Yu XinYue

Chapter 12: Chapter 7 Part 2

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After ten minutes, Yu Xinyue finally saw the babies. Without modern tools, it’s very hard to do the C-Section. Luckily this is a cultivation world and there were pills that could replace the modern medicine and her acupuncture technique was good. 

“Bring warm water and clean cloth.” Yu Xinyue said.

The young maid hastily went out to fetch warm water and clean cloth. Right before the first baby was born, the young maid came back holding onto a bundle of cloth and a large basin of warm water.

"Waa.. waahh…"

A loud cry of a baby was heard when the young maid came back. Yu Xinyue pushed the curtain apart and put a small red wrinkle baby into the young maid's hand while saying, “Clean her up and wrapped her in clean cloth. There are two more.”

The young maid’s eyes were red and she hurriedly washed the baby before bundling her up in clean cloth. Yu Xinyue worked fast, one after another the babies were delivered. The young maid was startled with delight. 

‘No wonder Madam’s stomach is so big, it turns out it’s two young princes and a young princess.’

After the C-section, Yu Xinyue looked at the dagger in the woman's abdomen. This is the tricky part. Taking a deep breath, she gripped the hilt of the dagger tightly and pulled it out in one smooth motion. 

Splash! Blood spurted out of the wound like a fountain, and the blood splattered and dyed the bed red.


Yu Xinyue pressed the wound with her palm. There are no surgical tools, so she can't do the surgery like she used to. She took out a black cloth from her space and used it to absorb blood so she could see the torn blood vessels.

After confirming that the woman's internal organs were not injured, she fixed the torn blood vessel with a very thin needle and thin white thread. Since there is no machine to observe her condition, Yu Xinyue needs to use her ears and eyes to judge her condition. The difficulty of surgery has increased more than tenfold due to a lack of equipment and medicines.

This procedure takes longer than a C-section. During the procedure, the woman's heart stopped once. Fortunately, Yu Xinyue managed to pull her back from the gate of death. Not knowing how much time had passed, the surgery finally ended successfully.

After cleaning up that woman’s body and her own hands, she took out a blanket from her space and covered her with it. Finally she could let out a sigh of relief. Standing up, she stretched her sore and tense body before walking away from the bed. Her clothes were stained red with blood.

In front of her, Yu Xinyue saw the young maid was kneeling down and kowtowing to her while saying, “Thank you benefactor for saving Madam’s life. Xiao Li will repay this kindness in the next life.”

Yu Xinyue walked to the young maid and helped her stand up while saying, “You don’t need to kowtow to me. We meet because it’s fate, and as a doctor, I can't just look and do nothing when there is life in danger.”

Taking out two jade bottles, she put it in the young maid’s hand and said, “This is the Golden Fire Pill and Beauty Rejuvenation Pill. Let your Madam take this Golden Fire Pill once every three days, it will help replenish your Madam Qi and blood. And take this Beauty Rejuvenation Pill once every week, it will replenish your Madam beauty and remove the scars. For the rest, you can ask the physician.”

The young maid’s hand shook when she held onto the jade bottles. These are pills! She never saw any pill before. In the ancient scripts, pills could only be refined by alchemists in the golden core realm and above. Not to mention the recipe for pills was extinct. Nowadays, only elixirs can be refined. 

Yu Xinyue left that place after finishing with those words. Since she still wanted to go back to her previous world, these pills were worth not much for her. It’s a waste if she holds onto it without using it. Who knows what will happen to these pills when she goes back to her world? It’s better to use it to save life, it serves its purpose.

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After leaving the residence, she walked to the secluded corner and went inside her space. The surgery and the treatment took her almost ten hours. With the dangerous situation back then, her nerves were tense so she didn't notice her tiredness. Now, after all was done, she finally felt the tiredness hitting on her body like waves. It would be nice to take a shower and go to sleep.


Half an hour after Yu Xinyue left that place, a man rode on a flying sword at a fast speed, rushing to the Lin Manor. That man jumped from the flying sword and ran towards that woman’s room.

“Greetings, 7th Prince.” The young maid said while saluting.

“How is Mother concubine?” Liu Feng asked while walking in a large stride towards the bed.

“Replying to the 7th prince, Concubine Lin’s condition was stabilized. We met a young lady on the way back. She saved Concubine Lin and the young princes and young princess. This is what that young lady left behind before she left.” That young maid said while taking out two jade bottles from her sleeves and showing it to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng took the jade bottles and opened the lid to check the stuff inside. When he took a sniff on it, his eyes flashed with a surprise glint and he asked while closing the jade bottle’s lid, “Is that young lady name is Yu Xinyue?”

“This servant doesn’t know.” The young maid said with a lowered head.

“Is she around 14 or 15 years old, this tall, and looks so beautiful?” He asked while raising his palm in front of his chest. The young maid nodded when she heard his description.

“It’s indeed her. Looks like I owe her another debt.” He said with chuckles.

“Feng’er, you are here.” A soft voice calling weakly.

Hearing that voice, Liu Feng walked to the bed and sat beside the woman. “Mother concubine, how are you feeling? Did Mother Concubine tell Father Emperor about your condition?” He asked while holding onto concubine Lin’s hand.

Shaking her head weakly, concubine Lin said, “What’s the use in telling him? With concubine Chen accompanying him at the palace, there is no place for me in his heart.”

“Mother Concubine, don’t be sad. Even if Father Emperor doesn’t want us anymore, this son can protect Mother Concubine.” Liu Feng said with a solemn face.

His mother was the first legitimate granddaughter of the previous emperor’s teacher. His Father Emperor, the current emperor of the Black Iron Empire, married her mother as side concubine for the Lin family’s power. As a young lady grown behind the courtyard, his mother was naive and fell in love with the current emperor after she got coaxed a few times.

After ascending to the throne, the current emperor slowly reveals his true nature. Taking one after another beauty into the harem, the current emperor forgets about the woman who helped him into the throne. With a pillow talk from the new concubine, the emperor casted aside concubine Lin and sent her out of the palace. concubine Lin was heartbroken and went to her son, the 7th prince’s place without revealing her pregnancy.

Concubine Lin closed her eyes without replying to Liu Feng. Looking at her tired and haggard face, Liu Feng felt his heart clenched and a flash of murderous intent glinted in his sharp eyes.

‘One day, I will return whatever they did to Mother Concubine by hundreds of fold!’


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