???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: It’s a small step for me, but a giant leap for Noah

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Oh my god...my head....it hurts. I'm having one of those life threatening terrible inhuman detestable headaches. Again I see those weird lightning-like flashes, but they only last for a second.

I can feel that I'm lying on a bed, now almost sufficiently awake to open my eyes and see what the heck is going on this time around.

A male voice whispers from somewhere in front of me. "Flora, I think she's regaining consciousness." 

"Same here. Thank goddess, it seems like it was a close call." A friendly sounding, but also whispering female voice replies from a bit further away to my left.

"Ahh!!!!!" I shout and sit up straight in a split second, opening my eyes to scan for danger. 
Someone just pushed a finger into my neck....suffice to say that this scared the heck out of me.

The first person I see is a male version of these scary "fairies." He's still leaning over, holding his hands up in surrender. "Easy! Easy! It's okay, Daisy! You're safe here!" 

Trust me when I tell you that I'm feeling pretty confused right now. Not just from seeing another of those creatures, but also for not being able to figure out where I am. The very nature of reality just seems to keep changing for me. I take a moment to breathe deeply and get my heart rate down, it seems I'm not really in any immediate danger. "What....what were you doing to me? And where have you taken me?" My voice still sounds female, could this just be another dream?

The man smiles and moves a bit backwards to show me that he isn't going to hurt me. He's wearing some kind of gray business suit, a black necktie even, and judging by his white hair and wrinkled face, this gentleman seems to be ready for retirement.
"To answer your question, I was simply taking your pulse. And this place....is the dormitory. You and Rose share a room, don't you remember?"

I shake my head and take a moment to scan the room I'm in. Absolutely nothing feels familiar about it.

This room is quite spacious and has two beds in it. Both beds are placed against opposing walls.
There are two compact desks with some blue books lying on them.

The desk nearest to me is right in front of an open window and seems to have suffered some recent damage. Three half opened books are lying next to the desk on the floor, probably accidentally pushed over the edge. The desk itself shows some black lines and sand, as if someone practiced the moonwalk on it with some super shiny black shoes.

Small carpets next to the beds give this place a warm, homey feeling. Two medium sized closets are placed near a door behind me. I don't see a light on the ceiling, but I do see a few candles on the nightstands. Don't think about small, modern day candles, no no no...these are...of the archaic kind. Green and rather sizable. 

While looking outside the window, I get this distinct feeling that this place seems to have been copied straight from an isekai novel. The looks, the feels. All of it seems so mysterious...and yet...so....real.  
It feels like I have traveled back to the 1800s, but....not anywhere on Earth.

It's sunny outside and a gentle breeze enters the room through the open window. Feels and smells like spring or summer....weird...to say the least. The air smells fresh and the slowly passing fluffy clouds seem to invite me to start daydreaming of far away places.  

"Are you alright, Daisy?" The man asks, still smiling. But there is also worry in his eyes, I can tell.

"Huh? Oh, I'll answer that in a minute." It seems I'm barefoot, but I still decide to walk across the room to the other bed where Rose is still sleeping. A woman is sitting next to her, waiting for her to wake up.

"Daisy?" The woman asks. Not sure if she meant whether I'm Daisy, or if she's just concerned about my wellbeing. I'll go with the first option.

"I'm sorry, no. I'm Noah and I really have no idea what's going on. Is her name really Rose?" I point at the fairy creature on the bed who I had already met earlier in the dream.

The lady nods and puts her right hand on her mouth, obviously not expecting this kind of reply.

The man walks closer to us and says while shaking his head "no no no, this is not good. Not good, not good. Bad...very bad only. Your memories...oh my goddess. We were too late. I'm so sorry for you."

He puts his hand on my shoulder as a sign of compassion. He probably thinks I look similar to someone he knows. All of this is just a big misunderstanding, isn't it?

I simply ignore him and sit down on the bed as well, close to Rose's face. Something tells me that "Rose" should be able to answer a few questions. I touch her forehead and feel that it's pretty warm, she might be running a fever. My hands are the exact opposite, they feel cooler than I'm used to. 

