You,Under My Name

Chapter 400: 400

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"Well, it's hard to change people's ideas. Do some people who are determined to be scum men still fear that others will not say anything? It's no use wasting more words here. Let's go! "

With these words, lilora landed and left gracefully.

"You've got to stop!"

Feng Qianyi, who had already blown up his hair, was even more furious at the moment. His shaking right hand grabbed Li luoran's arm,

"Li luoran, Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue accused labor and capital of distorting the facts. Labor and capital forbeared, and even you framed me with them?"

"I didn't frame you up. I just stand on the objective point of view and seek truth from facts, OK?" Li luoran looks innocent with his head up and looks at the wind. "Do you think you have a good sleep?"

Forced to bear not crazy wind shallow, "there is!"

Before you sleep with her, is she pure

The wind that is about to go crazy says, "yes!"

Li luoran said, "well, is it wrong to say that you ruined her?"

The tearful wind in both eyes said, "no..."

Li luoran pulled his lips, "so, Feng Qianyi, no one has framed you. You are not wronged at all. Don't you also say that you have become a real man from a boy? As a real man, the most basic rule is to be responsible for the girl who has been abused by himself


The wind is shallow, the blue eyes are round, looking at Li luoran like an alien. His beautiful lips are open, but he can't say a word any more.


All special is routine!

He fell into this deep routine at the moment when Lu Shaochen left Lu Wanyue as an antidote. Although Li luoran divorced Lu Shaochen, Li luoran's father and Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue's mother are husband and wife. In the final analysis, she, Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue are still a family. Of course, Li luoran will speak for Lu Wanyue afterwards.

And to this son, he wind shallow, although aggrieved, but has jumped into the Yellow River also wash not clear.


If he had known this, he would have watched Lu Wanyue turn a blind eye and let Lu Shaochen do his own antidote. In this way, Lu Wanyue, who had loved Lu Shaochen in the past, would not let Lu Shaochen go, and he would not get into trouble

In the next few days, Lu Wanyue and Feng qianshe fell into the cold war mode. Feng qianshe always deliberately stayed away from Lu Wanyue, and even gave Lu Wanyue no chance to quarrel with him.

Lu Shaochen called the police on the day of Lu Wanyue's accident. Since then, police officers and volunteers in the village have been protecting Lu Wanyue and Li luoran all the time. The crew members have never appeared again.

"Demon Queen" crew there also heard the wind, the original plan of two weeks of activities reduced to three days, let them emergency back to Jiangcheng.

What stars fear most is negative news.

Especially the stars who are popular with positive images.

Because their image is too tall, so they won the fans' admiration. Once they spread negative news that does not match his image, the blow to such stars will be devastating.

Feng Qianji is one of those stars.

In fact, Lu Wanyue also considered this point, so she only let the scandal that she was "spoiled" spread in a small range in the closed circle of relatives, not to the outside world.

Of course, Li luoran, Shu Xinshuang and Lu Shaochen, the three witnesses, will also help Fengqian keep secret.

It was a bumpy ride.

When Li luoran returned to "Jiangnan Yipin", it was just after 2:30 p.m.

"Why? Mr. Xiao said that Mrs. Xiao would be away for at least two weeks. It's only a few days. Why did you come back so early? " The guard ran to Li luoran to help her carry the suitcase.

Li luoran waved his hand and refused, just asked,

"where is Xiao Qian's painting?"

"Mr. Xiao has not left the yard since he came home last night. I think he should be at home now." The guard said respectfully.

Liloran picked up her pace with her suitcase.

At the moment, Xiao Qianhua is standing under the loquat tree in the yard. After a few days, his hair grows longer. At a glance, he has a kind of trance beauty.

When Li luoran walked over to Xiao Qianhua, Xiao Qianhua only glanced at her and said nothing.

"You don't seem surprised at all. I'll be back early." Li luoran stopped about two meters away from Xiao Qianhua, holding the handle of the suitcase with his right hand.

