You,Under My Name

Chapter 403: 403

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"It's quite reasonable. Do you really take Qianhua as your husband? If you really take him as your husband, how can you always be a stranger to him? How can you marry him for so long but never be married to him? "

Jin Xin Tong said sarcastically.

Li luoran was speechless.

"Li luoran, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. In a word, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's enough for you to be a bystander. I didn't want to pull you in. Don't look for trouble yourself."

Jin Xintong's beautiful voice reverberates in the wind.

Li luoran didn't know what to say.

Looking back on the night when Lu Wanyue was drugged by three masked men, although the three men wanted to violence Lu Wanyue, they never violated Li luoran. Li luoran also heard from the words of the three men that Jin Xintong, who hired them, specially told them to keep a distance from Li luoran. Jin Xintong really didn't want to pull Li luoran into this matter.

Therefore, although Jin Xintong also hates Li luoran, she never wants to revenge Li luoran like Lu Wanyue.

In other words, Jin Xintong's hatred for others is very serious. Lu Wanyue gives Jin Xintong medicine, and Jin Xintong returns it in the same way. Li luoran is Jin Xintong's rival. Li luoran has never harmed Jin Xintong on his own initiative, and Jin Xintong will not hurt li luoran in a bad way

When Li luoran's thoughts are flying, Jin Xintong returns to the car.

Li Jin comes to the window of the car and starts it again.

Jin Xintong slipped out of the car window. "I've already said all the things I should say. Do you have anything else to do?"

Li luoran looked at her thoughtfully, "do you know Bai Qingwan?"

"Nonsense! Although that woman has been dead for a long time, her bad things once caused a sensation all over the world and are still the laughing stock of people after dinner. Who can't know her scheming watch? " Jin Xintong laughs.

"When we talk about her, everyone in the drama group always feels like she is clean and clean." With a sigh, Li luoran's eyes became more and more serious,

"I know that you and Bai Qingwan are essentially different. You have a bottom line and principles, but God treats you unfairly, which makes your destiny bumpy. But I don't know why, every time I see you, I still can't help thinking of Bai Qingwan."


Jin Xintong laughs,

"don't you want to say that I have been slept by many men like Bai Qingwan in disguise? Don't you mean that I am a whore like her?"

“……” Li luoran's delicate face is a bit embarrassed,

"I really don't mean that. At the beginning, Cui Jun cheated you to sleep for three years while you lost your memory. It's not up to you. Later, you and Xiao Qianhua had no choice but to sleep, and that night you and Lu Shaochen Ha ha, we don't say that. I just want to make it clear that you and Bai Qingwan have no comparability in that respect... " Seeing that Jin Xintong's face is getting worse and worse, Li luoran stops the topic and says, "what I want to tell you is that Su Yan was cheated by Bai Qingwan deeply, and Su Yan is willing to do anything for Bai Qingwan. Finally, Su Yan sees the truth clearly. How much better do you think you are than Bai Qingwan? Do you think you can really cheat Lu Shaochen all your life? "

Jin Xintong is silent.


Why didn't Jin Xintong think about this?

Lu Shaochen is a smart person. Because she once saved Lu Shaochen's life and was his first love, she left a perfect image in Lu Shaochen's heart. In addition, Xiao Qianhua always helped her carry the pot, so Lu Shaochen believed in her deeply.

But lies will come out one day.

Because every time you tell a lie, you have to say ten more to round it. Jin Xintong has told Lu Shaochen too many lies, and she needs to tell more and more to round it. Even if she is careful, she will inevitably show her feet. By then, she may be the next Bai Qingwan

Lu Shaochen really loved her.

She also knows that Lu Shaochen now feels that he owes her so much that he treats her so well.

However, if one day Lu Shaochen knew that she was the one who poisoned Lu Shaochen, Li luoran and Lu Mingyue, she would try her best to hide the truth that Lu Mingyue was Li luoran and Lu Shaochen's son, and it was her behind the scenes who tried to hinder their family reunion, and it was also her who made the three men humiliate Lu Wanyue. Her image in Lu Shaochen's heart would completely collapse, and Lu Shaochen would not remember her The old love turned against her.

That is nothing but the result that Jin Xintong is most afraid of!

She can't remember how many nights she had such nightmares. She woke up in a dream full of sweat and scream. At that moment, she was very lucky that Lu Shaochen had never slept in the same bed with her after she married her. Otherwise, Lu Shaochen might know the truth because she heard her dream talk.

"So, Jin Xintong, enough is enough. At least it's still time."

Li luoran's clear voice was ringing outside the car.Jin Xin Tong's beautiful eyes of cutting water can't help showing a trace of expectation, "how can it stop?"

Li luoran said, "tell Lu Shaochen that you are the one who did harm to Lu Wanyue, and apologize to him. Tell her the truth that you drugged us, and tell him that I am Mingyue's biological mother. Although Shaochen will blame you, I think he will forgive you."

