A Journey Across The Stars

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – Possibilities

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My training session went on for another hour until we called it a day. As we walked back home, I could feel the strain in my arms and my entire body. But my dad wasn't completely savage, as he let me take a break every 5 minutes. 


Actually, the training and the tiredness I went through were worth it. I learned many things, such as the basics of slashing and thrusting, when to block, and how to properly grip a sword. Overall, it was a great experience.


We arrived at the front door and my dad opened it. Inside, we saw my mom reading a book with her glasses on. She looked up at us and then turned to the side to check the clock on the wall. 


We followed her gaze and saw that it was 12:31.






My father and I fell silent. With a deep breath, I tried to run for my life, but my father grabbed the hood of my hoodie, preventing me from running away. 


Damn it..I regret wearing a hoodie!


I turned to him and he looked at me. I could hear him whisper,


 "We're in this together, son."


No! Like hell, I will! 


I tried to run one more time and even pulled his hand to let go of my hoodie but to no avail. 


I then heard footsteps approaching and saw my mother glaring at us. My dad and I gulped.


"What's wrong, dear?" my dad asked nervously


"Nothing of the sort, dear," my mom replied with a smile.


Wait, I recognized that smile. This is bad..That smile is a red flag...I repeat a red flag!


"So, you had too much fun and decided to pass the time, didn't you, dear?"


"Um, about that-"


"Shush, don't let me hear it," my mom said, turning to me. "Go to your room, Nex. I'm going to have a chat with your dad for a moment."


At that, I smiled and dashed towards my room in a matter of seconds, leaving my dad's fate in my mom's hands.


I could already imagine the betrayed face he was making as I run….hehe


 Sometimes, Sacrifices are meant to be made in order to achieve success 



In my room,


I lay on my bed, lost in thought as I gazed at the ceiling. I had been wondering what had happened to my mom and dad downstairs for the past 15 minutes. I felt a little bit bad for my dad, but there was nothing I could do to help. Eventually, I sighed and sat up, making my way to my bookshelves. They were filled with a diverse range of books, and I reached for the one titled "Monsters and Creatures". I had never read it before, so I thought it would be a good way to pass the time.


As I turned the book over, I noticed that there was no publication date listed on the back. That was strange, but I decided to keep reading anyways. I sat back down on the bed and opened the book, and I was greeted by a host of strange and exotic creatures. One, in particular, caught my eye - the Kopraestalion, also known as the Kopra. According to the book, these warm-blooded creatures were known for their terrifying appearance but friendly nature, with some reports even claiming that they helped lost children in the woods. It was a strange and wholesome image, but also a little bit creepy.


As I continued flipping through the pages, I came across a creature that had no name. It was depicted in a drawing or photograph with large fangs, black fur, and a small spike on its back, but no eyes. The description accompanying the image caught my attention even more - it stated that this creature was not native to our world. 


Not from this world?


 This revelation sparked a chain of thoughts in my mind. If there were creatures that were not from our world, did that mean there were other worlds out there? And if so, were there others like me - reincarnated in this world?


I lay back on my bed, lost in contemplation as I considered the possibilities.


"Honey, you up sweety?" I heard my mom calling from the back of the door.


"Yes, Mom, Why?" I replied.


"Well, I am going to the library right now, want to come with me?"


I had never been to the library before, so I didn't want to pass up this opportunity. "Ok Mom, I'll be there in a sec," I said as I hopped off the bed and put the book back on the shelf.


To be honest, if there were others like me in this world, I wasn't sure if it would be a good thing or not.




I arrived downstairs and saw my dad on the couch. His face was lifeless as if he had survived a great calamity.


"Dad, are you okay?" I asked, concerned


My father looked at me and smiled faintly. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"


I couldn't help but feel skeptical. Something seemed off about his demeanor. "Are you sure?"


"Of course," he replied, but his smile didn't reach his eyes.


I then heard footsteps behind me and saw my mom wearing a librarian uniform. It was a long, flowing robe, adorned with intricate embroidery. "Dear, I'm off to work and I'm taking Nex with me," she said, making her way toward the door.


