Zeus’ Otherwordly Sexcapades!

Chapter 4: Barn: Harpy Trio I

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            Here we are, well, I am. In front of the crude wooden log building in which my monstergirls will reside in. A perverted smile starts to form on my face as I imagine what I will do here from now on. An Aki window pops up and informs me of various things about the barn-like structure, such as its possible upgrade paths, available rooms, general quality, room quality, and much more.

            Intrusive as it was, Aki also informed me about the current habitants and their level of comfort and gratefulness, and also a single comment they have given to her, and as I breed, gain points, and upgrade it, more things will be available to me.

            Currently, Appy was overjoyed to have a roof to sleep under, Shelly was devoted to belong a flok, and, as expected, Ollie was being a sour bitch by complaining about every little thing she could, yet she still felt comfortable in it. Stars, do I hate these kinds of tsunderes.

            But enough of that! At the moment the thing wasn’t much other than a big cabin and couldn’t be shabbier even if it wanted to. The sign on top of the entrance was also empty as I had an option to name the building, which would cost me some points to do so after the first name.

            Now, women, as I believed, didn't usually seek shelter in shady places with a big, glowing sing calling said place ‘Breeding Hole’, so as much as it pains me, I had to choose an actual name, so let’s call it something… Warming, welcoming.

            Suddenly words started to form on the sign, quickly spelling the name of ‘Comfort of the Hearth’, just as I had imagined it—even the font was the same I had in mind, which was both elegant and easy to read.

            When it came to upgrades, I currently had around two grand thanks to my side gig of being a manwhore, and the most important upgrades, such as general quality, had a high cost of over seven grand, though there were smaller upgrades such as bed quality, sound dampening, stronger structure, and such which I could all afford.

            While I did want to build me that fine-ass brothel, I couldn’t leave my women on rags, now, could I? After spending all my precious points I contemplated the building glow for many a seconds before finally returning to normal. The structure now made out of shabby processed wood instead of just shabby logs.

            Checking on a few more future upgrades, I closed the floating window and entered the big cabin, now boasting five rooms instead of just three, plus the master bedroom, of course.

            The building was simple: One Livingroom, two hallways  with rooms or walls where there could be rooms. From one of the hallways came a familiar, chirpy voice. “Smell! Familiar! Zeus!” In the blink of an eye, I felt a small yet strong figure slam onto me, making my ass kiss the floor as the olive-skinned harpy with sandy hair nuzzled me with gusto, sniffing me non-stop.

            Oh, and she was still naked.

            Hold up a second… Isn’t she like, really grown up? Last time she was a certified loli, but now she looked like a young teen, if not a bit older. “Hey, Appy, what did Aki feed you while I was gone? You’ve grown quite a bit.” I ask her with a bit of worry.

            Appy cocked her head. “Feed? Mean, breed? We mate now?” she hugged me tightly, and I swear upon my Star that I heard a few ‘cracks’ here and there. “Yippie!” She lifts me up and jumps with me in her wings. “Mate! Mate! Love to mate, with Zeus!” Well, at least her wings were cushioned…

            Rapidly settling down, she looks at me dead in the eyes with a serious expression as my lungs start to hurt due to lack of oxygen. “But, no breed! Only mate! Only! Mate! No eggs!”

            I managed to squeak a complain about her wings and she lets me go, dropping me onto the ground, soreness all over, and something telling me this won’t be the only time I will feel that tonight.

            Man, I must’ve looked pathetic kneeling on all fours coughing and hacking for dear life due to a bear hug from a skinny, winged woman not even half my weight. “Feed!” I repeat. “As in, food! Eat! My—hah… Stars what did you eat this whole time!?”

            “Growth, abnormal, faster than flock sisters,” a classy, almost elegant voice rang from the same hallway Appy came from. With plumage familiar to the former, her most notorious features were the lilac spots and short, puffy hair of the same color as those spots. Her face was forever smug, her tone condescending, and the attitude of a fucking brat that knows can’t be punished.

