Zeus’ Otherwordly Sexcapades!

Chapter 3: Ch.1.1.3: The start of a nice dream

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            Ugh, sunlight, so annoying… As I come to my mortal senses, I notice the exquisite smell of a job well done as Moira purred on one side of my chest whilst Ishtar snugged on it on the other, tits pressed. Ah, now this felt like Olympus indeed… I grabbed a handful of just-bred ass, a forceful of fertile tits, and allowed myself to linger on the vague memories of last night.



            “You are SAGE, or whatever.”

            “That is correct, User.”

            “Yet you look completely different AND, are in a maid outfit.”

            “That is indeed so. If you so wish, I can change my appearance and clothing.”

            “No, that’s fine…”

            Standing as tall as me, if not taller, was a woman with cyan eyes, golden blond hair made into a bun and pale skin. She was wearing blue-themed French maid outfit that was a little too revealing. In fact, you could see her velvet, lace panties under the extremely short hem of her skirt, and her blouse was seemingly designed to allow easy access to her breast seeing as how easy it looked to pull them out of their tight confine. Tall, red heels, white garter with stockings and long, white gloves were her last pieces of visible clothing, so half of her breast—the top part, were completely exposed and without a bra, a single black dot on the inner ways of her tit.

            Well, not only was she tall, but her tits were big, full and succulent, as were her thighs and wide hips, her face exuded motherly aura, as if it was even needed considering her body. Her voice was still inhumane in nature, but you could easily recognize it as deep and soothing.

            Ishtar nudges me. “SAGE takes the appearance that its user finds the most alluring in order to motivate them to put more effort,” she informs me. I could definitely see why she took that form since she looked like Hera back in her prime, just without the weird colors, though we did do some ‘cosplay’ here and there.

Regardless, hot babe asides, the house was not bad at all, a bit too western for my taste but quite well decorated. Two doors on either side of the long hallway that had stairs leading up to the second floor on its side, and I could see the end of the hallway bend to both sides.

            There were plants, blank frames, mirrors and other things, making sure not an inch went unused. Despite how it sounded, it was rather spacious as me and Ishtar could walk side-by-side on the hallway leading to who-knows-where. The walls seemed to be scented as the smell of pine trees permeated from nowhere in particular; no incense, no candle, no little gadgets spraying from time to time.

            The walls painted with light, cozy colors, combined with the darkwood of the floor and furniture made quite the combination.

            Moira was so impressed with the quality of our new love nest that she came out of ‘I NEED TO BE BRED’ state she was on ever since a while. “How… Much would all of this cost…?” She asked to no one, mouth agape, but what she meant to say was ‘How much would I get by selling all of this shiny shit?’

            Almost as if we were in sync or something, SAGE warns Moira about stealing from this place, something about curses and phantom pain or something like that. “Would you like a tour, User?” SAGE asks with an elegant tone befitting one of an experienced maid.

            But there was something nagging me. “Before we do that, you said I could change how you address me and others, right? And how you are named?” She nods. “Well then, I order you to call me Daddy—no, too weird even for me. Call me Master! And from now on you will be called Aki, and you shall refer to my bitches as Mistress.”

            She bows. “Your orders are absolute, Master. Very well, the Master, Mistresses, please follow Aki,” it looks like she is fond of her new name for some reason.

            Anyways, I was absentmindedly looking at Aki’s huge, heart-shaped ass while she led us through the house. From what I got, there was a waiting room, kitchen, dining room, and a recreational room on the first floor; the basement, which was only openable by me and only me as not even Aki could open its door, lead to a soon-to-be constructed ‘training room’, apparently, it’s very bare at the moment.

            The second floor had more rooms. One master bedroom with a fully equipped bathroom, five other bedrooms, a bathroom and a door leading to a balcony. Laundry and equipment maintenance would be done by her somewhere, but she promised everything would be nearby when we need it.

            Most of the rooms were equally as well decorated as the entrance, especially the recreational room which had filled bookshelves, a fireplace among other things. The kitchen was stocked with a nice variety of ingredients, but she promised us better stuff once I upgraded the house.

            With that said and done, we retired to our rooms, me taking the master bedroom for obvious reason, and relaxed at sight of my enormous bed, its comfortable-looking covers and pillows, the carpet and all the furniture worthy of someone with such a big dick as me.

            As I was the master of undressing, I placed my armor and clothes somewhere safe and jumped into the bed. It was an Olympian feeling, truly a mattress made out of bullshit magic. While I wanted to take it on a test drive with Ishtar or Aki, but I was simply too tired for it.

            Man, what even is my ‘Divine Mission’ or something like it, anyway?


MISSION (UPDATE): You have arrived at Inanna, gotten a plot of land and began reversing the effects of Enlil. Extra rewards deployed accordingly.


RANK UP: You have ranked up. You are now rank 25

You have 17 unspent Talent Points


Available Talents:


Unmatched III: Quality of each ejaculation increases.

Fatherloade II: Empowers the Champion’s maximum output.

Bull’s Tongue I: Improves tongue.

Golden Touch I: Improves all touch-related actions.

Switch: Champion becomes a Switch.

Loose Diplomacy (Requires 5 points): Depending of other’s perception of Champion, conflict might be solved through fornication.

One for All (Requires 5 points): Allows mitosis.

Hunk I: Champion is viewed as a better object of desire.

Sexy Ed I: Champion’s knowledge is partially imprinted into those he fornicates with.