"Of course, dear. Have fun, both of you," my father said, still wearing that fake smile.


I looked at him, trying to decipher what was going on. Seriously, what the heck happened? 



My mom and I walked towards the library, which wasn't too far from our house. As we passed by, I saw children my age or older playing in the grassy field nearby. Some were chatting, while others were just relaxing.


My mom seemed to notice my distant look and suggested, "You can go out to play if you want, Nex."

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But I shook my head. "I like books better," I said. It was true - books kept me from getting bored much better than playing with children my age did. Plus, it was good for me, so that was that.


My mom patted my head and smiled. "You're sure an odd one, Honey," she said.


Odd? Well, I guess that's true in more ways than one.




We arrived at the library shortly after, It was only a ten-minute walk from our house.


The library was a vast place, adorned with intricate carvings and statues. Its tall, arched windows allowed streams of golden light to filter into the interior, casting light on the rows and rows of shelves that stretched up toward the high ceiling.


The shelves were filled with books on every subject imaginable, from history and magic and cores, and so on.


 As we stepped inside, one of the librarians greeted my mom with a bow and said


 "Mrs. Dalion, welcome back."  


My mom nodded and gestured toward me. "This is my son, Nex. He will be here with me today."


 The librarian turned to me and smiled,


  "It's a pleasure to meet you, young Nex." 


I awkwardly bowed and replied, "Uh, the pleasure is all mine."


As I followed my mom through the library, I marveled at the sheer number of books on the shelves. There must have been hundreds, if not thousands, of them. 


My mom chuckled and said, "You can read all of them if you'd like."


I looked at her excitedly "Really?"


She nodded and added, "This is where knowledge is kept, honey. And as long as you have a thirst for learning, the library is here for you."


I nodded and made my way to one of the rows of books. My mom also headed off to her workplace.


I perused the shelves, returning any books that didn't catch my interest. Then, I spotted a particularly interesting book, but it was just out of reach.


I tried to stretch to grab it, but it was too far away. Frustrated, I looked around for something to stand on, but I couldn't find anything.


Just as I was about to give up, a voice behind me said, "Want me to grab that for you, Young Nex?"


I turned to see the librarian, a woman with vibrant green hair that flow down to her shoulders like a waterfall. She had a friendly face, with a small nose and lips that curved into a warm smile.


"Ahh, yes please," I said, pointing to the book.


The librarian easily retrieved the book and handed it to me. "Here you go," she said with a smile.


I took the book and saw the title: "Beyond the Realms."




"Is that all, Young Nex?" the librarian asked.


"Ah Yes, thank you so much" I replied, bowing slightly.


"Well then, I'll be on my way," she said before disappearing down the aisle.


I opened the book and flipped through a few pages


(Realms refer to alternate dimensions, worlds, or universes that exist beyond our own as…)


I read more and more until I started to realize something..


There are more worlds other than this one?! 




I settled into a comfortable chair, propping a few books underneath me so that I could see the table more easily. The table was covered in books that I had been engrossed in for the past few hours.


'I guess, It's true that there are more worlds' I thought as I gazed at the ceiling


Reading about the different realms had been incredibly engaging and quite enjoyable. In fact, I was fascinated by the concept of alternate dimensions or worlds beyond this one


I had learned about the realm of Helspore, a place known as the underworld due to its dark and foreboding nature


There was also a realm with floating islands, a place known for its exotic alien creatures and plants and home to the legendary dragon Astryn.


And there was also the realm of Sertyr, which was a peaceful place filled with rich plants and animal diversity.


There were so many other realms out there, and according to the book I was reading, there were even more that had yet to be discovered. 


“Nex, it's time to go home” My mom called out to me at the counter, I turned to her and responded "Ok Mom" before I hopped off the chair and went my way toward her


But one thought was still on my mind


If there were realms or Worlds, Could Earth possibly be one of them?


 I wasn't sure, but the thought was kinda intriguing.

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