You,Under My Name

Chapter 384: 384

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"If what you say is true, there are 13 first-line female stars in Jiangcheng, and 11 of them are different from each other, then there are at least two who are clean, aren't they? Who are they? "

Li luoran gingerly throws out this question.

Xiao Qian painted, "you are so happy."

Li luoran's heart is full of mixed feelings.

Just listen to Xiao Qian's painting continue to light as breeze, "according to the potential rules in this circle, girls who do not devote themselves can never be popular, you and shuxinshuang are just lucky to meet Lu Shaochen, otherwise, you will never have a bright future."

Li luoran couldn't help remembering the hardships he had experienced when he took part in song and dance Shengping.

At that time, she was clearly the strongest player. Although she ranked first in the total score, she was "eliminated from the inside" by the black judges when she was promoted to the top eight because there was no backstage. Fortunately, Lu Shaochen supported her, and she successfully revived.

Later, Li luoran encountered many dark scenes in song and dance Shengping. It was Lu Shaochen who helped her escape from danger.

However, she won the championship of song and dance Shengping, but she still hasn't got rid of the misfortune of the hidden track -- the crew of the golden age imperial concubine broke the contract with the intervention of Su Yan, excluded her champion, and replaced Bai Qingwan with the leading role

Later, Li luoran was selected by wangzimo to play "the queen of demons". When the sequel was made, Li luoran knew that Lu Shaochen was the behind the scenes investor of "the queen of demons". In the final analysis, although the main reason Li luoran was selected by wangzimo was that she looked like wangzimo's wife, another reason was that Lu Shaochen was the backstage investor.

Li luoran also heard Shu Xinshuang say that the original Shu Xinshuang was also eliminated after encountering the submarine orbit. Fortunately, Lu Shaochen took a good look at it and became popular.

Who else would have such good luck as she and shuxinshuang?

If they don't have the backstage or don't succumb to the submarine track, they will be strangled in the cradle at the beginning, and there is no chance to get ahead at all

No wonder the original Lu Shaochen did not support Li luoran into the entertainment industry.

Lu Shaochen knows the inside story of this circle too well. He knows that girls like Li luoran are not suitable to live in this circle, while people like Bai Qingwan with a low bottom line can go further.

"Plus a little Jin, she has a good performance in the crew, everyone is very optimistic about her, I will try my best to make her the most popular star today."

Li luoran's thoughts were brought back to reality by Xiao Qian's words.

She immediately nodded her approval.

Jinxintong's acting skills in reality have already reached the level that makes Li luoran marvel. If it is used in acting, it must be incomparable. Moreover, jinxintong's plain face is already picturesque. With a little packaging and beauty, it will kill most of the actresses. At that time, even if jinxintong is too comfortable, Li luoran will not be surprised.

In fact, Li luoran sincerely hopes that Jin Xintong will be well.

Jinxintong is the sister who has half blood relationship with her after all.

Jin Xintong is really suitable to be an actress. If Jin Xintong can realize her life value in the performing arts circle, Li luoran will also be happy for her.

Looking back on the past, both an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue regarded Li luoran as the enemy of life and death, but as time went on, they gradually saw Li luoran's good

Now an Jiaren has regarded Li luoran as her own daughter. Although Lu Wanyue never complains to her, she shows that she has regarded Li luoran as a friend or family member.

Li luoran thinks that Jin Xintong, like an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue, turns enemies into friends!

Xiao Qianhua also wants to take the initiative to stir up the topic. Seeing Li luoran's indifference to him, he thinks that his insistence on being boring will only make Li luoran more disgusted, so he sits back on the sofa and continues to play with his mobile phone.

Li luoran stood in front of the French window.

Looking outside through the clear glass, Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue are playing football happily on the green land with sunset. The picture is so beautiful that Li luoran feels like a fairyland.

Li luoran looked out of the window in a trance.

Xiao Qianhua looked at her in a trance.

He can't remember how many times he has found Li luoran peeping at Lu Shaochen and Lu Mingyue together. His eyes are filled with joy and longing. He knows what Li luoran is longing for.

Every time Xiao Qianhua sees Li luoran's eyes, he can't help but feel hysterical pain.

At the beginning, in order to help Jin Xintong, he did not turn back;

however, every time he thought that he helped Jin Xintong break up Lu Shaochen and Li luoran, Lu Shaochen still pursued Li luoran, and Jin Xintong did not get Lu Shaochen's heart as he wanted. On the contrary, Lu Shaochen, Li luoran and Lu Mingyue, who were supposed to be happy and happy, were fragmented, and even hurt Lu Shaochen to death Now I don't know that Lu Mingyue is his own son with Li luoran. Xiao Qianhua can't help feeling guilty and remorse.

