A Beautiful Dream

Chapter 14: Return

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And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Mark 8:34-38

A month has elapsed and my recuperation has been complete. The pain I had experienced has been alleviated to a great extent and I was capable of functioning normally, just like any other individual.

Thomas, too, has displayed a remarkable improvement and has been provided with elbow crutches, which will aid him in moving around independently.

Our parents, along with my siblings, have been visiting me frequently and mostly bring food and tea made by my mother.

I was also informed about the house we would be residing in.

Does this sound like a fairytale?

Perhaps it does, but the reality of the situation is far from it.

I had, in essence, sold my soul to the Devil.

He approached me when I was on the brink of death, and since that day, he has been tormenting my thoughts.

Regardless of my encounter with him, nothing that has transpired feels like a fairy tale. Despite the promises that have been made to us.

But that doesn’t matter.

My hatred will not go in vain.

And I vowed to myself to fulfill her wish.


“Damn, Dante. Never knew we wouldn’t be going to our ol' houses anymore!” Thomas exclaimed as he donned his regular attire.

“I agree, it feels unnatural… When should our families be arriving?”

“Any moment now. Why do you ask?”

“I need to visit Anabelle.”

“That gal? Gosh, what’s up with the both of you?” asked Thomas, sounding irked.

I let out a slight chuckle.

“What is it?” I queried.

“Nothing.” Thomas said with a tone of irritation.

His face definitely said, “You always spend more time with her than you do with me.”

I replied to him, “Don’t worry, Thomas. Once we get back on our feet, we will have plenty of time together.”

“Yeah, right. Just go already!” he exclaimed.

With a peaceful demeanor, I walked out of the room and into the corridor, heading towards Anabelle's chamber.

I knocked on the door and announced myself, "Anabelle, it's me."

"D-Dante... Come in." Anabelle stammered.

As I entered her room, I found her in the process of undressing. Her shirt was partially unbuttoned, and she quickly turned red, quickly buttoning her shirt up.

“Y- you scared me…” she said.

“Why? I announced myself before I came here.”

“W- well, yes but…”


“…..Nevermind it.”

She can be unpredictable at times…

“Well, Anabelle, I presume you are aware…“

“Yes, you’re leaving me today.”

"Not exactly, Anabelle. I told you I would visit you whenever the opportunity presents itself." I reminded her.

“Well, you can also just visit me at my house, or I can visit you.”

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“What?” I pondered.

“The doctor told me that I was allowed to go back home soon.”

“Seriously? That’s… Amazing!” I exclaimed, my face evidently brought with joy.

I realized that she had never told me where she lived or which family she belonged to. I decided it was best not to inquire. I was certain that she was aware that I would be the one visiting her the most.

She suppressed a gentle chuckle, hiding her grin behind her hand.

“This is the first time I’ve ever seen you smile, Dante. I should cherish this moment…”

I was at a loss for words, feeling flustered, yet my demeanor remained emotionless.

"By the way, Dante, I have a confession to make."


"Indeed." she said, her expression serious.

What could it be?

"Do you recall a month ago when you thought you saw me peering into your room?"


"It was indeed me. I… I was in fact, peering into your room."

"Haha... Belle, it's alright. Your guilt was written all over your face when I asked you about it."

"W-What?!" Anabelle exclaimed in surprise.

“It’s okay, Belle.”

“Dante, that girl…”

“Are you referring to Esther?”

“Yes… what is she like?”

“Don’t tell me you’ve gone jealous of me, Belle.” I told her with a smile.

"W-What?! Sh-Shut up!" Anabelle retorted, her cheeks flushing.

Dante doesn’t joke around often, but when something is serious, he always finds a way to joke around.

But what can I do about it? Of course, I'm curious about the person he is speaking with... especially if it's a female.

He’s a handsome-looking boy, so I wouldn’t be surprised if others had gotten fond of him… other, females, that are… stronger than me…

Anabelle’s expression became sullen, and she lowered her gaze.

“Belle, what is it?”


I never had the chance or courage to express my feelings for Dante.

I don't think she discerns my feelings for her... lately, she's been distant and moody around me.



I think Dante knows that I love him, maybe he doesn’t have the courage to tell me either, so, I will just wait…

I think Anabelle knows that I love her, and perhaps she also lacks the courage to confess her feelings, so I'll just wait...




The door behind me was abruptly opened, and Anabelle couldn't see who it was because I was blocking her view. But as soon as I turned around...


Is that…

“What are you doing here?”

It was Esther, her eyebrows furrowed in anger, her left hand clenched in a fist, glaring at me with intense scrutiny. I was holding Anabelle's hand, her shirt exposing the entire length of her neck and the upper part of her chest.


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