Yugioh Card Summoner

Chương 398: CH.391 Mass Flower Planting

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Over the next few days, I prepared for something big. A big flower planting to be precise. I was asked to do so by the Goddess, and it will also allow me to spread around the dimensional barrier observers. 

It had been on the backburner for a while, because of the sheer number of cards required for the entire thing. I mean, each flower needs a card, each magic stone needs a card and … well, that is actually it. But I also need all of those B or A-rank magic stones, so that was another hurdle. Sure each flower bed would only get five, but that is still a lot of stones since my goal is to plant over 50 flower beds. I also needed a dimensional barrier observer and a mana location emitter in each flower bed.

The only good news was that I didn’t have to do everything alone, as I got myself an assistant. A certain someone that was interested in moving to HomeBase during the grand reveal sent me a letter that she was ready to move in, so I picked her up. And just one day after she moved in, I took Paulina with me on a mission.



We started off in Alewatch, for obvious reasons. We planted two magic flower pots, one at the adventurers’ guild, one at the Watchman manor. The manor didn’t really need its own, but I didn’t mind adding one there.


I also got an interesting variant to my flower planting mission, where it got 1/10 and then 2/10 flower beds planted. When I reach 10, I’d get a bigger reward instead of just single cards.


After Alewatch, we headed for Sawyer city where there already was a flower bed at the Sawyer manor, but I planted a second one at the guild. 

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From there we headed north to the town of Bloggs. The town next to the lake where Cailie’s prison dungeon is located. A flower bed at the guild later, we again moved north to Pekkers where Wilma’s workshop was once located, and also made a flower bed there.


After those smaller towns, it was time for Burch city. There I made two flower beds, one at the adventurer’s guild and another at the Burch manor. It is good for big cities to have multiple flower beds, after all.


After Burch, we visited multiple smaller towns and cities in the northern part of Ruiso Kingdom, making flower beds at each adventurers’ guild. Thankfully the guild higher ups had sent a message to guild masters that I would be doing so, so I wasn’t getting many questions and things were getting done. By the time I decided to call it a day, we had planted a total of 17 new flower beds.


My reward for day 1 was getting multiple new Promo Trades unlocked. I got and , , as well as , and .

Most of the stuff in the trades is something I could already get from the sets I’ve unlocked, but there were some new cards as well. 

Satellite Cannon and the E-HEROes Mudballman and Electrum are the big ones.

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