            Hmm, there were some new ones in here, probably due to those achievements. Doesn’t matter, I’ll chose them when I wake up.


DIVINE MISSION: Holder of Curiosity is withing the perimeters of Inanna. Locate them, defeat them and absorb their Fragment before it’s too late.


            Quite ominous, huh… Well, not like it makes much of a difference seeing as it doesn’t really tell me much other than to find whoever this ‘Holder of Curiosity’ is. Whatever, let’s just sleep on this one for now…

            Or so was my plan before waking up to my door being opened quietly. There was no reason to check who it was—The smell of desperate need of seed was very clear, as well as Ishtar’s steps following behind Moira. I quickly leveled up some skills, though I’m reluctant to try that ‘mitosis’ skill right now.

Smut. Hide yo JPEGs.


            Man, what a fucking mess. Just how strong was she? What did that shitty slut Goddess do to me last night? I feel sore all over… Looking under the covers I could see dry cum all over, but I also notice how Moira had some sort of pasty plugging her velvet, bushy-as-shit pussy, which, thanks to my new skills and whatever Ishtar did, was filled so much that she looked as if she were four months pregnant. While this wasn’t the first time a chick wanted to do that, it sure was odd how she of all people was into that sort of play.

            “God DAMN I’m thirsty,” I say out loud, my voice coarse and rough, probably due to whatever kind of noises I made yesternight. I checked my stats and found no new points nor a higher rank, so I guess I don’t get anything if I ‘lose’ or something. I hear knocking on the door and I allow the only other woman in this house to enter.

            “Good day, Master,” Aki bows elegantly and pushes a cart full of food to the bed, the smell of freshly baked roasted eggs and bacon wakes both of the women by my sides.

            “Nyaaaaw!” The catgirl yawns while still purring, stretching as she sits up. “What a great way to wake up! Breakfast on bed after an all-nighter.” She ends that sentence with a loving look sent my way, which creeped me out since not even 24 hours ago this girl was pinning me on the ground and probably itchy to have my head on a platter. Also, did she say ‘all-nighter’? Did she really fuck me until a few hours ago? Was that why the smell of sex was so strong even as the sun rose?

            Stars, did I feel sore, though. “Here, Master,” Aki presents me with a bubbly beverage. “This will help with the sore muscles.” Huh, what a considerate maid I have; I sit on the edge and drink the sweet-tasting fluid in one go. Indeed, after some moments, my body began to feel less in ‘everything fucking hurts’ mode.

            Ishtar woke up next. “My, oh my what a fantastic scent,” she says as she waves her long hair away from her face, and did she refer to the scent of cum, sweat and pussy? Or of food?

            Regardless, we used the table in front of the bed in order to have breakfast, everything was normal besides Moira’s tail coiling on my bare leg sensually. While she did rape me yesterday, at least I didn’t ‘dead end’ or whatever, so I won’t really complain or anything.

            I don’t know if it was out of courtesy or to break the ice, but Aki spoke. “Does the Mistresses want to have a bath prepared for them?”


            “Also,” Moira added, looking at me with puppy (?) eyes. “Can you hold off on your bath?”

            Making sure my expression told her ‘What the fuck?’, I responded with; “Why the fuck would I do that?”

            Oh no. That smile, that glint, I have just walked into one of those ‘trap cards’ of questions you get a long response out of, and Moira was, for some reason, willing to dump as much exposition as her mortal body could.

            “Well actually you probably don’t know this since you came from other worlds but we women—specially half-kin like myself really REALLY enjoy the smell of sex so much that we actually in fact wear it as long as we can and specially in cases where we find a man of our liking we don’t really bathe in order to show off everyone that we have a man superior to all of theirs and as to validate this we also don’t allow our men that met those requirements of fantastic fucks so that both of our scent gets further imprinted with our bodies but is mostly done to mark our man as ‘ours’ and that they have high value of course there are a few women that do this without actually having had the sex of their life but those cases are very much clear as the scent of normal sex and one where the woman was REALLY pleased is very VERY different so they are rapidly mocked for that but those cases only reeeeally happen with nobles specially desperate nobles who haven’t found a good man to breed with so out of desperation they choose a random man and do the whole thing but nobody says anything if she is of high status in some cases the Queen might do that just to show off how no man is capable of pleasing her but in the end they have to find one that does did I mention that half-kin are really really REEEEALLY sensitive to smell? Because right now we smell like something never smelled before so I want to show off to all those bitches that I DID manage to find a man and that that man is the fatherfucking HERO as to help up your value when the time comes when other want me to lend you to them. SO. PLEASE. DON’T. BATHE. OKAY?” At some point she had climbed onto the table and was grinning with absolute glee right at my face.

            Honestly? I didn’t quite catch half of what she said, she specially lost me at the end so, uh, whatever, I guess? “Sure,” I answer reluctantly, not really sure what to say to that, at my response she squeaks in joy and returned to her cushioned seat.

            “Master,” Aki speaks once again, her face completely devoid of any expression other than ‘motherly and elegant’. “Do you wish to experience the Facility Management tutorial? Perhaps the abridged version of it?”

            Ahh, she did mention that yesterday, no? “Go ahead and make it quick.”

            She bows and I prepare for the second (did Moira’s rant count?) information dumpage of the day. “You may build a selection of facilities related to your Divine Role, some have already been built for you, such as [Small Rustic Home] and [Breeding Stables].

            “You are in the former and it can be upgraded with Creation Points, or CP. They can be earned in other buildings such as the latter: By enacting the function of each facility or gaining revenue from your activities or services done or provided in your land.

