A Devil’s Adventure in the Myriad Planes

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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"Alright Frank, today we will begin cultivation. Are you excited?" A man asks the little boy in front of him. The man was quite big with broad shoulders. He had dark hair and red eyes. He had a smiling expression on his face which made him look somewhat silly. However, the huge broad sword in its sheath strapped around his back made him quite fierce.

"Yes Father, I am ready!" Came a reply with a cute voice. Standing in front of the man was a small boy about 5 years of age. He also had black hair but with black eyes instead. A hovering sword floating left and right quickly mirrored his excited mood.

"The road of cultivation starts with the opening of the Mindscape. It's up here between your forehead, try and feel it." The man said as he pointed to the space between his eyebrows as he watched the small boy close his eyes.

"Done! I felt it. It was a dark place and I couldn't see anything" came the reply a few seconds later as the boy opened his eyes and said with excitement on his handsome face.

"Haha good, good, my son is a genius for opening up his Mindscape within only a few seconds!" The man laughed loudly with pride written all over his face! The hovering sword spun even more quickly as if infected by the excitement. However, a beautiful woman with purple hair and black eyes who was sitting in the room shook her head after seeing the man's behavior. Opening up the Mindscape was not a difficult thing to do. 99 percent of individuals could do it as well. Ignorant of her thoughts, the man continued.

"Now you have to draw out your 'Dao Palace'. This is normally done with the help of a 'Foundation Rune' but most geniuses have them already drawn out for them. Most have one, rarely do some get two and about a handful have three. However, this isn't a situation where more is best as the more Dao Buildings you have, the more time you have to spend on cultivation. Even though, I your father had only one 'Natural Dao Building', I defeated those so-called geniuses with two in no time. However, that doesn't also mean that more is bad as well since it allows you to cultivate different Elements. So whatever number you get, I your Father, would be proud of you." The man said as he was lost in thoughts oblivious to the confused face the boy was making.

As if she couldn't take it anymore, the woman put the book down and got up. Her body was slender and well proportioned. It was as if her entire body was made with the right measurements. Not too big, but not too small either. She walked with grace and charm in her steps. She walked over and pushed the man who was about twice her size on the floor! Then she sat in front of the boy saying in a soothing and clear voice.

"Frank, this time when you enter your Mindscape, concentrate and tell me what you see." The boy closed his eyes again as he concentrated.

"I saw a Red House. It was shining with Red symbols on its walls."

"Haha, my son is going to be a Warrior! Haha, a fire Warrior just like his father. Come son, I your Father, will teach you my ultimate skill, " Bang!" With this, you will be invincible in the 'Myriad Planes!' 

Ignoring the standing man whose expression was filled with only joy, the woman asked, 

"Anything else?"

"I also saw something in the distance but it was a little faint so I don't know what it is." The boy said with uncertainty as he tilted his head to the side. Looking at his worried face, the woman smiled beautifully and said reassuringly.

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"Don't worry, we will figure it out eventually." She then turned to the man and looked at him with a serious face. The man was no longer smiling and noded with a heavy expression. The woman sighed and snapped her fingers as she cast a spell.

"Rank 5 spell - Veil of Confusion." Young Frank felt as if the room had become blurry all of a sudden. The man also snapped his fingers and cast a spell as well!

"Rank 5 spell - Blood Domain." The room became filled with the stench of blood but Young Frank felt the smell in the room was quite nice.

" Rank 6 Combination Spell - Blood Room." All of a sudden, it felt as if they were the only three people on his father's 'Greater Plane of Blood!' Of course, the swords were also in the room as well.

The man then said sternly,

"Frank, what I am about to tell you must not be told to anyone else. Do you understand?" Young Frank nodded as he felt the matter was serious if even his Father was acting like this. A red crystal appeared in his hands as he explained.

"As you know, this is an 'Elemental Crystal' which contains 'Elemental Essence.' Normally, this is what cultivators absorb and refine into their 'Elemental Sea. This is what powers spells.'" He then proceeded to remove a 'red liquid' from the stone which turned colorless. Frank felt the air becoming hot when the liquid appeared. 

His mother continued from where his Father left off.

"All cultivators have a Soul. The power gained from the Soul is called 'Soul Force.' The Soul is usually the avatar of the cultivator in the Mindscape. The higher your cultivation, the higher your 'Soul Force.' However, certain creatures are born with a higher 'Soul Force'. This causes them to seem charming, otherworldly or ethereal. Examples of such races are elfs, succubi and the tailed foxes whom you have an engagement with." When he heard the last part, the man frowned with no aim to hide his displeasure. Continuing she said,

" Normally, 'Soul Force takes the color of the element the cultivator is suited for." His father then produced another floating Red Liquid. However, this time it felt vast, fierce and carefree just like his Father. 

 "Now we do this!" Taking over his Father said as he combined the two liquids to form a colorless new liquid. The liquid was without any properties but felt more powerful. With seriousness in his eyes, he pointed to the liquid as he said.

"I call this 'Mental Energy!' This is what you would be cultivating from now on!"


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