A Journey Across The Stars

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 – Chaos

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Realm of Arcania

(????) POV

As I ran through the dense forest, I could hear footsteps pounding behind me. I tried to pick up the pace, but it was no use. They were closing in on me.

Up ahead, I saw a cliff. It was now or never. I gathered all of my strength and sprinted towards the edge. Just as I launched myself into the air, I saw the pursuers jumping off the cliff as well.

I landed on a branch with a loud thud, the tree shaking beneath my feet. The pursuers landed a moment later, their eyes narrowed as they faced off against me.

I looked at them, their large fangs shining in the moonlight as their black fur swayed in the wind. One notable thing is that they have no eyes

"Hadn't you had enough, Rye?" A voice sounded and a figure stepped out of the shadows. This one was smaller than the others, but the spikes on the back were larger. "It's useless to keep fighting. You can't win."

"You think I'm scared?" I shot back. "You have no idea what I'm capable of!"

" This madness of yours has to stop."

I let out a growl. How dare she call me crazy?! Even with my anger, I still kept a calm facade.

"Rea, I never thought you would choose their side over mine. I can't believe you would do this to me," I said, trying to appeal to her sense of loyalty.

Rea shook her head. "I chose what was right, Rye. This isn't personal. You have to see that."

"Nothing personal?" I laughed. "You say that after you killed our father? How dare you!"

"It had to be done, Rye. You know that!" she shot back.

A tense silence washed over us. I looked back and forth between Rea and the other two wolves, trying to gauge their next move.

"I am giving you one last chance, Rye," Rea said, her voice low and serious. "Give up."

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. 

"You should know a thing about me, dear sister," I said, opening my eyes and fixing her with a steely gaze. "I don't give up."

With that said, I lunged towards Rea, she lunged back at me, and the other two joined the fray, their claws and teeth flashing as they pounced. The sound of snarling and snapping echoed through the forest as we clashed in a frenzy of fur and fangs. I was at a disadvantage, outnumbered and possibly outmatched, but I was determined to fight to the very end, my eyes sparked as I slowly began to activate my eternal force.

I darted and weaved, trying to avoid their sharp claws and teeth, but some still managed to hit me. My sister was the most formidable of the three, her powerful muscles propelling her through the air as she lunged at me again and again, her fangs bared and her eyes shining with a fierce dark purple light. The other two circled around me, attacking from all sides in a chaotic and brutal battle.

Minutes passed as we fought, with me standing at the center while they circled around me. I could feel blood trickling down from my wounds. I had had enough. I summoned a series of bright light particles under my paws, and the ground shook before erupting into explosions. The attack caught them off guard, and they were knocked back.

I could feel myself getting stronger as a surge of energy was released within me. I scanned the area and saw Rea, who was just getting up off the ground. Without giving her a chance to stand, I pounced on her with incredible speed, raising one paw and extending my claws, which were now flashing bright purple.

Just as I was about to hit her, she opened her jaw and a sphere started forming, then blasted off, hurtling towards me. I had no time to react before it hit me, causing me to grit my teeth in pain. As the dust settled, I saw that two of her companions had already stood up, their bodies surrounded by a blazing aura indicating that they had activated their eternal energy.

"I gave you a chance, Rye. It's your fault for not accepting it," Rea said as they began to march towards me.

I narrowed my eyes at them, unfazed by her words. I took slow steps towards them as well, my expression serious as they thought I would fight them. But to their surprise, I turned around and dashed away from them.

My act caught them off guard again, and they froze for a moment, trying to process what had happened.


A shout echoed through the forest as I grinned. They never expected it.

I ran through the forest until I found myself in the clearing. 

 Damn it, where should I go?

I scanned the area, but then I felt my senses tingling. I turned to see another ball of energy hurtling towards me. I barely dodged as the ball hit the ground, letting out a huge impact.

I looked up to see my sister high in the air. 

"That trick won't work on me twice, Rea!" I shouted, annoyed by the fact they managed to catch up with me.

I looked ahead to see rustling in the bushes. A figure pounced, raising a claw towards my face, but I was quick to react and leaned my head away from the claw. I then swiped my claws across his stomach, causing blood to spurt from the wound as the wolf roared in pain and stumbled to the ground.

I turned to see another one rushing towards me. I gathered all of the energy in my breath and released a gigantic roar, which destroyed everything in its path as it hurtled towards him. He tried to dodge, but was quickly swept away by the force of the attack, sent flying through the air.

