You,Under My Name

Chapter 412: 412

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The panicked Xiao Qianhua said, "elder sister, I don't understand what you are asking."

Li luoran could not help but panic.

What did Xiao Qianying feel?

"Don't pretend to be confused with me

Xiao Qianying stares at Xiao Qianhua angrily, holding his pajamas in both hands,

"I remember very clearly that I was sleeping in my own home last night, how did I wake up and run to your bed? Why am I wearing your pajamas? Where's my own pajamas? "

"Er..." Xiao Qianhua breathed a sigh of relief in silence,

"well, in the middle of last night, you suddenly had a high fever. I fed you some medicine when you were sleeping, but I was still worried, so I took you to my home."

With these words, he looks at Li luoran awkwardly.

Li luoran thought that Xiao Qianhua didn't lie, but he said it implicitly. Xiao Qianying did have a high fever because he was drugged. Xiao Qianhua did give Xiao Qianying medicine, but the medicine Xiao Qianhua gave Xiao Qianying was Chu Xingchen

"Is it?" Xiao Qianying was dubious,

"yesterday, you should have been in your own home. I had a high fever in my own home in the middle of the night. How do you know?"

"I think Well As if his voice was uncomfortable, Xiao Qianhua took a big sip of tea, and after drinking tea, he had already figured out how to tell a lie,

"I think it's probably because of the telepathy between relatives? Last night, I had dinner with Ranran very late. I suddenly thought of you. At the same time, I felt that something bad had happened. The place where Ranran and I had dinner was not far from your home. So, I went to your home directly without notice. No matter how I knocked on the door, I couldn't get your answer. Didn't I always have the key to your home, so I went to your home by myself You open the door and you end up in bed, burning like a stove

Xiao Qianying, still skeptical, "really?"

"Of course!" Xiao Qianhua's eyes turn to Li luoran for help,

"I went with Ranran. I don't believe you asked Ranran."

Xiao Qianying turns her suspicious eyes to Li luoran.

Li luoran said with a smile, "yes! Yes! At that time, you were in a very dangerous situation. Your face seemed hot and bleeding at any time. Qianhua took your temperature, my God! When you burn to 42 degrees, your watch is about to explode. Fortunately, Qianhua and you have telepathy. If he didn't arrive in time, I don't know how serious the consequences would be. Isn't Beethoven a musician who became deaf because of his fever? "

Li luoran's words are so vivid that Xiao Qianying doesn't believe them.

Xiao Qianying nodded in relief, "well, you haven't explained why I'm wearing Qianhua's pajamas, my own?"


Li luoran remembers the scene that he asked Xiao Qianhua to tear off Xiao Qianying's pajamas in order to help Xiao Qianying wipe his body. But he has exhausted all his strength just to help Xiao Qian draw a lie. Li luoran really doesn't know how to explain it.

But Xiao Qianhua responded quickly, "you sweat a lot when you have a fever, and your pajamas are all wet. How can I let my elder sister sleep in your pajamas? The more I let Ranran change my pajamas for you, and I think your previous one is a little old, so I just throw it into the garbage can for you."

That's an explanation. Full marks.

Li luoran can't help admiring Xiao Qianhua's ability to lie, but also remembers the scene when Lu Shaochen concealed the truth from her. Lu Shaochen and Xiao Qianhua belong to a group of people whose intelligence quotient and emotional quotient are much higher than Li luoran. Li luoran thinks that if they deliberately cheat her, if they don't take the initiative to confess, she may never see through.

Xiao Qianying nodded, obviously no longer doubted.

Xiao Qianhua and Li luoran were relieved.

Lilo has gone upstairs.

Children are sleepy. Although it's past seven in the morning, Lu Mingyue is still sleeping. Alan, who gets up early, sits upright on the sofa in the living room on the second floor.

When Li luoran came into the living room, Alan was still sitting like a monk without any distraction. He didn't even look at Li luoran.

Li luoran went straight to the opposite of Alan,

"last night you warned me that something big happened today. What you said was that Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue wanted to revenge Xiao Qianhua."

Alan, who never beat around the Bush, "yes."

Li luoran said, "it's you who wake up Chu Xingchen. Before, you always talked to me about the topic related to Chu Xingchen. You want to imply that Chu Xingchen has waken up."

Alan, "but Mr. Lu and Chu Xingchen are hiding you, and I can't say it directly."

Surprised, Li luoran said, "Alan, I just found out how unfathomable you are. Do you know many things I don't know? How many secrets do you keep from me? "

Alan, "a lot."

“……” Li luoran was stunned,

"for example?"

Alan, "for example, I know Xiao Qianhua's smart fool bet with you. I don't know what he bet with you, but he lost, and I know what he lost."Oh, my God!

No wonder Lu Shaochen knows the secret of the bet between Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua. It turns out that Alan is snitching!

Li luoran remembers that when Alan first came to live in this house to protect Lu Mingyue, she was strongly opposed by Xiao Qianhua, because Xiao Qianhua thought that Alan was Lu Shaochen's undercover agent. At that time, Li luoran didn't think so. At this moment, she realized that Xiao Qianhua didn't wronged Alan at all

Li luoran was very uneasy. "Is there anything else?"

