You,Under My Name

Chapter 410: 410

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"Shall we go?"

Li luoran stood up.

Before, he stayed outside because he was worried that Chu Xingchen would not help Xiao Qianying with the antidote. Now he knows that Chu Xingchen has begun to help Xiao Qianying with the antidote, so there is no need to stay here.

"Well." Xiao Qianhua stands up and walks back to the living room with Li luoran.

Standing in the quiet living room, although he could not hear those sounds for a long time, Xiao Qian's painting seemed to shake the pictures of Xiao Qian's shadow being manipulated and occupied by Chu Xingchen.

Li luoran, who saw Xiao Qian's painting, said, "tell me about your sister's fiance who has been missing for two years."

“……” Xiao Qianhua tried to bring his thoughts back to reality,

"his name is Wei Zhendong, a senior of my sister's University. They met and fell in love in the club. They were originally scheduled to get married on Valentine's day two years ago. Unexpectedly, just a few weeks before their marriage, Wei Zhendong went to a western developed country to talk business, and then never came back, and never contacted my sister again."

Li luoran shrugged, "could he have an accident, such as meeting pirates at sea, climbing snowy mountains, meeting avalanches and so on, where there are no dead or alive..."

"No!" Xiao Qianhua's answer is very positive.

Li luoran was surprised that Xiao Qianhua was so sure, "why?"

Xiao Qianhua said, "because just last month, my friend in that country met him. When I found my friend, I immediately hid in the crowd and lost sight. It was obvious that he was deliberately hiding from my sister. This hiding lasted for two years."

Li luoran is more and more shocked, "he and your sister have come to the point of marriage, why do you want to avoid your sister?"

"This is also a problem that I can't understand all the time. What's more, it's a knot that my sister can't solve all the time..."

Xiao Qianhua looked at the position of the washroom in a trance,

"my elder sister always thinks about Wei Zhendong. She thinks that Wei Zhendong will come back to her. In the past two years, she has turned away all the men who are interested in her. In love, my elder sister is as stubborn as me. If Wei Zhendong doesn't come back, she will wait for her whole life."


It's another one who is tortured by love!

Xiao Qianying is beautiful, rich and has a good brother who loves her a lot. It seems that Xiao Qianying has everything that others dream of. However, behind her perfection, there is a heart full of holes.

In this world, who is not scarred by love?

Like Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong, Wang Zimo, Jin Qian, Xiao Qianhua, Feng Qianyi, Lu Wanyue and Li luoran, who knows how much bitterness they have in their hearts?

Li luoran, full of thoughts, "what do you think?"

Xiao Qian's eyes turned from the washing room to Li luoran's face. "I think although Wei Zhendong pretended to love my sister very much, he didn't want to marry my sister at all. The reason why he set a wedding date with my sister is to stabilize my sister first. My sister lost her heart to him, and of course she would allow him to go abroad on the eve of their wedding. As a result, he never came back, I don't think he'll ever come back, and he's afraid to come back. "

Li Luo Ran is surprised, "why does he dare not come back again?"

Xiao Qianhua's eyes suddenly become cold, "if he dares to come back, once I catch him, I will cut him to pieces, or castrate him, let him teach me a lesson for a long life!"

Oh, my God!

Li luoran was frightened by Xiao Qian's evil expression.

However, the thought that Xiao Qianhua loved Xiao Qianying so much and Xiao Qianying was betrayed and abandoned by others for no reason is understandable.


Li luoran sighed and pointed his slender fingers to the position of the washroom,

"so, I think today's incident is a good thing for your sister. You think, your sister's fiance must also know your personality very well. He must be very clear that if he dares to come back, he won't come to a good end. Therefore, the possibility of his coming back is very small, while your sister's fiance is very small And so stubborn, if he does not come back, your sister is so beautiful, a girl really want to be a fool to keep alive for a lifetime, what a pity? "

Xiao Qian's face was as black as black clouds. "I don't think there is anyone in the world who can match my sister. It's a pity that my sister is sleeping by anyone."

“……” Li luoran was stunned. She didn't know how she opened her mouth again,

"OK, OK! Your sister is indeed perfect, but no matter how perfect the girl is, she must have another half. It's like a beautiful and enchanting rose. Even if it is beautiful, it must be moistened by rain and dew. Otherwise, she will wither and wither lonely. How lonely is she in this life? "

"I know what you want to say." Xiao Qianhua sneered,

"you want to say, let the red haired boy Chu Xingchen be my sister's other half."

Sure enough, you can't have a routine to talk to such a smart person as Xiao Qianhua, because your routine will be exposed before it is set, and you will make yourself like a fool.

Li luoran was speechless.

Xiao Qian eyebrows, "I advocate love, will never interfere with my sister's love, even if she fell in love with a pig, want to marry a pig, I will never hinder, just as I thought Wei Zhendong was very bad, but never stopped them, now also, if my sister will fall in love with Chu Xingchen that red haired kid, I have nothing to say."Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought that Xiao Qianying would oppose Chu Xingchen and Xiao Qianying because Chu Xingchen was Lu Shaochen's follower and "best friend".