“……” As if to hear a big joke, the silk in jinxintong's eyes is expected to turn into irony in an instant,

"ha ha, Li luoran! This is what you really want to say to me. I'm not as stupid as you think. I won't be cheated so easily by you! "

Li luoran said helplessly, "I sincerely advise you for your own good. If you blindly make mistakes again and again, when Shaochen finds out the truth, even if you regret it too late."

"I don't regret it!" Jin Xintong took a deep breath, and his eyes were sharp and resolute.

"there is no turning back arrow when I bow. I have done so much, and there is no turning back."

Li luoran was shocked by Jin Xintong's cold tone.

"Li luoran, do you really think you are not wrong? You remember, if you hadn't robbed Shaochen while I was away, I would never have made so many mistakes. If one day Shaochen really found out the truth, I would never have let you live. If I want to die, I will pull you to die together! "

Luxury car with a gust of wind from Li luoran's side, her black hair with the wind, her eyes were covered by random hair, she suddenly did not know, jinxintong that such as curse like words, such as the tip of a knife stabbed her heart.

"You don't have to worry. Xiaojin is just cruel to you. She and you will never have that day."

A familiar voice came suddenly. It was so magnetic and penetrating that even if it came against the wind, Li luoran could still hear it clearly.

Li Luo dye went on the prestige, and saw Xiao Qian painting standing at the foot of the French plane tree not far away. It seemed that he had been standing there for a long time. Otherwise, he could not have known what Li Luo dye and Jin Xin Tong had said, but the former Luo Luo dye had never noticed his existence.

"How do you know?" she said

"Lu Shaochen vowed that he would never help her with anything I had done in the future."

With light words, Xiao Qianhua comes to Li luoran with steady steps.

"Cut..." Li luoran pulls his lips disdainfully,

"you promised not to help Jin Xintong any more, and even dare to bet with me with confidence. As a result, Jin Xintong asked you a few words and you won't be soft? Don't swear to heaven again. It's no use swearing to anyone. You'll never pass the jinxintong pass. "

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With that, he no longer wanted to argue with Xiao Qianhua. He left Xiao Qianhua and walked to the main building without looking back.

"I decided not to help her any more for her good." Xiao Qianhua follows Li luoran, but he doesn't surpass her. He always keeps a distance from her.

"I think the same as you. Although Lu Shaochen believes in Xiaojin, it doesn't mean that Lu Shaochen will always believe in Xiaojin like a fool. Now Xiaojin keeps her secret. If she goes on like this, she will be discovered by Lu Shaochen sooner or later, If I don't help her any more, I will protect her. Lu Shaochen will never find out the truth. "

No wonder jinxintong is glad to have Xiao Qian's painting.

Xiao Qianhua will not only protect Jin Xintong at all costs, but also consider everything for Jin Xintong

Li luoran can only sigh in his heart.

In fact, up to now, as long as Jin Xintong has been on-line and has not made major mistakes, it is almost impossible for Lu Shaochen to find out the truth.

And Li luoran is also from the heart, do not want Jin Xintong to be seen through by Lu Shaochen.

As Jin Xintong said, everything Jin Xintong does is to save the love between her and Lu Shaochen. If Li luoran doesn't meet Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen will go smoothly, and Jin Xintong will never do those crazy things.

But, up to now, everyone can't help it.

What should come will come. What can't be hidden will be hidden. It's up to no one to be willing to do anything!


Jin Xintong didn't directly drive back to the land house, but took a detour to Xiangwang bridge.

It's evening. The city is full of light and neon. It seems that there is not a trace of urban extravagance and hustle and bustle on the Xiangwang bridge, which is always covered by dense fog. It's like another world.

The people who come to xiangwangqiao want to break away from the cruel real world and integrate themselves into another world?

Jin Qian is such a person.

Because Jin Qian comes here every day. No matter it's cloudy, sunny, cold or hot, it's like who he made an appointment with. He arrives on time at 3 p.m. every day and never feels happy about the appointment.

Jin Xintong stops her car under the bridge and goes up the bridge step by step.At the moment, Jin Qian is standing alone on the top of the bridge. Every time Jin Xintong sees him like this, she can't help but feel a pain in her heart.

He came to Jinqian's right hand, "brother, what can't be said on the phone, do I have to come here to find you?"

"You're the one who posted the photos online." Jin Qian opened his mouth lightly.

The brocade Heart Tong tiny a stay, "elder brother, what are you talking about?"? What picture? "

Jin Qian, "private photos of me and Ranran."

Jin Xintong's fingertips trembled. Until this moment, she understood what Jin Qian was saying.

That was before the divorce of Lu Shaochen and Li luoran.

At that time, Jin Xintong and Gu lianyue, in order to destroy Li luoran's black material, jointly exploded Li luoran's black material. On the same day, they posted the private photos of Li luoran and Jin Qian, as well as the photos of Li luoran being sold into the bar, and almost killed Li luoran

Later, Jin Qian and Feng Qian came out to help Li Luo dye white.

