A Journey Across The Stars

Chapter 7: Chapter 6 – Unexpected

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I looked at the adorable puppy before me, its black eyes staring at me with a curious intensity that felt like it was looking deep into my soul. However, It was hard not to be charmed by its fluffy black fur, tiny paws, wagging tail, and pink nose.


"Aww, it's so cute," said Spencer, standing beside me.


I couldn't help but agree with him. 


"Can we adopt him?" Spencer asked excitedly.


I shook my head. "I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe it has a mom and she would probably track us down trying to find this puppy."


Spencer's face fell, a look of realization crossing over it. "You're right. I didn't think of that."


I gently placed the puppy back on the ground, but instead of running away, it stayed there looking at me.


"Uhm, shoo shoo," I tried to shoo it away, but it didn't work. The puppy kept staring at me with its intense gaze.


"Maybe it's asking you to be its owner?" 


I turned to him,

"Unless I have a deathwish, No"


Then I noticed a strange burn mark on the nearby fallen log. I reached out and touched it, feeling a speck of black dust on my hand.


Thunderstrike? I looked back at the puppy, which was still staring at me. Its constant gaze was starting to feel a bit unsettling.


I picked up the sword that had fallen nearby and wiped the water off of it. 


"So cool, is that your sword?" Spencer asked, watching me with an awestruck look on his face.


"For training, yes" I replied, testing the weight of the sword in my hand. 


I walked over to one of the trees, where I had spent many hours practicing my sword techniques with my dad. The tree was covered in deep gashes and marks from our training sessions.


I raised my sword and took a deep breath before bringing it down with a satisfying thunk against the rough bark. I repeated the motion again and again, each slash becoming a little more precise and controlled than the last.


"Wow," Spencer watched me in amazement as he sat on top of a log. The puppy, however, was still staring at me intently.


After a few minutes of supposed training, I was panting and exhausted. I lowered my sword and leaned against the tree, my arms trembling with fatigue. The markings on the tree seemed to have multiplied, which was a good sign of progress on my part.


I let out a satisfied smile. 


"That was great, Nex!" 


"Thanks," I replied, still trying to catch my breath.


Now that I thought about it, when did I start feeling comfortable with Spencer hanging out with me? I had only met him today. Did that mean he was my friend?


As I was lost in thought, I felt something run into me. I looked down to see the puppy creature nipping at my hand.


"Ouch!" I yelled out in pain as the puppy's teeth sunk into my skin.


"Nex, are you okay?!" Spencer rushed over to me, a worried look on his face.


I looked down at my hand, which was dripping with blood and had a bite mark on it.


"Where did the puppy go?" I asked, looking around for the creature and noticing that it disappeared


Spencer tilted his head and looked at where the puppy had been standing earlier. 


"I… don't know. He was here a second ago," he said, looking just as puzzled as I was.


"Weird," I said, shaking my head.


Spencer helped me to my feet.  "We should get you to the medical center," 


I nodded, I don't know but I feel a little bit daze, Was it the bite mark?


Then I could hear something growling in the distance as we prepared to leave. My eyes widened in fear as I realized what was happening.


 "Spencer put me down and get my sword," I ordered.


"Huh?" Spencer looked confused.


"Just do it!" I insisted.


Spencer rushed to grab my sword and bring it to me. As soon as I had a hold of it, something pounced on us from the bushes. I pushed Spencer away and he let out a yelp as he fell to the ground.


I used my wooden sword to block the creature's bite, but its teeth still managed to snap off a piece of the sword. Its red eyes glared at me, and I realized with a sinking feeling that it was a wolf.


The pressure on my sword was immense, and I knew I couldn't hold it much longer. I had to find a way to push the wolf back. I glanced at Spencer, who was looking at me with a mixture of horror and fear.

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"Spencer, go run and call somebody for help!"


"What about you?!" 


"Just leave me, I can handle this," I insisted, trying to sound braver than I felt.




"Spencer, just go! Or we'll both die here!" I shouted, hoping to snap him out of his trance.


