Zeus’ Otherwordly Sexcapades!

Chapter 1: Ch.1.1.1: New hope, new problems

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Arc 1: Nahut

Segment 1: Fresh off the oven

I stretch as I leave the twelve-story hotel after a naughty deed well done. Hera told me that she had something important to tell me and starlight wasn’t enough for the whole thing. At first, I thought she just wanted her ‘tank’ to be refilled, but the seriousness in her voice betrayed my theory.

            The night ‘sky’ was at full blow, even the most hidden alleyways were illuminated dimly by it. Buildings of all shapes and sizes bathed on its light, almost if it was reassuring them, and all its habitants, of their safety. Will my children grow into these safe, curated parts of the Earth? Or will they venture into the unknown? The Greater Will did not oppose our intervention, but who knows what would happen if I were to stay longer than intended.

            Ah, got out of character for a bit, this is no time for Zeus, it’s time for ‘Zeus, the womanizer’. Slapping my face, I returned to my proper role as I awaited my inevitable ‘death’.

            “There he is!” There were many voices, every single one of them belonged to a different woman, and as I turn to face them my eyes are assaulted by a sea of pregnant mortals. I, of course, recognize all of them since it is MY baby that is forming inside their delicate wombs, but the show is only over when curtain falls.

Puzzled, I try to regain my cool. “Uhm, do I know you all?”

            “You promised a honeymoon!”

            “And a nice apartment!”

            “I want you to double the child support!”

            “Love me only!”

            “I knew I should’ve had prayed to Hera and not that old fart!”

            It was a chorus of complaints and demands, obviously I was not able to meet any of them, and before I know it, it’s a stampede of women going my way. I was stuck in place, probably Hera’s work, so my chances of survival were set at an absolute zero.

            The swarm of women start their barrage as soon as they get to arm’s distance, removing all what I had and more. Thankfully this felt like mere pecks, but I had to kick and scream until this body perished, which came surprisingly fast. Who knew angry, pregnant women could hit so hard?



            The first thing I feel is the softness of my bed and a small figure resting on my large chest. “Can’t say I mind the image of women I laid with beating me to a bloody pulp,” my voice was no longer the same, it was deeper, softer, it wasn’t young nor in a constant tone of arrogance. Obviously, the petite figure sleeping across my body was no other than my dear wife, Hera.

            I never get tired of her long, golden hair, or her sapphire eyes. And, as usual, she was wearing a babydoll dress, thigh-high socks and sexy, lace panties; nothing more, nothing less. Petite as she became, she will always be the woman I hold the dearest.

            And as our usual tradition, she is non-stop sniffing all the scent left over by the dozens of women I slept with, caressing the places they kissed the most, going lower and lower with each sultry stroke—my lack of garments helping her indulge in her… Peculiar preference.



            Wearing my usual clothes; the best robes and jewelry in Olympus, I followed my wife towards the plaza where the remaining Gods are supposed to be waiting for us. We lived on the highest hill of Olympus, so this usually took a while even with her on my shoulders, so I decided to make some small talk in the meantime.

            “Is the Vagabond here?” I ask her, her small figure almost invisible in my field of view.

            “That Mars guy?” Hera responds. “No, but Aphrodite will inform him about the meeting once he can see her Star.” Makes sense. If I remember correctly, he must still be doing the task I gave him, good to hear he is still at it. “At the rate he is going, he just might join us.” Even so, it’s up to The Greater Will if he is deemed worthy of joining our pantheon, though my guess is that our opinion on him is relevant to that happening or not.

            We pass through the now abandoned fields, they were sparsely filled with luxurious houses long since abandoned overseeing fields of weeds-filled plots of fertile soil, their habitants long since forgotten and their star dim as a cadaver’s eyes. On the distance, a multitude of less luxurious buildings, both short and tall, wide and tight formed the silhouette of a large town, some buildings even hanging from the nearby hills.

            Some Vagabonds have come and… Replaced our brothers and sisters, but this process has been slow, too slow for our sake and our mortal’s. Perhaps noticing my feelings despite my expressionless face, Hera assures me; “I know things look grim for everyone, but I promise these news will shave all of those worries away, my dear.” Her smile, despite her youthful appearance, exuded mature wisdom, something not even Contingency could take away from her.