I look back at the others in the room and confirm that they look exactly like I do. They have black wings, sharp teeth, weird ears...everything just like I have. 

Rose suddenly opens her eyes. When she sees me, she sits up straight in a split second as well and hugs me before I even realize it. "Daisy! You've made it!"

"Eh...Rose?" I'm trying to get her attention.

She releases the hug and smiles while waiting for me to continue. "I'm afraid I'm not the Daisy you were expecting."

"Huh? No....you mean...your memories..." Her expression turns into pity.

I'm still trying to make sense of the situation.
"Can someone please explain to me what's going on here?"

The man from before moves closer and says "it seems that we were too late, indeed. I'm Professor Nutmeg, I'm your math teacher and the lady sitting next to you is your history teacher, Miss Flora."

Eh....those are not really common names to say the least, but let's play along here.
"Let me recap...so...you are both teachers, and Rose is a fellow student? Am I right so far?"

"Yes, Daisy, I can't believe you even have to ask that." Miss Flora answers while I see her swallow and suppress a tear. She gives me the vibe of a kind teacher you instantly feel connected to, kind and caring.

Professor Nutmeg then continues. "Young Rose over there warned us that you were under attack. The three of us were able to drive your attacker away. It was an Emberling, a vile demonic creature that tried to wipe your memories, perhaps wanting to make you willingly follow it home to its master."

"An Emberling? Are you serious?" Did he just make that up?

"Yes, quite. Rose managed to keep your memories from deteriorating while we drove off your attacker. Then we used our healing powers on you. It's a minor miracle you survived the attack at all."

"I see. Well, forgive me for being cautious....but from my perspective none of this is real. I don't recognize any of you...including this very room. Now what am I going to do? I don't even remember a single class you suggest I must have attended here. I mean....I did attend classes, didn't I?"

I see Rose nodding, disbelief still in her eyes.

Professor Nutmeg sighs and then replies "yes, Daisy, you are a second year student. You and Rose are among our most promising students. Perhaps your memories will return? Just give it some time. I want you two to visit the Headmaster once you feel up to it. He might have some ideas on this matter. Are you both able to?" 

I checked with Rose and she carefully nodded. Then I continued "yes, professor. Just point us in the right direction, please." What else can I do? Play along for now and hope that this "Headmaster" guy can clear up this mystery.

He nods and motions me to the window. 
"There....that building over there. Just across the square. You will find him in the first office to your left."

"Okay, I think we can manage. Rose, are you up for it?" I'm just going with the flow.

Rose looks surprised at me, but then replies with a serious tone in her voice "eh....yeah, lets go."

Just before we open the door to the hallway, I turn around and address the professor and teacher once more. "Thank you both for your assistance. I have no idea what that exactly means, but I still feel that I should thank you. You too, Rose."

"You are quite welcome, young one." The professor replies, giving me a sympathetic smile.

Miss Flora replies when she sees Rose putting on her shoes, "Oh! Wait a minute. Daisy, your shoes! Can't walk outside without those!" She quickly pushes me down onto the bed and before I even know what happened, I'm wearing white knee socks and brown shoes. Surprise, surprise, they fit snugly. She pats me on the back and says "there, all done. Now go and be quick about it."

I nod, thank her again and follow Rose down the hallway.


The interior of this building consists of wood. Wood everywhere. Wooden panels on the floor, against the walls and on the ceiling. It almost feels like we are walking in a big log cabin, somewhere high in the mountains. It smells like burnt food downstairs, it makes me sneeze twice. 
Rose seems used to this, she isn't bothered by the smell at all.

There's a single, long dark blue carpet on the floor. It doesn't cover the entire width of the hallway, there's a gap to the left and right. This place has a homey feeling to it, the occasional potted plant only amplifies that feeling. Again there are no lights on the ceiling here, I wonder how they light this hallway at night. Oh...there are fixtures for candles next to each door. Sure, I should have known.

"Hey Rose, Daisy! Are you okay?" a girl from within the room next door asks. She must have heard that something was going on.

