You,Under My Name

Chapter 411: 411

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When Li luoran passed by Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen was still looking coldly at Xiao Qianhua's figure.

Li luoran doesn't blame Lu Shaochen for his revenge on Xiao Qianhua. Although Lu Shaochen's actions are indeed excessive, it's impossible for him who loves Lu Wanyue deeply. After Lu Wanyue is bullied, he doesn't take any revenge action. What's more, Chu Xingchen's mistake minimizes Xiao Qianying's damage. It's better to let it go This is a full stop.

"I heard that you had a bet with Xiao Qianhua. As a result, it was Xiao Qianhua who lost."

Lu Shaochen's voice came from his right hand.

As if he had been cursed, Li luoran suddenly stayed in the same place.

"This is the secret between Xiao Qianhua and me. No one knows it except him and me. How do you know it?" Li luoran's voice showed obvious panic.

Lu Shaochen, who looks like a crown of jade, "I guess so."


You can even guess other people's secrets. Are you a fairy?

Li luoran couldn't laugh or cry. She slowly moved her eyes to Lu Shaochen's face. "You really know how to guess. Then, you tell me in detail. What did you guess? Why do I bet with Xiao Qianhua? What's our bet? Why did he lose? "

Lu Shaochen, "these, I do not know."

Li luoran could not help passing a trace of disappointment.

At the beginning, she and Xiao Qianhua bet on Jin Xintong. Xiao Qianhua also lost because he helped Jin Xintong revenge Lu Wanyue. If Lu Shaochen knew everything, it also meant that Lu Shaochen had seen Jin Xintong's true face.


According to Lu Shaochen's clear disposition, if he saw the true face of jinxintong, he would have turned against jinxintong. How could he let jinxintong stay with him?

She thinks too much.

She shouldn't be whimsical.

Lu Shaochen, "I only know that the result of Xiao Qianhua's loss in gambling is that he will not interfere in any contacts between us from now on. Even if you are my secret wife, he will turn a blind eye."

Li luoran was shocked.

Not far away, Jin Xintong's body was obviously shocked. She had heard Xiao Qianhua tell her about his gambling with Li luoran. When Xiao Qianhua told her about it, he especially reminded Jin Xintong that he hoped Jin Xintong would take good care of Lu Shaochen, because since then, Xiao Qianhua has no authority to let Li luoran "keep women's way" in the name of Li luoran's "husband".

At that time, Jin Xintong sniffed at Xiao Qian's reminding.

Because Jin Xintong knows that Li luoran is a principled girl. If she wanted to have an affair with Lu Shaochen, she would have agreed to be Lu Shaochen's Secret wife for a long time. Although she has been entangled by Lu Shaochen since her divorce, she has always kept a distance from Lu Shaochen.

besides, Lu Shaochen wants to stick to Li luoran like a dog skin plaster, but Lu Shaochen is still very happy Chen could never have known about the bet between Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua. Naturally, he could not have said anything about it with this bet

Make Jin Xin Tong panic and fear is, Lu Shaochen or know the secret!

Who leaked the secret?

From the performance of Li luoran at the moment, it is obviously not Li luoran!

Does Xiao Qian paint?

No way!


There is nothing more!

So, who else is there?!

"So now I can promise to be my secret wife?" Lu Shaochen's clear voice sounded again.

Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

Lu Shaochen used to say the same thing to her when she was alone. Li luoran didn't expect Lu Shaochen to say the same thing in front of Jin Xintong.

She unconsciously looked at Jin Xintong. Sure enough, Jin Xintong's face was not a trace of blood. She was trembling violently and staring at Lu Shaochen. The grief and despair in her eyes were suffocating.

Lu Shaochen seems to forget the existence of Jin Xintong. He strides to Li luoran, puts his generous hands on Li luoran's thin shoulders, and looks down at her with gentle eyes and magnetic voice.

"promise me that I will treat you as my only wife and son, and no one can replace you in my heart. Promise me to be my secret wife Son, I will spoil you as before, eh? "


Li luoran had a trance feeling that he was dreaming.

She did not expect that even in such a situation, her heart beat out of rhythm when she heard Lu Shaochen say these love words.

Taking a deep breath silently, Li luoran tried to show indifference, "Lu Shaochen, I really doubt that you are crazy. Do you know your current situation?" During the conversation, he raised his hand to Jin Xintong,

"your wife is beside you. Do you think about her feelings when you say these words to me in front of her? Where did you put her? "

Drop this, turn around and go.

However, as soon as he stepped out, he was held by Lu Shaochen's wrist. Lu Shaochen's magnetic voice sounded clearly behind her. "I know Xiaojin is also there. I say this in front of her face, which shows that I am sincere to you. Li luoran, I love you! Even if Xiaojin is here, I can still tell you that I love youIt seems that there is a gap in his heart, and endless emotions rush out hysterically. Li luoran's lips are open, but he can't say a word. The little hand that he wanted to shake Lu Shaochen off can't make any more effort.