            The rest of the way was passed with my wife asking me about every small dirty detail about my ventures, and soon we found ourselves in the main city of Olympus, in a wide open area with a fountain on the center of it. There were a few dozen men and women waiting for us there, some eager, some looking rather tired.

            I could feel guilt boiling up from the bottom of my stomach, but now was not the time for this—they needed me to be strong and to be led by someone with a concrete goal in mind.

            “The guests of honor have arrived it seems,” a sultry voiced called from the crowd. The voice came from a buxom beauty, having every single piece of holy meat and curve Hera lacked, her long and silky green hair was covering every important bit in a fashion only possible to gods.

            Me and my wife waved at Aphrodite. She was one of the few that still held an abundance of divinity besides me, so most of the off-field duties fell to her even though it went against her Star’s will. “Is my guess that you have come up with a way to prevent our extinction, Aphrodite?” I question as the goddess of beauty approaches.

            She lets out a seemingly inviting giggle. “Sharp as ever, All Father,” we shake hands as soon as she comes close to us. “Indeed, I’ve found a way to refresh our reserves of Stowaways.” Oho? A way to gain access to unspent souls? Color me impressed.

            Naturally, the few dozen of deities around us busted into murmurs. A way to acquire Stowaways? Surely such thing would be written on the ever-expanding Records. Noticing this discourse Aphrodite clears her throat in order to speak louder and clearer. “As you all might know, there is no known way to split a soul that has become a Stowaway, mainly because these types of souls tend to drift towards Rifts.

            “So far we have only seen Rifts as things that rob us of Stowaways and brings us disasters,” nobody reacted, but I knew everyone thought of me when she said that. “We are adamant to not commit such acts, so that’s why I came up with a way to anchor a Rift, preventing it from closing, and with that, a way to use these spare souls, theirs and ours.”

            Rising my brow and scratching my beard, I asked her; “Have the Records updated with a way to do this?”

            The tall beauty smiles and nods. “Indeed so, All Father, I have been paying close attention to certain articles of the Archives, and lo’ and behold, a way to not only force open a Rift, but also a way to process Stowaways into the cycle of birth and rebirth.” I can already see problems surging from such a Rift, mainly the fact that, unlike a normal one, there would be no sneak factor to mask ours with a regularly occurring Rift.

           “There is a catch, is not, sister?” Hera asks, probably thinking the same thing. While some of the original gods still had some divinity among us, there far more former Vagabonds than original gods within our ranks now, so it is very likely none of them know all the facts about the incident that had allowed them to join us.

            Aphrodite shifts into a more serious mood. “I’m afraid so, sister. We not only will lack the sneak factor of hiding our forced Rift with normally occurring ones, but if one were to travel via this method, their divinity would be severely limited, and their connection to their Star severed.” The silence in the plaza was deafening. Vagabonds, whose existence was as fickle as a candle, are very well aware of the dangers of losing connection with their Star—this would make them no different than a simple mortal who is just barely stronger than one of their kind.

            No empowering, no second chances, no guarantees, that is what every vagabond deals with every moment of their existence, so saying one of us will have to reduce ourselves to such dangerous levels was, simply put, a suicidal declaration.

            She didn’t have to specifically say it, but it was clear that somebody had to volunteer for this job. I looked at my wife, her smile assuring me, her trust absolute. I stepped up and nodded at Aphrodite. The plaza erupted in turmoil, questions, complains and pleas all around, but I silenced them. “Cease!” My voice worthy of being one who rules over thunder, and slowly turned to face them all one by one.

            “I’m certain everyone here knows why we are in such a tight spot, and while I’m eternally grateful for all of those who joined us to save our dear mortals, it’s only natural to clean up after one’s mistake.

            “Fear not,” I continued. “I do not plan to perish foolishly and leave you all behind, whether you used to be a Vagabond or not, you are still my brothers and sisters, daughters and sons. Do I need to remind you of my ventures in the days of old? What I felled? What made me gain the title you all revere me as? Do you trust me so little that you are scared of some green mortal felling me in battle? Of some dirty, mindless mutt tearing me apart, defenseless?”

            “He IS the oldest of us all…”

            “I still remember how fierce he used to be…”

            “Surely All Father would be capable of surviving without a Star…!”

            Nodding, I finish; “Aphrodite, I’ll prepare a vessel capable of facing all challenge, and I’m certain you are aware I’m capable to do as such, I’ll just need your help and insight about the realm I’m about to enter.”

