You,Under My Name

Chapter 413: 413

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At this moment, Zhang Chu's image in Li luoran's heart was instantly destroyed.

Director Song Yi is also extremely helpless. Knowing that director Song Yi's upright temperament, Wang Zimo is only afraid that Song Yi will fall out with Zhang chufa, and he is busy and clever in taking the lead to settle matters and be humane.

"it's not too much to ask for chufa. Chufa's time is precious. Even chufa himself doesn't bother to remake it again and again. We should slow down the progress for him, and chufa is worth waiting for us."

Since even Wang Zimo, the boss, said that, even if Director Song Yi had more complaints, he could only swallow them.

Li luoran looks at wangzimo in a puzzled way. Wangzimo is famous in this circle for not allowing sand in his eyes. There are countless famous stars under him, but he is never used to anyone. His connivance at Zhang Chucha's playing big name makes Li luoran surprised and confused.

"I don't understand?" Seeing Li luoran's mind, Shu Xinshuang whispered,

"as long as you treat Zhang chufa as a three-year-old child, you can understand why Zimo indulges him like this."

Li luoran was even more confused.

Although Zhang chufa is just 18 years old, is it a bit too much to say that he is a child?

Shu Xinshuang continued to explain, "no matter what Zhang chufa's real character is, he's willing to join our production team to make this small clip is actually advertising for us. He has more than 100 million fans. When our film is released next year, as long as his participation can pull one percent of the fans to watch the film, according to 40 yuan for each film ticket, he will contribute to us in vain For more than 40 million yuan at the box office, Zimo coaxes him to perform this segment just like a child. Anyway, according to our current shooting schedule, we are not afraid to be wasted a few more days by Zhang chufa. "

Li luoran suddenly realized.

At this time, Feng Qianyi, who came down from the shooting site, came to Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang, "what are you talking about?"

Li luoran, "nothing."

Shu Xinshuang winked and laughed, "you guess."

The wind in the ancient costume is shallow and elegant, with blue eyes like water, "er It's said that a very interesting and eye-catching thing happened at the Lu house early this morning. When it happened, one of you was at the scene. Were you talking about that? "

Li luoran complained in secret.

Of course, she knows that what Feng qianzhen said is that Lu Wanyue has given Xiao Qianying medicine, but Li luoran, who has promised Xiao Qianhua to keep Xiao Qianying secret, does not tell Shu Xinshuang. With such a big mouth, Feng qianzhen will definitely follow Li luoran to find out the truth according to Shu Xinshuang's nature of breaking the casserole.

Sure enough, Shu Xinshuang immediately threw a curious look at Li luoran, "Ranran, is there really such a thing?"

Li luoran, "..."

Shu Xinshuang held Li luoran excitedly, "do you treat me as your good sister? Even if you don't tell me what happened, you don't tell me what happened

He found that he had made a mistake and left in a hurry.

Although Li luoran knows that Shu Xinshuang will keep a secret for herself, since she has promised Xiao Qianhua that she will never tell anyone about it, even Shu Xinshuang will keep it from her. Therefore, no matter how Shu Xinshuang asks, she refuses to say.

Fortunately, Lu Wanyue passed by at this time.

Li luoran immediately pointed to the landing tactfully like catching the straw. "I think Lu Wanyue must want to tell people about it. You'd better ask her."

Shu Xinshuang immediately pours on Lu Wanyue.

Lu Wanyue, who is proud of that, is eager to find someone to show off. When asked by Shu Xinshuang, she immediately says, "it's wonderful. Shu Xinshuang, you can listen to it. You can't miss every detail..."


Because Zhang Chuzhan asked the whole drama group to revolve around him, and he didn't have the state to shoot for another time, so everyone was free with him.

When he used to be busy filming, Li luoran felt that time passed quickly. When he was free, Li luoran had a feeling that life was like years.