As I heard footsteps behind me, I quickly dodged to the side and saw an opening at my attacker's neck. Without wasting the opportunity, I bit down through my razor-sharp teeth, feeling the blood fill my mouth as I clamped down hard. I didn't stop until I heard a crack and blood exploded from the wound.

I let go and turned to see my sister glaring at me. I spit out the blood from my mouth 

 "You should have brought more, Rea. Too bad it's too late." I taunted with a smirk

I then sprinted towards her at a speed she wouldn't have time to react to, jumping into the air and surrounded by a large burst of energy. 

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I knew I couldn't underestimate her, so I had to end this with one attack.

She also responded with an attack of her own, a ball of energy forming at her mouth. The ball of energy seemed larger than before, indicating that she too was determined to end this fight once and for all.

However despite my anger, I still held a deep sadness within me. The order I knew and served was gone, and so was my sister, whom I cared deeply for and had supported through her lowest times. All gone because of that despicable bastard.

But now, as I glanced down at my sister, time seemed to slow down. She was nothing more than a bug that needed to be squashed. 

Our attacks met head-on, releasing a ground-shattering explosion that blew the leaves off the trees and sent rocks flying like papers.

Her attack was strong, but not powerful enough to stop mine.

I could see her widen her eyes in shock before I fell back down to the ground, the earth beneath me shattered upon impact. I heard her gasp as the dust settled, revealing a pool of deep purple blood that stained the ground. My sister lay motionless, her body contorted in an unnatural position.

I gazed down at the remains of my sister, feeling no remorse for my actions. She had made her choice and now she had to face the consequences of her actions.

As I turned and walked away from the battlefield, I heard someone land behind me with a thud. I spun around, surprised to see a familiar face.

"Brother," I snarled, my voice filled with anger

My brother, Rou, once a respected member of the order, stood before me with a sad expression on his face. His body was larger than mine and his fangs longer, a sign of his higher rank within the order. He stopped when he felt something sticking to his paw, looking down to see that it was our sister's blood. He then turned to look at me, his eyes filled with mixture of sadness, betrayal and anger

"So you made your choice, Rye," he said, his voice low 

"It was the only choice I had and first of all, she tried to kill me" I replied, my voice cold and hard. "and you turned against the order, and it is in chaos because of it."

He fell silent for a moment, seeming to contemplate his next words.

"I didn't betray the order, Rye," he said, his voice calm and measured. "I merely wanted to change it. To make it better for all of us."

"Change it? THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL CHANGE?!" I shouted, anger dripping from my voice. "It's because of you that this mess happened! And now, because of your call for change, the order has been turned upside down and fallen into chaos!"

He fell silent again, gazing at me with a mixture of sadness and betrayal

"I guess I can't change your mind, Rye," he said, moving closer to me as a bright purple light enveloped his body. "I didn't want to fight you, but now I guess I have no choice."


I narrowed my eyes and took a fighting stance as we both circled each other, ready for battle.

I knew that I was at a disadvantage, the previous fight had drained me significantly, both physically and mentally. But surrender was not an option. I could see it in his eyes. If I surrendered, he would not hesitate to kill me.

My only choice was to fight.

He dashed at me, and before I knew it, he was behind me. He was fast, but so was I. I dodged just in time as his attack left the ground shattered.

"You won't win this, Rye," he said, shaking his head "You never will."

And with that, he dashed at me again. This time, I wasn't fast enough. He appeared in front of me before I could react, he swiped my face with his claws. I felt the burning pain of the claw tearing through my skin. But he didn't stop there, he swiped again and again, each attack landing with devastating force.

 This was truly a one-sided battle as I couldn't counter his moves. 

He then reappeared in front of me and let out a roar similar to mine but stronger, blasting me straight into the ground. 

I was lying on the ground, my body battered and bruised. I tried to get up, but was stopped as I felt a paw against my stomach. I turned to see my brother staring down at me.

"Goodbye, little brother,"

Those were the last words I heard before darkness swept over me. I wondered if this was the end. Is this what death feels like? It was peaceful, but also terrifying as you would not knowing what would come next

Then without warning, I felt something pulling me. It was a strange sensation, like I was being sucked into a vortex. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness. I couldn't hear or feel anything.

Am I dead?

Suddenly, I heard a voice.

"Whoa, is that a puppy?"

Another voice replied, "I don't think so. It looks too wild to be a puppy."

I realized that I could hear and feel again. I opened my eyes and saw what seemed to be some kind of creature in front. It had gray and white hair on the top mixed together, and black eyes that seemed to gaze at me.

I realized that i was being held as he spoke at me, smiling 

"Hey there, I'm Nex. Nice to meet you,"

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