A Beautiful Dream

Chapter 7: Nature Is Beautiful

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It was the early hours of the morning and the frigid breeze wafted through the ajar windows.

"Good morning, Dante."

I turned my gaze towards the right and perceived the physician standing beside me, holding a tray of victuals. This was the first time I had laid eyes on such a lavish spread of food. 


"Here you go, eat well."

There is no way I am going to be able to consume all of this...

"Dante, you're awake!"

Is that, Thomas...?

The physician stepped away, and I espied Thomas, his eyes alight with fervor. He attempted to rise and rush towards me, but another doctor restrained him.

"Please, young man, remain in bed for a bit longer! You've only just awakened from a coma after three days!"

"Urgh! Fine!"

"Here, have some food."

I believe I am capable of ambulating, I've been feeling better lately.

"Doctor, I think I can sit next to him."

"Are you sure?" He replied.

I seriously need to have a discourse with Thomas.

He placed a chair and a table next to Thomas' bed, for me to partake of my sustenance while sitting beside him.

"Dante! You seem all right!"

"Yes, Thomas, I've been feeling a bit better. But how are you?"

He stuffed his mouth with bread, and gazed at his legs swathed in plaster casts.

"My legs feel numb, but still in pain. It's just my whole body is in pain. Here, look at this."

He opened his shirt and displayed a large scar on the right side of his chest, it was ghastly...


"It really doesn't look that well does it, haha!" He said.

"Thomas, do you remember what happened?"

"Those cowards, can you believe it? They left us for their own good."

He must be referring to Gabriel and Okabe, I am not privy to what occurred for them to simply flee.

"Why did they leave us?"

"I don't know! Right when they caught you, Gabriel insisted on us just to run off, to leave you behind." Thomas replied.


"But hey Dante, stop with that gloomy face, we're still alive after all! Although the chances of survival were just too low, right?"


"Do you know how we got here? Was it our families...?"


I'm at a loss as well, the only thing I remember is conversing with that figure. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since.

My soul...

"We must have been apprehended, I'm not sure either."

"Ah... I see."

"You see Thomas, yesterday, we had some visitors."

He sat up excitedly, causing his food to spill onto his bed.

"Visitors?! Did my family come to see me?"

"No... I only saw mine, and a group of nobles."

"Ah right, why did I hope anyways, they don't give a single damn about me! Heh..."

"What do you mean?"

"I've always been abused as you are aware of Dante, they really don't care about me, but I've gotten used to it, it is what it is."

Well, I do find it weird that they didn't bother to come and see their own son...

"But there was something else that occurred. The aristocrats who came here."

"Right, why the hell would they come to see us?" He replied.

"That was my initial reaction, but it appears that the tale of our predicament had been disseminated throughout the entire realm. They desired to see the subjects of the story, I presume."

"People have told stories about what happened to us?" Thomas queried with curiosity.

"Indeed... Furthermore, it was the proprietor of our enterprise who visited us."


"Is everything all right here?" The physician inquired as he peered into the room upon hearing Thomas' exclamation.

"Yes, nothing amiss here, doctor." I replied, lowering my tone. "Thomas, maintain your composure."

"The proprietor came to visit us?" Thomas asked in disbelief.

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"Mhm, they intended to see you as well. They had plans to return here," I confirmed.

"That sounds unbelievable!"

I resolved to ensure that we both remain here for an equal duration, as I did not wish to leave Thomas alone again.

I was curious about this edifice, however... I had only been confined to this room.

"I will be back, Thomas. Make sure to finish your food."

"Finish my meal, you didn't even finish your bloody bread!" Thomas retorted with a chuckle.

I chuckled as well and walked outside of the room, fortunately the physician was not present.

Such an extensive hallway...

"Isn't that Dante?" an unknown voice queried.

I turned around and saw a fellow patient approaching me, her red tresses seemed to radiate due to the sunlight streaming through the window.

"Oh, hello." I greeted her.

"It's you! Right?"

I surmised that even the patients were aware of my presence.

"What are you doing wandering here all alone?" She inquired.

"I am simply exploring the premises." I replied.

"Well, you've come to the right person! There's a large garden nearby, let's go there." she suggested as she took my hand and we walked outside.

This was... A truly picturesque morning today.

She appeared even more radiant with the sunlight illuminating her.

"So, how long have you been here for? How were the thousands of people desirous of meeting you?" she asked.

"Thousands of people? I have only been visited twice." I responded, taken aback.

"That's peculiar, I expected a much higher number!" she exclaimed.

I am not some celebrity or the like...

"What are you here for?" I asked.

"Oh, I have a terminal illness. I've been put here for research for a cure."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Well, it's alright. I am just unfortunate, I suppose!" she said with a shrug.

I would never have suspected that someone as healthy-looking as her would be ill.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it..." she said as she looked at me.

"Nature truly is beautiful," I concurred.

The falling leaves reminded me of the moment I met that figure, the forest filled with leaves...

"What is your name?" inquired Annabelle as she approached me.

"I am Dante. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I responded cordially.

"Are you also an indigent?" I queried.

"No, I am fortunate enough to be residing with a financially affluent family." she replied, slightly taken aback by my question.

"I do know that you are though, right?" She asked.

Annabelle seemed to take notice of my surprise and stated, "I apologize if my query seemed inappropriate. It is simply that you do not possess the countenance of one who is destitute."

"I see..." I replied, still unsure of her meaning.

"Ah, there you are. Dante, your family has arrived. They are with Thomas right now." the doctor informed me, interrupting our conversation. Already...?

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I said, regretful that our conversation was cut short.

"It is of no concern. If you wish to converse further, I shall be in room 0-5." Annabelle stated before I made my exit.

"Thank you, Annabelle. I will see you again."

"That's a promise!"

As I walked away, I couldn't help but notice that Annabelle was still staring at the sky, seemingly entranced by nature, just as I was.

Upon entering my room, I was greeted by my younger brother Noah, who hugged my leg tightly.

"Hello, Noah." I said, smiling down at him.

"Hello dear, how are you feeling today?" My mother asked.

"Much better, mother."

I then turned to my sister Madison and asked. "Madison, are you doing well?"

"Yes, Dante. I am glad you are feeling better as well." she replied.

"Where is Father?" I queried.

"Father is on his way, he forgot to bring you something mother bought for you."

I couldn't help but feel curious as to what my mother had bought for me. But before I could inquire further, the doctor entered the room and announced that Lord Dennis and his family had arrived for a visit.

I exchanged a glance with Thomas, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had washed over me. My nerves were on edge, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension.

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