            Anyway, while Ollie did say their growth was abnormally fast, it didn’t show for her, though her breast did grow to a solid D, maybe a DD if you pushed it. Pouting angrily, Appy turns to the lilac harpy. “Boohoo! No mating, for Ollie! Meanie!” Appy said with a mocking tone.

            “Zeus’ choice, not Appy’s, dumbass,” the smaller girl snaps at her, followed by a sigh and her nerves calming. “Shelly, come, Zeus here, probably breeding.”

            “No breed! Only mate!”

            Ignoring her, I stood up just as the last harpy came into view.

            Standing taller than both of them, Shelly’s distinguishable features were her leaf green hair, which bangs covered both of her eyes, and vertical stripes of that same color on the plumage of her wings. She also was different from when I last saw her, being bigger in general and leaning towards the ‘easy delivery’ body type.

            I wasn’t going to get fooled by Shelly’s shy and tame demeanor again, because I almost lost when I tried to tame her. She might act like that, but she is a prodigy in sex, maybe even better than my wife.

            Either way, maybe I’ll fuck them, maybe I won’t, I want to get a feel around this place and how they have been holding up this whole time, so after ruffling all of their heads, some reacting positively, Ollie acting like a bitch, I asked them to tell me about this place.

            “New nest, good! Best! No rain, no hot, go outside, fly!” Appy commented in joy.

            Ollie scoffed. “Could be, better. Food good, water good, no wind, but not best,” she looks at the wooden walls with worry. “Wood suddenly change, trunk then plank. Much better, but still weak. Sand, storm destroy it if weak,” she turns to me with her signature ‘V’ mouth. “But old nest, worse. This nest, good. Pathetic and weak, just like Zeus, but cute, just like Zeus.” Right now, her face was pretty punchable, but I was a God of merit and values, so I’ll just be rougher with her when I fuck her instead.

            “Room. Quiet. Good. Food. Warm, also good,” is what Shelly said about it, though after some seconds she added; “No noise, mating. Zeus nice, no force mating. Gateful.”

            The lilac harpy tapped the quiet one’s forehead. “Grateful, no gate, full.” To which Shelly repeats the correct word.

            While Appy was buck naked, both Ollie and Shelly wore simple robes which barely, just barely, covered their nipples and privates, in fact, if they moved a bit, the tip of their nips would stick out and the shortness of the hem would reveal for a brief second their pink folds.

            Once again, the lilac shortstack looks at me with the face of ‘I’m going to annoy Zeus today’. “Well, then. Zeus here, for reason, no?” She takes a step forward, the angle of which I was looking at her from gave me an ample glance to her fertile valley. “Can see rod, from miles—” She places a wing on my groin, the softness of her feathers giving a pleasant sensation. “We in heat, since night first, but no feeling good, from selves. I am good, much better than Zeus, low skill, but feather, sisters, not so good. Appy? Right?

            The harpy in question scrunches up her face and nods rapidly. “Yes! Can’t cum, from wings! Curse! Zeus, meanie! Body wants many, eggs! But Appy wants no!”

            On closer inspection, Appy’s crotch had begun to moisten up, and if the smell of animal in heat wasn’t wrong in my sharp sense of smell, so were Ollie’s and Shelly’s. “So let me get this straight,” I hold them up for a second. “You not only have grown at an accelerated pace, but you can’t masturbate on any way?”

            They all nod. “And your libido has increased?”

            “Eggs, need, painful. Want, beg, but weird in front, Ollie, Appy.” Shelly confirms.

            Appy chirps in again. “Zeus smell, strong! Strong male! Strong mate! But now, stronger! Body wants, Zeus eggs! But Appy hates big tummy!” All the while looking at Ollie massaging my crotch.

            “Kekekeke… Well, if everyone here is suffering…” I smile perversely once more. “Isn’t only right for the owner to help?” Appy jumps in joy, Ollie nods with a giggle and Shelly nods weakly. “Then, lead me to the breeding room—I mean, master bedroom,” ignoring Appy’s complaint, I followed Ollie to the opposite hallway and got into a pretty decent room.