Xiao Qianhua turned his back to her, "it's nothing to be surprised about."

"Of course..." Li luoran sneered,

"you know what happened to me in the mountains, you know I will come back ahead of time, what's your surprise?"

At this moment, the shadow of Xiao Qian's painting on the ground shakes slightly. He is silent for a moment, then says faintly,

"that incident has caused great psychological trauma to Xiaojin. If she doesn't retaliate against Lu Wanyue, she will never be at peace. I'm the only one who can help her."Sure enough!

At the beginning of the incident, Li luoran thought that Jin Xintong had done it with the help of Xiao Qianhua, which confirmed Li luoran's inference.

Li luoran said, "what did you do for her?"

"She asked me to help her find three men and get her that medicine, and I did it. Everything else was arranged by her, and it had nothing to do with me." Xiao Qian did not hide his painting.

"It's none of your business?"

Li luoran ironically repeats this ridiculous word,

"you are a smart person. You know Jin Xintong better than anyone else. With your intelligence, the moment Jin Xintong tells you to find three men to make peace with that kind of medicine, you can guess what she wants to do to Lu Wanyue. Instead of stopping her, you help her. If you don't help her, she can't do it Now, what shouldn't have happened has happened. Do you think you can get rid of the responsibility by saying "it's nothing to do with me"

“……” Xiao Qian took a deep breath, but did not explain.


Everything Li luoran said was right.

He knows what Jin Xintong wants to do to Lu Wanyue.

He also knew how cruel that was to Lu Wanyue.

He also wanted to stand by as Li luoran said, but when he saw Jin Xintong crying in front of him, he could no longer look at her coldly.

"I think, according to Jin Xintong's character that she can't achieve her goal, she won't succeed this time, and she will find another chance to attack Lu Wanyue." Li luoran came to Xiao Qianhua step by step and looked him in the eyes.

"you will continue to help her, won't you?"

Xiao Qianhua shook his head. "I have agreed with her that it was the last time I helped her to do bad things. She also promised me that she would never ask me again. The three men who tried to humiliate Lu Wanyue that night have fled to another city thousands of miles away. This kind of thing will not happen again."


Finally, I heard some good news!

Li luoran was a little relieved, but his eyes were still indifferent when he looked at Xiao Qian's paintings. "In this case, we should settle the gambling debts between us."

Didn't you expect that Li luoran would settle for himself?

Isn't he ready to admit defeat?

Why does Xiao Qian's painting still feel like the end of the world when this moment comes?

Xiao Qianhua also pretended to be calm, "I have already said that Lu Wanyue not only hurt Xiaojin, but also hurt me. It's reasonable for me and Xiaojin to retaliate against her, which has nothing to do with our gambling."

"Is it?"

Li luoran's clear water eyes are full of indifference,

"all I know is that you promised never to help Jin Xintong do evil again; all I know is that you broke your promise and helped her; all I know is that if you broke your promise, you lost our bet! According to our gambling agreement, if you lose, you will turn a blind eye to Lu Shaochen and me. In your words, even if I take Lu Shaochen home and make intimate contact with him under your eyes, you will never interfere! "

The more Li luoran said, the more excited he was. Later, his voice was shrill.

Xiao Qian's painting was speechless for a moment.

He clearly remembers what he said.

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At that time, he really made up his mind not to help jinxintong any more. He thought he would win, so he was so full of words.

Originally, he wanted to bind Li luoran with the gambling agreement. However, he didn't expect that he would lose in the end. The gambling agreement became a trap for him.

"Xiao Qianhua, I know you are a man of reputation, so don't try to be unreasonable any more. You have lost this bet. You know it."

With these words, Li luoran turned and walked towards the main building.