No one has ever noticed that at the moment, there is no blood on Jin Xintong's extremely beautiful face.

"I know you still love me. In the past, you were often neglected and alienated by marriage. Now it's different."

With deep feeling, Lu Shaochen comes to Li luoran. Li luoran's head is half shorter than him. He slightly lowers his head to face her eyes.

"at the beginning, we were so painful and had to part, but in my heart, I have never separated from you. Your marriage with Xiao Qianhua and my marriage with Xiao Jin are nominal empty shells. In my heart, you are the only one for me Yi's wife is always my only wife. Promise me to be my secret wife for the time being. When we are all detoxified, I will divorce Xiaojin. At that time, we will be real husband and wife again, OK

Li luoran refused like a glance, his lips trembled, but he didn't say a word successfully.

Her voice seemed to be filled with sponges, and her eyes were sore. Li luoran could not imagine that once upon a time, Lu Shaochen could refuse decisively every time she pestered herself like this, but she could not speak in front of Jin Xintong and this time.

"If you don't answer, I'll take it as your default, OK?"

The magnetic sound, like the warm wind in March, brushed liluoran's cheek.

Body slightly a shock, so was Lu Shaochen embrace into the arms.

The faint smell of tobacco and his unique cool breath of mint on his body fluttered into her nose. It smelled so good, so charming, so enchanting. Every time he smelled it, liluoran would feel loved and loved.


At the beginning, Lu Shaochen always appeared when she was most embarrassed and needed help. No matter how dangerous and desperate her situation was, as long as she heard Lu Shaochen's voice, smelled his breath and saw his face, she immediately settled down and felt that as long as he was around, no one in the world could hurt her

But now Lu Shaochen is the husband of another girl.

This used to belong to her superhero, now has become someone else's superhero.

And she, also is someone else's wife, she is no longer qualified to be that he held in the palm of the treasure.

Cool skin.

Lu Shaochen pinched her chin with two hands, gently raised her small face, and leaned her thin lips inch by inch.

Feel his warm breath, at this moment, Li luoran suddenly sober, she suddenly pushed Lu Shaochen away, at the same time repeatedly backward.

"Dye..." Reading her name lightly, Lu Shaochen came to her again.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Don't come any closer to me!" Li luoran held out her hands in front of her, tears in her eyes and a smile in her mouth,

"Lu Shaochen, even if we had to divorce at the beginning, that is the truth. Now you are a husband and I am a wife, which is also the reality that can not be changed. So, face the reality, Lu Shaochen, I will never be your secret wife."

Lu Shaochen's black gem like eyes were filled with deep loss. "What should I do to make you understand my mind?"

"I know what you mean." Li luoran smiles haughtily, trying not to let tears fall,

"but I have already made my heart clear, Lu Shaochen, treat your Xiaojin well, she is true love to you, and she is worthy of your love."

Li luoran looked at Li luoran injured. Her beautiful lips were open, and she could not say a word more. She just watched Li luoran walk by him.

Looking at Li luoran's figure walking farther and farther, Lu Shaochen seems to be back to the day when he was forced to divorce her. At that sunny noon, he stood by the car, holding her divorce certificate, and immediately watched her leaving back. When her figure disappeared on the street corner, his heart seemed to be hollowed out. Since then, his whole person seemed to be transformed A body.

Li luoran never knew that Lu Shaochen, who had lost her, was like a body without soul all the time

As time goes by, Li luoran has already walked out of Lu's house. Lu Shaochen is still standing in the same place as zunwangfu stone.

Jin Xintong also stands in the same place like a sculpture. Since the moment when Lu Shaochen asked Li luoran to be his "secret wife", Jin Xintong has never moved.


The brocade Heart Tong also isn't the whole body all didn't move.

Her fingers have been shaking, until now, her fingers are still shaking badly, and the despair and collapse in her eyes have not dissipated.

"What's the matter? Are you upset?"

With this clear voice, Lu Wanyue comes to Jin Xintong with pride. She looks up and smiles,

"ha ha, it's so sad that a fox spirit, in order to get my brother, digs his brains and even designs shamelessly and painstakingly to let my brother sleep for once, eh, once, just once As a result, my brother was so devoted to his ex-wife that he didn't take this fox as his wife at all. AlasJin Xin Tong's enchanting body shakes, and the water eyes show the pain.

Lu Wanyue longed for Jin Xintong's more pain, the better. She continued sarcastically,

"from my brother's courtship to his ex-wife in front of this fox spirit, we can see that this little fox spirit's status in my brother's heart is worthless. Well, it's more than worthless? This fox spirit is like a piece of excrement in my brother's heart. My brother must want to clean her up so that she won't stink between my brother and my brother's ex-wife. It's just because my brother can't clean her up now because he and his son are extremely poisonous. She can't see her position clearly. She just refuses to leave and blocks between my brother and his ex-wife Take its humiliation, alas! This fox spirit is so sad, but why do I want to laugh so much? Ha ha ha... "

Jin Xintong's face is more and more haggard, and her eyes are more and more painful.