My words seemed to work, as Spencer scrambled to his feet and ran through the forest, 


Good thing the wolf's attention was still on me


 I struggled to keep a hold of my wooden sword, but the wolf above me snapped its jaws down on it, its saliva dripping onto my face. I gritted my teeth, trying to push the beast off, feeling the sharp points of its teeth digging into the wood and splinters flying into my face as I fought to keep hold. I could hear the wolf snarling and panting, and could feel its hot breath on my skin.


Is this the end?....No, I will not let my life be in vain. Determination filled my eyes as I pushed and pushed, feeling my body getting warmer each second.


"AHH!" I finally managed to push the wolf away, and it took a step back in surprise. A little creature like me had managed to push away a mighty creature like him?


I stood up, then I noticed something. My body seemed to be surrounded by a purple aura. What's this? Is this what they called mana? I could feel my body getting stronger, to the point that I could crush a rock with my bare hands.


I looked at the wolf as it looked back at me, narrowing its eyes as it began to circle around me. With deep breaths, There is no time to think about this.  I calmed down and pulled any thoughts on my head except one thing which is how to survive here. I lowered my sword, and seconds later, the wolf pounced at me. I lowered my body to dodge, then readjusted my stance. As the wolf landed on the ground, I made my move.


I dashed at it, my sword fixed at my side, and managed to slash it toward the wolf's head. It was a wooden sword, so it didn't do much damage to the wolf. I attempted to do that again, but the wolf managed to catch my sword mid-strike. I curled up a fist on my other hand and punched it toward the wolf's side. I could feel the vibrations of the punch spread across the wolf. It let go of my sword, and I took a step back to readjust my body. Once again, I dashed for the wolf, striking it on the head again and again until it began to feel dizzy. I didn't waste the opportunity to strike it again and again, my slashes seeming to quicken and grow stronger with each strike.


The wolf finally bled from its head, growling at me. I stood in front of it, my eyes boring into it.


Kill it!


I suddenly heard a voice like it was commanding me. I didn't know where it came from, but I knew one thing.....It was right. This wouldn't end until one of us was dead.


I could feel the aura, or mana within me, growing stronger to the point that the sword I was holding began to glow. The wolf seems to intimated by the sudden pressure as if he saw something horrifying but it shooks its head and lets out a loud roar as it pounced at me


I did the same.




I halted and so did the wolf, both of us standing opposite to where we originally stood, facing the other way. I lowered my sword, which was now filled with blood, and the wolf behind me dropped to the ground, dead.


I stared at the forest in front of me, then heard a voice calling out.




Is that mom? My head began to feel dizzy to the point where I felt my consciousness slipping. I looked at my stomach to see that I was wounded, blood gushing from the wound.


"Oh, so that was it," I mumbled before falling to the ground, darkness sweeping over me.






(Lea Dalion{Mother of Nex}) POV


As I walked through the aisle of the library, rearranging books with a smile on my face. It may not have been as thrilling as my former career as an adventurer, but it brought me a sense of calm and purpose. Plus, it was during my days as an adventurer that I met my husband Cael, and we were blessed with our beautiful son Nex a few years later.


But as I sorted out the books in their proper order, I was suddenly interrupted by a shout. I turned to see my friend Rose running towards me, her face filled with panic.


"Mrs. Lea! It's Nex! He's injured!"


I dropped the book in my hand in shock. "What happened?" I asked, my heart racing with worry.


"I don't know," Rose replied, her voice shaking. "I just received a message from the medical office saying that Nex had been hurt.


Without another word, I followed Rose out of the library


We arrived shortly after and I saw my son lying on the bed, his body covered in bandages. The doctor was using some kind of spell to stabilize him.


"Doctor, is he okay?" I asked, my voice shaking 


The doctor turned to me, a grave expression on his face. "He is stabilized now, but the wound he suffered is by no means light. He was attacked by a wolf"


I gasped in shock. "A wolf? But I thought they had been eradicated from this town years ago."


The doctor shook his head. "I don't have any more information about what really happened, but that kid behind you might."


I turned to see a boy standing behind me, looking sheepish. "H-hello ma'am, I'm Spencer."

Hello everyone, I have decided to rewrite the prologue and chapters 1 through 3, and possibly chapter 4 as well. I want to write more about Mc's childhood through the years. I am also changing the mc age in these chapters. He is now 7 years old, not 5. Chapters 7 - 10 have already been drafted and are ready for editing.

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