            As I contemplated the spacious room with a big-ass bed, I though on how to deal with each harpy. I will DEFINETELY breed Appy, that is an easy choice since I don’t get any points from NOT breeding my cute little sentient cattle. Shelly might be a difficult one to tame since she is surprisingly skilled, but Ollie? This is not the first time she has disrespected me—When I first saw her she was acting like hot shit, talking me down, only to mock me on Fair Duel and get her brains blown the fuck out by my fingers, yet she still managed to get a last laugh after losing right before I went out of the domain, so I have yet to repay her kindness.

            So, who goes first? My eyes landed on Ollie and for a split second her eyes widened and her body flinched ever-so-slightly. “Zeus! Come! Time to, mate!” Appy interrupted my stalking and, with yet again much more strength than she used to have, shoved me into the bed, her breathing heavier and with visible clouds of hot steam coming out of her body.

            Man, this class is kinky as fuck, huh?

            “All right, all right! Settle down, Appy!” I tell her while undressing, finding the mattress to be quite comfortable and especially springy. All three harpies were practically drooling as my shirt and pants were thrown about, leaving me in my underwear, a noticeable bulge on them. With all eyes on my lil’ bud, I smirk and pull the last piece of cloth covering me in a painfully slow pace, hearing two gasps and one curse as my 13 incher came into view, now fully erect.

            Mayhaps because of shock, but the three of them, Ollie included, got their faces close to my mast, doing different kinds of measures as to how deep it would go if I were to insert it them. Pink eyes began to form on Appy; Ollie was muttering and kept on triple, quadruple, and quintuple checking that my dick would in fact, reach up to her stomach were I to fuck her, which I will; Shelly, on the other… hand? Wing, was more amazed than scared, probably because her body was the biggest one of the trio.

            What got me out of my shit-eating grin I didn’t realize I had was Appy intense sniffing, of which she immediately regretted and pouted once more, saying; “Zeus, stinky, bad smell,” right before sniffing it once more. Ollie must’ve realized my puzzleness because she proceeded to explain briefly that Appy has an unnaturally acute sense of smell, a trait most visible in hunters in flocks and warriors in nests.

            Call it fate or the Grater Will, but it was quite amusing that me and Appy share that trait in common, though mine was rather different, but I digress. “Well? You all think this cock is gonna suck itself?”

            Shelly tilts her head in confusion. “’Suck’?”, a cute little frown on her precious lips.

            The lilac bird woman sighs. “Similar to, bones, water, blood, worms, that is name: suck.” As if receiving an epiphany, a cocky, shit-eating grin that made me want to punch her grew on her face. Ollie grabbed my girth between her soft, puffy plumed limbs and said, “Like this,” before devouring my crown with her small, plump lips, moisture and hotness combined with the sliminess of her saliva-covered tongue made it quite the experience.

            With a chorus of ‘ooooh!’s and ‘aaahhh!’s, the bratty shortstack licked bellow my foreskin, peeling it and went to do the same with what little she could fit in her mouth, or at least what she believed was what she could fit since she didn’t know about my skills. Though, I was unsure if ‘can fit in smaller holes’ would help her in this case without dislocating her jaw…

            Ollie continued to do light sucking and licking, which provided little stimulation, but her initiative made the others do more than watch. Shelly, thanks to Ollie’s small size, managed to position herself bellow my sack and began to lick it and suck it with much more intensity and skill than her fellow plumed sister (?). Since the green ball of feathers was unnaturally skilled at this stuff, the first noise of pleasure came out from me as a satisfied sigh, which awarded her a good ol’ headpat, making her eyes glow and her motions to grow in intensity.

            My rod vibrated as Ollie grunted in annoyance, glaring at Shelly, though the latter didn’t seem to notice since she was focused solely on pleasuring me and watching my reaction with each experimental lick or suck. Probably in hopes to not be left behind the spotted harpy, Ollie imitated Shelly’s sucking force, though with only my tip and balls being taken care of, climax was far off in the distance.