However, the next second, Xiao Qianhua's eyes turned into disdain, "but I know my sister, Chu Xingchen can't get into her eyes. If she knew Chu Xingchen had been her antidote, she would feel very dirty and disgusted. Therefore, if my sister was still in a coma afterwards, I would never tell her what happened between her and Chu Xingchen."

Li luoran said nothing more.

She also thinks that it's a good thing for Xiao Qian to hide the truth from Xiao Qianying if she hates Chu Xingchen as Xiao Qianhua says. In this world, no girl wants to have a relationship with a man she hates.

Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua have no topic to talk about. They are waiting in the living room.

It can be seen that Xiao Qianhua is very anxious. Every few minutes, he looks at the European clock on the wall. He wants Chu Xingchen and Xiao Qianying to end early, but he worries that they will end too early to completely relieve Xiao Qianying's effect, so he can only struggle, struggle and wait

Time goes by.

Li luoran recalls the scene of Lu Wanyue, Lu Shaochen and Shu Xinshuang waiting anxiously outside the hospital.

At least half an hour passed.

The door of the washroom was pushed open with a click.

Chu Xingchen walks out with Xiao Qianying in her arms.


With this cry, Xiao Qianhua almost sprints to Chu Xingchen with a speed of 100 meters and grabs Xiao Qianying into his arms.

"Er..." Chu Xingchen anxiously grabs his oversized earring,

"don't call her, she hasn't woken up yet, what she can't hear is In fact, I'm not sure if I have completely relieved her medication. I feel that she is no longer restless and her body is not so hot, so I stop. I can't bear to take advantage of my little sister's time to make her too much... "

Xiao Qian's face was black and his eyes were terrible.

"Cough! Cough Chu Xingchen looks at Xiao Qianying's beautiful face anxiously,

"although I've done it twice, if you don't feel at ease, I can do it again. As long as I can help my little sister, I can do it many times Oh... "

Don't let Xiao Qian's cold as Satan's eyes make a scream, and he doesn't dare to go on.

"Don't mention anything about today to anyone, especially my sister." Xiao Qian painted the syllables on his thin and cold lips.

The frightened Chu star only nods.

Xiao Qianhua, with a cold complexion, said, "remember, it's not that my sister has been treated twice by you, but that you have been the antidote for me and her twice. You are just the antidote! You are nothing but an antidote

Chu Xingchen, "..."

Xiao Qianhua has been holding Xiao Qianying in front of Chu Xingchen.

Chu Xingchen looks at Xiao Qianying's face in a trance. It may not be the most beautiful face he has ever seen. At least Jin Xintong, Shu Xinshuang and Li luoran are slightly more beautiful than Xiao Qianying. However, at the first sight of Xiao Qianying, her face is deeply engraved in his heart, making him never forget.

"What's the matter? Why don't you call Lu Wanyue? " Li luoran's voice came from afar.

Chu Xingchen takes out his cell phone in his pocket just as his soul returns.

Knowing that Xiao Qianying's efficacy has been solved, Lu Wanyue opens the high security anti-theft lock at the front door of the living room.

when Xiao Wanqian came out of the door to help you, how could he regret that I didn't let him do the first painting? If you don't have him, you will have sex with your sister. Tut tut Brother and sister How wonderful that must be, enough for me to laugh for a year. "

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If Xiao Qianhua couldn't hold Xiao Qianying in his arms, he would have slapped Lu Wanyue in the face. He could only look at Lu Wanyue coldly,

"you should be glad, if I had to be with my sister I'll settle with you later. "

"Cut! I'm afraid of you Lu Wanyue raised her face,

"if I were afraid of you, I would not do this. But after all, Xiao Qianhua, how can you blame me? It's you who, in order to help a coquettish fox to answer the blame, insists on taking your sister in. Even if your sister is sleeping with you, you can only blame yourself. "

"You..." Xiao Qianhua is almost angry. However, now he has no choice but to laugh at Lu Wanyue and say, "I have nothing to say to you who are lawless. I just warn you, don't scold Xiaojin in front of me, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."

Lu Wanyue disdained, "who are you threatening? I scolded her in front of you. What's the matter? She's a bitch, a little fox, a shameless... "

"Graceful and restrained!" Li luoran grabs Lu Wanyue's hand,

"you've got your revenge, too. Say less!"She knows more than anyone that Jin Xintong's position in Xiao Qianhua's heart is heavy. Xiao Qianhua is really not just talking about it. If Lu Wanyue continues to humiliate Jin Xintong, she still doesn't know what Xiao Qianhua will do

Lu Wanyue, who used to regard Li luoran as a thorn in the flesh, now listens to Li luoran's words. Instead of paying attention to Xiao Qianhua, she turns her eyes to Li luoran's face and says with a smile,

"Hey, I asked someone to tie you to the sofa and seal your mouth. Don't you remember your revenge?"

Li luoran said, "well."

“……” Lu Wanyue said, "I said that if I invite you to dinner, I will apologize to you."

Li luoran shook his head.

Lu Wanyue said, "I didn't want to hurt you. It's you who meddle in your own business. I'm afraid you'll disturb my plan. I have to do that to you. Don't you really have a grudge?"

