shaochen and broke up with each other.

Feng Qianji has a special liking for Li luoran.

Lu Wanyue only thought about Lu Shaochen.

No matter how good the wind is, Lu Wanyue has never felt the wind.

However, this time, looking at Feng qianshe from a distance and thinking about the scenes she and Feng qianshe had experienced together, Lu Wanyue had an unprecedented palpitation in her heart

Lu Wanyue didn't see it. At this moment, Lu Shaochen's black gem like beautiful eyes passed a trace of success.

As early as yesterday, after Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua had an accident, Lu Shaochen thought that the previous scene when the wind was so shallow that he pulled out the bird's nest and fell off the tree was an opportunity to make medicine for Lu Wanyue.

Lu Shaochen did not tear it down.

First of all, Xiao Qian's painting is a terrible opponent. He doesn't want Feng Qian to breed hatred with Xiao Qian's painting.

Secondly, although what Lu Wanyue and Feng qianshe have done is dishonorable, Lu Shaochen also hopes to see the cooperation between them.

Lu Shaochen always hoped that Lu Wanyue and Feng Qianhe could go together.

However, Lu Wanyue is still an unconscious girl, he can only wait.

At this moment, although Lu Wanyue is reluctant to talk about her deep thoughts, Lu Shaochen has already realized that she has moved the girl's heart to the wind


Due to the sudden accident, Lu Wanyue, Li luoran and Feng qianzhen have great psychological fluctuations, so the crew decided to let all the staff rest for half an hour.Time goes by.

Li luoran is very strange, always active wind shallow even has been sitting on the ground, refused to stand up.

As time went on, Li luoran became more and more uneasy. She nudged the wind and said, "Hey, are you doing anything?"

The wind is shallow, "no What happened... "

The voice was unusually weak.

Li luoran looked at it carefully, and found that Fengqian was pale, and her delicate face was covered with sweat.

“……” Li luoran felt that something was wrong. He came to fengqianshe and forced fengqianshe to pull up her sleeve. After a look, fengqianshe's arms were red and swollen.

Oh, my God!

Li luoran took a breath of cold air, and then waved to Lu Shaochen, "come here and have a look at the shallow pool."

Lu Shaochen's legs are long and his steps are big. After a few strides, he comes to the front and sees Feng's hands. His eyes are deep. The other people who come around to see feng's eyes haven't responded yet. Lu Shaochen has already lowered his body, picked up Feng's hands and started to run out.

I have to admire Lu Shaochen's health.

Fengqianhe is about 185cm tall and weighs about 150kg. Lu Shaochen holds fengqianhe as easily as a doll. Li luoran and Lu Wanyue are running behind him breathlessly, but they can't catch up.

The crew is not allowed to drive in. The shooting scene is more than one kilometer away from the parking lot outside the crew. Lu Shaochen runs to the parking lot with Fengqian in his arms and puts Fengqian in the car.

Lu Shaochen starts the car and drives it out of the parking lot. Li luoran and Lu Wanyue have just run out of the gate of the base. Lu Shaochen drives the car to the gate, lets Li luoran and Lu Wanyue get on the car, and then flies to the hospital.

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