            “Shelly, use your wings to go up and down my cock, someone is not pulling their own weight,” I instructed with a taunt, which prompted Ollie to try and go further down my shaft, but failing after a single inch.

            Just as I imagined, once the mature harpy began to give me a wingjob, the pleasure improved. Shelly might not have Ollie’s puffy plumage, but her apparent innate skill was clear as night and day as the only real pleasure I was feeling came from Shelly alone.

            For a moment I turned to Appy, who was no longer looking at me in disgust, but in fascination. There was a battle raging in her eyes; would she go ahead and suck it or not? I’d breed her either way, but it would be nice to know the talent of each of my girls before going further. A question which soon answered itself.

            “Urgh…! Let me! Let me! Suck!” Appy groaned as she pushed both of her sisters aside with ease. Though, she was still hesitant, sniffing it here and there, from that angle in this angle, following the trail down to underside of my balls. “Stinks…” is the only thing she comments the whole time.

            Rolling my eyes, I respond. “You don’t have to do it if you hate the smell, next time I’ll wash my—” But my suggestion was cut short.

            “No! Don’t wash!” She… Sniffs over and over as she looks at me dead in the eyes with a serious expression, will this become a trend?

            Squinting my eyes, I question her. “Don’t you hate the stench? I spent all day with other women and didn’t wash up, are you sure—”

            “Yes!” She nods eagerly. “Smells bad, but good. Tummy feels, tingly, head spinny. Smell, makes feel like Matron. My mate, breed lesser others, then turn to me. Proud! Good smell! Womanly! No… Malenly!”

            “It’s called ‘manly’. So, you think I smell ‘manly’?”

            She nods, taking in the biggest whiff known to harpykind from underside to tip. That is quite the sense of smell… Are all hunters-slash-warriors like this? Man, those harpy nest must be kinky as fuck if there are a lot more like Appy.

            After some more kink stuff, in which the softness of her face and hot, steamy breaths kept me hard, Appy finally decided to take on my cock and put it in her mouth. With eyes closed tight, she took in the tip, then, as in realization, opened them and went further down, and then further down, all the way down to the base.

            My mind goes blank for a second, Appy’s mouth was much slimier and hotter than Ollie’s, and her teeth weren’t as much as brushing against me even with her nose pressed on my pelvis. “This, easy?” my sand-haired lover ‘said’ as she retracted herself from my meat, leaving it coated in saliva.

            I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and rubbed Appy’s cheek, making her smile in glee. “Was good?”

            “Blissfully so,” I respond honestly. The sun-kissed harpy does not wait for more and eats my whole length and girth in one fell swoop, no longer hesitating as she starts to suck and slowly bob her head up and down. I groan and let my head hang backward, cursing for the lack of back support, opting to lay on the bed instead of sitting on the edge of the bed. Be it conviction or devotion, but Appy fucking lifts me up and puts me down in the center of the bed, all while still sucking, an experience I for sure will never have outside of this realm.

            Now with my whole body relaxed, I let Appy take charge as she trusts her instincts, but soon warmth came to my sides as one wing took a hand to a nice, soft set of plump breasts, and the other to a soaking-wet hole. Groping and twisting, I got two different moans out of the Ollie and Shelly.

            “My breast, bigger. Better for, children,” Ollie coo’s as she has her mature tits molded to my liking.

            “Insides, ache. Much, hurt. Need, Zeus. Please, make cum!” Shelly begs in a husky voice, leaning over me right before kissing me on the lips, her tongue desperately trying to gain dominance over mine. While the musk in the air might have affected it, the taste of her saliva, of her mouth, was quite delicious, almost the same flavor as honey.

            But Ollie didn’t want to be left behind, and now that she learned what a kiss was, she proceeded to hug my whole arm with her whole soft body and even softer plumes, licking and kissing me all over.

