Zeus’ Otherwordly Sexcapades!

Chapter 2: Ch.1.1.2: “Even as a mortal, a God remains unkillable!”

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            Sand. That’s all there was—white sand from coast to coast. I didn’t even have to stand up since I was already on my feet. The dry and coarse sand formed hills, paths, mountains, all disappearing into the black void of darkness. Yet I was in a one-way path towards somewhere, up high in the endless… Sky? That is if you consider absolute void a ‘sky’. Despite not seeing a single source of light anywhere, I could see clearly in most places, almost as if the sun shone from impossible angles, forming shadows that shouldn’t be possible under the influence of one singular sun.

            I look over the edge. Down, far, far down there were what resembled people. It was hard to see the specifics from up here, but they seemed to be completely white, and with something blue on their core, though some of them had more color than others. These… People, were doing various thing that ranged from talking, to aimless wandering, and the most colorless of them all opted to lay still on the floor, their light barely visible from this high up.

            My own body was normal in terms of color and clothes, except for the fact that I had a hole in my chest where something was supposed to be in, maybe that’s where that blue thing was meant to be?

            Regardless, I went ahead in this seemingly impossible bridge that appeared to hang from nowhere to somewhere, which was made out of the same white sand, and passed through some open, ornated gates with statues of beasts by their sides. These gates, once behind me, would close with an audible ‘bang’. This happened for almost a dozen times before I went down some ‘stairs’ and was met with an elegant white door in the middle of a circular field of sand and white flowers—Lillies if I recall correctly. Tall, black totems with purple flames were surrounding the border of said field.

            I went around the door, but found nothing, I tried to move it, but found it absolutely unmoving. Left with no other choice but to open it, I knocked a few times but receive no reply. I really tried to be polite by knocking for what felt like a few minutes but to no avail, so I simply and gently opened the door.

            My brain was assaulted by the absolutely intoxicating waft of a woman, though, even if I was pitching a… wait a moment. Before entering, I unbuckled my pants and examined my son.

            It was small, it was pitiful small. Deciding to cope by assuming that is because I was now dead, I buckled them and went inside; such a small tent wouldn’t be noticeable even if I wanted it to be so.

            The door led to an impossibly big room. ‘Dirty’ couldn’t come close to describe it—there were bags, cans and every possible piece of food package loitering and cluttering the ground. The room smelled not of rotten food or garbage, but something quite unique. A woman, yes, but there was something else in the mind-numbing smell that, despite making my head feel cloudy, had me on absolute high alert.

Almost as if I were facing Hades himself in combat back in his day of glory.

            This one room was big, clutter asides, and there were shelves filled with things that would not be possible for them to exist, such as small figures of women in provocative clothes, as well as figures of men in a vast array of clothes and armors, going from provocative, straight up naked, or cool.

            Alongside those figurines there were entertainment consoles, though by my realm’s age they were ancient. At the other end of the room was a woman sitting in a big chair with a set of monitors and a personal computer set up in a desk behind her, as she was now facing me. She was wearing a baggy shirt with symbols that translated to ‘Bitch I’m DEAD’; I could see she had nothing down below, not even panties, so her bushy snatch was to full display as she sat wide-open towards me.

            Her hair was a dark purple, oily, and so long it covered her eyes and almost reached the floor. Her body, although most of it was covered by her long and baggy shirt, seemed to be plump and with a bit of chub in the tub. Her tits, if I had to take a wild guess, were cup EE or something like that. Were all Goddesses this busty in this realm…? She was also rather tall, with long, plump legs.

            “A-ah… I’ve been… Waifthing for y-you, Son of Man…” Scratch that, were all Goddesses clutz what stumbled on their words when meeting a ‘Son of Man’? “A-awny ways…” She did again. “My name is… Ereshkigal, you are currently in K-Kur—oh, you m-might know it as th-the underworld! W-well, some refer to my little home as h-hell, though…”

            I see, so I’m indeed dead… “Well, Ereshkigal, it’s a pleasure to—”

            I was approaching her to shake her hand, but she suddenly, and frenetically, stopped me. “S-stay right there! D-don’t c-come close or you’ll die for real!” After huffing and puffing for air some moments, she nervously sat cross-legged. “You aren’t really… Dead, per se… Your s-souls is special, so I wanted to play a little… Bit with it…”

            ‘Special’? So she found out about my identity? “What do you mean with that?” I ask.

            “Well…” I waited for her to continue, but, after a whole minute, she just said. “Just… Because?” Before I could voice my complaints, she continued. “You are the first m-male Son of Man that has co-come to our realm, right? So I think It’ll be a… shame if you-you failed your mission…

            “Also!” She added, sounding far more excited than before. “I want to ma-mark you and see through your eyes! I want to see, feel and breed through you! I want to feel you make other women (and men) become stupid with pleasure!” Her voice became increasingly louder up to a point where she was outright shouting at the top of her lungs (?) and, also, I believe she said something weird in the middle of the sentence.

            The revelation was a bit disturbing, to say the least, but I still didn’t quite get what she wanted to do here. “So, you are saying that you want to mark me so that you can see and feel through my mortal body—which probably doesn’t even exist, and I just have to agree to that?”

            I swear upon my Start that I could actually see a glint in the gaps of her bangs as she smiled creepily, one of those ‘You have fallen for my trap!’ kind of creepy smiles.

            “W-well, you see… You didndn’t—” She did it again. “—GET, your SAGE or whatever, r-right? … I’m right, right?” her smugness was lost, but it came back as soon as I affirmed the assumption. “Right! I knew it! I-I mean… Ahem! Because your souls is d-different from all the previous summoned heroes—” So there were more before me? Hope they don’t come back just to steal my property (Zeus’ Notes: Women). “—And not only that, but you are also a male Son of Man!”