"Dye..." Looking at the girl's thin but proud back, Xiao Qian's black gem like eyes are intertwined with remorse and affection,

"I know that now you treat Lu Wanyue as your sister. I just don't want to see Xiaojin so sad that I have to help her find someone and medicine, but I didn't really want to hurt Lu Wanyue."

"Oh..." As if hearing a big joke, Li luoran couldn't help laughing,

"so, do you think that even if you help Jin Xintong find a good person and a good medicine, she won't really harm Lu Wanyue? So, like Lu Shaochen, you think Jin Xintong is a kind and harmless goddess. Do you think she won't do bad things? " Pulling her suitcase, she kept walking forward.

"What did Xiaojin do that I don't know? How can I think like Lu Shaochen? " Xiao Qianhua looks at Li luoran's back in a trance,

"Lu Wanyue has been living with your father and an Jiaren all the time. Their family's security measures are very good, and they will never give anyone who wants to harm her an opportunity. I feel that even if I give Xiaojin people and medicine, Xiaojin will not have a chance to start."


If Lu Wanyue didn't follow the wind to the mountains, the three masked people would never have an opportunity."Before you went to the mountain area, I asked you again and again whether Lu Wanyue would go with her, because I was worried that if she went with her, she would give Xiaojin a chance. But you told me again and again that she would not go."

The sound of Xiao Qian's paintings is very distinctive and comes from the wind.

Li luoran can't help but stop.

She remembered that the day before she went to the mountain area, Xiao Qianhua mysteriously asked her if there was Lu Wanyue among the members who went to the mountain area to take part in the activities. On the morning of Li luoran's departure, Xiao Qianhua asked anxiously that he didn't want Lu Wanyue killed.

Therefore, Xiao Qian's painting is not so bad!

He really didn't want to revenge Lu Wanyue, he help jinxintong find someone to find medicine is purely to coax jinxintong happy.

Jinxintong is the originator of everything!

"Alas Li luoran shakes her head,

"it seems that Mr. Xiao is quite helpless to fall in love with a bad woman."

Xiao Qianhua said, "Xiaojin is not a bad woman. She just has a rough fate. Four years ago, Lu Wanyue and an Jiaren forced her to jump into the river and kill herself. But she forgives Lu Wanyue generously. She never thought of seeking revenge on Lu Wanyue. This time, Lu Wanyue forced her too much. If it was you, you would not be willing to give up with Lu Wanyue."

Li luoran was speechless.

Transposition to think about, revenge is not wrong, the original Li luoran was innocent Wan harm after also had indomitable revenge.

Li luoran thinks that if Lu Wanyue treats her like Jin Xintong, she will make Lu Wanyue pay the price. Although she can't be as cruel and rude as Jin Xintong, to be fair, it's reasonable for Jin Xintong to retaliate against Lu Wanyue, but Jin Xintong has gone too far

Li luoran didn't feel that he had to worry about it any more.

Although that night's event was very frightening, after all, Lu Wanyue had the wind and shallow wind as the antidote, which was not dangerous in the end. Since similar things will not happen again in the future, it's better to turn over the story one by one.

Li luoran started again.


"I think you are a good girl with principles. Although you won our bet, I believe you won't really have an affair with Lu Shaochen."

"Ha Li luoran couldn't help laughing,

"Mr. Xiao is really smart. Do you think that if you flatter me like this, I will fall into your routine?"

Xiao Qian's painting, "..."

Li luoran eyebrows, "you remember, I won, from now on, I will no longer be restricted by our marriage, I and Lu Shaochen how, has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Qian's handsome face was lost.


Li luoran enters the living room.

There is a woman sitting on the sofa.

At the first sight of this woman, Li luoran had a sense of deja vu. After a close look, he immediately understood the origin of this sense of deja vu.

It turns out that this woman looks very similar to Xiao Qian's painting. She has a very similar outline and facial features to Xiao Qian's painting, but her face is smaller than Xiao Qian's painting, and her skin is also delicate and smooth.