            It was a sensorial overload for my puny mortal brain. I was now certain monstergirls released some sort of primal musk or pheromones that drove men wild because my whole body moved in an automatic; my hips thrusting into Appy’s tight, moist, gurgly throat, a hand feeling up the succulent mounds and feathers on one side, the other struggling to pleasure a woman’s weak point as if she were my fated one, and my mouth failing to keep up with an almost literal animal in heat in a fierce battle of sloppy kissing too carnal to be called ‘lovely’.

            And it also didn’t help that whatever these girls were secreting was clouding my mind into a formless mush, the thought of breeding growing louder and louder.

            For a first time with monstergirls, I sure lasted a lot, especially with that last fact, so when I felt pressure build up in my core, I thrusted one final time into Appy’s throat. The harpy pressed her face hardly on my crotch and hugged me tightly as to try and keep my dick as deep as she physically could, making sure I released directly into her stomach. The ejaculation felt like it lasted forever, the amount, quality, thickness and stickiness being beyond human limits.

            Loud gulping, gasping and groaning, I didn’t notice the twitching of the two ladies on my arms, probably having reached some sort of climax themselves, soaking me and the sheets with their thick, white nectar.

            But there was no rest for the wicked, and had it not been for my skills I would have been knocked down for the count because of that orgasm.

            I moved before fatigue could start to settle in, quickly placing Appy on her back, our breaths short and rough. Not a single drop of cum could be seen on her face, having gulped it down as fast as it came out. We looked at each other, my lumbering cock resting on her stomach.

            No words were needed—The hearts in her eyes glowed as she licked her lips clean, savoring with delight the aftertaste of my seed as if it were the most delicious thing she has ever consumed.

            With patience, I use one hand to aim myself towards her—

            “Heave-ho~!” Ollie whispers behind me as she pushes me into Appy while hugging me tightly. I met some tough resistance as I was forced to penetrate her folds, walls contracting painfully on my girth as her warmth surrounded me in a passionate embrace of lust, going as far as two thirds before stopping before a hard, wall: Her womb, if one could call an incubation organ a womb, that is. “Zeus, sloooow. Afraid? Let Ollie, take, charge. You male, after all.” her soft breath brushing against my ear sent shivers down my spine, her whispers sweet as a devil’s.

            Pound her.

            Mate her.

            Ravage her.

            Fill her.

            Breed her.

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            Plant virile, strong seed in fertile womb.

            I look at Appy, eyes begging, tears rolling, barely grasping for air, entrance tightening, pulsating, pleading to be stimulated.

            There is only so much one can hold on to, and this wasn’t it. I began to thrust hard and fast into her, her tight passage felt like it was made out of hot, desperate tongues that sought with gusto for my seed, practically begging for it to be planted in each one of its eggs.

            There was no passion in our embrace, much less so with Ollie’s ‘encouragement’; we were acting as animals seeking pleasure and procreation. Her screams, “Zeus! Hard! More!”, my groans, our moans. The room was filled with the sound, smell and visuals of the most depraved act of mating that sentient beings could do— if the Gods were to see this, no doubt would they look ashamed at their own creations.

            As I ravaged Appy, I felt Ollie massage me with her whole body; rubbing her chest on my back, using her wings to stimulate my front, licking and kissing my neck, and encouraging me to go faster, ‘she can take it’, ‘she has screamed your name countless times in those cold, lonely nights’. Those words couldn’t be lies, not with how strongly Appy was gripping my arms with her wings, not with how coordinated her hips were with mine.

            Growing far more aggressive than usual, my body grabs Appy’s legs and hangs them over my shoulder, using them as leverage to thrust harder, faster, with much more vigor. This not only helped my mindless rutting, but it also drastically improved Appy’s tightness, stimulating me—and her, even further.

            My cock was like a battering ram, trying to force open her hard, hot inner chambers with each thrust, seeking to guarantee the chances to have as many eggs incubated in there as possible, yet it did not concede, even when Appy begged, “Mate! Harder! Like Matron!”, her womb did not succumb to its needs even though it kissed my tip each time they met.

