You,Under My Name

Chapter 383: 383

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The two arms of fengqianji were seriously injured. They had already injured their muscles and bones and needed emergency operation.

The operation is going on nervously.

Lu Shaochen, Li luoran, Lu Wanyue and the rest of the crew are anxiously waiting outside the operating room. Feng qianzhen's parents also rush to come after questioning. Feng qianzhen's mother stands quietly, while Feng qianzhen's father keeps walking back and forth in the corridor outside the operating room.

Although Li luoran and Feng qianshe have known each other for many years, this is the first time that Li luoran has met Feng qianshe's parents. Maybe it's because Feng qianshe's father is old. Li luoran can't see how handsome he is. Feng qianshe's mother is a blonde foreigner who looks at least ten years younger than Feng qianshe's father. It's because Feng qianshe is more like his mother There is no time for beauty.

About an hour later, the operation was completed.

The doctor took the initiative to report to Lu shaochenhui, "the operation went smoothly, and the two arms of the injured were finally saved."

Lu Wanyue seized the doctor excitedly, "what do you mean his two arms have been saved? Is he going to leave any sequelae? "

"That's not what I mean..." The doctor explained hastily,

"I mean, Mr. Feng was seriously injured. If he was slightly more seriously injured or was sent to the hospital a few minutes later, delaying the best operation time, I'm afraid we can only amputate his limb."

Hearing the word "amputation", Lu Wanyue was in a cold sweat.

The doctor sighed, "usually, the consequences of falling objects hitting people are very serious. Most people try their best to avoid this kind of thing, and rarely take the initiative to meet Mr. Feng. Mr. Feng is so brave. You should thank him for saving your life."

"Cut! You doctors like to exaggerate. I was not very high at that time. Even if I fell to the ground, it would not be a big deal. How could it be as serious as you said? " Although Lu Wanyue was grateful to Feng qianzhen in her heart, she was brave in her mouth.

The doctor shook his head and sighed, "Miss Lu, Mr. Feng's arms are so badly injured, which shows how fierce your falling momentum is. I'm not exaggerating. If you fall to the ground, the consequences will be unimaginable..."

Unable to make any more sophistry, Lu Wanyue rolled her eyes and stepped aside.

Fengqianshe's parents carefully ask the doctor about fengqianshe. Li luoran listens quietly and learns that fengqianshe will recover in a month. Li luoran finally lets go.

There are too many people waiting to see fengqianshe, and the ward is very crowded. Now that Li luoran knows fengqianshe is safe, he doesn't join in the fun any more and turns to walk outside the hospital.

"Hey, I think you were very nervous when you were waiting for the wind outside for the operation. Now that he has successfully finished the operation, why don't you go and see him?"

With this loud voice, Lu Wanyue came to Li luoran with her slender legs.

Li luoran said with a smile, "I've known him for so many years, but I don't know what he looks like and what's good?"

“……” Lu Wanyue turned her lips,

"it's really interesting between you. Usually when the crew sees you bickering or fighting all day long, and there's not a second of peace, they can't imagine that you're actually thinking about each other, but they're never superficial."

All right!

Lu Wanyue really said it, so Li luoran didn't deny it. She shrugged, "if you have something to say, just say it quickly. If you don't have anything to say, I'll leave." She has to go home to see the moon.

Lu Wanyue, "in fact, I want to ask about your privacy. I hope you can tell me the truth."

"Oh?" To Li luoran's surprise, Lu Wanyue, who has always been straight and outspoken, has learned to beat around the bush. It can be imagined how hard Lu Wanyue wants to talk about Li luoran's "privacy".

Lu Wanyue was silent, probably thinking about whether to ask.

Li luoran could not hold his breath at first,

"when did you become so timid, you asked ha!"

"Well!" Lu Wanyue cleared her throat,

"have you ever slept with Feng Qianji?"


No wonder Lu Wan hesitated about dating. Hearing this, Li luoran had an impulse to hit people!

"No Li luoran tried to be calm.

"I don't believe it!" Lu Wanyue is full of doubts,

"you and Feng qianshe met at Fei se bar four years ago. That day, you were sold to two men by Gu lianyue. Feng qianshe bought you in time and took you away when you were about to be invaded by those two men, right?"

Li luoran nodded.

At the beginning, Lu Shaochen, in order to help Li luoran wash her white when she was black, sent the video of Feng Qianji saving Li luoran in the Fei se bar to the Internet. That is a well-known fact.

Lu Wanyue said, "I saw the surveillance video. At that time, you had been stripped of most of your clothes by the two men, and Fengqian took you away like that. I think he must have carried you to the hotel room."

Li luoran default.

Lu Wanyue continued, "don't forget, Feng Qianji bought you from those two men. What's more, a man bought a woman for the purpose of sleeping her. He took you to the hotel room. Facing you who were so exposed, he didn't go to the hotel? Does that make sense? "Special!

Li luoran was so angry that she couldn't resist the attack. "I've made it very clear that Fengqian is not that kind of person, do you understand? We didn't do anything! Do you understand

No longer willing to pay attention to Lu Wanyue, she walked away from her.