            “Naturally, crops grown, and items sold that originate from your owned soil count towards those points and progression. You can use CP to upgrade facilities, rooms, acquire materials or you can do all the former with your own two hands. The most lucrative product and service are those related to procreation and pleasure, but unfortunately you do not own a [Small Basic Slum’s Brothel] as of now, but you may purchase it with your currently owned CP or earn it—or an even better brothel, by committing acts of prostitution.”

            She bows as we finish off our meals. “Good, come here, bitch,” I slap her ass with gusto as a reward, she bows again and thanks me for that ‘reward’. Man, this is getting me going! I can’t just be groggy all day just because I failed to teach this bitchy cat a lesson, can I? “Well then!” I clap and rub my hands. “What’s on schedule today!?”

            Moira stands tall, hand raised. “Show off our smell to all Inanna and specially to those Half-kin cunts!”

            I point at her. “Kinky, consider it done,” I look at Ishtar. Surely, she will have something important in mind.

            “Get to know all the shopkeepers and register as an adventurer, of course. One cannot become a true Hero without rising on the divisions of the guild,” she ‘winks’ (if you can call closing your eyes further ‘winking’) at Moira. “And his value will rise with his division, wouldn’t you agree?” My value? What does that mean and why do I feel shivers from both of my supposed women smirking to each other?

            …They are MY women, right? I’m not THEIR man?

            “Nyahahaha!” Moira laughs boldly. “Let’s go, Zeus! I know the best places with the best prices!” And so, she marches towards the door, the boob Goddess following her as they both almost skip a step in perfect sync. They didn’t even finish their meals…

            “Here, Master,” Aki stops me before I do anything and presents me with a bill with the face of woman with reptile scales around her face, the symbols for ‘One Soles’ inscribed on the corners. I suppose this is money, and I was rather surprised to see notes instead of coins. Did a Heroine establish this money system? The only real possible way why there are notes in this era was for obscene amounts of money, but this was one ‘Soles’, and I sure as shit didn’t expect it to be the equivalent to a billion ITTs, not like they would be used in this era yet.

            I thank her with a forceful kiss (she blushed so that means it was okay) and went after the other girls.

            Once outside I notice that the curtain of cyan smoke cleared and showed a modest, gray building with a wooden nameplate that said ‘Breeding Stables’ on it. I had a hunch that my loli harpies were there and that I would be visiting it rather soon.

            I psyched myself up by slapping my face. I wasn’t acting the part of a womanizing piece of shit, I needed to up my game.

            Naturally we were all in our clothes, so we went directly to Inanna as soon as I slapped both of their asses; Moira didn’t drew her dagger this time so she absolutely consented to that one, and for future ones. Hehehe…

            It took us about twenty minutes to reach the town and we weren’t stopped this time around. Every step we took through the early morning rush was accompanied with whispers and skeptical looks. Naturally to me as my Hunk skill helped the rumors the loose mayor must’ve had spread about me. Though, most of what the women were saying, specially the half-kin Mummu and Anshar alike as they kept saying stuff like ‘I bet she’ll give me a discount’ and stuff related to our smell, regrets and all that stuff.

            Anyways, horny women asides, the town was not that bad once you get a good look at it. There were street vendors, some restaurants, and you could see peddlers every once in a while. You would see women in armor quite often, though this time they didn’t stop me at every possible opportunity.

            After a bit of walking we stepped into one store in particular, ‘Nono’s Apothecary’ said the large plate above the door in a fancy font. On the outside you could see a lot of plants, which made a big contrast against the gray, stone floor and the sandbrick buildings; while it wasn’t the first store to decorate in order to stick out, just this one used plants instead of billboards, paintjobs or furniture.

            By the way, Moira had been acting all mushy with me this whole time, clinging her boobless chest hard against my arm, meanwhile Ishtar was humming a tone as we went on our merry (?) way through town.

            “Here we are, nya!” Moira pointed at the building in front of us. “Come on! We need to get my man ready for everything, nya!” Did half-kin use speech quirks when excited? I really hope she doesn’t add ‘nya’ to every single sentence she will say.

            Still with moira hogging and hugging my arm, we went inside, and the smell of chemicals and plants permeated the room. Just like the outside implied, the store was rather big, it just happened that the supposedly big building was cluttered with shelves with all sorts of items, vials and trinkets in them.

            Just as there were shelves with ‘anything’, there were also tables filled with ‘everything else’, be it books, more gadgets, scrolls… Man, this place was a dump. “Nono! It’s Moira!” the catgirl shouted, guiding us through the clutter and into a front desk with an abacus alongside, you guessed, a lot of random shit, and hallways leading to somewhere.

            “Comiiiiiiing~” a lazy, young voice rang from a one end of the halls, the one covered with some sort of curtain of multiple colors and complex embroidery. After what felt like a full minute, a small woman came out.

            Wearing an oversized white coat, she had dark purple hair that was unkempt and reached her slightly bulging ass, her eyes were dark brown with dark bags under them which were made more apparent as she was rather pale in tone.

            She also smells like she had been masturbating, but that could just mean she did masturbate and didn’t bother to wash up. “Nono!” Moira said in a scolding tone. “How long has it been since you last took a bath? You reek!” So my guess was right, she hasn’t showered in a while, which was weird since her skin and hair looked clean.

