A Deity’s Journey

Chapter 5: Chapter 1.3

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As we began to scout out the entire area for potential enemies. I stood on a tree branch and looked downwards. There wasn’t much to report besides a group of potential candidates to capture the tower walking by. I jumped off the tree and landed beside Draven, who held a the blade of a dagger some millimeters from my stomach.

He lowered it then said, "You almost frightened me there." A bit more and you would have added a new injury to your list."

I dropped myself on the ground and took a seat.

"Your reaction time is amazing, if I had to be honest."

Draven twirled the dagger in between his right index and middle finger, saying, "It’s nothing to brag about. If I had to be honest as well, your agility isn’t half bad. If I wasn’t trained, then you could have potentially caught me off guard."

"I climbed a lot of trees when I was younger."

Draven nodded his head, and without warning, he threw his dragger at me. I managed to avoid it by moving to the left and then rushed towards him.

I drew my sword with my left hand. I swung it horizontally at Draven, who easily avoided it. He then kicked my hand, knocking the blade from my grip, and swept my legs, knocking me flat on my back.


I looked upwards as Draven looked down at me and smiled.

"Just as I thought. You’re untrained. Very much untrained."

"What the hell was that about?"

Draven sighed, then crouched down.

"I’ll be honest once more and say that you’ll probably end up dying in here without me. You can barely fight, and your survival instinct is what we call trash."

I sat up and said, "That’s a load of BS and you know that."

Curiously, Draven trained his eyes on me and said, "However, your agility and dexterity seem to be your only saving graces. So maybe I will train you."

"I never said I wanted any training."

Draven laughed, "So you will refuse training from someone who easily defeated you? Aren’t you a bit prideful, Dante?"

"Prideful no. A bit annoyed? Yes."

Draven grabbed my right shoulder and said, "Great, it’s settled. Then I'll work you to the bone starting tomorrow."

I sighed deeply, "That doesn’t sound exciting at all."

Draven smiled warmly and said, "If my little sister can do it, so can you."

After getting to my feet, I asked, "Why do you keep comparing me to your little sister?"

Draven shrugged his shoulders and replied, "You guys just have the same facial expressions, that’s all."

I gave myself a face palm, "Well I sure disappointed myself by expecting a thought-provoking answer."

"That’s sad, but we should probably start a fire."

I looked around and said, "I can start one if you give me two sticks."

Draven broke out in laughter while saying, "Rubbing two sticks together? Are we back in the stone age? Gather the sticks in a pile for me."

After doing so, I made the pile and took a step back.

Draven pointed his left index finger at the pile of sticks and said, "Ignite."

At a moment’s notice, the pile was engulfed in flames.

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I folded my arms and said, "Show off."

Draven pretended that his index finger was a smoking gun and blew on it.

"It’s all in a day’s work."

I sat near the crackling fire and opened my black bag pack by unzipping it, then pulled out a loaf of bread and used my blade to cut a slice.

Draven observed me and said, "I’ll trade you some honey for a slice."

Well, it’s better than eating it dry, I suppose.

So, I gave him a slice and he spread some honey on it.

I bit into it and my taste buds almost began to cry. This honey tasted amazing.

"Hey Draven, where did you get this from?"

Draven bit into his bread and replied. "It’s a high-elf only product; humans aren’t supposed to taste it."

I looked at the gold honey glistening on the bread and said, "That’s rather selfish, don’t you say?"

"That’s how it’s always been since the beginning of time. All races have been separated and doing their own thing. Humans live in the cities and towns, we elves reside in the Alder Forest, dwarves stay in the mountains, and demi-humans hide out in the waste lands. There are other races out there, but even with my long life on earth, I am still unsure about the majority of them."

I looked up at the artificial stars that were in the sky and replied, "Since the beginning of time? It’s amazing how long you've lived and still haven’t discovered everything."

Draven chuckled, "For me to learn everything the world has to offer, I would need the immorality of a God."

"Well, why not attempt to capture Towers and gain that same requirement?"

Draven stared into the roaring fire and said, "Godhood doesn’t interest me, and it isn’t what it’s cracked up to be either. The stories passed down from our forefathers depicted various power struggles occurring between the different deities. So, the creation of a new deity will just add fuel to the never-ending flame."

I bit into the last of my slices and asked, "How many Deities do you think exist?" while going into my bag pack to pull out my bottle of water.

Draven pondered a bit, then answered, "From the stories I heard, there is a realm known as the Point where all the Deities from different realms meet." In this realm, they are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. So, I would have to say in the hundreds or maybe even more. There are minor and major deities, some from different worlds and some from different timelines. I can only imagine what great power they wield."

Hmm, hundreds, or maybe into the thousands. Some of them from different worlds and timelines? This just makes my search even more tedious.

Draven said, "Well, it's time to hit the hay. We have a long day of training tomorrow."

"Huh? What about clearing the Tower?"

Draven sighed and replied, "What's the point of even attempting to clear it, if you're just going to die easily with your level of skill?"

I pouted and said, "Fine, but if someone clears this before me, you'll have hell to pay.'

Draven chuckled, "Well, you and my sister are similar after all you're both impatient and somewhat hard-headed."

I pointed at Draven and said, "Stop comparing me to her. If you want to compare me to something, try it with a wolf or something."

Draven muttered under his breath, "Like the wolf that almost ate you."

I squinted at him and replied, "I heard that."

Draven then lay on the dirt ground and said, "Alright, time to sleep."

Sigh. It's going to take everything I have not to strangle him in his sleep.

Afterwards, I closed my eyes and drifted off to dreamland

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