A Journey Across The Stars

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 – A weird encounter

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A few hours before the end of chapter 4 

(Nex Dalion)POV

I rustled in my bed as sunlight streamed through the windows. I let out a yawn as I got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up and get dressed for the day. It had been a month since my training with my dad began and, while I had been doing well, I still had much to learn.


As I walked down the stairs, I heard some kids shouting and running outside. I shook my head and went to the kitchen for breakfast. My mom was washing dishes at the sink and I saw that it was 8:15 on the wall clock. I must have slept in a bit later than usual.


"Good morning, Mom," I greeted her as she turned around to face me, a warm smile spreading across her face.


"Good morning, sweetie. There's breakfast on the table," she replied, gesturing towards the table


"Did you and Dad already eat?" I asked, noticing that he wasn't there.


"Yes, he left for work a while ago," she answered 


"So we won't get any training today?" I asked, trying to hide my disappointment. 


"Didn't he tell you?" she asked, a concerned look on her face.


I shook my head 


"Well, he told me earlier that he's going to halt the training until next week," she said, trying to reassure me.


I was surprised by this news, but I didn't let it show. My mother headed towards the closet in the living room and took out her robes, signaling that she was also preparing to go to work.


"You're going to work, Mom?" I asked, trying to hide my surprise.


 She nodded. "Just make sure to lock the doors when I head out."


"Uhm, Mom, I was actually thinking of going out as well," I said, trying to sound casual.


My mom raised an eyebrow at me. "Really? Haven't you explored the entire town by now?"


Instead of answering, I put on my best puppy-dog eyes and begged as adorably as I could.


 "Mom, please?"


It was embarrassing, but I was still in a child's body, so it didn't seem as childish as it could have been.


My mom hesitated for a moment but eventually relented with a sigh. 


"Fine, but wear this," she said, attaching a bracelet to my wrist.


"What's this?" I asked, examining the sleek, futuristic-looking device.


"It's a tracker, just in case something happens to you," she explained, a worried look on her face.


I touched the bracelet, feeling how smooth and cool it was. It was actually quite cool, and I couldn't help but be excited by the prospect of wearing such advanced technology.


"Wash up the dishes first before we head out," my mom instructed as she headed upstairs, probably to take a shower.


I did as I was told. After I finished the dishes, we set out together, with my mom walking me toward the library.


We arrived at the library, and my mom told me not to wander too far, as it was dangerous. I nodded obediently, and she planted a kiss on my forehead, wishing me a safe day.


I watched as she entered the library, then made my way toward the streets, ready to spend the day exploring the town.



I was leisurely strolling through the town, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling street vendors and the chatter of the passing crowds.


But as I stood there, I realized that I was actually feeling a little bored. I looked up at the sky and noticed that it was beginning to cloud over.


Sighing, I realized it was probably time to head home. Just as I was turning to leave, I felt a sudden, sharp pain on the back of my head. I yelped in surprise and pain, turning around to see a blond-haired boy standing behind me, grinning as he held another rock in his hand.


"What are you doing?!" I shouted, rubbing the back of my head in pain.


"Throwing a rock?" The boy replied nonchalantly as if it was the most normal thing in the world.


"And why did you do that?!" I demanded, still in shock and disbelief at the boy's actions.


The boy just shrugged and tossed the rock aside. "I was bored. By the way, my name is Spencer. Want to be friends?!" He exclaimed with a wide grin on his face


I stared at him in silence, trying to process what had just happened. He throws a rock in my head and then asks me to be friends with him. Wtf


I examined the boy, noticing that his blond hair was longer than mine and that he had a somewhat delicate and feminine appearance. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about him.


"Uh, are you ok?" 


Even his voice sounded feminine,


He tried to approach me but I backed away, not wanting to get any closer to him.


He gazed at me, a smile forming on his lips. "Heh"


Suddenly, he lunged at me. I dodged and he fell to the ground.


"What was that for?!" I shouted my anger and frustration building.


He stood up, dirt covering his face. "Well, I want to catch you, of course."


"What for?" I asked, confused 


"It's a game, silly."


Ok, that's it, I had enough. Without a second thought, I turned and ran away, glancing behind me to see the boy chasing after me.


"Stop chasing me!" I shouted.


