You,Under My Name

Chapter 404: 404

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"Xiaojin, it's hard for people who don't love Shaochen deeply to understand your feelings for Shaochen, but I also loved a girl deeply, so I feel the same way. I fully understand your feelings of wanting to spend this life with Shaochen. I can keep secret of all the mistakes you made in order to recapture Shaochen."

Jin Qian's magnetic voice like flute and the breath of Qingxin's lips flutter on Jin Xintong's face.

Like a spring breeze!

However, at this moment, Jin Xintong seems to hear a thunder, and her expression is even more frightened,

"brother! What are you talking about? I did something bad for Ranran that time. What What's all my faults? I didn't do anything except steal her photos... "

"If it's really like what you said, how can you feel guilty and not even speak clearly?"

Looking at Jin Xintong fondly, Jin Qian's eyes are warm and serious,

"Xiaojin, my father abandoned my mother because he was obsessed with Gu lianyue. Later, my mother died of depression when I was three years old. Later, my father and Gu lianyue had you. Gu lianyue yearned for freedom and didn't want to be dragged down by her children, so she left you to my father to raise him alone. My father spent many years outside Wine land, if we were brought up by Dad, we'd rather say that we grew up together. How can you hide your mind from others than me? "

Jin Xintong has tears in her eyes.


Jin Qian is three years older than Jin Xintong. Jin Xintong and Jin Qian live in the same family as soon as they were born. Their father Jin Yannian doesn't go home all the year round. Although Jin Yannian hired a nanny, the nanny not only takes care of the whole family, but also takes care of the clothing, food, housing and transportation of the two children?

This kind of environment also brought up Jinqian's precocity.

Jin Qian was able to take care of himself when he was three and a half years old, and he began to help Jin Xintong feed her milk, medicine and change her diaper

Jin Qian grows up on her own and takes care of Jin Xintong. Jin Qian is not so much Jin Xintong's brother as Jin Xintong's baby father.

Jin Xintong's memory is full of pictures of Jin Qian taking care of her and protecting her. Jin Xintong thinks that without Jin Qian, maybe she would not have lived to grow up.

"Good! Brother, I'm not hiding it from you. You tell me what you know first. "

The brocade Heart Tong absentminded opened a mouth.

"I know that it's not Xiao Qianhua's idea to prescribe medicine for Shaochen, Ranran and Mingyue, and you must be involved in it. I know that on your birthday last year, Lu Shaochen didn't have a close relationship with you after getting drunk, and you didn't conceive his child. Later, in order to bind Shaochen, you tried every means to make yourself pregnant. The father of that child was Xiao Qian I also know that not long ago, you were the real culprit behind the scenes who ordered people to retaliate against Lu Wanyue! "

Jin Qian was more and more excited and his voice was higher and higher.

Jin Xin Tong takes a breath of cold air, and she tries to calm down before she can speak again, "is there anything else?"

"Maybe, but that's all I know, and I don't want to know more!" Thinking of what Jin Xintong has done, Jin qian can't help but feel sad,

"just these things are enough to make Shaochen feel cold and your image in Shaochen's heart is gone. Do you think that what you have done is not enough?"

Jin Xintong breathes a sigh of relief.


Just what Jin Qian said was enough to make Lu Shaochen look up to her.

However, Jin Xintong is glad that although Jin Qian knows these things, he doesn't know what Jin Xintong has done most.

This matter is that Lu Mingyue is Li luoran's own flesh and blood.

But think about it. According to Jin Qian's upright character, if he knew that Lu Mingyue was the lost child of Lu Shaochen and Li luoran for many years, even if he loved Jin Xintong, he would never watch Lu Shaochen's family fall apart. He would tell Lu Shaochen the truth.

"I hope you will go and apologize to Shaochen."

Jin Qian's voice is like a breeze pouring into Jin Xintong's ears.