"Well, I believe you didn't do anything that day, but you've known each other for more than four years, and you're often alone. Tut tut Two heterosexuals in high demand have been together for more than four years, nearly 1500 days and nights, and you have never been fired? " Lu Wanyue walked with Li luoran and said.

Li luoran didn't want to say anything more.

Lu Wanyue is still chasing after him, "don't worry, I'm quite open about this kind of thing. Besides, at that time, you haven't met my brother. You and Qian are both single. Don't you just do that? If you do it, you can do it. Frankly, I won't make fun of you."

Li luoran never came back, but she walked faster and faster. After a while, she came to the side of the road. She raised her hand to stop the taxi.

"Wait!" Lu Wanyue quickly grabbed Li luoran's hand, which was stretched out to stop the car,

"OK! ok I believe that you and Fengqian are innocent. Let me ask you the last question, has he ever done anything with Bai Qingwan? "


Hearing the name of Bai Qingwan, Li luoran couldn't help but stay.

Lu Wanyue smile, good-looking face showing rare shyness, "you know, Bai Qingwan is my only friend, Feng qianshe and Bai Qingwan had a short marriage, during that period, Bai Qingwan more than once to show off to me that she sleeps every day, also said that she is very good at flattering women in that respect, is that so?"

"Er..." Li luoran seemed to understand something. She looked up at Bai Qingwan and her mouth curved,

"although I didn't ask him, according to my understanding of the goods, he despised Bai Qingwan. He can't have such a close relationship with Bai Qingwan. Bai Qingwan is teasing you."

"So, is he a Chuman?" Lu Wanyue's eyes shine.

Li luoran was very embarrassed, "I think It should be... "

Lu Wanyue wants to continue to ask about this topic, but Li luoran interrupts her in a hurry,

"Lu Wanyue, I think you are quite similar to shallowly in this aspect. He often shamelessly talks about this kind of private matter in front of many people. You must be able to talk about it very well on this topic, so why don't you ask him in person?"

Staying in the same place, Lu Wanyue's face was in a trance, probably considering whether to talk about this topic with Feng Qianji.

Li luoran, who is in a hurry to go home, reaches for the car again.

At this moment, a blue taxi came to her from a distance, and saw that the taxi was parked next to liloran, while another black Rolls Royce was recklessly overtaking her, which stopped next to liloran.

Fortunately, the taxi driver was skillful and didn't catch up with Rolls Royce.

"Your uncle! Want to die? " The taxi driver was very angry, but he didn't dare to make any noise when he saw the number plate of the Rolls Royce, so he had to sulk in the car.


Rolls Royce co driver's door automatically opened, a magnetic voice floated out, "get on."

Li luoran discovered that the driver was Lu Shaochen.

She hesitated slightly.

"I'm going to your house to see the moon. I'll see you off." Lu Shaochen's voice is not high, but because of its penetrating power, Li luoran can hear it clearly even standing on the noisy roadside.

No longer hesitated, she dived into the car.

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The car starts up again. Before leaving, Lu Wanyue outside looks at Li luoran through the half sliding window. "When I had an accident, I saw you rush forward to pick me up. Fortunately, Qian Chen is faster than you. Otherwise, with your weak body, I have to kill you."

Li luoran said with a smile, "I didn't think so much at that time."

"I know..." Staring at Li luoran for a moment, Lu Wanyue had tears in her eyes,

"although you didn't save me, thank you anyway."

Li luoran shrugs, the car has started, and Lu Wanyue's figure is shrinking outside the car.


With the windows closed, the noise reduction in the car became extremely quiet.

Lu Shaochen is always very serious when driving. His eyes are always focused on the road conditions. No matter how fast the car runs, it makes people feel safe and steady.

Li luoran can't help but think of the time when he and Lu Shaochen were husband and wife. At that time, Lu Shaochen would take her back and forth every day, rain or shine. She often shares the same car with Lu Shaochen, and since her divorce from Lu Shaochen, such opportunities have become rare.

"Do you still remember that my mother entrusted you to administer medicine to Wanyue and Qianyu?"

Lu Shaochen spoke first.

Li luoran was like a thunderbolt.

She did not expect that Lu Shaochen did not open his mouth, but said that when he spoke, it was such a hot topic.

"Yes. But I will never do that, and I will never allow anyone to do that. " Li luoran shook his head firmly.At the beginning, the reason why Li luoran agreed to Lu Shaochen to prescribe medicine to her father and an Jiaren was that he wanted to pull her father out of the morbid and painful love for Gu lianyue, which was also the most helpless way

But the wind shallow and Lu Wanyue is not the same!

After so many experiences, Li luoran understood more and more that the emotional problems between men and women could not be solved by giving them medicine and letting them sleep together.

That way is so dirty and rough, if it succeeds, it's OK.

If it doesn't succeed, it will do great harm to Feng Qianji and Lu Wanyue.

Lu Shaochen will not reply.

Li luoran was relieved to verify, "did you hear what I said? You're not going to medicate them, are you? "

Lu Shaochen, "I'm not so stupid."