            She smiles proudly. “But of course, All Father, who else devised the system that has kept us from diminishing after so many years? Who else went valiantly towards danger and created opportunities for us to gain more siblings? Who else would be more worthy to bear the glory of uniting realms for the first time ever?”

            Right, what this mission entailed was not to make an Anchor forcefully, but to open up negotiation between different realms. ‘This was not the same’, I keep telling myself, ‘all I have to do is be careful of the consequences of our union’.

            Summoning clouds, I summoned and held my mighty thunder and voiced my plea. “Brothers! Sisters! Daughters and sons! Let my light lead the way onto a brighter future! Let us show that Vixen that deceit is not the only way to salvation! Let us be the first one to write upon the Records! Let the name of Olympus and all its members, former and current, be known to all realms! For glory!”

            “And for prosperity!”

            As my family cheered behind me, Hera held me close as I nodded towards Aphrodite once more. “How soon can I make this journey?”

            “As soon as now, All Father, follow me into my temple and we will get you prepared for it.”

            Practically brimming with smugness for having such a good husband, Hera was bouncing with glee. “Sister! Lead the way! Let not a second go wasted!” Chuckling, Aphrodite made way to her abode, our family showering me with high hopes and blessings.

            “Not all is grim, All Father,” the tall goddess says as soon as we get out of the multitude of deities. “The realm you shall travel to is something you will find the most amusing, my dear sister included. I’ve managed to take quite a few glimpses to it before asserting our chances.”

            A realm Hera, of all beings, will find it amusing? “How so?” We both ask at the same time.

            After yet another chuckle, she says; “The mortality rate of the realm is very low, this I could see from a brief Rifts. The reason is quite simple: Unless war is involved, most issues are solved peacefully, specially via dirty, bestial, breeding fucking,” my wife’s eyes gleamed at those last words. “Most of the Stowaways that I could see were female, not male, so as long as All Father’s vessel is that of a man’s, his mortality would be in safe hands.”

            Indeed, that is, in fact, amusing. Our mortals went in the opposite direction—they grew up to be more violent, territorial and resentful, more so in the recent decades. Added to that, this would benefit Hera a great deal seeing as she enjoys watching me sleep with other women.

            However… “That mean the birthrate is not that high, does it not?” I inquire.  One could not normally see stowaways, much less through a Rift, so if that realm was so thick with those and did not have high fatality rate, that would mean those unused souls would either drift aimlessly locally or to other realms, but…

            “Fufufu…” She giggles as if it were her most recognizable feature. “I deduce two things: Either the Gods imprinted a pacifist doctrine upon their followers, or other… Beneficial factors could be at play.”

            It was Hera’s time to ask the questions. “Beneficial? What would be of benefit to us that relates to the high concentration of Stowaways?”

            Aphrodite turned to her head and winked, her long eyelashes fluttering beautifully. “Factors such as an imbalance of males and females being born.” If Contingency were to allowed it, Hera’s eyes would actually glow in glee. It’s easy to rebalance the mortal population when men outnumber women thanks to blessings we can give, but it was much harder the other way around, and if the problem grew instead of decreasing, that can only mean that the realm was solely designed to have much fewer males than females.

            Thanks to our talk and then some, we found ourselves in Aphrodite’s temple in a rather short amount of time. Her template was the only temple other than mine that was still in good shape, as was it staffed and decorated, unlike of those of who diminished.

            Let’s hope we can have gods worthy of them after this venture.

            The Goddess of Beauty abridge me on the nature of the realm I was about to travel to; stagnant in the age of swords and shields, seemingly out of choice as there were mechanisms far more advanced than they were supposed to be by that assigned era. However, what captivated my attention was one simple fact.

            In the Records, they have many names, but our mortals simply call them half-kin, or monster girls. Contingency didn’t allow their existence of most of its articles on realms for reasons unknown to us, but hearing the fact that they do exist in that realm, and in great abundance, excited me as if I were a twinkle in the sky again.

            It took some time, but my vessel was eventually ready to be born. “You will be born with very little, if any, divinity,” Aphrodite warned again. “If you want to communicate with us, first you have to make your name known to mortals or gods, whichever comes first. I’m sure you are familiar with a way to connect two realms,” I surely am.

