You,Under My Name

Chapter 401: 401

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Xiao Qianying said, "well, I just need you to introduce me to her. Now it's none of your business. Where should you go? I'll talk to Li luoran alone."


Xiao Qianhua obediently enters his study and closes the door.

Alan also went upstairs with little cute.

Only Li luoran and Xiao Qianying were left in the large first floor living room.

Xiao Qianying opened his mouth first, "I've seen you on TV, and I like the flower Moli you played in" the queen of demons ". Although I never pursue stars, I'm half a fan of you. As an actor who becomes a monk, your acting skills are pretty good."

Li luoran smiles politely, "thank you."

"Well, if it's useless, I won't say it. According to my understanding of you, you are also a straightforward person. I'll go straight to the theme and tell you that Qianhua is true love for you. I hope you don't let him down."

Hearing Xiao Qianying's words, Li luoran was even more confused. Her smile became helpless. "You must have misunderstood something. There is someone else in Xiao Qianying's true love, not me."

"You mean Jin Xintong?" Thinking of Xiao Qianhua's insistence on Jin Xintong, Xiao Qianying sighs,

"as the closest person to Qian Hua in the world, of course, I know about Qian Hua and Xiao Jin. Qian Hua loves Xiao Jin deeply, but he also loves you. Although he never admits this, I can feel that the person he mentions most to me every time he meets me after he marries you is Xiao Jin You, and when he mentions you, his tone and eyes are not the same as when he mentions other girls. "

Li luoran shrugged, "maybe it's your illusion?"

"As a woman, I don't even know the truth from the illusion."

Xiao Qianying insisted,

"Qianhua has touched many girls before, but that doesn't mean that he is amorous. Only because his love for jinxintong can't be responded, he will find those girls to vent his anger. Those girls are playthings for him, and most of them are playing with him for his money. None of them is true love for him."

All right!

Li luoran actually knows all this.

Xiao Qian's painting of changing girlfriends, such as changing clothes, has long been famous.

"But you mean very different to him." Xiao Qianying continued,

"a man may cheat a woman with all kinds of rhetoric, but a man's willingness to marry a woman shows that the man must be sincere to this woman. He really wants to live with this woman all his life. Qianhua is a stubborn man. Over the years, I have witnessed his love for Xiaojin torture him like a curse, and he can love her It's not easy to see another girl outside the small mirror. I hope you treat him well. "

Ha ha

A smile came from Luo Li's heart.

After Xiao Qianying said so much, Li luoran only believed one of them, that is, "Xiao Qianhua really wants to live with her for a lifetime"

But Li luoran believes that Xiao Qianhua wants to live with her all her life not because of love, but because, as Xiao Qianhua said, she wants to live with her. Xiao Qianhua only loves Jin Xintong, and Li luoran can only earn a "love" in Xiao Qianhua's heart. She can never take away the "love" only belonging to Jin Xintong!

"I've finished what I want to say to you. You can go to bed." With these words, Xiao Qianying turned and went to Xiao Qianhua's study.

Li luoran looked at her tall figure, "you said so much, can you listen to me?"

Xiao Qianying stopped, "just say it."

Li luoran's slender arms are around her chest, and her delicate melon seed face is slightly raised,

"I know that you only say this to me when you are in a sister's love for your brother. Of course, if I have a brother, I also hope that the girl he loves really loves him, and I also hope that his marriage is happy, but I think you will have a close relationship between me and Xiao Qianhua You must have no idea how he married me because of such a big misunderstanding? "

Xiao Qianying looked back in surprise, "you and Lu Shaochen had a marriage. After Jin Xintong's return, Lu Shaochen and her old love revived. The relationship between you and Lu Shaochen broke up, so you divorced Lu Shaochen. Then you met Qian Hua. In order to revenge Lu Shaochen, you decided to flash marry Qian Hua and set the wedding date on the same day that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong got married."


Xiao Qianhua must have used these words to cheat his family!