Zhang chufa also plays a big role, so that everyone stays with him to "find a state". As long as he doesn't leave the crew, no one else is allowed to leave. In order to coax him, everyone stays with him in the crew.

I finally got to work.

Li luoran, who was eager to go home with her children, rushed to the parking lot with Qin Weijie as usual.

The red Maserati, which Xiao Qianhua lent to Lilo for dyeing, quietly parked in parking space 19.

Li luoran quickly walked over, opened the door, lowered himself to drill in, but after seeing the dark shadow in the driver's seat, he screamed "ah".


Li luoran is sure that he is right!

There is a man sitting in her car.

And this man is Lu Shaochen!

"Ranran, what's the matter?"

Hearing the news, Qin Weijie ran over in a hurry. However, seeing that the man in the car was Lu Shaochen, he immediately stopped, shook his head and turned away.

Lu Wanyue, who had just arrived at the parking lot, also wanted to go and have a look. Qin Weijie waved to her, "don't make trouble, your brother..."Lu Wanyue, "..."

"Get in the car." Lu Shaochen opened his mouth.

Li luoran recovered from the fright, and her eyes contradicted, "explain why you are in my car? Breaking into someone's car without the owner's permission is theft

Lu Shaochen hooked his lips and said, "well."


This is the helpless and endless aftertaste of "um"!

Li luoran, who couldn't laugh or cry, said, "well, please leave my car. Please don't hinder me from driving home."

Lu Shaochen raises eyebrows, "get on the bus."


Liloran is just falling apart.

She is still in a trance. Lu Shaochen has already robbed her car key. The man with a face like jade looks at her with curved eyebrows and shows off his car key, "take you to a place."

Li luoran didn't know how to make a sound, "where to..."

Lu Shaochen, "a place you will love."

Li luoran got into the car.

Li luoran knew Lu Shaochen too well.

Although Lu Shaochen is docile occasionally, once he is stubborn, he will not stop until he reaches his goal. If she disobeys again and again, maybe Lu Shaochen will immediately stage a good play of plunder with her.

This is the parking lot of the crew. How bad will it be for the crew to see Lu Shaochen and her like this?

Lu Shaochen took Li luoran to the western suburb of Jiangcheng.

Six years ago, it was still a "paradise" near mountains and rivers. Later, it was designated as an ecological scenic spot, where all kinds of flowers and trees were planted, just like a fairyland.

A small courtyard stands quietly at the foot of the mountain outside the scenic area.

The light of the setting sun sprinkles in this courtyard. At a glance, it looks like another world.

Lu Shaochen drove into the courtyard.

The door is open.

Lu Shaochen, who got out of the car before Li luoran, stood outside the co pilot's cabin. A gentleman extended his left hand to her.

Li luoran did not hold his hand, but got out of the car by himself.

Lu Shaochen shrugged awkwardly and opened his thin lips slightly. "Do you like it?"

Li luoran did not return, just admiring the beautiful scenery in the yard.

Of course she likes the yard.

Besides, she also likes this scenic spot.

Like nature, she has always dreamed of owning such a yard, close to mountains and rivers, and independent from the world

The next second, she fell into the man's warm arms. She wanted to break free conditionally, but she was tightly encircled by her powerful arms. She couldn't move.

Lu Shaochen is holding her tightly behind her. Her arms have passed under her armpit, and her hands are covering her chest and abdomen. A pair of thin lips like a knife are clinging to her ears.

"three years ago, you, Jiang Xiaojing and Feng Qianyi traveled together in this scenic spot. When you passed here, you said that if there was a courtyard here, would you like to marry it? ”

Li luoran was stunned.


She did say that three years ago.

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At that time, Xiaojiang made a joke about her visit to paradise.

But how did Lu Shaochen know?


Li luoran suddenly remembered that when she went to the Haicheng mountain area more than a week ago, Feng Qianji once told her that he had built a courtyard for her in her favorite scenic spot and hoped to grow old with her in that courtyard


Li luoran, who had just awakened from his dream, said, "this courtyard is windy, isn't it?"