Alan, "I said, there's a lot more."

Li luoran was about to ask, but Alan said faintly, "but confidentiality for employers is the most basic principle in my business. I will not betray Mr. Lu. Without his permission, I will not reveal any of his secrets."


Lu Shao Chen did his best to help him. How much money do you want him to do

"Ten thousand a month." Alan didn't hide anything.

Do you make so much money as a bodyguard?

"When I was Bai Qingwan's bodyguard, my bid was 300000 yuan per month..." Alan said faintly,

"Mr. Lu originally intended to give me more, but I had a relationship with Mr. Lu many years ago. I admire him very much. It's my honor to work for him. I don't want to ask him a high price."

All right!

For the sake of the people I admire, I'd rather take three times less salary. It turns out that Alan is also a man of love!

Although Li luoran was curious about the relationship between Alan and Lu Shaochen, he knew that as long as Alan didn't want to tell the secret, no one could ask him, so he gave up.

After changing clothes and washing, he went downstairs again.

Li luoran is walking towards the garage in the yard. Xiao Qianying's figure comes from behind her. "Can I ask you some questions about your privacy?"

Li luoran was surprised and flattered. She turned around and squinted at Xiao Qianhua. "If you want to ask, just ask. I will not hide anything."

“……” Xiao Qianying bit his lip in embarrassment, and finally said,

"will you dream?"

Li luoran, "..." Anyone can dream, OK? Xiao Qianying's problem is too unskilled, isn't it?

"I don't mean a normal dream, but that kind of dream..." Xiao Qianying's beautiful little face showed a trace of blush, which was particularly conspicuous in the direct sunlight,

"it's the kind of dream related to men."

Li luoran suddenly understood something, and her cheeks were boiling hot. "Well, I understand. I think every girl has had that kind of dream, such as holding hands with her prince charming, kissing and getting married. Of course, occasionally she dreams of something more intimate, which is very normal..."

"Well!" Xiao Qianying nodded and said, "last night, I dreamt of my fiance."

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Thinking of Xiao Qianying's fiance, who has been missing for two years, Li luoran has mixed feelings in her heart, "and then what?"

Xiao Qianying's face was even more red. "I dreamt that I was with him Maybe it's normal to dream about him, but this dream is just like what happened in the real world. It's so terrifying. When I dream, I feel that I'm really close to him. "

That's what happened, OK!

However, the person close to you is not your ex husband, but another man!

Seeing Xiao Qianying's tangled appearance, Li luoran almost couldn't bear to tell the truth for a moment, but thinking that Xiao Qianying would be very painful after knowing the truth, Li luoran still resisted the impulse, and she laughed,

"I heard Xiao Qianhua talk about you and your ex husband. Your infatuation moved me, but I think people always have to look forward Since a person is willing to leave you without saying goodbye, and it takes two years for him to disappear, I think he must not put you in a very important position, and there is no need to torture himself for a person who does not care about himself. "

Xiao Qianying's eyes were in a trance. "I believe he loves me as much as I love him. He must have his troubles."

"Well, forget about your fiance..." Li luoran takes a step closer to Xiao Qianying,

"if there is another man who loves you very much, and he is excellent, and that You have a wrong relationship with him, and he also wants to be responsible for you. Will you give him a chance? "

Even if he is more excellent, I will not think about other men

Li luoran, "what if?"

Xiao Qianying, "if there is no accident, he left more than two years, I want to find a man to go to bed is not simple? I'll wait for him all the time and never give other men a chance. "

Li luoran really wanted to know the answer, so she persevered, "well, what if you are drunk and delirious and have an accident with a stranger?"

Xiao Qianying spread out her hands, "what else can I do? When I was accidentally bitten by a dog, then I drew a clear line with him! "Li luoran said, "but he likes you very much. He wants to be responsible for you."

Xiao Qianying said with a smile, "can I be bitten by a dog and let the dog be responsible for me?"

Li luoran, "..."


Today's "demon Queen" crew is particularly lively.

Because Wang Zimo invited a popular little fresh meat to build momentum for the sequel of the queen of demons.

In a word, inviting a popular star to publicize a film is also an effective way in the film and television industry. The invited star often plays a humble role in the film. In this way, when the film is released, some fans of the star will contribute tickets because of the star's participation.

This little fresh meat is the most popular little fresh meat - Zhang chufa.

Wangzimo can invite Zhang chufa to guest star in the sequel of demon queen, which is enough to show how famous wangzimo is in this circle.

When Li luoran walked into the shooting base, a large group of girls in the crew were circling the little fresh meat.

As the number one elder sister in this circle, Shu Xinshuang is certainly not interested in this kind of fresh meat. She sits at the stone table outside the circle, watching the excitement leisurely.

Lu Wanyue also stood outside the circle.

Li Luo dye did not go forward to join in the bustle, but sat opposite Shu Xin Liang, "everybody is very idle, do not need to filming today?"

Shu Xinshuang glanced at the crowd, "today's shooting of the star's play, although the star's appearance is only 40 or 50 seconds, I think, to see his great style, how can this play be shot for a week?"