Although Li luoran was angry, he thought it was justifiable. After all, when Xiao Qianhua's family learned that Xiao Qianhua and Li luoran were married, they would ask why. Can't Xiao Qianhua make up a decent reason? Can he still say that he helped Jin Xintong to prescribe medicine to Lu Shaochen, Li luoran and Lu Mingyue, forcing Lu Shaochen and Li luoran to this step?

Li luoran pulled his lips weakly. "I don't want to say anything more. I'm afraid you won't believe what Xiao Qianhua did. If you want to know the truth, you'd better ask him in person."

With that, he turned around with pride and walked up the revolving stairs with elegant steps.Xiao Qianying looks at Li luoran's thin figure for a moment. Then, with a deep look, she speeds up her steps to Xiao Qianhua's study.


The next day, Li luoran woke up early.

Dressed and pushed open the bedroom door, Xiao Qianying, who had been waiting in front of her bedroom door, immediately said, "last night, Qianhua confessed everything to me. His way is really a little too much."

A little too much?

Just a little bit?

Li luoran didn't think so.

Xiao Qianying continued, "but I still think Qianhua is true love for you. Believe it or not, and I think it's impossible for you and Lu Shaochen. So, I'll be at ease with Qianhua."

Then he turned and left.

Li luoran sighed in silence.


It's true that sister and brother love each other deeply!

Although Li luoran's trip to the mountains a few days ago made him physically and mentally tired, and the crew also decided to give him a three-day holiday, Li luoran, out of his basic professional ethics, refused the good intentions of the crew and decided to go back to the crew to shoot today.

After breakfast, he perked up and started the car to drive out of the hospital.

When Li luoran was about to arrive at the gate of the courtyard, a super heavy black iron car drove from the road outside the courtyard to the gate at a very fast speed.

"Hello! You're mistaken, aren't you? Slow down and turn around, where you come from and where you go back! "

"Hello, Hello, Hello! Are you drunk or sleepwalking? What's the matter with you

"Stop the car!"

Seeing that the tin car didn't slow down, instead, it rushed straight to the gate faster, and the two guards rushed out of the guard room to stop,


"Stop the car!"

The next second, I just watched the car hit the door.

The front of the car had been specially reinforced, and it came fast again. It suddenly knocked open the two iron doors that were originally locked, but it still didn't slow down and flew into the yard like a black light.

"Special! It's arrogant to break into people's houses in broad daylight The guard stamped his feet.

Guard Yi was in a trance, "yes, yes..."

At the moment, Li luoran, who had driven to the gate of the hospital, just hit the steering wheel, turned the front of the car and drove back after the black tin car.


With the loud noise, the front of the black tin car crashed into the steps outside the main building.

It is doubtful that the car would have driven into the living room without these steps.

The door was kicked open and the tall man got out of the car.

Seeing the man's handsome face, Li luoran's guess was instantly confirmed - it was Lu Shaochen!

In Jiangcheng, who can be the only one who dares to bump into Xiao Qian's painting family?

At this time, Xiao Qianhua came out of the door and saw Lu Shaochen. His mouth began to sneer, "I thought it was Mr. Lu! It's nothing to crash my door. I can't help thinking, if my door is built as solid as a rock, and you don't succeed in slamming the door open, will you crash yourself to death? "

Lu Shaochen's face is not worried, full of murderous eyes, "even if you die, I will not die!"


A folder was dropped on the front of the car by Lu Shaochen, "I do good things, I see!"

Xiao Qianhua immediately picked up the folder.

At this time, Li luoran had already driven to the scene. She got out of the car in a hurry and came to Xiao Qianhua. She was just seeing Xiao Qianhua take out the things in the folder.

There are more than a dozen photos and a document in the house.

The protagonists in these photos are three strange men. Li luoran has never seen these three men, and he doesn't know why Lu Shaochen left these photos to Xiao Qian.

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But seeing these pictures, Xiao Qian's face suddenly changed.