            Nono, as I guess was her name, pulled a tall chair, yawning, and sat in front of us. “Mngh, I think since the laaast time you visited?” she asks for some reason, scratching her head with hands that didn’t quite made it out of her sleeves, so they were mostly left hanging with a lot of space. “I clean myself with magic, though~” she stretches her arms and you could see the outline of a double ‘V’ sign through her thin sleeves.

            Sighing in defeat, Moira speaks again; “Zeus, this is Nonora—Or Nono for short, and Nono, this is Zeus, my man. Nono’s your main gal when it comes to general store needs.”

            “Haaaaah?” Nono shows a tone and expression of extreme annoyance. “Do you want Nono to pull out all your fucking hair and pour acid on your scalp? Did having your brain fucked silly made you incapable of reading? Nono’s store’s an A.PO.THE.CA.RY, got it?”

            “Nyahahaha! You wouldn’t do that! You would ask someone else to do it!”

            Nono’s face returned to a cozy, innocent smile as she spreads herself on the desk. “Riiiight~?” The small woman turns to me and, with a sleepy, cute look, smiles at me. “Nono’s Nono, this is Nono’s apothecary, I sell aaaaall~ sorts of stuff, and Nono’s probably the only cutie in town who deals with Mummus cuz they’re cute, but not cute like Nono, though!” This time she turns to Ishtar. “Sorry missus, but Nono treats everyone equally here, so no freebies mkaaaaay~?”

            The ashen-hair beauty covers a chuckle with her mouth. “Oh my, if I were to tell the cathedral about you, they’ll have your head on a stake until its nothing but bone,” despite saying that, she offers a hand that, shockingly so, Nono grabbed.

            “Hehe, I like you, boobie girl~.” Nono stifles another yawn. “Soooo~? What brings Momo and her Heroinistic male to Nono’s store?” Was ‘Momo’ Moira? Just how close were they? “Is it perhaps that Momo wants to gear up her maaaaale~?” The catgirl nods her head, velvet hair bobbing in sync. Nono then lays upside down on the desk and strikes a thinking pose. “Hmmmmm~, it just happened that a big shot just ordered gear for males~, how does 495 sols sound?” Still with her belly up, she looked at me.

            I was kind of out it since the exchange between Nono and Moira was weird as shit, but I responded none the less. “All right, lady,” I say as I pull out the 1 Soles note. “Bring out the best starting gear you’ve got.”

            Nono’s eyes shone when I called her ‘lady’. “Oooooh~” she cooed. “Momo’s male knows a lady when it sees her~!” Well, yeah, she might look as small as a child, but she was undoubtedly a grown woman, probably older than my current vessel. She sits upright before adding; “Nono will make sure to bring the bestest of best gear for the male!” done with her piece, she sprinted lazily to the other end of the hallway, and after some minutes of loud noises of rummaging, Nono came out with a big box full of random stuff that ranged from colored vials, clothes, and a… Chastity belt? Not planning on using that one…

            After paying for it she gave me a total sum of 505 notes and coins that said ‘Sols’. Moira was a bit grumpy about not being allowed to pay for it, though.

            “By the waaaaay~” Nono said before we bid our farewells. “The male’s quite potent, isn’t it~? Come to Nono when you are in a pinch and Nono will pay biiiiig~ money for his cum, mmmmkay~?”

            “Oh absolutely!” Moira spoke before I could even open my mouth. “Bye, Nono! Thanks for the loot!” The velvet kitty forcefully took me out as Nono said something like ‘Be sure to pay your tab next time’.

            “Heya, girl,” I finally protest, now outside of the store. “What the fuck did you mean with that last part?” Moira had tucked the vials in her pouches and the chastity belt had been returned, so we didn’t have the box with us. Much to my dismay, Moira evaded the question and Ishtar gave me a vague answer that amounted to nothing.

            I couldn’t help but groan, how could I play the part of a shitbag if Moira had me in a deadlock? Even if I tugged, my arm wouldn’t budge an inch. That aside, apparently the vials she bought were potions that would help me with my shielding since a man’s shielding tends to be half as strong as one of a woman’s.

            What even is my standing anyways? I was rank 22, was that high? The answer to that was, accompanied with a ‘nyahaha’, and a firm ‘no’ since adults my apparent age are around rank 60. Moira asked me for my stats but Ishtar sternly said that saying them in public was dangerous. Whatever.

            We passed through busy streets, most of the women going around wore all sorts of armor and were carrying weapons. ‘They are going to tackle the Depths’, Ishtar said, the way she explained what a ‘Depth’ is was akin to a dungeon from one of those ancient role playing games mortals used to entertain themselves before having those precious studios reduced to cinders.

            Eventually we stopped at a bustling smithy, and I was to keep guard outside since they didn’t allow men inside, which wasn’t much of a surprise since nearly every single shop and vendor I’d seen had the same sign that prohibited males from entering or buying their services without their master’s permission.

            Left with nothing to do, I took note of the women around me. Besides looking at me like fresh meat, they all shared a common trait: None of them were of brown skin, which was really weird since you’d expect at least brown-skinned mortals in arid areas such as this, where the sun shoe undisturbed by clouds. But not, besides the gray elves, women were either peach-skinned or tanned in yellow-ish bronze.

            Now, why did I even bother to notice the skin color of mortals even though this was a world where every single male shared the exact same body type? Well, that’s because there was a little girl standing around in a nearby alley, her skin was dark brown and had white lines crossing every bit of her skinny body.

