A Journey Across The Stars

A Journey Across The Stars

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A Journey Across The Stars

Review: 7.5/10 from 20 ratings

Welcome to a world unlike any other, where magic defies the laws of nature and monsters roam the lands, skies, and seas. In this strange and dangerous place, every day holds the potential for excitement and adventure, but one wrong step could be your last.

Would you consider yourself lucky or unlucky to be born into such a world? It's all a matter of perspective really. Some may see the opportunity to experience the extraordinary as a once-in-a-lifetime chance, while others may feel overwhelmed by the constant presence of danger and uncertainty.

But no matter how you feel, there's no denying that this is a world where the impossible becomes possible and the unknown becomes known. Imagine wielding powerful magic, facing off against fearsome beasts, and discovering hidden treasures and secrets that have been lost to time.

This is a world where your choices will determine your fate and shape the course of history. Will you rise to greatness, or will you succumb to the darkness that lies ahead?

Heh…. Only time will tell


Hello everyone, This is my first time writing a novel, so please bear with me if you notice any grammatical or spelling mistakes. I'm just writing for fun and letting my creativity flow. Thank you for reading!

Also, I want to clarify that I did not create the cover for this novel. I just found it on Pinterest:)


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