Yu XinYue

Chapter 10: Chapter 6 Part 2

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She took a break and happily ate the meat bun. The meat buns in this world are different from the meat buns in her world. There’s more meat and filling, and the skin is soft and thick with no artificial flavors at all. Indeed, the taste of ancient food is authentic. Slurp on the noodles and then bite into the meat bun, the taste is simply amazing.

After the meal and tea, she went outside and asked the owner of the teahouse, “Owner, how much is the meal and tea?”

“Customer, a meat bun is three wen, and a pot of tea is four wen. So, a total of ten wen.” The teahouse owner said with a smile.

She was stunned, she only remembered that she had no money at all.

‘What to do now?’

The teahouse owner saw the consternation on her face and thought she was offended. So, she said quickly, “Customer, you don’t have to pay. Take it as a gift from this woman to you.”

It is normal for a cultivator to not pay for meals at her teahouse. She is only a mortal after all, and in the eyes of a cultivator, a mortal’s life is worthless. Although it is ten wens, it’s still better to forget it. Lest this cultivator be offended and decide to kill her.

Hearing the words of the teahouse owner, she was at a loss. “Owner, I eat your meal and drink your tea. This is what I should do to pay for what I eat and drink. It’s just that I have no money now. How about I pay you with something else? Are you okay with this?” she said with a smile.

The teahouse owner waved her hand and said, “Customer, you really don’t have to pay.”

“Why? Didn’t you open this teahouse to make money? Why did you refuse to accept my payment?” She couldn’t help asking.

The teahouse owner saw that she really had no ill intentions and was just curious. So she said with a hint of sadness.

“Customer, you may not know it. But as a mortal, it is normal to be bullied by cultivators. Of the hundreds of cultivators who come to eat here, only a few will pay for what they eat. After all, strength is the rule here. So, I’m used to it.”

She was dumbfounded when she heard it.

‘It turns out that this world is more dangerous than I thought. If strength dominates everything, doesn’t that mean that this world is based on the law of the jungle? For me without strength, this world is too dangerous!’

“Owner, can you accept anything other than money? I really don’t bring any money.” She said after calming herself down.

“Customer, anything is fine,” said the teahouse owner.

Yu Xinyue nodded. She closes her eyes and searches her space for something good to pay for her food. 

‘Um? Isn’t that a hen? Maybe it’s more useful to this owner than anything else.’

You are reading story Yu XinYue at novel35.com

After making this decision, she opened her eyes. With a wave of her hand, a hen appeared in front of her. She bent down, picked up the obedient hen, and said, “Owner, what do you think? This hen is old enough to lay eggs.”

The teahouse owner’s eyes widened when she saw the hen in her arms. “Customer, this… isn’t this a demon beast? If I remember correctly, it’s a Firebird. It’s a Qi Gathering Realm monster.” She said, taking a few steps back in horror.

She looked at the well-behaved hen in her arms and said, “Owner, don’t worry. This hen is not a demon beast, just an ordinary hen. It is very docile and obedient and can lay eggs every day.”

As if the Firebird understood her words, it jumped out of her arms and let out a cry.


With the cries, one egg after another kept emerging from the Firebird. That egg was the size of an adult male’s fist, oval in shape, and probably had two yolks inside. After the ground was covered with nearly twenty eggs, the Firebird stopped. Yu Xinyue almost laughed when she saw the tired face of the hen.

The teahouse owner was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

‘Is it really a ferocious demon beast? Why is it so docile that it can even lay eggs?

After laying eggs, Firebird jumped back into her arms and closed its eyes to rest. She stroked its shiny feathers, which were both smooth and hard to the touch. Looking at the eggs on the ground, she took out a bamboo basket and handed it to the teahouse owner, and said, “How is it, owner? It really can lay eggs.”

The teahouse owner took the bamboo basket, put the eggs on the floor and said with a smile, “Customer, these eggs are enough for you to pay. There is no need to give me the Firebird.”

With these eggs, she can make a lot of money by selling them in the Demon Beast Hall. It is very difficult to get a demon beast to lay eggs. Although it is just an egg, the price is higher than that of the demon beast’s cubs. It’s easier to hatch than tame.

She looked at the happy expression on the teahouse owner’s face and asked, “Owner, are you sure? You better keep this hen. It can lay eggs for you every day.”

“It’s enough, customer. Thank you very much.” The teahouse owner said after putting the Firebird’s egg in the cabinet.

‘Having treasure without the ability to protect it will only bring disaster. It’s better to be content with these bits.’

Yu Xinyue saw that she was serious, so she didn’t force it. She put the hen into her space and came out of the tea house. Looking back at the teahouse, she saw that the owner of the teahouse was bowing to her. With a wave of her hand, she turned and walked towards Green Hill Village.


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