            Dramatic pause… Or maybe not? She’s got her arms extended towards me as if she—Oh, I get it. Now for the Eighth Jutsu of the Playboy Bull Arts: The Jutsu of Sparkles-Sparkles!

            In a slow motion I flick my hair, brush it away from my face with a hand, with Sparkle Smile ™, suggestively say with my eyes: ‘Hey there, beautiful’, and, finally, correct my collar with quick, rough and precise movements.

            It was an absolute success.

            Moaning in delight, her body became flushed, and her seat became moist. “I-I knew you-you were the real deal! Cute is good, but you… You are som-something else, Son of Man!” Ereshkigal began to breath heavily. “(Zeus, if Contingency allowed it I would’ve raped you SOOO hard…)”

            “Didn’t quite catch that, what did you—?"

            “Anyways!” She interrupted me. “I’ll mark you, you’ll get your SAGE and you’ll show me lots and lots of sloppy, sinful mating!” A ray of dark hit me square in the center and I felt discombobulated.

            I didn’t get to say a peep before darkness overtook me once more.



“Agh…” I moan in pain and numbness as I come to my mortal senses, waking up in hard floor, sun hitting me square in the face.


User confirmed

SAGE System installation

Installation complete


            “Huh? What the…?”

            “Oh my! You are awake AND your SAGE woke up with you, Son of—I mean, Zeus.” That was Ishtar’s voice, and as I sit upright, I notice that I’m in the same ruined church and Ishtar was sitting in the same rotten chair.


Divine Role bestowed

Usuer’s Divine Role: Professional Breeder

Applying modifiers…

Showing results


Name: Zeus

Race: Unknown


Divine Role: Professional Breeder

Title: None



Rank: 1

Health: Optimal

Shielding: Optimal

Strength: 3

Endurance: 42

Willpower: 70

Faith: %ERROR

Dexterity: 102



(NEW!) Professional Breeder EX: A blessing befitting of Mother’s Champion. Reproductive capabilities have been greatly enhanced, being more capable of creating new life. The Champion gains strength from the passionate act of lovemaking, and he receives further strength when reproducing. In order to facilitate the Champion’s mission, all offspring sired by him will be born from days to mere hours after conception. As to not inconvenience the Champion’s or his women, all progeny born from his seed will be take care of by the SAGE System.

(NEW!)Forceful Solicitation EX: Champion may challenge a female to a Fair Duel.



Enlargement I: Empowers the Champion’s equipment.

Fatherloade I: Empowers the Champion’s maximum output.

Switch I: Champion becomes a Switch


            Seeing as my little guy was no bigger than a teen’s pinky finger, I chose the first skill without even bothering to read the other options.


(NEW!) Enlargement I: Champion’s equipment is enlarged by a small amount. The phallus is remolded by a negligible amount for optimal compatibility. 0/10.


            Okay, hold up, real quick check: Hmm… I could put a number on its length, now it would probably around 3 up to 4 centimeters. Still small, but definitely bigger than 2 centimeter, the thickness was still laughable and you could barely see a bent upwards…


ADVICE: SAGE System tutorial pending, do you wish to deploy?


            A tutorial? This things comes with a tutorial? “Congratulations on your awakening, Zeus!” Ishtar applauds as she witnesses all the stuff that popped up in my face. “Although your Divine Role is a bit odd, I believe that you will find a way to make it useful!” She looked a bit too excited because of my class, or Divine Role as they call it here—Gotta make it original, I guess.

            Uh huh… Seeing as Ishtar had no intention of explaining anything of what just happened, I accepted the… Box’ proposal for a tutorial. As soon as I thought about accepting it, though, a pool of cyan fog formed in front of us, it slowly rose and formed a silhouette of a woman, a busty one, too, though she had no distinguishable features other than golden orbs where her eyes are supposed to be.

            “Greetings, Champion,” her voice is inexplicable, at least to my mortal brain it was; it’s one from neither a man’s or woman’s, but I just recognize it as a woman’s voice despite that. “Do you wish to get a full explanation?”

            I scoff. “Nah, bitch, make it short, I’ve got places to be and whores to knock up!” Even after being berated, her voice didn’t change, nor did her ever-elegant, maid-like posture shift in the slightest.

            ‘She’ nods. “It is as you say, Mother’s Champion. I’ll stick to the basics in order to optimize time. You may rename me, change the way I refer to you or others, change my appearance, though that is only possible once you acquire a plot of land.

            “For your class in particular, you increase your rank via fornication, reproducing giving the most progress towards a rank up. Some skills may be upgraded up to ten times, some skills may be upgraded by simply using them. Example:” A window showing Enlargement I appeared over her extended hand. “If you have sexual intercourse with any female ten times, the skill may upgrade. Some of these methods of upgrading have limitations, in this case, the count towards upgrading may only rise once a day per woman

            “Next: Achievements. Achievements may give you opportunities to select new Talents, you have already unlocked an achievement, here it is:”


ACHIEVEMENT: You are the largest male in Ki. Enlargement I became Enlargement II.

            “Lastly: Some of my features are locked due to my low rank, over half of them are related to managing facilities, so it’s imperative that you acquire a plot of land as soon as possible. It matters not whether there is a building or not in this plot, for your facilities will be constructed by me.

            “More talents become available as you increase your rank, some are even locked behind Achievements and your Divine Mission. It is recommended that you head 4.22 miles north-east and approach the frontier town of Inanna. It is advised to not approach the main road as there are too many agents capable of felling you. It is advised to Duel all adversaries.