Thoughts instantly pulled back to reality, the silk at the bottom of Jin Xintong's eyes turned into despair, "brother Jin Qian, are you kidding me? If I apologize to Shaochen, it means I admit what I have done to him. You know, I do all those things to make up with him. I have made so much effort and done so much against my conscience. What I mean is to take back his heart! If he knew what I had done, I would have wasted all my efforts He will... " Just thinking about the result, Jin Xintong doesn't dare to say any more. She stares at Jin Qian in disbelief,

"brother, do you want to kill me?"

"I'm saving you!"

Jin Qian's face is very serious,

"now you are infatuated with Lu Shaochen too much. This love makes you crazy. You can't listen to what others say. I also expect you to understand, but I can't watch you sink deeper and deeper. You go to apologize to him. In this way, Shaochen will forgive you, and he will treat you as a sister in the future. Otherwise, he will only be with you You turn against each other

"No! I don't want it"I don't want it!"

"Why do you even say that?"

Jin Xin Tong nervously steps back. When she goes down the slope, her feet are empty and she falls back with her head up.

The quick eyed Jin Qian grabs her wrist and looks at Jin Xintong's dejected appearance. His ink eyes show affection for her. "Xiao Jin, why are you so careless? Your body is weak... "

"I don't want you to care!" Jin Xin Tong interrupted as like as two peas,

, "I understand, you said this just the same as Li Luo's other words, which is Li Luo dye. She made you say that to me, didn't she? "

Jin Qian's handsome face is full of helplessness, "Xiao Jin, how do you say such children's words? You know I don't want to disturb Ranran's life. If I had to, I would never contact her. When did I meet her? How could she have the chance to say that to me? "

"You lie! You do this to me for her! You know how important Shaochen is to me. For the sake of Li luoran, you want me to destroy my image in front of Shaochen. You only have that little bitch in your heart. What is my sister? " Brocade Heart Tong out of control of shout.

Jin Qian's face was instantly dignified, "Xiao Jin, Ranran is a good girl, she is also your half sister, you should respect her, don't call her a bitch!"

"I'll call! She's a bitch! She confused your heart, let you even sell your own sister for her, bitch! bitch! Bitch Jin Xin Tong's whole body trembles with excitement.

“……” Jin Qian is also extremely helpless, but he can't bear to be too strict with his beloved sister, and can only be discouraged,

"because Lu Shaochen, you can be excused for hating her. I don't want to argue with you again because of this small matter, but you must go to apologize to Lu Shaochen, otherwise..."

Really don't have the heart to threaten Jin Xintong, Jin Qian's words stop here.

"Or what? You may as well say, I'd like to see how this brother who once took care of me threatens me for the sake of the woman she loves! " The brocade Heart Tong sneers, the extremely beautiful face because of the emotion of excitement and distortion.

Jin Qian took a deep breath, "otherwise, I'll go to Lu Shaochen to help you!"

The body trembled and enchanting.

At this moment, she seemed to feel the whole bridge tremble.

She looked at this extremely handsome and familiar face in front of her through the thick fog. Once upon a time, every time she saw this face, Jin Xintong felt extremely warm in her heart. Now, she felt cold all over.



"Then, for the sake of your Li luoran, go to Shaochen and expose my evil face in person..." With these words, Jin Xintong pushes away Jin Qian's hand,

"brother Jin Qian, remember, I would rather die than share happiness and sadness with Shaochen in this life! If you let Shaochen down on me, I will commit suicide by jumping into the river just like I did four years ago. If you want to force me to die, just go to him. "

Jin Qian's handsome face was in a panic, "Xin Tong, I'm for you..."

"Don't say you do it for my good!" Jin Xintong interrupts Jin Qian with a sneer,

"you know what I want. If you are really for my good, you should draw a clear line with Li luoran and try your best to help me and Shaochen reunite like Qianhua, otherwise, you are not worthy to be my brother!"

How also can't think of brocade Heart Tong will say so decisive words, brocade Qian suddenly feel a burst of unprecedented loss.