"It's familiar, isn't it?" Lu Shaochen's voice was cold,

"these three people are the people you bribed to harm the grace. How can you not look familiar?"

Xiao Qian looks at these photos in a daze.

Lu Shaochen sneered at the information. "I have identified their identities, their name, ID card number, address, mobile phone number... But all the information that can be found is in this material. Although they have absconded, it's only a matter of time before they are caught. "

Li luoran could not help admiring Lu Shaochen's efficiency.

Lu Shaochen and Li luoran returned to Jiangcheng together only yesterday. Early this morning, Lu Shaochen has made it so clear about the identity of the three masked men.

From the reaction of Xiao Qian's painting, Lu Shaochen did not find the wrong person.

"What else do you have to say?" Lu Shaochen's voice fell like frost on Xiao Qianhua's face.

"There are some things that you just do. There's no need to cover them up. I didn't want to cover them up. Besides, Lu Shaochen is a smart man. Nothing can hide from you." Xiao Qianhua raises his hand and leaves the folder on the front of the car, burying the silk in his eyes. The surface is only frank and cold,"Yes! I am the one who seeks revenge on Lu Wanyue. I did everything

“……” At the thought of Lu Wanyue being humiliated by three men in turn, Lu Shaochen's eyes were so deep that they seemed to turn into two bottomless black holes. His whole body was shaking, but he couldn't resist it.

"tell me, did Xiaojin participate?"

"Oh, are you doubting Xiaojin?" Xiao Qian painted a sneer.

Lu Shaochen's voice is colder, "answer my question."

Xiao Qianhua, "you know the answer, don't need me to answer."

Lu Shaochen's Adam's apple slipped violently, but he said nothing more.


He knows the answer.

That night, when Li luoran told him that Xiaojin was the culprit behind the scenes, he clearly denied Li luoran's "suspicion".

However, Lu Shaochen still asked Xiao Qian about painting.

Lu Shaochen can't say why.

He still believes in jinxintong, and jinxintong is still the "pure" goddess in his heart. However, sometimes, Lu Shaochen can't help but doubt jinxintong.

Lu Shaochen has to admit that although she still believes in Jin Xintong, she doesn't believe in Jin Xintong as she used to.

After experiencing many things, even Jin Xintong has become the object of his suspicion.

"Xiaojin is a kind and harmless girl. You know, she's always the same. She said that if she forgives Lu Wanyue, she'll forgive her. I'm the one who did it, and it has nothing to do with her." Xiao Qian said firmly.


Li luoran doubted life!

It's also at this moment that she suddenly realized that the beautiful image of Jin Xintong in Lu Shaochen's heart is not only her own superb acting skills in front of Lu Shaochen, but also because Jin Xintong has Xiao Qianhua's divine assistance - Xiao Qianhua always carries all the bad things Jin Xintong has done like a back pot. It's not enough to help Jin Xintong carry the black pot, but also in Lu Shaochen's face Before that Jin Xin Tong's good words, Lu Shaochen can see the facts!

"Why?" Lu Shaochen's cold voice blew like a cold wind again.

Xiao Qianhua said, "I hate Lu Wanyue. I pay an eye for an eye. Is it wrong?"

Lu Shaochen, "I don't think you should hate tact."


Xiao Qian painted a confused face.

Li luoran was also puzzled.

Lu Shaochen's face was like a crown jade, and his eyes were cold and sarcastic. "You are crazy about Xiaojin. You should be glad to be able to sleep with her. You should thank her for the tactful way that has made you and Xiaojin close to each other."


Isn't Lu Shaochen very fond of Jin Xintong?

Jinxintong as his wife and other men had a relationship, Lu Shaochen should take this as a scar that can not be touched to hide, right?

How could he take the initiative to tease Xiao Qian's painting?

What's more, he didn't change his face when he took out this to ridicule Xiao Qian's painting. How could he not see a trace of pain or jealousy?

How did he do it?!

Li luoran stares at Lu Shaochen's face in shock, trying to find a different expression on his face.