            “Worry not for your offspring, each of your women will give birth safely during their sleep and they will be able to visit their children if they wish to do so.”

            ‘She’ does a deep, elegant bow. “Abridged tutorial completed. Let Mother’s Champion and his spawn take back the forsaken land of old.” And with that, ‘she’ vanishes. Though, what surprised me the most was the usage of the Imperial metric system; it has been quite a while since I saw a standing nation last used it, so I’ll have to adapt my calculations accordingly.

            With that said and done, I checked up on my lil’ bud and notice how it went from little over an inch to a flat two inches, and now the skill required me to have sex 15 times. Now that I look at them, my balls, which were small as fuck, grew quite a bit.

            “Well then!” I say as I clap. “Before we depart, my little pet,” I direct myself towards Ishtar. “Would you mind telling me about the monster girls of this world?”

            The ashen-haired Goddess nodded with gusto. “Of course, my dear Champion. While you might know them as that, here they are called Lahmu, Ashtar and Mummu. Though you might never find a Lahmu in your life, the most common half-kin are Ashtars and Mummus!

            “The easiest way to distinguish them is that Ashtars, known by Sons of Man as half-kin, have bestial characteristics, such as limbs akin to those of a beast, and Mummus, know to Sons of Man as diluted, have just a few characteristics, like ears or tails.”

            I see, I see… So there are more furry monster girls out there… All right! Let’s find those and breed them! I bet they will squeal by just looking at me! Now filled with determination and a bigger love rocket, we went and walked north-east.

            Unfortunately, soon after coming out of the ruined building, we were met with another—Well, it was the first for this Ishtar, screech from the skies. “Male!” a high-pitched voiced screamed.

            Wait, now that I think about it, should I mention my regression and revival to this slutty Goddess?

            “Oh my, speak of Enlil and she shows up,” Ishtar commented as we saw a vulture harpy flew around us, although this one was alone and without a flock of normal vultures. Another noticeable thing was that she was small, much smaller than the harpy that defeated me, almost like a child—Loli, were what the eastern mortals called those type of women. “Champion, you must be wary of wild Kin, they tend to abduct men in order to use them as seeding studs.”

            No need to tell me twice… I don’t know about my stats, but they look crazy high (except for strength), so this time I won’t die! “Hehe,” I chuckle, “I hope you like watching your owner fucking other women, cuz’ it’s about to happen!” Thanks to what I guess was SAGE, I somehow knew how to use my skill, so I pointed at the harpy and activated Fair Duel, ready to beat this petite hag to a bloody pulp!

(Smut, short)

            Now with a clear mind, I noticed just how much of a fucking mess she made—First off: I was SOAKED, as was the floor and the sheets. Then the bed itself: it was torn to shreds due to her talons. How that little body could hold so much lust was beyond me, but I wasn’t complaining.


VICTORY: You have conquered Vulture Harpy (chick), additional rank up progress acquired. You may summon ‘Nameless Vulture Harpy (Chick)’ in battle.


ACHIEVEMENTS: You are the first person to have tamed a Wild Mummu; You are the first person to have a female experience Bliss; You are the first person to win a Duel without using their own genitals; You defeated an opponent five times stronger than you. Some rewards are pending due to missing facilities.


RANK UP: Your rank is now 7.


            Ha! What a boost! All right, then, time to go back. After crossing the white void, I found myself back right where I used my skill, Ishtar behind me but no harpy in sight. “My, oh my! Would you look at that,” the slutty Goddess expressed with joy. “I’m not sure what happened but it seems like you’ve won, yes?”

            Puffing my chest, I laugh proudly. “Bwahaha! What do you take me for? There is no way I would lose to the first opponent I would find!” I lied as naturally as I fucked. “Now come ‘ere, slut, we’ve got places to be.” With a slap and rough grope of her ass (she moaned so that means she consented), we began once again to march north! … East!

            Now, looking at the position of the sun, not much time must’ve had passed since we went on our duel, so that means time flow differently in that realm. Besides that, I wanted to ask something that has been bugging me ever since waking up for a second time.

            There were two things I wanted to try now that we have a bit of respite. First I tried to summon the harpy. I didn’t quite get how, but as soon as I called for the entire ‘name’ SAGE gave her, she appeared out of literal thin air and flew down to my side, she still reeked of sex and there was a stain in her pretty little stomach, but everything seemed to be normal.

            “My, my,” Ishtar said as if it were her only defining quality as a person. “Not only did you defeat the harpy, but you tamed he. Truly marvelous!” Hm, looks like taming monster girls was a big deal even for her, so maybe this will give me the upper hand when I need it the most.

            After experimenting a bit (Read: Freely groping the harpy and fingerbanging her for the fun of it), I sent her back to wherever she was before. Now, onto the other thing I wanted to do…

            “Hey, Ishtar, is—” it possible to go back in time after dying?

            “Pardon me? I didn’t quite catch that last part.”

            “Can you—” Revive after dying?

            She looks at me confused. Was she deaf or something? Or was she acting stupid? No, maybe… “Ishtar, I—” died and came back in time thanks to Ereshkigal. Once again she looks at me as if she couldn’t hear a single word of what I’ve said, which is probably what happened.

            Something was preventing me from mentioning stuff from my previous ‘life’, and as thankful as I’m to have another chance on my mission, it was quite disturbing how something that acts more like a curse than a blessing was giving to me by this ‘Ereshkigal’ gal… Heh.