Li luoran smiles.

In the circle, some stars play big names, because it's not uncommon for the whole cast to circle around him after just a few seconds.

"Cut! He's a big shot, and a big pig's hoof is about the same! " With this clear voice, Lu Wanyue sits down between Shu Xinshuang and Li luoran. She takes Shu Xinshuang's cup of tea and drinks it in one gulp,

"don't you know? Zhang chufa is a famous scum. Despite his decent packaging, his private life is more chaotic than that of a stallion. What he is good at is sleeping with his fans and sleeping with both men and women. "

Shu Xinshuang didn't comment, and his face looked like a smile.

Li luoran shook his head. "Keep your voice down. He's a VIP of our crew. What you're saying is hearsay. No one knows whether it's true or not."

Zhang chufa was born as a child star. Although he just turned 18 today, he has become one of the top three stars in popularity. Although Zhang chufa's popularity is far less than fengqianshe, some media predict that if Zhang chufa develops according to the current development momentum, he will be able to catch up with fengqianshe and become the number one male god of the next generation in less than three years.

Of course, Li luoran has also heard the rumors about Zhang chufa.

Some people say that Zhang chufa has only a beautiful appearance, and his heart is filthy. His backstage is a rich woman who specializes in small fresh meat in legend. Some people say that Zhang chufa has more than one backstage, and his other backstage is his godfather. Some people say that Zhang chufa has a psychological deficit because he is maintained by his aunt and uncle at the same time To make up for the psychological deficit, he always sleeps different boys and girls

But these are just rumors!

If there is real evidence, Zhang chufa would have been ruined!

In this circle, it's hard to tell the true from the false. Even the male deities such as Feng Qianyi and Shu Xinshuang are always discredited. It's hard to avoid that they will burst out a lot of false news that makes them all incredible. Therefore, Li luoran doesn't believe that Zhang chukai is really as bad as the rumor

After all, Zhang chufa is really eye-catching.

A good looking boy always makes the opposite sex feel good.

"I don't want to keep my voice down. I'm afraid he's a hammer. I can't stand this kind of person with different appearances. What's the use of a good leather bag?" Lu Wanyue rolled her eyes at Zhang chufa in the distance,

"Xinshuang, you have been in this circle for the longest time. You know all the right and wrong in this circle. You must know Zhang chufa's secret. You tell Ranran, is what I said true?"

Shu Xinshuang kept a secret and shook his head, "don't ask me, I don't know anything."

"Cut!" Lu Wanyue looked disdainful,

"you don't know, you don't want to offend people, do you?"

Still, I don't know

Lu Wanyue stopped talking to her.

Li luoran smiles in his heart.

In fact, she can see from Shu Xinshuang's eyes that Shu Xinshuang must know something, but Shu Xinshuang knows that Lu Wanyue is a big mouth who can't keep secrets. Once Shu Xinshuang says something to Lu Wanyue, Lu Wanyue will publicize it, which is not good for Shu Xinshuang.

In this circle, stars must learn to keep secrets for other stars, or they will get into trouble.

Sulky Lu Wanyue dominates Shu Xinshuang's tea cup.

Although Shu Xinshuang is thirsty, he has nothing to do but endure it for a while.

Sure enough, as Shu Xinshuang said, today's crew is shooting Zhang Chuzhan's play.In fact, the original script of the "Queen of demons" sequel does not have the role of Zhang Chucha. Wang Zimo invited Zhang Chucha to be a guest star as early as before the "Queen of demons" sequel was launched. Zhang Chucha was busy shooting an ancient costume drama. Now, the ancient costume drama has been finished, so Zhang Chucha came to be a guest star in the "Queen of demons" sequel.

And the creative genius Wang Zimo immediately added a small bridge to the script for Zhang chufa to play.

This little bridge segment is similar to the "egg" behind the movie. The purpose is just to make Zhang chufa show his face. In order to play the best star effect, Wang Zimo specially let Feng Qianji and Zhang Chucha play this little bridge segment together. In this little bridge segment, Feng Qianji and Zhang Chucha hug each other, and the purpose is to make the fans of the two male stars feast their eyes ……

It's really a play with no technical content.

In this play, the two male gods don't need acting skills at all. They just need to be cool and handsome.

However, Shu Xinshuang got it right again. It's such a simple scene drama that Zhang Chuzhan repeatedly failed to perform. When he remade it for the third time, Zhang Chuzhan simply took off his costume and threw it on the ground,

"are you going to be very tired? That's all for today. I'll shoot when I feel better! "

Director Song Yi suddenly turned black.

Wang Zimo taps Director Song Yi on the shoulder, suggesting that he is calm.

"Well, in that case, Zhang, have a good rest, and we'll continue to shoot other people's plays." Since he doesn't even care about wangzimo, director Song Yi doesn't have a hard time with himself. After all, Zhang Chuzhan's play is dispensable. Even without that little bridge, it won't have any impact on the whole film.

Unexpectedly, Zhang chufa said, "do you know how much my appearance fee is worth for one second? I did this for you for free. You must respect me. No other plays are allowed to be shot before my play is finished! "

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