I reply with a standard "Oh, hi there. Sure, we're good." Just to be polite. I have never even met her before, but it doesn't hurt to be polite. I hope this Headmaster fellow can shed some light onto my current predicament. Just not with candles, I hope.

I follow Rose down the wooden stairs. Well-polished stairs, completely devoid of dust, give me the impression that this place is well cared for. 

The ground floor isn't much different from upstairs. It's wider alright, but wood seems to be the main theme everywhere. Rose opens a large wooden door which creaks and then shuts loudly. That last part was my fault....I'm not used to such heavy doors. 

We have arrived at a...school yard. An inner square, surrounded by more.....you got it....more wooden buildings all around us. The square is very spacious....just like back at the gas station, room enough for six pumps and room to spare. The natural stone pavement is arranged in big circles, giving this area a classy look.

Rose is awfully quiet while I follow her across the square.

"Rose?" I can't stand the silence anymore. 

"Yes?" She replied, but didn't look back at me.

"Is that a school uniform you're wearing?"

She stops. Just like that. And slowly turns around to face me. She looks at me from top to toe, and says "are you serious? Of course this is a school uniform. What do you think you're wearing?"

I look down and only now notice that I'm wearing a skirt. Considering all the weird stuff that has happened to me, I don't think anyone can blame me for not noticing. A dark blue, plain skirt. A white shirt and a dark blue vest with some kind of golden crest. 
White, long socks and brown shoes which have a little heel. Yep, that's a girl's school uniform alright. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder around here. A part of me is still expecting to wake up back home any moment. Well, I'm not wearing that doll's coat anymore, so that's a plus at least...
"Oh....I see what you mean. Sorry, but I think I need some time to adjust, okay?"

For some odd reason Rose starts smiling again. "You know, Daisy...I think there's still hope for you. That remark......just like the Daisy I know. Now follow me. Trust me....you don't want to let the Headmaster wait."

"Okay....after you, my dear." I say with an exaggerated foreign accent and gesture to her to continue.

She giggles and quickly resumes her way to the building in front of us.

The weather's really nice. Spring or summer...but it's definitely not October wherever this place is.
And just for thinking this, I jinxed it. A few scattered raindrops make their way to my head.

Suddenly people are panicking. There are only a few girls near us, but all of them run away to the nearest building at near lightspeed. Including Rose. If they have wings, why don't they just fly if they're in a hurry? Nevermind, probably a stupid question.

I don't know what to think of this, so I calmly walk to the building Rose just ran into.

Come to think of it....I've only seen female students. Could this be a girls-only school?

"Hey, Daisy! Stop daydreaming and get inside!" Rose seems to be impatient for some reason.

I enter the building at my own pace and ask "What's wrong? Why the sudden rush?"

"Huh? Aren't you afraid of the water? It was raining!" She looks at me as if I'm too stupid to understand.

"Eh...just two drops hardly qualifies as rain, Rose."

"Oh goddess. Your memories really are gone, aren't they? You should know that all fairies are avoiding rain at all costs. It's dangerous for us!"

"But....it didn't hurt me at all?" 

Rose simply shrugs, shakes her head and says "follow me, it's the office over there. Please be polite, okay?"

I nod. I'm always polite. I think. Yep, always. Mostly.


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The wood theme continues in this building, but it appears that this area is the office area. Some expensive looking paintings of flowers liven up the place. A few comfortable looking chairs, placed next to each other, give the immediate area a waiting room vibe. 

Then I realize that there are fresh flowers in soft pink vases and comfy looking cushions on the chairs. All of this combined, somehow shows that women frequently visit this area. This place has a somewhat girly vibe...not bad per se, but still....girly. Even the expensive looking curtains, folded to the right of the window, have a flower pattern. Yep, girly indeed. Or these people just love flowers.

I don't see any young ones moving around. Having said that....does that mean I'm supposed to be their age now? Nah...no bloody way that's even possible.

Knock Knock. Rose knocks on the Headmaster's door.

"Enter!" A deep and loud male voice commands.