            There was ringing in my ears, the muddled sound of our lustful act joined in a sinful, depraved chorus as we degraded ourselves to our animalistic desires to reproduce. The bed was soaked, but the sheets were still holding up. The bed felt like it was about to break, if it hadn’t already. Ollie’s honey-sweet voice motivating me to continue, her hoy body making sure not a single one of my senses wasn’t stimulated.

            With each stab her walls got tighter and tighter, the hotness hotter and hotter. We lock eyes together, glowing pink hearts appearing in both of her eyes, tears rolling down, her face was a drooling mess with her tongue hanging out from her mouth.

            But as much as I liked to continue, right now my stamina wasn’t my usual one and my limit was fast approaching. My winged lover noticed this and begged “outside”, “no breed”, but while that was what her mouth said, her body was screaming for tank full of potent seed to make further love with.

            I was about to bait her out of pulling out, but the girl in my back didn’t want any of that, opting to pushing me with all her might inside of her sister. Even though not all of my rod was inside of her, I could feel her entrance to pry open just slightly, and that was my queue.

            This might’ve been my second orgasm tonight, but once again, thanks to my mystical skills, it was as thick, as big and as strong as the last one, if not up a level. My mind goes blank in the sweet, sweet feeling of conquest as I see her belly bulge a bit. Her pussy wasn’t the only thing that was on the smaller side, because after barely an inch of bulging, a torrent of wasted, highly concentrated impregnation cock-juice came out of the borders of her plugged entranced, her womb barely able to keep up with the volume and richness of it.






            Soreness slowly began to creep in, but I was far from done, and with a very loud ‘plop’, I retrieved my tool from Appy’s abused box, which was left ajar slightly. Had it not been for the thickness and stickiness of my semen, it would have come gushing out like a fountain, but instead it very slowly dripped out.

            Good job.

            You bred her like the lowly animal that she is.

            She will be a good mother.

            But there is one more left.

            Ollie’s deep voice guided me toward Shelly, the stripped harpy who was laying on her side while using both of her wings to try to masturbate, eyes filled with tears and a blush that covered her whole body.

            Only a single word came from her full lips: “Please”, and that was all I needed.

            With far more gentleness than with Appy did I move towards her and laid on my back. “Go at your own pace,” is what I tell her in my clear-minded state, cock still painfully hard. Nodding, she climbs on top of me, placing her twitchy, soaked petals on the underside of my meat, rubbing a bit of the semen still left on it into her.

            The smug harpy didn’t want to leave me unattended, placing my head on her plump thighs like two Olympian pillows, the smell of overly-excited female smell stronger than ever before. She proceeded to ‘motivate’ Shelly. “Look at Zeus. Sister. Used to be strong, big and virile, now weak, beaten. Bellow you. You, in control.” My mind was too clouded by her intense body and sexual smell to retort.

            With a weak nod, Shelly lifted herself and pointed my dirty prick towards her entrance with thick, white nectar drooling like a waterfall. She looks at me and I nod to her, and so with that she drops down completely, enveloping my entire shaft down to the base with her love tunnel. Once again, I meet heavy resistance for a brief moment, but I tear through it with her added weight and a quick thrust, and thus we are connected.

            Shelly lets out a voiceless scream, holding her hands against her chest as if praying, eyes rolled. Looking down I see a bit of blood, confirming her purity being stolen by my first-rate member; the beginning of her corruption.




            Shelly’s grip is like a vice, one that twitches uncontrollably, almost as if were alive and separated from its host yet connected in sense in which both seek the same: plenty of offspring.

            “Poor Shelly,” I hear Ollie say. “Zeus not doing, nothing. Let Ollie, help Shelly.” Thus, she removed my head from her lap, placing instead her strongly scented lower lips on my face. While none of them felt heavy, the pressure felt as if she weighted twice as me. She also must’ve done something, because Shelly began to lift, then she was slammed on me once again, a loud, deep moan escaping her throat. “Don’t be, lazy, papa.” Ollie orders as she rubs her pussy on my face.