            She had dark hair, like the night sky, that reached her thighs, her ruby-red eyes could reflect light like a gem, and her skimpy dress that barely covered any skin was of the same color as her hair. The ‘dress’ left her sides, back and front exposed besides strings holding the whole thing together, the hem was so short you could see her high-rise panties, her lithe legs were bare, her feet protected just by some crude sandals.

            This… Girl? I couldn’t decipher her age at all, stood there, resting on the wall while looking at the sky. Did nobody notice her? Were they ignoring her? I had a nagging feeling that she was waiting for someone, but she didn’t quite expect them to arrive. Or maybe she was lost? She was really hard to read since her cute, round face was completely devoid of any emotion.

            I just had to know if she was okay, so I walked towards the alley. “Ah, it’s the man of the day,” she said as she noticed me, her voice, just like her face, lacked all human emotions.

You are reading story Zeus’ Otherwordly Sexcapades! at novel35.com

            “Hey there, miss,” I played it safe; not even when standing next to her could I guess her age. “You waiting for someone?”

            She hums to the sky. “Maybe I am?” she asks, not sounding sure herself. “In a way, I wanted to see the person my siblings were talking about,” the girl adds as if justifying herself. “I’m not really supposed to meet then, though, Mama says it’s dangerous, that they’ll take my heart and use it against her or something,” she does a small, barely noticeable shrug.

            I furrow my brow. “Shouldn’t you obey your mother? That person sounds awfully dangerous.”

            “Says the man that couldn’t get a horny cat out of his lap?”

            She either was an adult, or her mother was teaching her some very nasty vocabulary, which wouldn’t surprise me seeing as all the women I’ve met had colorful tongues. “And well? Did I attract your attention?” Putting a playful smile, I decided to change the subject before she hurt my ego even further.

            Almost as if I was the dumbest person on Earth, she tilted her head sideways. “You look weird. Hard to miss a man like you.”

            “Weird? In what way?”

            She taps her chin whilst humming. “Tall, muscles, dark, all sorts of weird.”

            I smirk. “But the good kind of weird, don’t you think? Aren’t my muscles attractive?”

            The girl once again tilts her head. “Why would they be attractive?”

            “Bwahaha! Because I can protect my women better this way!”

            “But aren’t stats all that matters either way?”

            She indeed had a point. “But let’s say stats don’t affect our strength, wouldn’t it be better if a man looked as strong as me?”

            “Hmmm,” she thinks for a little while. “I guess that would be attractive, though it’s not like other men will be capable of becoming like you.”

            “So that means I’m exotic! One-of-a-kind! Bwahaha! I’ll have girls swarming me as soon as they see me in action!”

            After laughing some more, I look back at the smithy and don’t see my women outside. “What’s your name, either way?” I finally ask.

            “Don’t have one.”

            “You don’t?”

            “Mh-mh, Mama didn’t bother naming me.”

            “Even though she is worried enough for you as to tell you to not meet someone ‘dangerous’?”

            “Mhm, Mama’s weird, she sent me on a weird errand and I can’t go back until I do it. I also had to take care of some children on my way here.”

            I rise a brow. “You take care of other children? You sound awfully mature. Are you older than you look?”

            The nameless child covers her mouth. “Oops, the big secret is out, now you’ll have to marry me,” the way her emotionless voice said that made me chuckle.

            “Heh, I can’t marry someone without a name, so how about I give you one?” She nods. “Hmm… Then how about…” I think for a moment, it’s wrong, but it feels right at the same time, Hera wouldn’t complain when she finds out, right? It’s okay to be selfish just this once? “How about Zera?”

            “… You are horrible with names.”

            I burst out laughing, the wrongness melted away with melancholy. “Wouldn’t be the first time someone told me that. Want me to change it? I can think of better ones.”

            Zera shakes her head. “Mh-Mh, I like it. It’s bad, but I like it.” I didn’t even notice the smile on my face, the warmth in my chest, and the stillness of my mind. This took me back to those old days, when I was making the most out of the worst. I had Hera at the time, but it was hard to act like I was alright when I was clearly not.

            Yet here we are once again, seeking refuge out of a little girl that was apparently older than she looked, indulging in my selfish desires, washing away the pain and regret that has long since settled in my very Star.

            I rustled her hair and she looked at me, probably puzzled at my action. How long has it been since I’ve done that? I—

            “Ah, your companions are out,” I turn and see Moira and Ishtar come out of the shop, I try to say goodbye to Zera but notice how she is no longer where she stood a moment ago. I’d say Zera disappearing has been the least weird thing in my stay so far, so I didn’t really care for it.

            I waved to them. “Heeeey! I hope you got me something or I’ll slap your asses!



            I was now fitted in brand new gear, although only in some aspects. Moira bought me some piece of spare armor that looked like it could fit me, so most of my body was unprotected. Why? Well, the armor I gave so much love and care to mold to my liking was as useful as Ishtar in combat. Armor here needs to be made by someone with the Divine Role of blacksmith or it won’t have properties like padding my shielding and stuff.

            Regardless, now I was somewhat properly equipped and ready to tackle those damned harpies! Or so I though until the former bitchy cat-eared slut brough me to the Adventurer’s Guild. Of course there was one, why wouldn’t there be? Now I have to say, ‘This really feels like Another World!’ when entering. Stars damn the Rifts; this was the most common idea that slips through them. Why couldn’t useful ideas slip? Like inventions? A way to make my mortal’s life easier? Bah, whatever.