"It used to be, it's not now." Lu Shaochen hugged her and her warm voice leaped in her ear like a cello,

"that night, I heard the conversation between you and shallowly. I knew about the yard, so I bought it from shallowly. I know you will like it."

Is that right?

Will Feng Qianji really sell this courtyard to others?

Li luoran was suspecting that Lu Shaochen's right hand had slipped down to her waist along her abdomen, and he held her little hand lightly. "Now, this yard belongs to you."

A little cool came from the palm of her hand. Li luoran looked down. It was Lu Shaochen who put a bunch of keys into her hand.

"Ranran, do you know that when we were forced into a desperate situation, the marriage was so helpless and forced, but it was the most painful and regretful thing in my life. I always thought that if time could go back to that moment, I would rather fight with Xiao Qianhua than separate from you." Lu Shaochen's voice vibrated in Li luoran's ear.

Li luoran felt that Lu Shaochen's voice did not ring in his ears, but came from the depths of his soul.

Her heart faintly for pain, "I know you, if you are poisoned, you will never compromise, you do that to protect me and Mingyue, I never blame you.""But I blame myself. After I broke up with you, I criticized myself all the time. I felt stupid and cowardly at that time. Because of my stupidity and cowardice, we got into such a situation!"

Li shaoran's wife, Luo Yue's painting, has become more and more excited.

Li luoran had difficulty breathing because of his arms. She didn't push him away. Instead, she said in a trance, "you didn't do anything wrong. Maybe you've been stupid, but no matter how smart people are, there are times when they are stupid. But Lu Shaochen, you're never cowardly. Why do you have to be so hard on yourself?"

"No! I'm cowardly

Lu Shaochen, with gentle eyes and delicate lips sticking to Li luoran's ears, said affectionately,

"at that time, when I learned that you and Mingyue were poisoned, I was so worried and afraid that I couldn't think rationally. After Xiao Qian's painting succeeded, I suddenly thought that I could force him to hand over the antidote by poisoning his family, but when I thought about that It's too late. I'm sorry, but you're his wife. "

Liluoran's lips trembled.

She wanted to tell Lu Shaochen that it was not the poison painted by Xiao Qian.

She wants to tell Lu Shaochen that jinxintong is the initiator of everything.

She wants to tell Lu Shaochen that everything is Jin Xintong's trick, and Xiao Qianhua is just a poor scapegoat.

But she didn't say a word.

It's not only because he knows that Lu Shaochen has been cheated by Jin Xintong, but also because he will never believe her bad words about Jin Xintong. More importantly, at this moment, Li luoran doesn't want to quarrel with Lu Shaochen from the bottom of his heart

She is so close to Lu Shaochen that she can clearly feel Lu Shaochen's heavy breathing and body shaking. At this moment, she seems to feel that her soul and Lu Shaochen's soul have been close together.

At the beginning, she always thought that Lu Shaochen still loved Jin Xintong deeply, so she also decided that Lu Shaochen would be very happy after she married Jin Xintong.

It was not until this moment that Li luoran realized that Lu Shaochen was not happy. It turned out that Lu Shaochen was suffering and sad just like her.

She and Lu Shaochen seem to be twined together. Two twin trees were abruptly split from them. She was never the only one who was injured and suffered!

"Be my secret wife, will you?"

Lu Shaochen's clear voice came from his ear.

Li luoran can't remember how many times Lu Shaochen said this sentence to her. In the past, every time Lu Shaochen said this sentence, Li luoran always resolutely refused, but this time, she didn't reply.

"To be my wife, this is our new home from now on. We live together here as before. If you want, I want you to have children for me, OK?"

Is Lu Shaochen's voice too emotional?

Or is it because the yard is too exciting?

At this moment, Li luoran, who always insisted on the principle, was shaken.