            “If you resort to that, we will still have years before what happened to us happens to them,” Aphrodite added. “So please, All Father, don’t hesitate if have the chance to.” Hera held my hand, which I unknowingly held into a fist. With a smile, she added: “I will be opening up the path towards the Rift, you may speak with my sister in the meantime, All Father.” And with that, we were left alone in a spacious, luxurious room of Aphrodite’s temple.

            We stood there in silence, looking at each other, and I was about to break the ice, but she had beat me to it. “Honey,” she began, smiling melancholically. “I don’t want to bring you a bad omen, so I believe it’s best if we don’t say much, but I do want to ask you for a simple thing.”

            Hesitantly, I nod at her. “What would that be, dear?”

            Hera hugged me tightly, as tight as her bloated belly allowed her. “Give them your best performance of ‘Zeus’, mmkay’?”

            With a warm smile forming on my face, I caressed her head. “But of course, what kind of husband would I be if I didn’t indulge my lovely wife in this once in a Star-life opportunity?” We wanted this moment to last all eternity, but I had a mission to do, and her, a Pantheon to manage.

            ‘If something happens to me, please train that Mars guy to be my replacement, okay?’

            There was no way I could tell that to the goddess that was currently holding me as if our Star was about to dim completely.

            With a squeeze of my ass, Hera let go and with a ‘good luck out there’, I stepped into the room Aphrodite was currently in.

            It was the main chambers, long, tall and well decorated. Holy maidens were linked hand in hand as a black hole twisted reality in the middle of the room. “Ah, All Father, I was about to call for you!” Aphrodite shouts as she comes to my side. “Quick! We won’t be able to keep it open in this size for much!” With one last nod, and with her sneaky ass squeeze motivating me, I ran towards the portal.



            White. That’s all there was. ‘Walk straight ahead, do not take a single misstep’ is what Aphrodite told me before getting to her temple. I knew this, of course, but in this moment in ‘existence’, in this place the Records vaguely refers to ‘The Borderline’, I was no different than an ant near to a stampede of giants.

            But there was a problem. In front of me there was a path, a gray line that helped distinguish depth and distance, but the actual problem was that someone else was in said line, someone else was in front of me, and someone else was about to reach the end of said line.

            God, mortal or anything in between, I could not distinguish, but I could not let him get to the end, not when Aphrodite and the valiant maidens were struggling to even allowing me to step into this place.

            I ran, but no sound came from my feet. In fact, I could not recognize ‘me’, at that moment I realized I simple couldn’t recognize anything around me, not even the ‘man’ that I was getting closer to.

            Cognition manipulation, something I was familiar with using.

            But it didn’t matter, ‘he’ was getting closer to wherever the line ended at. Running as fast as this ‘body’ allowed me to, I barely managed to reach ‘him’ as soon as he was about to cross the end of the line.

            Naturally, I pushed ‘him’ asides and stepped in myself.

            The same moment I did that, I could recognize what was around me, myself and much more. The change was bizarre and would easily stun a mortal, but right now I had to be stunned, so ‘I’ looked surprised.

            I was surrounded by clouds and the blue sky, the floor which were the clouds, were as hard as stone for some unknown reason, and that was about it, there was not much besides me, clouds, sky and the figure in front of me. Sitting in an elegant chair was a beautiful goddess of fertility, appraising me with closed eyes. Her figure was the core definition of a goddess of fertility. Her cup was easily G, her hips were sinfully wide, her body had thickness in every single important bit, and simply looking at her awoke desperate need to reproduce.

            Long, ashen hair, a pouty, beautiful face. Sorry Aphrodite, but you simply couldn’t compete with her, not even back in your full form. Her clothes were worthy of being sent for punishment by Hades himself, wearing a collar with three dropping pieces of cloth that covered her nipples and pussy in an impossible way. Long, silk gloves and stocking that held onto her middle finger and toe, high, golden heels.

You are reading story Zeus’ Otherwordly Sexcapades! at novel35.com

            Her ‘clothes’, despite looking whorish, were designed in such a way that clearly defined her as a higher being, focusing on white and gold, the material they were made of simply wouldn’t be allowed to exist in the mortal plane.

            “G-greEtings, Son of Man,” I’ll ignore the voice crack for her sake. Regardless, her voice was soothing and I knew her moans would be bestial. “My name is Ish… Ishtar, I’m the Goddess of harvest and… Abundance,” Ah, so a Goddess of fertility, no wonder…

            … Oh, yeah, I suppose it’s my time to introduce myself. “Oho, I say as I blatantly rape her very Star with my eyes. “To be greeted by such a breedable Goddess, my efforts to pleasure women really must have bore fruit!” After a boastful laugh, I said; “My name is Zeus, are you perhaps my reward? Will I be able to have you pop out my children like those in the church said?”