And then, there's no then.

Li luoran looked at Lu Shaochen like an alien, but he couldn't get back to God for a long time.

It turns out that Lu Shaochen also knows that it's stupid!

So Lu Shaochen had the answer in his mind before he asked her the first question?

So, what's the point of asking her this "stupid" question?

Along the way, Lu Shaochen did not speak any more.

When the car arrived at the door of Xiao Qianhua's villa, it was stopped by the guard. Seeing Li luoran in the car, the guard had to let it go. Lu Shaochen drove directly to the main building of the villa.

At the moment, Lu Mingyue is playing football with Alan in the yard. When she sees Lu Shaochen, xiaomengwa pours into his arms.

Lu Shaochen held the moon above his head, and Wen Ru said with a smile, "are you bored at home? Do you have any toys you want? "

Lu Mingran and Luo Mengwa leave a few personal contact into the living room.

Xiao Qianhua is sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

In the past, Li luoran always thought that the rich people were very busy. He just thought that their time was expensive, so he took it for granted that they were busy making money all the time. However, with the more rich people Li luoran knew, he found that some rich people were more idle than office workers

Unlike office workers, they don't have to report to the company from nine to five. They can stay at home all day or even for several days without any delay in their work. When they encounter problems, they can solve them perfectly with a phone call or a video conference.

Lu Shaochen is of this type.

So is Xiao Qian's painting.

Because Li luoran often sees Xiao Qian painting idly staying at home. People who don't know his identity may never think that he is the "black hell" who controls most of the entertainment circle and underground transactions in Jiangcheng.

"How's the injury of Fengqian?" Xiao Qianhua put down his cell phone.

Li luoran was slightly stunned. "How do you know about Qian He?"

Xiao Qianhua is outspoken, "nothing in the entertainment industry can hide from me, not to mention Fengqian is a hot star, I know his every move like the back of my hand."

Oh, my God!

Does this mean that Xiao Qian's painting is monitoring Fengqian?

"It's not as serious as you think." Xiao Qianhua guessed Li luoran's mind. He stood up and came to Li luoran step by step.

"in this circle, every star must accept the fact that people are popular and have no privacy, not only Feng Qianyi, but also you."

Li luoran took a cold breath and said, "are you watching me, too?"

Xiao Qianhua shook his head. "I don't have to watch anyone. I have more than 2000 paparazzi members. They are dedicated to the privacy of stars. They may hide in the corner that is easy to be ignored by you at any time and take pictures of your every move."

Then he showed his mobile phone in front of Li luoran.

Seeing Xiao Qian's picture on the screen of his mobile phone, Li luoran has a lot of goose bumps all over his body.

Xiao Qianhua's mobile phone vividly shows a picture of Li Wanyue holding Li luoran's hand face to face with her. Li luoran immediately recognizes that this is the scene of her chatting with Lu Wanyue on the roadside outside the hospital not long ago.

The picture on the screen automatically turns to the next one.

From the chat between Li luoran and Lu Wanyue until Li luoran got into Lu Shaochen's car, the photos were extremely clear, judging that the photographer was very close to Li luoran.

However, Li luoran did not notice that someone was taking photos beside her at that time.

"In the star circle, there are very few really clean stars. Not far away, we only talk about Jiangcheng. Counting you, there are 13 front-line female stars in Jiangcheng, nine of which are itched by the big men behind the scenes. In addition, there are two married female stars who are carrying their husbands on their backs and having sex with many heterosexuals, and I have the photos and videos that are unfavorable to these 11 female stars If I want to, I can pull them down every minute and make them as famous as Bai Qingwan. " Xiao Qian's lips are drawn with pride.

Li luoran was frightened.

No wonder some people disdain female stars. In this circle, Li luoran is listening to gossip all the time. For example, a certain female star has been boasting of her "purity" for six years, even claiming that she has never been in love and has always been perfect. However, everyone in the circle knows that this female star has a very rich "Godfather", who bought all the awards she has won for six years.What's more interesting is that the actress is a real "generator". She is good at generating electricity for male stars. Every time she goes to a production group, she almost sleeps the male stars of the production group.

So far, this girl is still one of the most popular fans of the group.

Li luoran knows that this circle is a big dye vat. Once a girl enters it, she will inevitably be affected by this environment. However, she thinks that there will always be something out of the mud.

"Do you know why I didn't make them public?" The sound of Xiao Qian's painting once again sounded in Li luoran's ears.

Li luoran said to God, "don't you want to offend them?"

"It's just one side." The most important thing is that my clients need them

It's a little bit of a lemon.

Xiao Qianhua, "think about how Bai Qingwan helped me to accompany customers, and you'll understand."

Time seems to go back to that night, Li luoran's eyes emerge a picture that she will never forget!

That was a year ago. Li luoran clearly remembers how much he doubted life when he saw Bai Qingwan "fighting in turn" with the three men while hiding outdoors with Su Yan.

Li luoran thought that Bai Qingwan was the only one.

Only at this moment did she know that there were so many stars like that.

Bai Qingwan!

How many innocent people are there in this circle!

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