As the backstage of that matter, jinxintong has a deep secret, and no one has ever suspected her. Jinxintong can't think of it. In fact, Jinqian hasn't given up investigating the truth of that matter. It's been so long, but he still has jinxintong out!

"I I remember, I have a little impression of that, but brother, you shouldn't have wronged me Although Jin Xintong is guilty, she still struggles.

Jin Qian looked at the unknown location with no expression. "When Ranran and I took those private photos, we printed two copies and deleted the source file completely. Ranran and I had one copy, and there were only two copies in the world, because my copy was locked in the safe all the time, so after those photos were sent to the Internet, I decided that Ranran didn't save himself It was not until Mingyue was kidnapped not long ago that I asked Ranran about her photo when I called her to show my concern. I learned that her photo had been burned to ashes by Lu Shaochen as early as a year ago. "

The brocade Heart Tong immediately has a kind of very bad premonition.

Sure enough, Jin Qian continued, "at that moment, I immediately understood that the photos posted on the Internet were secretly taken from me, and the only people who knew the password of my safe were you and me."

"Yes, elder brother, you regard me as your closest person. Even the password of the safe is my birthday date. You always tell me that you take your bank card, safe, vault All your important passwords are set as my birthday. You say, in this way, if one day you encounter any accident, I can still get your important items. However, brother, you can't think that I secretly took your photos just because I know your password! " I don't know whether it is because of a guilty heart or because of fear, Jin Xintong's voice trembles.

"You and Ranran are the two people I care about most in the world. If there is no real evidence, how can I wrongly treat you? How can I be willing to do you wrong? " Jin Qian's voice is cold and his eyes are in a trance,

"although I doubt you, I say to myself again and again in my heart that you are my good sister, and you won't do it! It won't be you! So, I had my fingerprints checked. As a result, the album with my private photo and Ranran's is full of your fingerprints. "


In the brain as if explodes a hornet nest, the brocade Heart Tong immediately has a kind of intense collapse feeling.

Now, she knew that she could not hide. She took a deep breath, and her trembling lips gradually opened, "brother, in this case, I have no need to hide, it's me! That's me! I secretly took those photos while you were away, and let Gu lianyue post them on the Internet. It's also me who found someone to write about gun literature and blow up her black materials! "

At this moment, Jin Qian's tall figure trembled obviously.

Turning around and looking at Jin Xintong, Jin Qian's beautiful eyes are as black as Qu Shi's. loss and sadness interweave, "Xintong, you know how important she is to me, you know I don't want her to be hurt, why do you want to hurt her?"

"I can't, because I hate and envy her so much?" Jin Xintong raised her voice excitedly, tears fell down,

"brother, I'm your sister! No matter what I do, you should be on my side, right? You should have spoken for me, shouldn't you? Why Why do the most important people in my life turn away from me because of Li luoran? You and Shaochen are the people I love the most, and the people you used to love the most are also me! Why do you all turn against me for her? "

The voice of grievance spread far away.

The other two couples on the bridge saw that Jin Xintong was so excited that they got off the bridge and went far away.

Seeing Jin Xintong's traumatized appearance, Jin Qian felt like a prick in his heart. Instead of blaming him, he put his right hand on Jin Xintong's shoulder. He wiped her tears with his left thumb and said softly,

"Xin Tong, you will always be the most important person in my life, and you will always be the one I love and love the most. I will never turn my back on you, and I will never forget you I know Shaochen better than you. Shaochen is just like me. He loves you and loves you as much as I do. "

Jin Xintong is in a better mood. Her tears stop and she says in a delicate voice, "I don't believe it. You're just saying what I like to hear to coax me. Shaochen has changed his heart. How can't I feel that he hurts me like a glance?""Silly boy, just because you can't feel it doesn't mean Shaochen doesn't love you. He just doesn't want to show it." Jin Qian patiently explained,

"Shaochen still loves you, but his love for you is no longer the kind of love between boys and girls. Now he treats you as his sister like me, but his pain and love for you will not be inferior to mine. He will be willing to pay everything for you like me, but he knows you still love him and doesn't want you to think about him any more, so he is deliberately cold I'll leave you alone

As if to hear a bolt from the blue, the face of brocade Heart Tong becomes very white.

She didn't know how she made her voice. "Brother, you Are you sure? How can you be so sure that you are not him? " Panic of stare at Jin Qian, even breathing almost also stopped.

Not aware of Jin Xintong's change, Jin Qian continued, "I used to be Shaochen's best friend. In this world, no one knows his mind better than me except himself. I'm sure."

The heart seems to be cut a gap, countless loss, fear, despair, hysteria gush out, such as the flood will jinxintong submerged, jinxintong suffocated badly, she can't say a word, only just stopped tears flow down again.

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