            Though I was a bit annoyed, the smell coming out of her was the strongest of them all, so my body betrayed my mind and began to pleasure her sodden cunt inside out, making her do an audible yelp of surprise. “J-just like, that!” she stutters, holding back a moan.

            My mind was akin to a stupid dog next to a bitch in heat. I gave pleasure to both women on top of me; Shelly with her slow ups and fast downs, Ollie with her frightfully tight cunt gripping my tongue for dear life. Her thick nectar tasted fruity, sweet, and much more addictive than any other I have ever had the pleasure of consuming before. The thought of me being under some kind of spell didn’t even cross my mind; right now, I was only made to give pleasure, and so I did.

            The stripped harpy’s walls coiled and constricted around my shaft, her pace accelerating rapidly. The pleasure was intense, and I was feeling my orgasm laughably close, but so was hers if her body and mouth didn’t betray her. “Breed! Breed! Many eggs! Plant seed!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, making my male instinct go into overdrive.

Be it for the mind-numbing pleasure, animal-like pheromones coming out of my lovers, or magic, I did not notice the passage of time as us three melted into one.

            I was the one growing desperate now, so I grabbed Shelly’s flared hips and began to thrust in place, upping her shrieks of pleasure an octave.

            The slapping of meat, the shlopping of juices, moans and grans, it was a depraved sonata, perverse and unbefitting for someone chosen by a Goddess to serve as envoy.

            Maybe it took an hour, maybe it took mere minutes, but finally we all released at the same time, reason uncared for. Yet again my load was as big and thick as ever, a barrage of notifications showing up in my field of vision above the whites and pinks, ears buzzing from either my orgasm or their screams. Not once have I ever felt like this before; so ecstatic, so fulfilled, filled with so much pride and accomplishment. No, not even sleeping with the woman I loved the most could compare with this feeling.




            After an ephemeral eternity, Shelly collapsed out of my dick, the cold breeze barely brushed me as my entire cock was soaked in my and two other girl’s sex fluids. Then I noticed the abundant wetness on my chest; Ollie had squirted so much on me that it felt as if I just showered.

            But there was another feeling coursing all over my body: Pain. My muscles ached, and so did my lungs, did I had enough room to breathe under Ollie? Well, if the stagnant smell of basically thick mare musk all over my face told me anything, maybe not.

            “Ha… Ha… Zeus once conquer, me,” the last standing harpy comments in a proud, triumphant tone. “Now Zeus weak, under me. Forced to lick me. Zeus pathetic. Haha…” She pokes my dick, which was slowly going limp. “Can’t even, take on weakest monsters. Zeus no different, other males. But that’s, fine, I like Ze—”

            That’s it. I was annoyed—no, far more than annoyed. This bitch is the horniest of them all yet has given me the most difficulty ever since taming her, which was also very, very annoying to do.

            I snapped, pain be damned, if I get bedridden for days after this then so be it, Be it on-field or off-field, she always finds a way to mock me, even when I summon her to fly around the town all she does is mock me for being unable to fully capture her, constantly reminding me of our first ‘battle’.

            As swift and dexterous as a crane, I changed position with her; ass up, head down. “Shut. The fuck. Up.” I growl at her. “You are barely bearable as is, and you keep on fouling my mood during the one only time I get to be on home field, do you know how much trouble it was to make you concede after six fucking hours that day?”

            She turns her head, fear in her face. “Ze-Zeus? This isn’t—Hyah!” I shut her up by slapping her ass as hard as I can. If she didn’t like the abuse, she is going to like it from here on out. Whenever I want, wherever I want.

            “You think you are hot shit, huh? Well then, go ahead, get on top of me again, try it, see what happens.” My lil’ bud was resurrected once more, ready for one last fight. “Did you know that I have a pretty sensitive sense of smell? Do you not realize that I have known all this time how stupidly excited you get whenever I get angry?

            “I thought those were your fucking animal instincts, but how about we find out?” She shakes her head, her body unresponsive. “Well, too. Fucking. Bad.” I slam it right in, penetrating even through her hymen as if were nothing.