            Anyways, I have her attention now, so dwelling on those thoughts might make her suspicious of me, so let’s salvage this before I discover that attempting work arounds that problem would kill me or something.

            “Scratch that, what can you tell me about this world? I’ve only met you and that harpy, but why are you reacting so much about me being a man?”

            She hums, thinking her response carefully. “Well, dear, you could say that men in this world are somewhat rare. Added to that, you don’t look like any other male that has ever existed in this world, and you are probably the first man to have ever come out of an encounter with a female without a collar on your neck, though, that might change soon.” She ends those ominous words with a smile as if implying my enslavement was inevitable.

            There were so many questions I wanted to make, but her smile clearly said she was planning on avoiding clear answers.

            I’ll add that to the punishment once we are somewhere safe, dueling her was an absolute death sentence knowing what her ‘healing’ magic could do.



            And on the horizon (Read: less than a mile away), there it was the so acclaimed town of Inanna. It was rather big to be called a ‘town’ but definitely not big enough to be called a city. It was composed of all sorts of sandbrick buildings, along with a modest sandbrick wall surrounding it, yet outside these walls were wooden houses and businesses.

            We were on a hill near this town, and we had clear sight of crowds of normally-clothed women going to and from, from here to there there, carriages pulled by, thankfully, horses instead of something like centaurs. Very few folks were going south, most of them disappearing on a highway northward.

            Some other thing that was a dead giveaway were the half-kin. There were some ‘diluted’, but there were more of these furred-armed and legged women than those with just tails and ears. As expected, humans were the dominant race among all of them, although there were grey people with ponty ears here and there.

            On our way here we were met with two cute little murderous pieces of feathery shits that tried to rape and abduct me, while they mostly looked the same, what differentiated them were patterns on their plumage and strands of hair, as well as hairstyle that somehow never got any messier than it already was.

            Appy, the first loli harpy I conquered, had short, almost boyish, messy brown hair with strands of bleached hair and feathers.

            The second harpy, Ollie, had a mischievous look and a mouth that never stopped being in a ‘v’ shape. Her sharp, angled, cunning eyes made her look like one of those ‘lewd, cheeky brats’ I’ve heard about; her hair was hip-long, a bit puffy and had strands of purple, she also had the biggest breast of them all, although they were nowhere close to Ishtar’s.

You are reading story Zeus’ Otherwordly Sexcapades! at novel35.com

            And the third harpy, Shelly, was the tallest and had a face that looked a bit too mature for her apparent age. She had spotted plumage and shoulder-length, straight hair with cyan strands here and there. All three of them had black eyes, so there were chances of them all being sisters or something.

            None seemed to know more words other than 'mate', 'breed', and, for some reason, 'papa'. Also, after being defeated they all got a sexy slave collar with their name on them.

            Anyways, it didn’t take much to get to the gates and the first thing I felt were the intense stares I received. These pitiful excuse of ‘town gates’ were just sliding brick doors that shouldn’t be possible to move by a mortal, and they were guarded by two humans, both female, one shorter than the other, but both shorter than me. In fact, I stood out greatly due to my height.

            “Halt!” The shortest armored guardswomen stepped ahead and stopped us. “Your holiness, I’m afraid we cannot allow a crestless male inside these walls, not even for someone of your rank,” She said in a rough voice. I didn’t quite understood what she was saying, but she had a nice bust under all that armor.

            Sparkle-Sparkle ™ mode activated. “Woah! Easy there, girl, I just want to go inside! There are no need for hostilities, now are there? If you gals need something, I’m sure we can settle this with you and I on a bed—” Before I could finish I found myself in intense pain, pinned on the ground, and with tunnel vision.

            I was hit, I was hit HARD, and now someone was pinning me on the ground. Their weight seemed impossible; I couldn’t muster any strength to move it away. It felt oppressive, like an adult holding down a misbehaving child.

            Slowly I came to my senses, I saw a single armored boot stepping on me, the girl, who was notoriously smaller in all regards compared to me, berating me. “Filthy male! You ugly piece of trash! I would have snapped your legs if you weren’t Her Holiness’ pet!!” And with a huff, she moved away from me. “My apologies, Your Holiness, but you might to send your… Thing to one of our trainers.” I try to at least sit up but my muscles ache too much.

            “My, I would actually advise against that since he is, in fact, our Heroine,” I hear Ishtar tell someone. Many around us gasp and murmurs erupt. Did a crowd form around us? It wouldn’t surprise me.

            “A male being the Heroine!?”

            “Has Enlil truly taken over? Did the Gods abandon us?”

            “That male is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen! How could it exist!?”

            “There is no way Her Holiness is joking, right? Because this is NOT funny.”

            “But Your Holiness!” A cute voice protested. “How could we give such an important role to a male!? A fatherfucking diluted would’ve been better than a male!”

            Her words rile up the folks around us.

            “Yeah! Men are just meant to be used for their seed!”

            “I have slaves cuter than him! I bet they would do a better job!”

            “CEASE.” All stood still at the booming voice of a Goddess, if they recognized her as such or not was unknown to me right now, but it didn’t matter right now. “Whether you recognize him as a Heroine matters not, for it was in Mother’s own words that she told me about his descend upon us,” she sounded completely different from some minutes ago, she sounded imposing, self-assured and confident, not like a clutz bimbo or coy fox.

            “You must not doubt Mother’s voice, why, I have witnessed the impossible right before me!” I could feel my pain going away and my mind becoming foggy. “Zeus, Hero of Ki, Mother’s Champion, show them the fruits that you bore from our short journey.” She wanted me to do something? Like summoning the harpies? All right…

            “Appy! Ollie! Shelly! Come!” at my calling, the shriek of a hawk (?) thundered and the three loli harpies flew to my side, happily smudging their faces on my body. For some reason, yet again, my mind became clearer as their scent healed (?) my heart (?).

