A 3.6 billion earth observation

Chapter 3: Ep.3- Elf-chan and Elf-kun

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Tears can be a very powerful tool when used properly.

They can help us heal. 

Expressing our emotions it's one of the best ways of therapy, at least that's what mother used to say.

Today, for the first time in more than 80.000 years I cried, the reason? I had a dream.

I can count with one hand all the times in which I sleep. 

As the immortal being that I am, I don't need any type of rest. So why did I decide to sleep today....I don't know.

I have lived for so long and there still things I don't know about myself. I wonder what I have been doing all my life...

Close to 10,757 years have passed since I burned down that monstrosity, I'm now 910.704 years old.

During all this time I have been studying magecraft. 

Honestly, I thought that this entertainment could only last 2,000 years at most, but here I am.

It's already been a relatively long time and I still here. And it looks like I haven't hit the rock bottom yet. Though, I don't think it will last much longer.

What will I do when I finish...

Since I will probably be doing nothing interesting, I think I'll just die.

It's been so long, I also want to rest...

For the time begin let's stop thinking about that.

At this moment, I am conducting experiments on my body. For the past 10,757 years, I have been mostly refining my control over magecraft.

I'm now capable of flying with a speed close to the one of the sound, which is pretty impressive, good job me.

I also discovered other ways to use magecraft I can now make a lot of things such as fire, water, wind, lightning...etc. I'm basically a superhuman. Not gonna lie, it's pretty cool, although using technology is better and faster.

In these past thousands of years, I have felt more alive than in my entire life, having a goal is truly a wonderful thing.

Speaking of feeling alive...I'm kinda lonely, maybe I shouldn't have incinerated that ugly thing...

Lately a lot of emotions that I thought I no longer had been coming back, loneliness is one of them.

Feeling alone is one of the most common emotions people experience in their lives.

If I'm not wrong, the feeling of loneliness can be very hard to cope with and can lead to depression and other mental health problems.

So...I should probably get a friend...but who?

I can just modify my mind to stop this feeling, but that wouldn't feel right...should I create a homunculus...nah let's go with an elf.

I went to my lab and started thinking about the model.

When people think about elves they normally imagine someone really beautiful people with long ears, tall and with strong personality, so I'm going to go with that.

Mmm...maybe I can also add atoms with dark attitude to make it possible for him/her to use magecraft, yeah, let's do that.

Ah! I should also give him/her a reason to live, after all, I know very well what it feels like when you don't have a goal.

Since I'm enjoying so much dominating magecraft I will give him/her the same objective. I will also give him/her a strong appetite for knowledge.

Should I make the conventional elf or go with a dark one...let's do two, a dark elf man and a forest elf woman. 

And I will call her Mónada and him Demiurge, seems fitting.

And without further ado, let's start!

Contrary to the making of the Shoggoth, this one only takes some seconds, after all I used to do them all the time, back when my age didn't surpass the three digits.

2 figures stand before me in an instant.

A light-blue haired woman with dark gold pupils and a blonde tall black man with white semi-transparent eyes, they both had big sharp ears.

You are reading story A 3.6 billion earth observation at novel35.com

Just like I imagined them

The woman looked at me with sharp eyes, she seemed wanting to question me but couldn't, meanwhile the man seemed incredibly confused...and kinda scared? Like if he just saw Satan or something like that.

The atmosphere for some reason seems pretty tense, why? I don't remember any instance in which this happened to me.

Maybe there is something wrong with them.

I took a step forward, and immediately they take two back.


I cannot help but frown at this, or at least that's what I feel I'm doing, but I know very well that my face is incredibly expressionless, after all it's been too long since I actually moved my facial muscles...when was the last time I talked?

Anyway, let's not deviate from the principal topic. 

They are acting pretty strange.

Using the vision of one of my drones, I realize that the dark atoms in their bodies are acting strange when they interact with mines.

It's almost as if it is causing a violent reaction towards their body.

I limit the amount of atoms that leave my body in hope this help them. 

It seems that it's working after all they don't look that tense now.

Well now what.

I ain't going to start the conversation, and they don't seem to be willing either.

In moments like this the best one can do is leave, yup, leave and wait till the problem is solved, I took a machine in which I'm working on a leave the room.

From the beginning to the end, they keep staring me.



Now I'm in my bathroom, staring at the machine I took earlier. The identity of this object is nothing more and nothing less than a toy in the form of a tree, the type of toy with which children play.

Right now I'm studying how to integrate magecraft in inanimate objects, and it's working pretty well. 

Contrary to my body which is continuously absorbing dark atoms, this three is creating them and expelling them outside.

When I'm close to it, my body feels warm, such a good feeling~

Maybe I can replicate it on a bigger scale... 

Let's do it.

I took a exoskeleton and proceed to travel to the biggest forest, during these past thousands of years a lot of creatures have evolved and now there is even a big forest. If you ask me, they are going pretty fast, but whatever.

I command thousands of drones to start the construction, it only takes 2 seconds to finish. Normally I will do it by myself and take my time, but I'm worried about the two elves. 

I mean I'm not worried about them but more about what they will do to my ship, it's not like they can damage it, control it or anything, but what if they don't find the bathroom and decide to... 

Since my consciousness is connected to the ship, I can see everything they do. For instance, they seem pretty chill, so I won't worry that much.

I'm going to sit on the log for a bit and enjoy the view...how long has it's been since I did this...

I'm glad I'm alive.

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