For some unknown reason I swallow, as if I'm about to be lectured about inappropriate behavior. 
And no.....I never actually experienced that. Just....read about this kind of scenario in isekai novels. It usually means you're in trouble.

I follow Rose into the room and the door suddenly closes on its own. BAM!
That startled me for a moment, but the Headmaster seems unfazed.

"Please, do sit down." The Headmaster asks while sitting at his desk. He points to the two chairs in front of him. I doubt it was a mere suggestion.

We do as he says and are now sitting in front of him at his desk.
A desk that has piles of old looking books on top of it. There are even more piles in the corner of the room, gathering dust. 

There's a red candle on his desk too. It's not currently lit, but it's a pretty big candle. Considering that about half of it appears to be missing, this guy must be burning in midnight oil frequently.
"Miss Rose and Miss Daisy. First....are you two alright?"

"Yes, Headmaster." Rose replies instantly, not even glancing at me. She's entirely focused on him.

"Honestly, mister Headmaster, the same doesn't apply to me. I'm pretty confused right now. It seems that my memories have been tampered with. Assuming everyone is speaking the truth. I'm currently trying to figure out what's real and what's not."

He nods and I see him studying my facial expressions. It feels like he's looking right through me, at my inner being, it feels creepy to say the least.

He taps his right index finger on his lips for a moment, then replies "interesting....your demeanor has indeed changed. For your information, we really have met before. I'm Headmaster Berry. You were a bit more shy last time, if I may be so blunt. And there's a certain light in your eyes now.......you seem more...focused, I think is the best word to describe it."

"I appreciate your bluntness, Headmaster. But let me be completely honest. I have never set foot in this...place...before today. For me this place isn't even real! I remember every little detail of my life on Earth. This place feels...so unreal to me."

"And yet it's quite real. I've heard about what happened to you. I'm relieved you are still with us.
Would you tell me about....Earth, you said?"

"Of course..."  I took the time to tell exactly what I had experienced so far. I did mention that I was adopted, had a sister and worked at a gas station. My recent events were the only ones I described in great detail. No need to tell him that Earth has space rockets, race cars or even trains.

Rose just kept staring at me. She must think that I'm completely crazy.

"That's quite the story. So you experienced being a man. That must be very confusing to you. How are you dealing with that aspect?" The Headmaster just swatted a fly with his bare hands...disgusting.

"Honestly? Let's not go that way. I feel perfectly fine now, but something tells me I'll need help from Rose, you know, to adjust....to being a woman...eh once more."

"I see. Well, that makes sense. I can't possibly understand how difficult that must be for you. Should you need any help with that...know that you are always welcome here."

"Thank you, Headmaster. I really do appreciate that."

"You told me you were hoping to find a job as a......what did you call it....a car mechanic?"

"Yes, that's right."

"What do you remember from that education?"

"Eh, I remember that....eh....oh...that's embarrassing. I don't even remember the basics anymore."

"That's actually a good sign." The Headmaster nods and smiles to emphasize the importance of his statement. "You experienced a dream.....you cannot possibly accumulate years of information in such a dream. It should only help you understand that even this education of yours was nothing more than fiction. You know? Understand that you really lived in a dream?"

"Yes, I understand, but it will take considerable time before I am able...or willing...to let go of that life."

"And that is a perfectly normal way to handle the situation. Considering what you went through, losing memories and all.....I feel that you are stronger than before. You will recover from this, of that I'm absolutely certain." He picks up a book and moves it over to another pile, please don't ask me what that's about.

"I wish I could share your optimism. You'll have to forgive me for being cautious." 
I try to change topics, because this isn't helping me in the long run. I feel like he's patronizing me, I don't need that kind of talk. "Headmaster, if you will allow it. Might I ask a few questions?"

"But of course, please do." He seems surprised at my question.

"What kind of school is this?"

He looks at Rose who has been the personification of silence herself. 
"Rose, would you please answer that?"

Rose immediately sits straight up and says "Huh? Yes, of course, Headmaster. This is the Duskhaven institute of magics."