            “A MALE tamed three harpies!?”

            “They might be diluted, but still…”

            “Hmm… He might not be that bad…”

            “NOW I want to enslave him for myself…!”

            Yet one of the voices stook out from the crowd. “Heya! Stop right there, MALE.”

            Ishtar seemed proud of me being praised, but her smile was short-lived as yet more drama stirred from the crowd, but this time the girl didn’t remain as a part of the anonymity of a crowd, instead deciding to walk up front and center.

            The first two—three things I notice was her beautifully puffy and luscious velvet hair, the cat ears of the same color popping out from the top of her hair, and her twirling cat tail behind her. Though, there other things to notice, like the fact that she was pathetically flat. Were it not for her pretty face with cyan eyes and the rest of her body, thanks to her fair skin, one would mistake her for a young boy, height and all.

            Also, her boyish voice didn’t help her case at all, or maybe it did if that was her intention.

            She was wearing one would call ‘explorer’s clothes’—Light pants, high metal graves, leather armor protecting multiple vital points, all underneath a peach-colored long sleeve. With two big daggers on her hips, a belt filled with vials and bags, and heavy metal gauntlets, she looked right from one of those fantasy novels about adventurers.

            Her ONLY redeeming quality as a FEMALE were her… By my Star, only in other realms could females have hips that wide and asses that big…

            Suffice to say, compared to all the other women who wore simple clothes or boring armor, she looked quite important. “How come that after being ignored by everyone, a saint comes around saying a male is the Heroine?” she says, smiling smugly. “Mighty suspect, don’t ya think, nya?” Oh, great, I hope she doesn’t say ‘nya’ non-stop because that would be annoying.

            Before the multitude could whisper among themselves, Ishtar intervened. “Are you so foolish as to doubt the word of Mother’s chosen saint herself, Mummu!?”

            But this catgirl just sneered at her, not an ounce of fear on her face. “Ya can preach about Mother all ye want, but nothing changes the fact that no one has come to our help even when death is at our doorstep.

            “Our slaves have been taken, our storehouses raided, each day there are less women coming back from expeditions, sometimes even entire groups disappear in the sands or walls of the Dungeon. Don’t nya thing that it’s a pretty reasonable choice for someone to keep a close eye to the both of you after being abandoned to die and the town of Inanna to be erased from the maps, hmm?”

            Looking hurt and while bitting her lip, Ishtar mutters. “That’s…”

            “Moreover,” the girl continues. “How can we simply trust blindly that a male of ALL THINGS will be capable of helping us out, much less beating Enlil? Nyahahaha!” She burst out laughing for a while, tearing up and pointing at me. “Just look at him, nya! It looks more womanly than male! Are we supposed to put our hopes on something that barely qualifies as a male!?”

            My blood was starting to boil, and I was about to put this bitch in her rightful place but Ishtar stopped me, shaking her head as if telling me ‘It’s useless’.

            “And so,” the girl speaks once more, now calm, “I, Moira, will willingly keep a close eye on both of you by sticking around!” She looks at me, raping me with her eyes and licking her lips hungrily. “But compensation is a given, don’t ya think? ‘Give and take’, that’s one of Ishtar’s teachings, ain’t it?”

            “A Diluted being in charge of something so important?”

            “Well, it is Moira, so at least she can pull her own weight…”

            “I didn’t even trust those priestesses either way!”

            “Heh, I bet she’ll let me borrow him if I give her some coin…”

            It was Ishtar’s utter defeat, mine, too, because nobody was on our side right now and the only way to gain their trust was to have a tight leash on me. And so, with a triumphant, mischievous smile, Moira declares: “Hehehe, I’ll take the meat pile’s silence as a yes. Now scoot!” Moira shooed the crowd. “This is my business now, not yours!” With some reluctance, the women around us began to go back their own way.

            This Moira gal motion us to follow her and we had no other option but to do as told. Once past the big, chunky gates we were greeted by the sight of a busy town in peak hour. This time more half-kin were going to and fro, some, as Isthar described, had arms and legs with thick fur, but with human-shaped hands and feet.

            That wasn’t all, turns out the grey people were some kind of elven variation, and now they were everywhere.

            There were men, yes, very few of them, but every single one of them was in chains, or with a branding on their face; their eyes soulless. These men didn’t look like the men from my realm, instead, they looked feminine, too much so. What I noticed on them were girly clothes and that every guy had a sort of frilly choker hiding their Adam’s apple, as my mortals called it.

            Yet another thing was evident here: Half-kin who had just animal ears and tails wore clothes and gear of poorer quality than those who had more animalistic features, although those didn’t wear much gear at all, the difference was still notorious. And yet, why was Moira’s outfit of such high grade?

            Usually, people who witness such scenes would say something along the lines of ‘So this is really another world’, but my mind, my stupid, inferior mind, could not stop its calls for alert as countless eyes glared at me. It was evident, really, with men being openly traded as goods, how could I go unseen? Not only that, but I was once confident I was going to blend in just fine with my appearance, but I was dead wrong on that guess.

            For a moment fear overtook me. Would I go back in time if I was put in chains and bondage? Does that count as my soul being ‘forfeit’? Will I even go back in time if something graver happens to me? I knew nothing of this world, basing my intuition just by the Records, yet here we were, seeing the absolute impossible. How could the Laws of Contingency allow this? Won’t this path lead to this realm’s destruction?