            The white building with green and red accents stood before us, women of all shapes and sizes coming in and out its canteen doors. Even as early as whichever-the-fuck time it was, the Guild was busy as a whorehouse after holiday bonus season. This time around I did see some men, and while they were in some level of bondage, they seemed to have a slight amount of freedom, though their eyes were hollow, soulless—Did I look like that when my souls was considered ‘forfeit’?

            We entered the building and, as one would expect, the whole place became dead quiet, someone even dropped their glass. The insides were as generic as they could be; a bar-slash-diner by one side, cubicles on the other, and desk with uniform-wearing women and men up front. There were some sets of stairs leading to the upper floors, the headmaster—Or I guess headmistress, was probably on the third floor.

            “Ladies,” I say with confidence. “If you want a show, you gonna have to pay up first, so move along!”

            As opportunistic as a cat can be, Moira, rose to the chance and announced: “You may touch him anywhere for 120! No clothes means an extra 200! If you can make him ejaculate in your five minutes you get him for ten for free!” I snap at her, but the roaring of celebration made my complaints nothing but a squeak in comparison. With passion (read: Greed) burning in her eyes, Moira gropes my firm ass. Tit for tat and I slap hers, making her moan a very nice ‘nya!?’

            Soon enough, my ‘pimp’ got swarmed with rowdy women clad in leather and iron, but no the kinky kind of leather and iron. Moira was asked all about me and she boasted about my dick and such, they had plenty mixed reactions and sent some glances my way, to my bulging crotch, every once in a while.

            “That is called Slave Renting,” Ishtar informed me as if reading my mind, a proud smile on her face. “In order to up the value of a slave, their owner boasts about his best qualities, mainly the ones in bed. This is done so that the owner can rent out their man in order to get some of the money spent acquiring that slave back since men are not suited for combat.”

            Not suited for combat? Can’t say I blame women for thinking that seeing as all men in this realm are a bunch of weaklings.


COGNITION CORRECTION OPPORTUNITY: Show-off the way a man is supposed to look and be by increasing your value. CP will be rewarded according to the amount of Cognition Correction done.


            What? You know, forget it, I spend too much time questioning this realm and I don’t see answers coming my way, so might as well enjoy this and get me some free CPs.

            Brushing my hair away with my hand, I undid the fitting on my armor and let it fall on the floor and began taking off my tunic. The smell of sweat and sex became much stronger once nothing covered it and their gazes froze onto me. “Ladies,” I said with a gallant grin and a wink, finger-gunning them. Some blushed, but not everyone looked convinced, so here comes act 2:

            Walking to a short girl, her hair was dark blue, and it was long enough to cover here eyes completely. The girl fidgeted as I stood tall in front of her, and with swift motions, embraced her in a passionate, tongue-fucking kiss, the loud collective gasp of everyone around us was enough to keep up the momentum. At first, she resisted, but after a bit of mouth-to-mouth violation and my sweet caressing of her body with my hands, she went limp and began to moan loud and clear as she began to imitate my tongue and attempted to find some standing, but it was of no use since I was out of her league both in skill and looks.

            I separated from her, but we were still connected by thick strands of saliva, her face completely flushed and (probably) her face dreamy. “This one is a freebie, my love. Met me at the oasis and I can do that and more for 550, but,” I added by thrusting my lil’ bud to her crotch. “The main course can cost more. If you can pay, I’m all yours for an entire hour without stop.” She nodded so fast I though her head might come loose, so I stopped her and planted a light kiss on her soft lips before going to Moira.

            With brand new fire in her eyes, the greedy catgirl brought me to her side and began to caress my chiseled body. “Nyahahaha! You herd him! If you want this—!” she, somehow, pulled down my pants and now my bulge was clear in my underwear. “Then you can come to our place! 1000 with protection, 1500 without!” Ah, so they did have some sort of contraceptives in here.

            In the end, many requested the lighter stuff while muttering stuff like ‘If I eat twice—no, once a day I can…’ and things like that. Some woman paid the nude touching and, after being charged extra by Moira, I showed off my erect spear in front of everyone, half-kin even paid to sniff me and became dizzy when then put their pretty faces against my cock. Most of the smell enthusiasts were Anshars and Mummus, but there were a few humans among them.

            Things calmed down after a bit and my pimp now was hugging a comfortable-sized stack of bills and bag of coins as if they were her son. I had already clothed myself so all that was left was… Why did we come here in the first place? Oh yeah, registration. “Why do I want to register as an Adventurer either way?” I ask my women.

            “Being an Adventurer has its perks,” Ishtar answers. “Mainly, if you get accepted you may enter buildings that forbid men from entering, you get an identification plaque which works on the three continents, among other things.” Hmm, so it was convenient to be an adventurer, can’t say no to that, can I?

            I walked to the receptionist-looking lady and leaned on the window—These cubicles reminded me of those governmental offices that there used to be. “Hey, miss, I’d like to register,” her eyes were locked on my stomach. I snaped my fingers. “Hey, my eyes are up here, if you want some than pay first.”

            “H-huh? Ah! Yeah, sorry for that.” Heh, I liked her already, I’ll remember your short pink hair. “You are a male, so you’ll have to do a written test and then you’ll spar with—”

            “Stop it right there!” A tall busty beauty came from one of the backdoors. Her hair was emerald green, done in a puffy ponytail, and she had dark eyes. She was wearing elegant pants, a vest that was unbuttoned on her ample bosom which were tightly wrapped under a long-sleeve white shirt. Thanks to those boots with heels she must’ve been the same height as me; she also had a rapier hanging from her hip.

