A Deity’s Journey

Chapter 6: Chapter 1.4

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I was jolted out of my sleep as I felt something cold splash against my face.


Draven laughed as he held a small pitcher in his right hand with what I assumed was previously held water.

I got up from the ground and I stood straight up. Icy cold water dripped from my clothes and my short dark blue hair was stuck to my face.

I sighed and removed my drenched shirt and hung it on a tree to air dry.

Luckily, my bandages didn’t get soaked, so I can change them a little later.

Draven said, "Your abs are non-existent."

I replied, "You’re acting like you've got a chiseled body under that fancy get up."

Draven removed his shirt and proved me wrong. He did have a somewhat ripped physique under there. So, I guess my previous description of the average build is incorrect.

"Today I will be whipping you into a man. A manly man, a manly man who’s the manly man of a manly man."

I hung my head and replied, "Ok, I get it."

"Ok, good. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I’ll teach you one of the elven royal fighting styles."

"Royal? Are you a prince or something?"

Draven winked at me and said, "Guilty as charged."

"Gee, thanks for letting me know."

"You’re welcome."

I gave myself a face palm and replied, "You know what. Back to the fighting styles."

"Ah yes. The styles consist of ranged, which mainly consists of long-ranged attacks and keeping the enemy at a distance; elite guard, which mainly consists of defense while waiting for an opening; Overwhelmer, which mainly consists of powerful strikes with very little defense; and finally, trickster, which incorporates a weaker version of the other three but heavily relies on your agility, dexterity, and overall speed."

Hmm, Overwhelmer does sound handy to have, especially when you want to end a fight quickly, but I don’t think I’ll have the strength to keep it up.

Ranged are basically projectile weapons. I would say I am decent with a bow but not a crack shot, and I am not familiar with any other ranged weapon, so that will be an issue.

Elite Guard is too slow-paced for me. Tanking all that punishment for one opening isn’t worth it to me.

So, Trickster is the only logical choice since it relies on the things, I am above average with.

"I’ll go with trickster."

Draven didn’t seem surprised by my answer.

"Well, that was the only possible choice. Let’s get to work."

We stood about 8 feet apart from each other, and Draven said, "Trickster heavily relies on your ability to switch between styles easily. So that includes feinting enemies.

Putting yourself in danger and relying on your speed to save you at the last moment is basically annoying to deal with from an enemy standpoint."

He then motioned for me to attack him, and I rushed towards Draven with my fist. He stood still and then proceeded to move forward a bit.

There was an opening, and even though it was rather risky, I still took it. I swung my left hand at him, and he easily side stepped, and I felt the cold blade of his dagger on the side of my neck.

"Simple right?"

I smirked, then quickly ducked under the dagger, and attempted to sweep his legs with my right foot. Draven avoids it by jumping upwards.

I got him right where I wanted him. I launched a kick from my crouching position, and Draven easily blocked it while in mid-air with his right forehand, then grabbed my leg with his left arm and tossed me to the side.

I hit a tree back first and groaned.

"I thought I had you there."

Draven sighed and replied, "Weren’t you listening to anything I just said? Trickster consist of baiting your enemies with false openings and mistakes, then punishing them for attacking you."

I slowly got up from the ground and said, "Come on again."

Draven smiled and said, "That’s what I like to hear."

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I charged at him once again; I delivered a high kick with my right foot, and he blocked it with the back of his left hand. Draven then used the palm of his right hand to push me back.

While I recovered from that blow, he pressed the attack and delivered a jab to my right side, which I instinctively avoided by moving to the left.

No, this is a fake out. He’s going to attack on my left.

My prediction was right, so I blocked his left jab with the back of my left hand.

"Good, you’re getting the hang of it, so now I can really punish you."

"Huh? Punish you say?"

Suddenly, Draven vanished, and I felt a strike across the left side of my face.

Huh? What’s going on?

I felt another strike across the right side of my face, and there was no sign of Draven. The strikes felt light, so I knew something heavy was coming soon.

In the corner of my right eye, I saw a blur, so I kicked at it, but my attack just went straight through it.

I heard a laugh before me, so I quickly looked up. There was no one there, and as soon as I looked straight forward, I felt a heavy blow to my stomach that knocked all the wind out of me as I fell to my knees.

Draven then appeared and delivered a spin kick to the left side of my face. That was the final straw, and I was down for the count.

I lay on my stomach and groaned.

Draven approached me and replied, "Did I overdo it?"

While still on the ground, I said, "What do you think?"

Draven sighed, "Since you’re already on the floor, let’s start with some push-ups to increase your upper body strength."

I groaned in pain and then went into a straight arm plank position.

"I still think it's unfair to have me doing push ups with an injured arm."

"You'll be fine. Think of it as building up pain tolerance."

Two minutes had passed since I began.

I exhaled deeply and held my position on the plank.

It was starting to hurt like hell now and my arms were starting to shake. Draven shook his head in disappointment and sat on the middle of my back.

"Um, you're pretty heavy, you know that?"

"Well, that's the point. Now start doing push-ups."

I commenced and lowered my body, then slowly raised it up. I will admit it almost felt like an impossible task due to Draven's weight, my injured arm, my stomach, which still hurt me from his last attack, and my lack of breakfast.

"Ok, that's one. Let's get two now."

I lowered my body once again and slowly raised it up. My arms were full blown trembling right now."

"Ok, that's two. Let's get three."

I lowered my body once more and was in the middle of slowly raising it up. My arms gave out and I fell onto the ground with Draven still sitting on my back.


"The goal for now is ten, so no resting," he said, still sitting on my back, "let's start from one."

I sighed and pushed myself up again with my arms.

"Ok, good. Now let's get to ten this time."

A bead of sweat dripped onto the ground, and I lowered my body once again.

I am not sure which is going to kill me first: the Tower or Draven.

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