            The Laws helped us, why weren’t they helping these Gods?

            “Hurry up, stud!” Moira called, pulling me by the collar of my red tunic. “Is your stupid male brain lesser than the ones from around here? Weren’t you sent as the Heroine to save us or somethin’?” My trio of harpies, who were following us, snarled at Moira. “Huh!? Ya think I’m scared of nya!? Know your place!”

            Feeling the tension and sensing the disparity of strength between my little harem and the catgirl, I unsummoned them. I hated this, I had to be careful of how I speak. This gal, who was a full head shorter than me and of far thinner build than mine, no doubt could kill me without putting any effort in it, that I knew by a mere warrior’s instict.

            “I have a name, you know?” But my complaint was met with a look full of hatred.

            “If ya want me to even bother remembering your name, then either beat me or hunt a cyclops!”

            Looking at my confusion, Ishtar told me what she meant. “Half-kin only respect those who beat them either in bed or combat. They tend to compete for men and only see them as ways to relieve stress or reproduce, for that reason they try to have as many as possible since, as you might know, men can last only one round. But,” She added. “Unlike normal women, half-kin last more than one orgasm, so they need to have more than one man in order to please their urges.” Huh, really convenient information dump there, Ishtar. Maybe you ARE useful from time to time… Regardless, Moira let go and we followed here to somewhere.

            As we walked through the streets, past bakeries, smithies and general stores, I had to endure the constant barrage of Moira’s bitchy bitching. This downtime had allowed me to contemplate some things that just happened.

            How in the name of the Greater Will was Ishtar respected so much? Did they not see how lightly she dressed? Every other woman dressed normally, even the priestess-looking females (humans, half-kin and all in between) wore proper, although really tight and a bit too risqué, priest robes.

            “Where are we even going to?” I finally ask as we cut the same corner we had cut a few minutes ago.

            “Nyaah!?” Moira screams startled, she looks back at me and glares. “We are going to the mayor, so sh-shut your trap, useless male!” While those words would’ve been threatening a bit ago, now her face was completely flushed, her tail was flicking aggressively, and the indistinguishable smell of arousal emanated from her. “I was just distracted for a bit—Don’t you two smell something weird?”

            Besides your sopping snatch, no, everything smelled normal for a town this size. Not like I could say those words since she would no doubt stab me with something sharper than her eyes

            “Fufufu…” Ishtar chuckles under her breath, turning slightly my way as if I was the culprit behind her bitchy behavior. I also noticed how both of them kept sending glances at my bulge—I’m a mortal male, after all, if you put me in such situations, things are bound to happen even if the lady in question wants to gut me alive…

            Huffing at randoms glares, which instead of helping her made her velvet hair stand erect from time to time, she lead us to a new path, and after some short walking, we came face to face with a particular building that screamed ‘I’m important, more than ya’ll fucking buildettes, look at my cock and balls (TL/N: height and decoration)!’

            But the smell coming from Moira was getting worse, as was her posture, she even began muttering things like ‘What is wrong with me?’ and ‘There is no way it can be that shitty male’ and ‘Why do I find his fatherfucking appearance so attractive!?’, that last one she said outloud and made Ishtar giggle, but the little ol’ velvet catgirl didn’t notice. Man, I just got here, got beaten to a pulp by a soldier half my size, got involved with a bitchy bitch catgirl, and now she is literally soaking wet because of me. “Hehehe…” As expected of me! This has put me in a good mood, indeed! I’ll show this kitty the difference of those limp-dick soy boys and the true masculine me! “Wehehehe….”

            “Champion, your thoughts are leaking, you will be arrested and put on the gallows if a guard sees your disgusting face.” Oh, I guess she is—Wait! What did she just say!?

            “W-we are here, nya!” Moira finally declares after staring absent mindedly at the building in front of us, audibly sniffing the air, which in turn made her more excited. Thankfully her pants were of some sort material that didn’t get wet easily or she would… Well, Star knows how she would react to her body doing that… She turned to us, her cat-like iris dilated and moving from me to Ishtar in a frantic manner. “Go aheadnya! I’l sssstay here! Go! Shoo!”

            Well, if she says so… I find it hard to believe I was scared shitless of her a bit ago… We go past her and I swear to my Star that she took the biggest of all whiffs of air as I was passing by her. Riiiight… The fancy wooden doors were unlocked so we just stepped in, and as soon as we did that we were greeted by a desk and a pretty, silver-blond secretary. “Good afternoon, Ma’am, please leave your slave outside.” She said as she continued to write on her paper.

            “I’m afraid he is not my slave,” Ishtar responds. “He is the Hero, and we came to see the mayor.” Oooh, so that’s why we are here, I was getting a bit lost. Thankfully the slutty Goddess knew what I had to do since I didn’t even know where my left was from my right.

            “You heard her!” I interject. “The one and only hero!”

            The secretary, ‘Calcee’ as said in the plate in front of her, rose an eyebrow, her expression unchanging besides that. “Hero? As in heroine? Not a funny joke, but I’ll have my head hanging from the town walls if I were to stop Your Holiness, so go ahead,” Calcee points at the stairs behind her desk. “And shut that ugly mouth of yours when you are with the mayor, male.” She finishes with a venomous tone. I’ll ignore that but still note it.

            Stairs lead to a hallway filled with all sorts of paintings of valiant women and arms hanging from the walls, at the end was a set of double, fancy doors. ‘Baroness Amelia Sungown’ was engraved on them. “Sooo… What’s the plan, Izzy?” I ask her, because besides dicking whoever is behind these doors, nothing comes in mind as to what we could possibly do.