Jin Xintong didn't stop. In the twinkling of an eye, she went down the bridge.

Looking at Jin Xintong's blurred figure in the fog, Jin Qian made his heart horizontal, "good! Xintong, you are my close relative. I think you are more important than myself. This time, I compromise. "

Jin Xin Tong stopped, moved by the twinkling of tears, "brother, I knew you would not abandon me."

Jin Qian breathed a breath silently, "you can not apologize to Shaochen. I will help you hide all the things you did in the past from Shaochen. In this way, your image in Shaochen's mind is still beautiful."

"Brother, thank you..." Jin Xintong moved tears DC.

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Jin Qian continued, "but you must take the initiative to leave Shaochen. Ranran and he really love each other and return the happiness and perfection that should belong to them. Otherwise, it will only harm others and yourself."


Jin Xintong's ears seem to burst open a hornet's nest. The feeling in her eyes turns into despair again. "Ha ha, sure enough, Li luoran is the most important. What am I?"

Jin Qian, "you are my sister, no matter what you do wrong, you will always be my closest person."

"I'm not your sister, and I don't have a brother like you!" Jin Xintong laughs sarcastically, tears fall down,

"as long as you have Li luoran in your heart, it's enough. From now on, I'll break the relationship between brother and sister."

Jin Qian's tall body obviously shook.

Jin Xin Tong's eyes were full of tears, and the corners of her mouth were smiling, "Jin Qian, don't you want to help Li luoran? Don't you want her to reunite with Shaochen? Shaochen believes what you say most. You can tell Shaochen the truth at any time, but before that, prepare a coffin for me first. "Finish saying, brocade Heart Tong tearful leave, only leave brocade Qian a person stand in the mist shrouded on the bridge.


Li luoran went back to the living room.

Alan and xiaomengwa are setting up the building blocks, but Xiao Qianying is not there. Li luoran only knows that Xiao Qianying has gone home this morning.

It's not only because the beautiful girl is particularly attractive, but also because of Xiao Qianying's cool and noble temperament. Although Li luoran only talked with Xiao Qianying once, Li luoran was deeply impressed.

Therefore, Li luoran asked Xiao Qianhua about Xiao Qianying.

Xiao Qianying is one year older than Xiao Qianhua, and she is still single. It's not that Xiao Qianying has never been in love, but that her last boyfriend went abroad on business just before he and Xiao Qianying got married. After that, it suddenly seemed like the world had evaporated, and there was no news.

Xiao Qianying has been waiting for her boyfriend to appear for two and a half years, but her boyfriend's whereabouts are still unknown.

After dinner, Lilo went upstairs.

As usual, he coaxes Lu Mingyue to sleep. When xiaomengwa falls into a deep sleep and Li luoran walks out of Lu Mingyue's bedroom, Alan is waiting for her at the door of Mingyue.

Alan's is higher than Lu Shaochen's. Li luoran looks up at her, "what's the matter?"

The expressionless Alan, "it's nothing, just to remind you that something big will happen recently."

Li luoran immediately tensed his nerves, "what's the big deal?"

Alan, "it's none of your business."


Li luoran was crazy. "Can I understand it as - you want to tell me that something unusual will happen recently, but it has nothing to do with me?"

Alan, "you can understand that."

Li luoran, who couldn't laugh or cry, said, "there are big things happening every day in the world. Wars are happening all the time in some countries. There are people crying and laughing all the time. There will be big things happening all the time recently. So, what's the significance of reminding me that there will be big things happening recently?"

Alan, "it's not totally none of your business."

Li luoran, "..."

Alan obviously doesn't want to reveal too much. Ignoring Li luoran's curious expression, he turns and walks into the bathroom.

After a hard day, Li luoran fell into a deep sleep after lying down.

I was woken up by the ring of my cell phone.

Looking at the electronic clock on the wall conditionally, it's just 5:29 a.m.