"Oh....magic? Does that actually exist here in this world?" I can't believe what I'm hearing. These people have magic! Did I fall asleep while reading that isekai novel? Did I get sucked into the story? 
So far things don't sound so bad at all!

"Yes, of course it does, Daisy." 

"Okay. Next question. Is this a girls-only school? Or are there boys here as well?"

"Boys? Aren't you too young for that?" The Headmaster grins.

"Huh? No no no, I didn't mean it like that!" I'm actually blushing.

"Ha ha ha.....sorry, just teasing you. You're right. This is an all-girls school. Except for teachers and supporting staff that is."

"I see. That's....interesting." Yep, still blushing.

"Mmmm.....I'm sure it is. But if you don't mind, we have something more important to discuss."

"We do?" I look at Rose, but she shrugs. She doesn't have a clue either.

He nods. "You see, Daisy. And this is very difficult for me to admit. I promised your parents to keep you safe here in our little sanctuary and I must admit that I have failed."

"Ehh.....I have parents here?" That sounds....promising!

"Yes, yes, you sure do, Daisy. Rose, I want you to take her home so she can recover. Are you both feeling well enough for that?"

We both nod.

"But.... Headmaster....she has never told me where her home is. She just smiled whenever I asked her about it. Is it in the city center?" Rose seems a bit miffed that my former self never shared where my home is.

"Yes...you could...certainly say that. Do you promise to keep this a secret?"

"A secret? Eh...yes, Headmaster, I promise!" Rose said. She seems confused and excited at the same time. 

The Headmaster then whispers to Rose "she's a Wildcreek."

I see Rose losing all color from her face....I think she's about to faint, so I reply instead. "Eh....what's a Wildcreek?"

Rose ignores me and says "Whaaaaa???? No way! She's a Royal?!!!!"

"Sshhhhh!! What did I tell you? Yes, she's a member of the Royal Family. I want you to take her home. Go to the Palace and ask for the Lady's Maid. She will take over from there." The Headmaster seems serious about this. He isn't joking.

And here I am...falling from one surprise into another. Isn't this supposed to be the moment when I wake up? Or when the camera people barge into the room and shout "Surprise! You are on candid camera?" But no....nobody is barging in here today.

"Ehhhhh? You want...us..me....the Queen's Maid?" Rose seems at a loss for words.

"No, well yes, but don't call her that. It's the Lady's Maid. Remember that, it's important."

"Okay. Yes, Headmaster....I will do my best."

The Headmaster nods.  "See that you do." Then he looks at me again, giving me an opportunity to ask more questions.

"Can someone please tell me what a Wildcreek is?"

He smiles, "That's your family name. Only Royals have a family name."

"Oh.....that's......interesting, I guess?"

"Headmaster....why couldn't I just see her family name?" It seems that her curiosity is stronger than her shyness. 

"Daisy, would you please show me your necklace?" The Headmaster asks politely.

"I....have a necklace?" I try finding it and actually seem to be wearing one. It's a transparent green smooth stone on a silver chain. A pretty little thing. Not as nice as my sailor moon one, but...well...that's gone forever I guess.

"You don't have to remove it, Daisy. Just take it in your hand and close your fingers tightly around it. ...yes, like that."

"Ohhh!!!! I can see it now!" Rose shouts with obvious excitement in her voice.

"Shh.....easy now. Ah, Daisy, you can let go now. And please don't do that anywhere else. That stone protects your identity."

I nod. So...a magic stone? Cool.
"Wow, that's...so amazing. I will remember that, thank you for the heads up."

"The what? Oh, I see what you mean." 

"Headmaster. Are you sure this isn't just a weird dream? Is this really real? Or am I still dreaming? This sure looks like a fairy tale to me." I just have to know.

"Eh...this is absolutely real, no doubt about it. But what has your tail got to do with anything?"

Right, I forgot, I have a tail. I facepalmed, earning me another strange look from Rose. 

"Now you two, it's time for you to go. I already sent a messenger there, they know that you will be heading to the Palace. Take care, you two."

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