            “It is customary for the Heroine, or Hero in your case, to receive land so that they can have a place for them to call home in order to prevent extreme cases of homesickness,” she informs. “I saw SAGE mention facilities, so getting a plot of land is our main priority. Well, since she is a baroness, she could give us a plot in the slums and that would count, which would absolutely put you in the hands of dangerous Sons of Men,” I didn’t like how that last part sounded but we have to do something regardless.

            All right! I slammed the doors wide open. “Heya! The Hero is here! Gimme land!” After saying my piece, I look around. It was a generic-looking ‘boss’ office’, with bookshelves covering the sides, a wide desk in front, some chairs, a coffee table, a wide, red and gold rug covering most of the floor in front of the desk, and the big honcho herself behind all of that in a tall, fancy cushioned chair.

            On her big, red, fancy chair was a petite woman, not like the harpies I have, though, she just was short. She had long, brunette hair that reached her lower back. She also had baggy green eyes, and was wearing a tight, prim and proper aristocrat uniform, pants included.

            Her desk was filled with mountains of papers and folders, some even scattered around her on the ground. The sweet scent of a woman on her early 30’s combined with the smell of pen and parchment gave me a nostalgic sentiment. One of my other innate skills that nothing could take away from me was knowing the rough age of someone, and their levels of stress. Mainly sexual frustration.

            She was packed with it, which made my plan to trick her into sex quite simple.

            “At least knock on the Enlil-cursed door, for Mother’s sake!” she slammed her plume pen on her desk, yet it was placed somewhere safe, and her bottle of ink didn’t spill a single drop—Truly a skill acquired by years of office work. She looked at me, scoffed, then looked at Ishtar and groaned. “Why in damnation is a Saint bringing a weird slave to my office? Did Calcee told you about my problem? Thanks, but no thanks!”

            Hehehe… The picture is clear! “Woah there, lady,” I slowly strut towards her, showing each and every single handsome speck of my beautiful vessel. “The Hero walks up to you, and you call him a slave, why, where are your manners?” I lean on her desk, my look unmoving from her pretty little face.

            “You? A male? The Heroine? Oops, excuse me, hero,” she puts a great deal of sarcasm on those last words. Man, this chick is hot when angry.

            “Hup-pup-pup! Watch that tongue! It’ll ruin your pretty face!” For a brief moment, her face scrunched in confusion, probably not expecting a compliment from a dirty, lowly male. “If you don’t believe me then believe that slutty piece of cock warmer,” I signal to Ishtar, who tries to confirm my status but is interrupted by this little Mayor.

            “How utterly despicable to refer to Her Holiness with those words! How can a Hero who can’t even show basic humility be chosen by the Gods!?” She slams her fist on the table. “Absolutely laughable that you want me to believe you! Who is to say that is even your real body, huh? I’ve heard Ishtar’s followers had loose screws, but to think a Saintess of all people would attempt such trickery!”

            With all her buttons pressed, I lean into her face, smugness clear on my tone. “Well then, what if I show you that I’m truly the Hero, huh?”

            Baroness Sungown scoffs at my words, but to my surprise she accepts. “Sure! Go ahead and try! Go and kill a Pure Blood, bring me their fur and I’ll maybe think of you as something other than a fertilization plant!”

            Gotcha. “Oh, I would love to, but I just arrived and little wee me can’t hurt a fly, but I can show you the skills no other person in this country—no, planet, has, how does that sound? Would that make it clear I indeed come from another world?”

            “Ha! As if!” Yet she doesn’t back down, instead opting to wear a triumphant smile. “If you so called ‘skills’ fail to convince me then you will spend the rest of your pathetic days on the seeding stalls.”

            “And if I win, you’ll tell every pretty woman about me AND give me a nice little house in a pretty location, how does that sound?”

            The short woman burst out laughing. “Bwahahaha! Sure! I’ll even give you our best plot of land! The only fertile grounds in my territory, but there is no way you’ll win, so I’ll add exclusive rights to the trading of whatever grows on that oasis.” She leans back and crosses her arms, legs now on the desk. Lace and red. “Scared? I bet you are nothing but an escaped slave that wants to make it big, so go on, bring it on!”

            After a loud clap and warming up my hands, I declare: “Alright! Let’s strip, then!” I cast Fair Duel, she wins the coin flip. “Let’s spice things up. Each of us only gets a single round and an hour, how does that sound?”

            Sungown stands up, determined and with fire in her eyes. “Deal! I’ll make you cum in—Wait what the fuck is this ‘Battle Fuck’!?” Oops, too late, you are already naked. “What happened to my clothes!?” Sucks to suck, you consented to the duel and now this little office has been isolated from the outside world, though I don’t know why Ishtar was still with us.

(Smut, a long boi)

ACHIEVEMENTE: Defeated a ‘seasoned’ opponent in their field of expertise; Impregnated an opponent that outclassed you; Defeated an opponent more than 20 times stronger than you; First impregnation; Conquered your first sentient being, you may now ask for their assistance any time; Successfully impregnated a partner on your first attempt; Against all odds, impregnated a supposedly barren partner. Some rewards have been placed on hold as you lack the required facilities.


RANK: You have ranked up. Your rank is now 22.


            Whew! So much text! What was the last one? Supposedly barren? How in the cursed name of Hades was she barren? She was also ‘seasoned’ in sex, which kind of explains just how quickly she began to get the hang of giving head.

            Anyways, despite feeling like I came a tsunami inside of her, the ejaculation on itself wasn’t that big, but there was a skill that helped with that. Right now, she was limp, lying flat on my chest, and while I did try to pull out, her womb literally had my cockhead on a deadlock, apparently wanting to make sure each possible seed is planted.