            The beauty came to us and slammed her hand against the poor receptionist’s desk. “Were you about to allow a male to become an Adventurer!?” She shouts at her, making the girl shrink in fear. “And you!” She sneers at me. “What are you expecting to do once you become an adventurer, huh? You think you are strong enough to venture into the Depths just because the mayor put a nice word on you, huh!?”

            She talks big for someone with such a slender and delicate form. “What? Is the something preventing me from becoming one?”

            “Yes; me.” So honest… “Forget the written test, prove to me your strength and maybe I’ll consider your application,” she finishes with a smug, ‘v’ shaped smile.

            “B-but, Clarissa, when the Guild Mistress comes back—”

            Grasshair snaps at the poor office lady. “That’s Acting Guildmistress Clarissa for you, and it’ll be so until Aztloa returns with the Divine Maidens, got it?” to this, the girl shrinks further as she nods with vigor, or perhaps desperation. Once again, she looks at me with anger. “If you are so cocky as to come to this guild then come to the back and show me if you are womanly enough to face threats of the Depths,” and with a ‘humph’, she stomps to one of the doors in the back. Man, I couldn’t even talk shit back at her! What a bitch!

            I sigh in frustration, maybe I could trick her into a Duel instead of a duel? With a capital ‘D’, I really wanted to pin her down and knock her up, but for some reason I doubt that’ll work in this case… Also, where the fuck is Ishtar? Oh, there she is, waving at me. That whore probably knew this was going to happen, so she stepped asides as to not make things difficult for her. What a useless piece of…

            Regardless, it seems like everyone was looking at me because of Miss Bitchy and her shouting, so I had no other choice but to follow her.

            The door led to a courtyard where some adventurers were training. It was quite spacious and there were multiple types of training sites, although there was no free space between them, this place was well-used and much thought was put into its organization. Clarissa was currently clearing the central area, which was more like an arena and soon everyone stopped what they were doing in order to form a circle around the round sandpit.

            As expected, that bitch Ishtar was nowhere to be seen.

            “The rules are simple,” Clarissa spoke. “You win if you prove me that you can fight, if you do so then I’ll allow you into the Guild.” With an elegant whip, she pulled her rapier and took a stance. “But if you don’t, then I’ll have you work in the only thing males are good at,” and with a glare and a nod, she made herself ready.

            Hehe, this was going to be easy! I summoned my flock and gave them a sequence of orders they will follow: Three bomb dives, the first one will be head on, but it’ll be a faint, the second from above, that will be a real attack, but in case she can deflect that, the first harpy will summon a gust of wind to rise a screen of dust in order for the third one to attack from the same angle as the first harpy.

            The cunning Ollie was in charge of the faint, Appy of the top attack, and the larger Shelly was going to charge head-on with more momentum than the other ones. How could she expect such a genius strategy from man? The most wild halfies do is take turns in order to overwhelm the opponent, so I bet she’ll get done after just that!

            With a shit-eating grin, I licked my lips as I preemptively savored that stuck-up bitch’s body. Seeing as I was in position she shouted, “On guard!” and my attack commenced.

            Almost breaking the sound barrier, my little harpies flew towards her at different speeds, surprise was evident in Clarissa’s face as Ollie came to her, an audible ‘woosh’ came from her failed defense. Angry, she noticed Appy and broke her defensive posture to deflect and pierce her; I somehow knew her shielding was shattered to dust. Doesn’t matter. “You!” the bitch groaned as she attempted to carry her momentum and attack Ollie, but as she was mid-thrust, My cheeky brat had already done her magic and I saw Shelly enter the smoke screen and heard a loud ‘thump’ as something hit something; Just in case I ordered Ollie to attack her and heard another ‘thump’, but I knew the results—both of my attackers were down, but was Clarissa untouched? I would’ve gone in, but the dust had yet to settle, and seeing as she dispatched all of them in two seconds flat, I was more than wary of her enhanced vision if she could do that with dust in her eyes.

            The smoke was dissipating, and I could see the bitch’s silhouette, with that in mind, I gripped my new sword and, with light steps, rushed to her and aimed to do a low slash.

            For some reason I was staring at the sky, it took me some moments to realize I was struck at some point, and I was now laying on my back. My shielding was still there, but as I tried to sit, I noticed a pointy sword aimed at my throat, its owner’s breath a bit heavy.

            Ah, I lost. Was I too cocky? Did I underestimate my opponent because I was not used to these ‘stats’? No, that was loser’s talk, I lost because I was too weak and though I could beat someone in my weak state.

            Clarissa’s face was contorted in ‘battle face’ but ultimately clicked her tongue and sheathed her rapier and offered me a hand.

            “What happened?”

            “Did you managed to see what the male did? He was too fast!”

            “I couldn’t even see the harpies! Did the male power them up or something? They were like Hunters!”

            I took Clarissa’s hand and stood up, returned my harpies to wherever they go, and puffed the dust off my clothes, as I do that, she clicks her tongue again. I had nothing to say—I was no sore loser when it came to a fight, for had we been serious my life, body or soul would have been forfeit at this point.

            “…You can take the written exam after this,” the Acting Guildmistress says as she turns to the door, confusing me.

            “But I lost.”

            She groaned and turned around, pointing at two places in her clothes. One had claw marks and the other one a slash. While no wound was visible or apparent, not even swelling, it was clear that I had managed to hit her twice, not only with my combo of harpies, but with my follow-up. “Had we been the same rank, I would be kissing the floor as my body was ripped to shreds by wild ones,” she says before finally going into the building once again.