For a moment, she doubted that she would nod her head, so she agreed to be Lu Shaochen's "secret wife", and then, as Lu Shaochen said, she would live with him like a real husband and wife, regardless of worldly views, and give birth to children for him, until she achieved good results with him

However, this unrealistic idea was finally replaced by the only remaining reason.

But this time, Li luoran did not explicitly refuse, but said with a smile, "let me think about it."

Lu Shaochen's eyes brightened, "how long do you want to consider?"

Li luoran, "a month."

As his voice dropped, he felt Lu Shaochen's arms tighten.

Understand Lu Shaochen think time is too long Li luoran, "then two weeks."

Lu Shaochen, a picturesque man, "one day."

Li luoran shook his head, "ten days."

Lu Shaochen, with deep vision, "two days."

Li luoran, "a week."

What else does Lu Shaochen want to say? Li luoran interrupts him hastily. "Lu Shaochen, this is my final bottom line. Don't bargain."

Lu Shaochen acquiesced that Li luoran couldn't see the dazzling light in his black gem like eyes.

Once upon a time, every time Lu Shaochen asked Li luoran to be his secret wife, Li luoran always refused without leaving any room. After Lu Shaochen's unremitting efforts and hard work again and again, Li luoran finally relaxed.

Lu Shaochen, who has a long way to pursue his wife, finally sees hope after numerous hardships and failures.


On the way back, Li luoran drove himself.

Once upon a time, Li luoran's heart was blocked badly after he refused Lu Shaochen. This time, he left room for Lu Shaochen, and Li luoran's heart was much more relaxed than before.

Li luoran admits that she also wants to continue to be a "secret couple" with Lu Shaochen. She admits that when Lu Shaochen first made this request, she was ready to move.


She loves Lu Shaochen so much and is unwilling to part with him. Why doesn't she want to continue her relationship with Lu Shaochen?However, Li luoran has always been bound by morality and principles.

Her mother's love for yueshui makes her despise men and women who cheat in marriage. Therefore, even though her marriage with Xiao Qianhua is just a shell, she still sticks to the bottom line of marriage and binds herself to death.

Li luoran looks down on the men and women who are already married or married, but start another love outside. Li luoran thinks that is a kind of irresponsible performance.

She doesn't want to be called "the whore who stole sunshine out of marriage.".

She doesn't want to be anyone's "little three" or "love payment".

Even if the situation of her and Lu Shaochen is so special.

When I returned to Jiangcheng City, it was about eight o'clock in the evening. It was completely dark, and the city was full of bright lights.

Lu Shaochen wants to invite Li luoran to dinner, but Li luoran firmly refuses. She doesn't send Lu Shaochen back to Lu's house. Instead, she leaves him at the roadside where it's convenient to take a taxi and drives to Jiangnan Yipin by herself.

Xiao Qianhua's luxury villa is particularly conspicuous in this area. From a distance, you can see the bright lights in the villa, and the fountains and swimming pools are rippling. It's easy to attract thieves to show off their wealth. Maybe this is why Xiao Qianhua attaches great importance to security.

Li luoran especially likes the number of "9", so she always parks her car in the No. 9 garage in the yard.

Li luoran always takes the remote control of the garage.

About 10 meters away from the garage, Li luoran pressed the open key on the remote control. After the door opened automatically, she drove the car into the garage as usual.

However, this time, Li luoran failed to drive the car into the garage.

Because she just drove into the garage half way, she saw Xiao Qianhua and Jin Xintong in the garage!

When she first saw this scene, Li luoran suspected that she had lost sight because the light in the garage was too dim. So she turned on the brightest light in the garage by remote control, and the garage became as bright as day. The picture of Xiao Qianhua and Jin Xintong entangled in each other was clearly displayed in her field of vision.


This time, Li luoran was sure that he was right.

Xiao Qianhua and Jin Xintong are closely intertwined, and Xiao Qianhua and Jin Xintong are not dressed!

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