This is a woman's version of Xiao Qian's painting or Lu Shaochen's!

It has to be said that the faces of Xiao Qianhua and Lu Shaochen are perfect. Their faces on men are extremely handsome. On girls, they are beautiful and beautiful!

Xiao Qianying!

Li luoran had this name in his mind.

Li luoran has long heard of Xiao Qianying's elder sister. Xiao Qianying, who has the title of "black hell", has offended many people. In order to prevent his enemies from retaliating against his family, he always hides his elder sister carefully. Few people have seen Xiao Qianying, and almost no one knows her whereabouts and whereabouts.

Even Li luoran, who has been married to Xiao Qianhua for a long time, saw Xiao Qianying for the first time.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing Li luoran staring at himself, Xiao Qianying stares back at Li luoran fiercely.

Li luoran said with a smile, "ha ha, sorry, sorry ha."

Pull the trunk to the stairway.

Xiao Qianying didn't say anything more. He just watched Li luoran go up the stairs.

Alan and Lu Mingyue are playing hide and seek on the second floor when they hear Li luoran's voice. Lu Mingyue, who was hiding in the closet, pushes the door open and runs out, and plunges into Li luoran's arms.

"Mommy, baby miss you so much."

Li luoran gently rubs xiaomengwa's head and feels xiaomengwa's face rubbing in her arms, full of happiness in her heart.

Alan stood by in silence.

It's time for Raleigh and Lori to have dinner.

Xiao Qianying, like Alan, is always silent.

Some people are easy to be ignored when they are silent because they have no sense of existence. But beautiful women like Xiao Qianying are different. Because she is too excellent, people will unconsciously feel inferior. If she keeps silent, people will unconsciously have the illusion that she looks down on people and disdains others.Xiao Qianhua is also a person who is used to eating without speaking and sleeping without speaking. After everyone has a quiet dinner, Xiao Qianhua opens the conversation, "sister, the house I sent you last week, are you comfortable? If you don't feel good, just tell me

Xiao Qianying, "well."

"Ha ha Sister, I've bought the Maserati you saw last month. It's now in my No.15 garage. Just drive away when you leave. " Xiao continued to sing with a smile.

Xiao Qian Ying coldly a face, "are you driving me away?"

"No! no Elder sister, it's too late for me to welcome you. My home is also your home. You can live here any time you like. Ha ha, elder sister, have you spent all the pocket money I gave you last time? If you have spent it, please ask me for it at any time. "

Xiao Qianying frowned impatiently, "why so much nonsense?"

Xiao Qian's painting, "ha ha ha..."

Li luoran was surprised to find that Xiao Qianying's painting of "black hell" was as meek as a meow star in front of Xiao Qianying.

Li luoran can see that Xiao Qian's painting is very painful to Xiao Qianying.

Although Xiao Qianhua is Xiao Qianying's younger brother, Li luoran can see the shadow of Lu Shaochen's doting on Lu Wanyue from the relationship between Xiao Qianhua and Xiao Qianying. Even Xiao Qianying's doting on Lu Qianying is deeper than Lu Shaochen's doting on Lu Wanyue

Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua are only superficial couples, and she has no need to get along with Xiao Qianhua's sister. After dinner, she takes Lu Mingyue upstairs.

"Qian Hua, you let your wife go like this? My eldest sister-in-law met her for the first time. Don't you introduce us to each other? " Xiao Qianying suddenly said coldly.

"Of course! Of course Xiao Qianhua is busy putting out a smiling face. He has long legs and big steps. He steps in front of Li luoran. He grabs Li luoran's wrist with his right hand,

"Ranran, this is my sister, Xiao Qianying. You can also call her sister." As he spoke, his eyes turned to Xiao Qianying,

"hehe, elder sister, you know more about Ranran than me, so you don't need me to introduce you more."

What does Xiao Qianying know more about her than Xiao Qian's paintings?

It's a little bit of a lemon.

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