COGNITION CORRECTION: Major progress has been done, reward pending; hostiles nearby.



            A thunderous roar of cheers boomed in the courtyard, and I was swarmed with sweaty, fine-bodied and toned women, but I was too perplexed as to how to take this in situation. While I was being showered in praise, I was stuck in that last message box; it was the second time that popped up and I still had no idea what it meant—Did it had something to do with how men were perceived? Gods have traits that allow them to manipulate the cognition of mortals that see them, but that is as far as our powers went.

            As the Archives said, a God cannot manipulate mortal’s cognition at a grand scale, so what the fuck did that mean? At first, I thought it was referring to me, but that wording… Now that I think about it, as that window appeared, I felt drowsy, as if I was slowly waking up from a long, deep slumber, but when it went away so did the feeling.

            Anyways… I managed to get away from the groping and questioning and returned inside, receptionist lady congratulated me and led me to a room and gave me an exam of sorts. Not really caring, I answered at random and somehow got full marks. I used this time to psyche me up back into character.

            After mindlessly skipping over boring stuff, I found Ishtar waving me. “Izzy! How did it go?” I ask referring to Moira’s wad of cash.

            “Quite marvelous, we even broke even from buying you gear; we profited eight Soles with six-hundred Sols,” I don’t know how much is that but sounds good to me. I got a window earlier telling me my own profits were stored with Aki back home. “Your cut will be two Soles, dear,” and Moira hands me over two bills of ‘one thousand Sols’. The bill had an intricate design, very much like the ones from certain civilizations, though they don’t use paper anymore, opting more to the more abundant coins. Hmm… Now that I think about it, this might use the exact same pricing and stuff…

            With brand new dosh on my pocket, I wanted to buy a bite since I was starving, but the least I could do was take on a commission before going my way. Ishtar flapped her lips about something, probably an info dump about how men tend to grow strong a lot slower than women, so my default Division was Low H while a woman was a Low F to a High F, depending on their stats and spar with a trainee.

            With that said and done, Moira went and advertised me somewhere and promised to come back at night and gave me a bill of 200 Sols for a meal, and Ishtar went to the local church to see if they could help me climb my division faster, leaving me all alone.

            So! My first quest! What will it be? Laying goblins? Collect overdue tax from rat-kin? Stars knows why there were so many of those here. Hmm, mayhaps felling a grandiose chimera with my Big Dsword?

            No, the only real commission I could take were errands, so I took the best paying one; clean the waterways for one Soles, but two if I manage to scare away all the wild slimes polluting it in the first place. I went to the desk to… Whatshername? The receptionist lady, her, I went to her to accept the commission, but before that she gave me an ID card which said some of my information. I noticed how it said ‘tamer’ in the ‘battle style’ part.

            Finally, with the Sun going on its way down, I asked for directions and ultimately found where I was supposed to go, which was the waterway connecting a network of clear water ponds and oasis in order to supply the region with drinking water, or so they told me.

            After having a nice, warm snack, I bought a shovel, which costed me like two-hundred Sols or something; I had to go ask for change somewhere else because they didn’t accept Soles bills because they didn’t have the change themselves.

            Upon arrival at a random waterway out of the many that were in the town I saw the shadowing building that dwarfed the walls that ‘protected’ everyone. The building was made of not-that-shabby wood and had an obvious purpose of a whorehouse, though it was in the slums section of the town, it didn’t take away the fact that a building in the slums was bigger than any other one in the main town on itself.

            Back to my job, the was light-blue mucus clogging the water, so the water that did managed to slip by was slightly tinged in that color. Using my shovel, I removed the mucus bit by bit, though the problem was that there was a lot of this fucking mucus, and that it was deceptively heavy to boot. By nightfall I had barely made any progress on the canal that lead to the slums, and so, with burning muscles and dirt all over my clothes, I decided to continue later.

            Though, there was something to notice because it made this town a whole lot more ‘fantasy’, as there were runes scribbled here and there that glowed green. I didn’t try to keep every single rune language on my body, so if they meant something, my best bet was that they warded off halfies or something, because those darn walls were only like half a me taller than me. From the people that passed by to oogle at me and ask for my price or owner, nobody really cared about them, so they seemed normal.

            Continuing with stuff to dump onto my wife once we can connect was that the closer to slums I went, the more ‘diluted’ I found going on about, which was nice since they helped me gather those prostitution points by giving them a sample of ‘the goods’ for a little bit of money, though I had to lower the price to 100 Sols. Maybe getting distracted and having that one sentient harpy talk for a while is what made this task so difficult… Thankfully this was clean water, and I didn’t go too deep into it since if I cut off the sides, the middle would just fall apart and dissolve downstream.

            And so, my job (plus side gig) went on for hours.



            With a sigh, I wiped my brow and looked at the building once more.


MAIN MISSION UPDATE: Aki has sensed the Holder somewhere in the slums. Gather information about them and acquire their Fragment.


            Oh, yeah, I was supposed to do something instead of doing fuck’all, wasn’t I? Bah, that main quest can wait some time—I want to build a brothel and check out my new skill. They have been holding up without a ‘heroine’ for some time now, what harm can a few weeks bring?

            I make my way back to my sweet love nest with that barn in my mind while I think of the possible clients Moira could have attracted.

            A bit of a slow life can be good sometimes.

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