Lu Wanyue's mobile phone screen is dim and sleepy.

"Don't come out early in the morning to scare people, OK? What can't wait for me to wake up and call again? " Li luoran answered the phone and complained.

"No, I can't. how kind are you?" Lu's graceful voice came to my ears.

Li luoran rubbed his eyes, "what's the good play?"

Lu Wanyue said, "you'll know by then. I've sent someone to pick you up. He's almost at your door now. Come on."

Li luoran felt that everyone was strange recently. She was a little impatient, "speak quickly! Come on! What's the matter? "

There's already a line over there.

Li luoran thinks that although Lu Wanyue likes pranks, she won't wake her up early in the morning and make fun of her. She also thinks of the strange words Alan said to her last night. She has a bad premonition.

He got up in a hurry.

Also regardless of the change of clothes, wearing pajamas along the spiral stairs down the stairs.

To Li luoran's surprise, Xiao Qianhua, who used to get up early every day to read materials in the living room on the first floor, is not here today. The door of his bedroom is open. I don't know if he is in it.

"He's not here." Alan's voice sounded coldly in an unknown location.

Li luoran screams in fright. She follows her voice and sees that Alan is standing in the middle of the revolving stairs. The well-trained bodyguards are different. Although Alan's figure is so fierce, she doesn't make any noise when she walks in the stairs. Even when she has reached the middle of the stairs, Li luoran doesn't hear a sound before.

Li luoran calmed down and said, "where did he go?"

Alan, "where you're going later."

“……” Li luoran was stunned. Lu Wanyue said mysteriously that she had sent someone to pick her up. Li luoran didn't know where he was going, but Alan did?

This time, Alan, who saw Li luoran's mind, didn't show off any more, but said frankly,

"Lu Zhai."

Li luoran was even more shocked, "is it true or not? Lu Shaochen and Xiao Shaochen should have a big festival, right? Even if he had to go, he would not go early in the morning? "

Alan, "he didn't want to go either, but he had to."

All right!

All right!Li luoran knows that Alan is the kind of person who can say what she wants to say without asking her. She doesn't want to say what she doesn't want to say, and you can't find out what she doesn't want to say. So she doesn't waste her breath anymore. She says goodbye to Alan and goes out of the door quickly.

At the moment, a black Rolls Royce was parking at the gate of the compound. Li luoran recognized it from a distance as the most frequently driven car of Lu Shaochen.

When Li luoran walked out of the yard, the door of the co driver's seat opened automatically. Li luoran didn't look at the driver's seat, so he just got into the car and sat on the seat. "Come on, what the hell is Lu Wanyue doing?"

"Well I think she missed her sister-in-law, didn't she

A slightly husky male voice came from the driver's seat.

The sound, so familiar and so far away.

Li luoran's first reaction was that she had hallucination. She looked at it in a trance. The next second, she saw the handsome and familiar face.

"Chu star?"

"Is it really you? Stars... "

Li luoran holds Chu Xingchen's face in his suspicious right hand, and tries to prove it, and then tries again

"Hello, Hello, hello If sister-in-law suspects that she is dreaming, she should pinch herself, right? What's the use of pinching me with all your strength, even if you can't feel the pain yourself? " Although Chu Xingchen didn't feel pain, he still said with a smile,

"ha ha, but my sister-in-law doesn't need to verify. It's really me, sister-in-law!"

Li Luo dyed his nose sour, and his tears rolled in his eyes. "Star, when did you wake up, star? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Looking at Chu Xingchen in front of him, although his hair was much shorter than before, he still dyed it bright wine red. He also wore the exaggerated oversized earrings. Who else could Chu Xingchen be?

Once upon a time, Li luoran could not help laughing every time he saw Chu Xingchen's dress. Now, seeing the big boy appearing in front of him, he just felt very kind. Li luoran almost jumped on him and held him in his arms regardless of the suspicion of men and women?

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