            Flustered, she cleared her face of stray hairs. “I’m-I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you are no longer in your realm—I mean, world, but you are in heaven, at least in a way.” She spreads her arms, which make her gigantic tits, which were supposed to be saggy as shit but are not, spring. “This is Ki—You might know it as ‘heaven’, but we are currently in the lowest layer of it.

            “I see you are aware that you, well, died, sorry about that,” she lightly bows her head, which simply shouldn’t be done to a mortal. “You are what we call a ‘Stowaway’—A lost soul that couldn’t be used to find a new body.”

            Still looking straight at her tits—I could see her nipples slowly hardening, I ask; “Find a new body? Like, reincarnation and all that shit?”

            I imagine she nodded. “Indeed, usually your soul is split and new life can be born from those two fragments. But unfortunately, you didn’t manage to do that and ended up here, unable to be reborn or split.” She waited a bit before continuing. “But we have made a path for you to find our realm—world! You will be reborn, but will keep all your memories and experience!”

            “Wait,” I look at her eyes—they were still closed. “I get to fuck more women?”

            The breed-ready Goddess fidgets a bit. “Well, I can’t say that is the only reason we want rescued you… We actually want you to… Procreate with our mortals and, if possible, defeat the Demon Queen.”

            “Woah! Demon Queen? That’s sounds mighty dangerous, don’t you think? I was just an ordinary man just before!”

            “Do not worry, Son of Man” she reassures me. “You will be given two important gifts. The first one: You may be granted a single wish, and the second: You will be gifted with the SAGE System, something that you will surely find the most useful.”

            I motion her to stop. “Slow down there, babe, what even is this ‘SAGE system’? And what kind of wish would you be able to grant me?”

            Clearly having been expecting this question, she proudly explains. “Why of course, Son of Man. We call ‘SAGE System’ an empowering tool in which you systematically acquire strength in order to fulfill your divine mission assigned by us, the gods. Regarding your wish of choice, you may be granted a single thing, whatever it may be, be it a companion, a weapon of your choosing, or a skill already mastered.”

            Hold up. Looking at her flushed face, I rise a brow and ask; “Anything I want?”

            Catching my drift, she shuffles in her chair and nods. “Oh my… Y-yes, anything…”

            Slowly, I approached her. “Does that include taking you as my personal slut?” As I get closer, the smell of a female in heat becomes clearer and clearer.

            “I-I’m afraid I can’t move from this layer of Ki… But…” Her eyes open ever-so-slightly, revealing golden jewels.

            Once by her side, I prop her up and, with a smack, grope her sinfully big ass. “Well, if I can’t bring you… How about we create a naughty little demi-god, to commemorate this very nice day, hmm?”

            Now breathing heavily, she meekly nods.



            “Ugh…” I was laying on hard floor, it was hot and the light was, honestly, annoying as fuck. Now that I think about it, that slutty bitch said something about opening up a path, what an awfully convenient coincidence that was, huh? Well, this wasn’t the time for that. Groaning with soreness, I sit up and look around me.

            “Ah, Son of Man—I mean, Zeus, you are finally awake!” We were in a ruined church of sorts, most of the furniture was rotten, wrecked or claimed by nature. Fallen walls revealed a landscape of arid land and sand.

            I was wearing my vessel; tall, tanned, with blond, long hair that reached my ears. Clothes were a red tunic and pants hidden under some spare pieces of armor, a bastard sword sheathed on my back.

            Ishtar, who was sitting in one of the still standing seats, ran to my side, looking as breedable as ever. Her smell was intoxicating, and this was amplified by my now mortal brain in its prime. Once besides me, her hand glowed golden and I felt warmth inside of me, what was it called…? I should probably check my glossary once I can.

            After some moments her hand stopped glowing and she gave out a sigh of relief. “You seem to be okay, thank Mother…” She helped me stand up and brushed the sand and dirt off my clothes. Ishtar stood there, appraising me, and suddenly bit her lip as a light blush appeared on her ears.

            Well, not the moment for this. “Hey, Goddess—”

            “You may call me ‘Izzy’, dear.”