The more painful Jin Xintong was, the more brilliant Lu Wanyue laughed. "Ha ha, in fact, I think my brother is quite stupid. Anyway, this fox spirit has the appearance of a great nation and a great body. In ancient times, it's a sudaji. In modern times, if you sell it, it's the number one in the number one. How valuable it is, since she depends on it My brother asked him to sleep, and my brother just took her as a young lady. Anyway, he didn't lose heart. He took her as a toy and dumped her after playing. He didn't lose money. He just took her as an outlet for physiological needs. What's the matter... "


Lu Shaochen coldly interrupted Lu Wanyue.

He knows Lu Wanyue better than anyone else. Lu Wanyue is not dirty in her heart, but her mouth is very dirty. Her words are very dirty when she has not experienced the affairs between men and women. Because of this, many people will mistakenly think that she is a girl with a chaotic private life.

"Che, I'm talking for you. You're so angry!"

Lu Wanyue rolled her eyes at Lu Shaochen and then said with a smile,

"brother, I'm serious. Did you really only sleep with Jin Xintong that time? As far as I know, every night when you and Ranran are together, they will fight until early morning. Your demand is very strong. Jinxintong is such a peerless beauty on your bed, so you don't want to sleep with her at all? "

Lu Shaochen is too lazy to pay attention to Lu Wanyue. He leaves her and walks to the garage.

"Hey, don't go! If I ask you something, what are you... "

Lu Wanyue was interrupted by the sound of "Dong" in the middle of her words. When she saw Jin Xintong lying on the ground, she screamed immediately,

"ah! No! The fox spirit is so angry

Lu Shaochen turns around and sees Jin Xintong lying on the ground with her eyes closed. Her face is as pale as paper. Even though she is in a coma, she is still full of pain and sadness. It seems that she is in a coma because of Lu Wanyue's words.

Lu Shaochen shook his head and strode back under the loquat tree to pick up Jin Xintong.


Li luoran took a taxi back to Jiangnan Yipin.

Nearly half an hour has passed since she left Lu's house, but her mood is still not calm. The picture of Lu Shaochen hugging her and the words Lu Shaochen said to her are replayed in her mind.

Lu Shaochen!

Li luoran found that no matter how much he made up his mind to keep a distance from him, he had no immunity to him. Every time he was "teased", he would lose his rhythm, and it took a long time to return to his normal state of mind.

Walk into the living room on the first floor.

Xiao Qianhua, who has just returned, is sitting on the sofa. Although he has washed his face, there are still traces of Lu Wanyue's face. His face is damaged, but he is still very handsome.

Li luoran asked in the first sentence, "where is Xiao Qianying?"

Xiao Qianhua raised his finger to the bedroom on his right hand, "she has been sleeping, her temperature is normal, I think, her efficacy has been completely relieved."

Li luoran nodded and went on to the stairway.

"Do you reject the same sex?" Xiao Qianhua suddenly asked.

Li luoran was stunned, "what?"

“……” Xiao Qianhua thought about how to make it clear, but he didn't think of a proper way to say it, so he could only express it frankly,

"I mean, if you want to touch another girl's privacy Well I mean, the most private part, you're not going to be very exclusive, you know? "

Li luoran understood half, she looked at Xiao Qianhua awkwardly, "let you touch a man's privacy, will you reject it?"

Xiao Qian nodded and then shook his head,

"then I won't embarrass you. I'll do it myself."

Confused, Li luoran said, "what do you want me to do? Speak up

Xiao Qianhua breathed in silence, "you know my sister is very concerned about this. I don't want my sister to know what happened, but when I put her on the bed, I found some male liquid on her legs, some white The cream... "

Li luoran understood immediately.

Xiao Qian's picture color is not worried. "It's really speechless. Chu Xingchen, the red haired boy, has no professional ethics. She even gets it directly into my sister's body. If my sister wakes up and finds these things on her body, she will doubt it, so I want you to clean it for her."“……” Li luoran hesitated.

Xiao Qianhua said with a bitter smile, "if you are very repulsive, I can't help her. When I was a child, my sister often helped me take a bath. It's not unreasonable for me to help her take a bath."

Then he stood up.

Li luoran stopped him, "don't go, that Let me help you. "

Although it's embarrassing for her to help Xiao Qianying do this kind of thing, it's better than Xiao Qianying's painting at least

What's more, Xiao Qian's painting is also very difficult, otherwise he would not wait for Li luoran to come home and ask about Li luoran.

Relieved, Xiao Qian gave Li luoran a thumbs up, "thank you."

Li luoran took a basin of warm water and took two clean towels to clean Xiao Qianying.

About a quarter of an hour later, a scream of "ah" came from Xiao Qianying's bedroom. Li luoran in the living room heard a series of hasty footsteps. The next second, the door was hastily pushed open. Xiao Qianying, wearing Xiao Qianying's pajamas, stood at the door with hair on her head,

"Qian Hua, explain what's going on?"

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