Lu Shaochen and Lu Shaochen turn to the second floor of the room and walk away with their hands in their arms.

Because of the sudden accident, the crew dissolved ahead of time. It was just three o'clock in the afternoon when Li luoran stood alone in his bedroom.Since her divorce from Lu Shaochen, if her busy time is OK, once she has nothing to do, Li luoran always feels a burst of emptiness. Her heart seems to be hollowed out, which makes her helpless.

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"It's the same person who drugged me and put the pinhole camera in my office."

Behind him came the sound of a magnetic flute.

may be as like as two peas of Lu Shaochen, but even when Lu Shaochen is like the voice of Xiao Qian, when he starts to sing, he can judge whether a person is Lu Shaochen or Xiao Qian with a subtle intuition.

Li luoran did not look back, hastily put away his helpless eyes and turned into indifference, "why do others install cameras in your office? Stealing business secrets? "

"I'm in a coma only when I'm in my office under the camera yesterday."

Lu Shaochen's voice is getting closer and closer.

Li luoran understood what Lu Shaochen was saying.

It's no wonder that she didn't think of it at first. From yesterday morning to now, she first went to Lu Shaochen's office to "strengthen" Lu Shaochen, and then went to the hospital with Xiao Qianhua to see Jin Xintong who hit the wall. Later, Mingyue was rescued by Xiao Qianhua, Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua put on a scene of passion in the bathroom, and then today's shooting accident

In less than 30 hours, accidents poured into Li luoran one after another. Her mind was in a mess. How could she remember the details of Lu Shaochen's being drugged?

"That's a cleaner in my company. When she went to clean my office, she put the medicine into my water cup. The pinhole camera was sandwiched between two books on the shelf by her."

Lu Shaochen and Li luoran stood side by side in front of the window, looking at the direction Li luoran was looking at,

"police officer Zhang has taken her away, but she can't give any useful clues. She only said that the person who bought her was a blue haired boy, who was confirmed by police officer Zhang to be the one who kidnapped Mingyue."

No wonder when Li luoran went to the world international building, the kidnapper seemed to be standing beside her and knew her every move like the back of his hand. It turned out that there was an insider!

Although the mysteries that once perplexed Li luoran were solved one by one in her mind, Li luoran's mood could not be relaxed. She sighed leisurely,

"but the kidnapper is still at large. As long as the kidnapper is not caught one day, the moon will be in danger one day, and I will not be at peace one day. How long will this kind of anxious life be?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. With Alan to protect Mingyue, if the kidnapper dares to send him to the door, he will die." Lu Shaochen is full of confidence in Alan.

Li luoran's heart is still heavy.

She didn't notice that Lu Shaochen's long right arm had encircled her slender waist silently. She didn't feel strange until Lu Shaochen applied force to his arm,

"what are you doing Ah... "

His body was shocked violently, so he was pulled into his arms by Lu Shaochen.

The man's strength is so big, Li luoran's soft body and his solid squeeze together, she for a time breathing difficult, can't make a sound, can only look at him in panic.

"Don't move."

Lu Shaochen looked down at her, and his handsome face approached her inch by inch.

“……” Li luoran's lips trembled, which should have pushed him away. However, Lu Shaochen's black gem like eyes seemed to have some magic power. Under the gaze of these eyes, Li luoran seemed to be caught by a big hand

So close to him, their hearts almost collided. Li luoran clearly felt his steady heartbeat, beating her like a hammer one after another.

The breath from his nose is warm as spring, with his unique cool breath of mint, which is irresistible as charm.

Li luoran found out in despair that even though she made up her mind to draw a clear line with Lu Shaochen, when he approached, she could not resist his temptation. Her uncontrollable, volcano like heart beat was as strong as when he first met her.

Lu Shaochen's thin lips are getting closer to her.

Her breathing became more intense.

However, not as hot as Li luoran expected, Lu Shaochen's face suddenly stopped at a distance from her palm. His fingers slowly extended to her eyes and gently touched her delicate skin.

About two seconds later, Lu Shaochen had an extra eyelash between his fingers.

Li luoran was shocked again and had been let go by Lu Shaochen.

Standing in front of the window, Li luoran stroked the windowsill and watched Lu Shaochen throw the eyelash into the garbage can in a trance. He didn't know what was going on. This time, Lu Shaochen just helped her take off her eyelashes, but Li luoran felt even more thrilling than when she was forced to kiss by Lu Shaochen.

"The gift for Mingyue, please give it to him for me."

A beautiful gift box fell on Lilo's bed.

Li luoran hasn't recovered. Lu Shaochen has left her bedroom.

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