            “… Izzy, right, what really happened up there?” I ask. “Didn’t you say you couldn’t come or whatever?”

            Ishtar—or more like Izzy, nodded, still looking at my muscled body. “Y-yes, I was supposed to stay behind and observe you, but something must’ve gone wrong… Not only that, but I didn’t see SAGE awake while you were unconscious…”

            “’Awake SAGE’… What does that mean?”

            The supposed Goddess of Harvest makes an ‘Ah, that’s right’ face. “I-I was supposed to explain how SAGE works once you descended, but the first thing that should’ve happened was it awakening and giving you a Divine Role—Something every Son of Man are given at a certain age.

            “But mine was supposed to be given to me once upon arriving?” She nods. I don’t really get what ‘Divine Role’ is, but I guess that it’s something like ‘classes’ in role playing games mortals used to like.

            “Anyways,” I start again. “Where are we supposed to be? Can’t say this is the most welcoming sight I’ve ever seen…”

            She hangs her head in shame. “Well, you were actually supposed to be reborn in Mother’s cathedral, but my best guess is that, because of me being sent with you, we’ve been sent to one of my churches.”

            If I looked closely, in the far end of the building, were legs of what I assumed used to be a statue of her. But why were we sent here? She looked mighty fine, so there was no way she had so few believers…

            As if to answer my question, she spoke in a hurry. “Ah! This one is simply one of many I have, we must be somewhere dangerous if it’s in such a bad shape! Fufu, I’m actually kind of famous, so it would be delightful if you don’t say my real name in front of others… Can you?” I guess that makes sense… It’s kind of exciting how we both are hiding our identy—…

            Now that I think about it, why hasn’t she recognized me as at least a demi-god? Surely she, in the shape she is currently is in, would feel the divinity that remains within me…

            Anyways, first thing first: I grabbed the piece of ‘robe’ covering her snatch and saw a very nice, well trimmed hairy pussy, she moaned a complain but didn’t do much besides that. White on top, white in bottom, nice. “Z-Zeus… If you really want to…” once again she half-opened her eyes, looking me like a pleading, cheap whore.

            I let go and slapped her ass as hard as I could, making her do a very fancy squeal of pleasure. “I don’t want sand in my balls. Are you even a Goddess? To me you are no better than a cheap whore!” Testing the waters, I tried to provoke her ire to see her limits, but to my surprise…

            “I’m sorry, Master! I’ve been soooo lonely!” she pleas, kneeling before me while grasping my pants. “I know I’m a reputable Goddess among all my siblings but the moment I awoke I knew you were the man for me!”

            … Okaaaay… I tried my best to not show my shock, instead I started to mock her. “Reputable Goddess? Which reputable Goddess kneels before a mortal she just met!? Are you sure you are not the Goddess of loose women? Bwahaha!” I shook her off and began walking towards the rotten doors of the church. “Stand up and let’s look for a place for me to breed you, bitch.”

            With a very loud ‘Yes, master!’ she quickly went by my side. Side by side, I notice she was rather tall herself, almost as tall as me, which was nice in its own way.

As I grabbed the nob of the double doors, both of them fell off from their hinges and into the ground. Once outside, we could see nothing but dirt, sand and cacti. No clouds, and the sun on its highest point, I decided to march forwards since we had no way to know where was what.

            “Hey, Bitch Goddess, mind filling me in on where we are and the whatnot? Or is your so-called ‘holy brain’ just filled with pathetic thoughts of being fucked by a mortal?”

            Ishtar eagerly nods. “Yes, ahem, we seem to be, probably, in Nahut, at least the southest part of it.” ‘Probably’…?

            “Any clue as to where exactly we can find people?” A question she simply smiled regretfully to. Letting out a groan, I dragged my feet through the coarse ground. “What kind of shitty Goddess doesn’t even know that much? Are you even of help to me beside having my cum inside of you?”

            “Ah, well, my Divine Role gives me access to healing spells.”

            Oho? My hunch was right, there is magic in this realm! “Healing spells? Like curing sickness, closing wounds and all that magic stuff?”

            “Exactly,” she answers eagerly. “Although my rank was reduced to its lower level, I can at least heal basic wounds.” Fair enough, didn’t expect her to have all her divinity after descending.

            After a while of aimless walking, and much to my surprise, we actually found a trail. “Oh my, I believe I recognize this path,” Ishtar comments. “If we truly are in the furthest part of the south of Nahut, then this trail leads to Innana, though I’m quite surprised of something…”

            “And that is…?”