Li luoran shook his head.

Lu Wanyue was a little anxious. "Tell me, what do I have to do to make you forgive me?"

Li luoran rolled his lips, "you tied me for 11 minutes and 33 seconds. If you really want me to forgive you, I'll tie you back for such a long time. No, no! If I want to pay you back, I'll tie you for 23 minutes and 6 seconds. "

Lu Wanyue, "..."

At this time, Chu Xingchen drooped.

"You stop!" Lu Wanyue grabs Chu Xingchen in a hurry,

"I have fulfilled your dream, don't you report to me as soon as possible?"

A face muddled Chu star star, "what situation? What can I do to report such a thing? "

"Ha! That's what I want to hear... " Lu Wanyue had a dirty smile on her lips,

"said," you slept with her several times. "

Know Lu Wanyue difficult, if you don't answer, Lu Wanyue will blindly entangle, Chu Xingchen can only reluctantly stretch out two fingers.

"Only twice? You're useless Lu Wanyue asked,

"in this way, her figure is not bad, is she very wave? Are you enjoying yourself? "

Chu Xingchen didn't want to answer this question, but he didn't want to insult his goddess. He frowned and pushed Lu Wanyue away.

"Come back to me!" Lu Wanyue grabs Chu Xingchen again,

"answer my last question, is she at home?"

“……” Chu Xingchen's tall and thin body was fixed in the same place.

Lu Wanyue shook him, "you are usually very open, you have slept, what is hard to say? Say it

Chu Xingchen was silent for a moment, "No."

Lu Wanyue, "..." It's a bit out of her expectation.

Li luoran was not surprised at all. She knew that Xiao Qianying had a fiance. Besides, she and her fiance were only one step away from marriage. They couldn't have never had a relationship.

Chu Xingchen looked at Xiao Qianying who was held in her arms by Xiao Qianhua, "I don't care about her past. Being close to her is my greatest luck. I am willing to be responsible for her. I will take today as the most important day in my life and always remember it."

"Oh, no? Chu Xingchen, you two goods can also say such elegant words? It seems that I'm really emotional... " Lu Wanyue shook her head,

"however, I think you are dreaming. Only you and my brother's kind of straight man will feel that a girl will belong to you after sleeping with you. Xiao Qianying, a goddess girl, usually likes my brother's kind of cold type man. You'll never have a chance."


Chu star lost of caress to caress own wine red hair.


How can he be worthy of such a perfect little sister?

It's just a lucky chance for him to win the prize!

He can't win all his life!

He can't have her all his life!


At the moment, Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are standing under the loquat tree in the courtyard.

Xiao Qianhua came to Lu Shaochen with Xiao Qianying in his arms,

"after all, I hurt your sister first. It's justifiable for you to retaliate me in the same way, so I admit it! Today, when I leave this yard, I will treat it as if nothing has happened. From then on, the enmity between us will be wiped out. "

"Write it off?"

Lu Shaochen murmured this word, and his dark gem like eyes were desolate,

"you have taken away my most important thing, but I haven't taken it back yet. How do you want me to write it off with you?"

Xiao Qianhua resolutely looked at Lu Shaochen with four eyes,

"you go your Yangguan Road, I cross my single wooden bridge, our well water does not violate the river water."

Lu Shaochen shook his head and his eyes became colder and colder. "You know what I said is the important thing that you took away from me. If you really want to make peace with me, give them back to me."

Xiao Qian can't help but look at Jin Xintong not far away. "For today's situation, for the happiness of the people I love, I have paid so much. I can't afford it. How can I pay it back?""In this case, there will never be peace between us." Lu Shaochen approached Xiao Qian as like as two peas. The two faces of the same model were almost stuck together. He was compared with Xiao Qian's cold eyes. The thin lips spilled the syllable as the wind blowing on the top of the snow mountain.

, "Xiao Qian, draw, remember to me. Sooner or later, I will take away everything you take away from me today, like you did today, if you would not let go. We will lose both sides and burn both sides. "

Xiao Qian sneered, "well, let's go to hell together!"

Once again, he stepped forward to the gate with Xiao Qianying in his arms.

Lu Shaochen looked coldly at the sound of Xiao Qian's painting, his eyes like a knife.

Jin Xintong is staring at Lu Shaochen.

Jin Xintong certainly understood that Lu Shaochen's "important thing" that he was robbed by Xiao Qian's paintings was Li luoran.

In fact, Lu Shaochen and Xiao Qianhua are two beasts who can't stir up anyone's existence. They are just like two beasts with equal strength. Once they go to war, they will lose both sides. Even if one side will eventually kill the other side, the defeated side will be physically incomplete and black and white.

That's why Xiao Qianhua threw an olive branch at Lu Shaochen.

If they are safe, they are good to each other.

Of course, Lu Shaochen understood this.

However, Jin Xintong never thought that Lu Shaochen chose to confront Xiao Qianhua for Li luoran's sake. Jin Xintong thought that as long as he married Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen would gradually forget Li luoran and his heart would gradually return to her. She never thought that Lu Shaochen's obsession with Li luoran was so deep that he would rather be with Xiao Qian It's hard to draw

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