            Stars, am I tired, far more tired than when I tamed the harpies—I feel almost dead! I heard excited clapping behind me. “Truly marvelous! You are indeed Mother’s Champion, Zeus! Not once have I ever thought copulation could be that heated—you have my applause!” Yeah, yeah, I really forgot she was inside the room at various points of time, but at least she is not being annoying.

            “My oh my, if someone other than me would have seen you breeding her like a dirty mutt, they would no doubt behead you on the stop for doing such heinous acts of rape!” What? What the fuck just came out of your fucking mouth? “Ah,” she moans. “I was truly blessed to see the man Mother personally chose break each and every one of my taught principles~!” Wait, did I just do something fucked up? Bah! Don’t care, I’m too tired and her womb isn’t letting go.

            I guess this is just a waiting game now.



            Some hours passed, Moira got worried for some reason and is now with us. It is nigh impossible to erase all proof of what transpired a while ago so she instantaneously knew what happened just by the smell, which made her go into a shade of red I didn’t know mortals could achieve.

            In the end the Baroness recognized me as someone from another world, but not a Hero just yet. And while she is going to keep her part of the bargain, she won’t say I’m actually this ‘Mother’s Champion’ Ishtar doesn’t shut up about, instead she will put a good word on me about how I fuck, which is quite a big deal here in Nahut as it seemed. She also fed us a tasty meal, I’ll remember that and reward her with another baby I won’t take care of.

            “Ngh…” Amelia, as she allowed me to call her, moaned randomly, probably still feeling the aftershock of our sweaty ‘wrestle’. “Haa…” it didn’t help much that she was supposed to sign all the paperwork she didn’t consider was going to sign, so each time she moved my impregnation sludge that her womb greedily kept inside moved from side to side. “There!” She finally says, pushing three sheets of papers to me as she slams her face hard onto the desk. The papers declared me the owner of the land, the oasis and all trading rights coming from those two.

            “Great,” I pat her head, she doesn’t complain so I guess she either likes it or is too tired to do so. “See ya later, babe.” Moira was looking at me with dreamy eyes and Ishtar was literally skipping a step because of how seemingly proud she was of me. “Hey, kitty, snap out of it,” I snap my fingers in front of her, making her eyes become steady again, she looks up to me with a ‘what’s going on?’ face. “We are going—got a place to crash in, move yo fat ass.

            “Hey! My ass is NOT fat!” Oh, so you respond to THAT? Well, not like I care. She complies despite her pouty little mouth and we set forth to wherever this plot of land is. Lucky for us, it’s really close to the city, and even though it was already nightfall, the guards didn’t bother us after I showed them the papers. Well, the did try to arrest me again for forgery, but thanks to Ishtar’s intervention, we got out the hook rather quickly. I’ll remember your bland faces, bitches… A playboy never forgets its target.

            The walk to my new piece of land was short, the only reason why I didn’t see it one the hill was because it was hidden by another hill. It took us about an hour to get there on foot, so after that short walk, and now with the stars at their highest points, we arrived at a…

            Shabby old shack… Well, because my land included the pseudo oasis, there was grass and all that around us, but the only thing besides the large lake, some threes and tall grass was a beaten up wooden shack.

            “You have to be joking, right?” I say in disbelief.

            “Oh my, it does look rather abandoned, does it not?”

            Moira didn’t comment on the situation because she was too distracted getting as close to me as she possibly could. “Hey, kitty, why did you come with us, anyways?” I call out to the velvet furball, startling her.

            “Nya!? Don’t spook me!” Oh, she had her daggers on her hands, guess I almost died, oops. She sheathes them and sighs. “Anywhere is better than the inn I usually stay in, and I’ll leave it that, Zeus.” She seemed to have secrets of her own.

            Wait, did she just say my name? Did she ever hear it? Seeing my puzzled expression, she adds; “I read it on the papers the mayor gave you, dumbass, do you really think I’m illiterate?” Oh, I guess that makes sense, it’s not like I even bother to hide them. Regardless, we are indeed in a hopeless—


[Plot of land has been registered as User’s, commencing Foundation building]


            Seeing a SAGE window wasn’t the strangest part, but what really put me out of it were the countless clouds of glowing cyan smoke, uh, ‘clean up’ the entire plot. The grass was cut short and tidy, the shack, for some unstarly reason, became a modest brick house, and some crop fields were somehow tilled near the lake.


[Foundation completed, commencing construction of additional facilities. Estimated time of completion: 7:57:23 hours]


            Uh, right… some big curtains of cyan smoke rose somewhat far from the house, near the lake.


[Would you like to experience the Facilities Management tutorial?]


            “No thanks, too tired. Want to sleep.” The window disappeared and we were left in whatever the fuck this state of mood was, Moira was the most shocked out of the three of us, Ishtar had a ‘As expected of him’ kind of smile. “Hey, so, wanna look for a bed to crash in?” I offer them.

            “Why, of course, my dear Champion!”

            “Whaaa…? Bed? Uhm, yeah, please.” Also please bathe, you stink.

            The house on itself was pretty nice on the exterior, it had a bit of a rustic aspect to it, had decent finishing, and it even had a furnished patio with a picnic table under a three that DEFINITELY wasn’t there before. The door was of some sort of dark wood and was fairly simple. Naturally I walked in as if I owned the house—Because I fucking did.

            But inside was something—or more like someone, I did not expect at all.

            “Greetings, User.”

            Of course she was in a motherfucking maid outfit.


(New entries have been written in the Glossary)

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