            “We haven’t found any—”

           “Male!” a youthful yet coarse voice shouted from the sky. Up high there were a flock of vultures, yes, but a vulture does not speak, what spoke was something peculiar: A harpy. She had the whole package; Wide hips connected to thick legs that ended in sharp talons, winged, handless arms, and feathery hair. Her plumage was similar to one of the vultures, and her skin was a succulent shade of brown, so my guess is that she was a vulture harpy herself.

            Despite the clear hostility in her voice a moment ago, she didn’t seem to be of the fighting type, probably due to her petite and aerodynamic figure. Or that she was a scavenger and was simply waiting for me to be too weak and pluck the flesh off my dying body.

            I looked at Ishtar. “Will this be a problem?”

            “Well, normally it wouldn’t” she answers, but gives me a sympathetic look. “But since you are a male, then she’ll likely—”

            Before she could finish her sentence, I heard the screeching of wind as something big darted towards me, but thankfully I managed to duck and roll out of its way, sword now in my hands. That vulture bitch just tried to swoop me off the ground!

            “Capture!” she screamed, the birds around her cawking as if they understood her. Because they did, is what I found as I felt something heavy claw me from the back.

            It didn’t hurt much, for some reason, and instead of pain I felt fatigue building up. Let’s see here… There were three… Five… Seven normal vultures and one petite-yet human-sized harpy. “Izzy! Can you back me up!? If you can really heal then we can pull this off!” I could probably handle a couple of hits from the birds, but if they wore me out, Star knows how much it’ll hurt to get clawed by the leader herself.

            “Ah, well, actually, if I heal you right know your shield will break in seconds.” What the fuck does she mean with that?

            I couldn’t ask the question as yet another vulture tried to stab its talons onto me, something easy to evade and counterattack and soon one bird was lying motionless on the ground. “What the fuck is a shield!?”

            The moment I turned at her was the moment another attack was sent my way, but this time multiple vultures clawed me at the same time. I managed to fell one, but at least one other of them managed to hit me square in the chest, the feeling of fatigue was now clear. Was this one of the reason the mortality rate was low? Was pain somehow replaced with fatigue?

            “Oops, I guess I didn’t explain that? Teehee!” Don’t you ‘Teehee’ me! Shut up and—!

            The harpy attacked this time, she flapped her wings and, for some unknown reason, a strong gust of wind lifted a cloud of sand, I closed and covered my eyes just in time but I knew that wasn’t all, so I ducked to the side and heard how the wind was cut a mere second after I moved.

            “Everyone has a Soul Shielding, if you get hit or take too much pleasure, it’ll break and will leave you at the mercy of the victor. Yours is surprisingly high for a mere rank 1, though…” Not a good time for compliments! So does that mean if she heals me she not only will not heal the ‘damage’ but actually CAUSE ‘damage’?

            “You useless piece of trash, I should’ve known!” My complaints were met with more cawking as a barrage of talons descended continuously and without mercy. “How much shielding does that harpy has compared to me!?” I managed to ask in between attacks.

            “Hmm… You are a rank one and managed to survive two hits from those vultures, so… Probably twelve times?”


            I was distracted, that split moment of distraction was taken advantage of by the harpy herself. I had no chance when she swooped at me, talons aimed at me, nor did I had time to move my sword to deflect it.

            From one moment to another I was now looking up, my body too tired to do anything. The harpy was happily dancing over my body, the scent of intense arousal wafted and numbed my senses as she began to destroy any and all layers of cloth and metal that stood between her talons and my skin—I didn’t even had the energy to look at Ishtar to see if she was safe.

            It’s all right, it’s fine, she hasn’t scratched me yet, she smells like bitch in heat, I could deal with being raped, my life was not in danger, my mission could still continue after she had her fill.

            “Oho! Good male!” She shouted, her speech akin to a caveman, yet her voice was female and young nonetheless. “Take to matron! Make lots of eggs!” Huh…? Matron? So her main nest…? Make eggs? Why is everything… Looking so dark?

            If I’m taken to the matron… Wouldn’t that mean that… I’ll be… Enslaved…? Mission… Can’t… I…


You have met with a Dead End

Your soul is forfeit

Retrieval in process…


(New entries have been written in the Glossary)

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