            “I apologize! Stop! Don’t want eggs!”



            I smirk, her face goes white. “Lies! Lies! Aki, liar!” she yells. “Don’t want any weak male, eggs! Zeus lucky one time! Zeus womanly! Disgusting! Not manly! Chicks will be ugly, just like Zeus! Zeus—!”

            What a lying bitch, as soon as I interrupt her with a mighty trust, she fits my entire length and her womb opens up with ease. Not only that, but she was gripping me as if her life depended on it, almost to a painful degree, but I can do a bit of pain.

            Grabbing her by her soft hair, which at this point was a fucking mess, I skillfully rough her up and fuck her with brutal strength. She complains? She gets a slap on the ass. She moans? She gets called a good girl and an especially deep thrust.

            Be it for good or bad, my dick right now was almost completely numb, feeling only bits of pleasure and pain from the bitch’s cunt, so this might take a while to breed her like the stupid, moaning bitch she has become, her words barely comprehensible due to the sheer amount of ecstasy she was experiencing.

            “Shtopp! Too hardsh! Ghentle!” she begs, but from this angle I can see the glow from the heart in her eyes. “Mind! Mind’sh mush! Migh brek!”

            “Then break,” I growl in her ear. “Remember who the fuck is in control at all times, got that? Who is in control, bitch?”

            “Yuu! Yuu is!”

            A hard slap. “Wrong. Fucking. Answer. My dick is in control, my dick says if you are good or bad, right now? What do you think you are right now? A bad bitch that deserves punishment, or a good girl go gets rewards?”

            The glow gets stronger. “Ba’ monshter! Ba’ monshter! Olleh ba’ monshter!”

            Another slap and a pull of her hair. “Wrong fucking answer again. You are not a monster, you are my woman, my bitch. My. Girl. Got that? Same question, answer right or you won’t get your reward.”

            As she is about to say it, a blinding flash come out of her eyes and a decal, or perhaps tattoo, of a chain forms around her neck. “Olleh’sh a ba’ grl! Olle’sh Cheush’sh ba’ grl! Olleh no monshter! Olleh woman’! Pleash, Cheush, gibeh Olle ‘er ‘ewar!”

            I thrust one more time. “Good girl.” For one final time, I unload myself inside a colorful harpy, this time with direct access to her box, ready to be bursting with a litter of nearly forty brats from their bratty mother. Frankly, I was lucky she broke so quickly, because I sure as Tartarus wasn’t going to last much longer, but this was a divine boon. I put this annoying pest in her place, and I get to see my little ranch being filled with brats from only three mothers.

            As my cum fills her up, the duration felt longer than ever before. “Yesh! Yesh! Breed meh!” is all I can hear, my whole body dedicated to the sole feeling of having filled a brat with an inhumane amount of my spawn, but such things cannot last forever, though they can happen again. And again. And again, and again. As many times as I want, I will breed these girls freely, without worry, and without fear or retaliation.

            As our high subsides, I notice the bulging stomach protruding from her; not a single drop had come out of her, and even while I, with a lot of trouble, removed myself from her, her lips shut tightly and nothing, and I mean NOTHING, came out of her. A natural plugger. I’ve only met other three natural pluggers in my Star’s life, my dear wife included.




            I couldn’t even be bothered to try to rest of that wall of gigantic text. Bonus this, bonus that, perk points, home points, evolution points. Fuck exposition in the middle of my sage time. Aki, remind me later.




            I think for a moment. While vaginal juice from cute halfies does seem to be different and turns me into a stupid sex beast, the smell is quite… Addictive. I can barely see in this darkness, but I can feel all the sheets are basically soaking wet, though there are spots where it’s dryer than others. Wait, how big is this bed? Weren’t there some sort of magic candles before? Why is it so dark?

            “A… Ki… Wha…?” intense vertigo overtakes me, and I crumble onto the bed, Aki’s final message ringing in my ears.



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