However, there was nothing on Lu Shaochen's face but indifference.

“……” Xiao Qian's painting was also obviously shocked. His thin lips trembled, "Lu Shaochen, you are asking clearly! You know I care! "

"Do you care?" Lu Shaochen sneered,

"my sister drugged you and my wife. I didn't care if they were green. What do you care? I didn't even blame my sister. How can you get hurt or hate from a person who takes advantage of you? "

Xiao Qian's painting was speechless for a while.

Li luoran was speechless.

Li luoran never thought that Lu Shaochen's attitude towards Jin Xintong being touched by other men was so indifferent.

After a full three seconds, Xiao Qian's painting recovered from the shock, "ha ha, Lu Shaochen, what a Lu Shaochen! You're just a bastard

Excessive anger made Xiao Qianhua out of control instantly. He hated to seize Lu Shaochen's collar, and his extremely handsome face almost stuck to Lu Shaochen's face.

"Lu Shaochen, I know you can't figure out the reason. Your purpose of saying these words is to stab me, OK! I'll just take it as if you really don't know. I'll explain it to you carefully. You'd better listen to me! "

Xiao Qianhua's voice is trembling, and his handsome face is badly distorted,

"I really love Xiaojin, and I really want to sleep with her. Lu Wanyue's medicine has fulfilled my dream, and I am really beautiful in my heart. I hate Lu Wanyue, not because she made me and Xiaojin have extramarital love, but because Xiaojin is so devoted to you, a son of a bitch, that makes Xiaojin miserable It also makes Xiaojin hate me for this, so I have to revenge Lu Wanyue! So, I want to double and triple! I'm going to let three men make her dirty! "

"Ah..."Later, he was interrupted by his own scream, because Lu Shaochen's fist had been firmly hit on Xiao Qianhua's face.

Lu Shaochen's strength was amazing. This time, in his fury, he used all his strength. As a result, the two front teeth of Xiao Qian's painting were knocked down, and the beautiful lips were immediately covered with enchanting blood.

Because of the pain of eating, Xiao Qianhua's hand, which was holding Lu Shaochen tightly, was released. At the same time, he stepped back several steps.

Before Xiao Qian's painting stood firm, Lu Shaochen's foot firmly kicked in his chest.


With a dull cry, Xiao Qianhua was kicked out, and then "Dong" lay on the ground.

This picture reminds Li luoran of the scene when Lu Shaochen kicked the door when he saved Lu Wanyue.

"My God! A thousand paintings... "

"Thousand paintings!"

Hearing the news, Xiao Qianying rushed to Xiao Qianhua's side and held him firmly,

"Qianhua, are you ok?"

Xiao Qianhua disdained to look at Lu Shaochen, blood stained corners of his mouth raised a trace of sneer, "what is this? Lu Shaochen's fists are just tickling for me."

“……” Li luoran could not help but be frightened.

Xiao Qianhua's physical fitness is good, and he can still be garrulous after Lu Shaochen's heavy kick. If Lu Shaochen's kick was on someone else, I'm afraid that person would have gone to report to Lord Yan for a long time.

Lu Shaochen glanced coldly at Xiao Qian's painting. Without saying anything, he turned around and got on the bus.

"Hey, you wait..." Li luoran rushed to Lu Shaochen's car.

Lu Shaochen pushed the door of the co pilot's seat open for her.

Li luoran got on the car in a hurry and closed the car door before he said, "although Xiao Qian's painting is too much, tact is not dangerous after all. He told me that he will not retaliate tactfully in the future. This is the end of the matter. Don't make any more extraneous remarks."

Lu Shaochen, "I said that after I find out the culprit behind the scenes, I will never let it go. I do what I say."

Li luoran wants to say that Xiao Qian's painting also helps Jin Xintong carry the pot. However, on the one hand, Lu Shaochen believes in Jin Xintong; on the other hand, Xiao Qian's painting helps Jin Xintong wash so white. What he says is in vain, so he has no choice but to shut his mouth.

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