"Nope, if I do then I'll lose." He called back, a determined look on his face.


What is that determined face for?!


"This is not a ga-" I didn't finish my sentence as I tripped and fell to the ground.


I was about to get up when I was tackled down again, feeling a body pressed on my back.


"Ack!" It hurts


I turned to see the boy smiling triumphantly at me. 


"I caught you!" 

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My frustration was visible on my face, but the boy didn't seem to mind. 


"Can you get off me?" I asked through gritted teeth.


He did just that and even offered me a hand to help me up. "Here, let me help you."


Although I had a bad impression of this boy, I couldn't deny that I needed a helping hand. I accepted his hand and stood up, still feeling uneasy around him. I looked at him, trying to remember his name. France? Rance? Oh right, Spencer.


"So, Spencer, right?" 


"Yep." He replied cheerfully.


"Well, thank you, and goodbye I said, trying to walk past him, but he held on to my hand.


"Hey, wait." 




"I don't know your name yet." He said, still holding onto my hand.


I stared at his azure eyes, trying to decide what to do. On the one hand, I was still angry and wary of this boy who had hit me with a rock and chased me for a minute. On the other hand, he had helped me up and seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me.


I sighed, feeling a mix of emotions


. "My name is Nex, Nex Dalion." I said, trying to be civil despite my reservations.


The boy, Spencer, grinned. "Nice to meet you, Nex. Can we be friends now?"


"..." What am I going to do




It felt like an eternity passed as we sat down at a nearby cafe, the rain pouring and thunder crashing outside as I watched the blonde-haired boy across from me eat his ice cream.


I sighed, wondering what I had done to deserve this. Being hit with a rock, chased by a strange boy, and now being stuck with him in a cafe as the rain pounded against the windows. I could feel a single tear drop from my eye as I tried to make sense of the chaotic events of the morning.


"Here, have some." The boy, Spencer, said as he pushed a bowl of half-eaten ice cream toward me.


"No, you finish it." I pushed the bowl away, But he pushed it back toward me insistently.






We stared at each other for a moment, me not wanting to give in and him determined to share his ice cream.


"Fine." I relented, picking up the spoon and scooping a mouthful of ice cream.


To my surprise, it was actually quite good. I couldn't help but smile as I continued to eat.


But then I noticed something strange ....Spencer was blushing?


"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to understand his sudden change in behavior.


"W-Well, that's my sp-spoon." He stammered as he pointed at the spoon in my hand.




"My bad." I put down the spoon


"N-no, it's ok" 


 I went to the counter to ask for another spoon. As I sat back down to finish my ice cream, I couldn't help but notice the persistent blush on Spencer's cheeks. I narrowed my eyes at him but said nothing.


Once I had finished the bowl of ice cream, I realized that the rain had stopped outside. I stood up, ready to go home.


"Hey, where are you going?" Spencer asked, standing up as well.


"Uh, going home?" I replied, not wanting to spend any more time with this strange boy.


"Already? It's only 10:17 am." Spencer pointed out.


I was surprised to see that he was right, I had thought it was much later in the day.


"Well, I'm going somewhere’ I said, trying to be evasive as I started to walk towards the door.


Spencer followed me out, still curious. "Where?"


"Somewhere," I replied, trying to shake him off.


"But where?" He persisted.


I sighed, feeling annoyed with his constant questioning.


 "The forest." I said, hoping that would be the end of it.


To my surprise, Spencer's eyes lit up with excitement.


 "What are you going to do there?" He asked, practically bouncing on his toes with enthusiasm.


"Train." I said, picking up my pace in an attempt to outwalk him. But he kept pace with me easily.


"Train? That sounds exciting!" He exclaimed.


I shrugged, not wanting to get into it with him. We walked all the way to the part of the forest where my dad and I usually trained, but as we approached I noticed something off. There was a strange, puppy-like creature lying on a log, but it looked more wild than domestic.


"Whoa, is that a puppy?" Spencer asked, approaching the creature with wonder.


"I don't think so. It looks too wild to be a puppy." I replied


As we got closer, I noticed that the creature had a scraped leg and looked injured. Poor thing. I reached out and gently picked it up, noticing that it opened its eyes at the same time. It had black eyes similar to mine.


I decided to greet it. 


"Hey there, I'm Nex. Nice to meet you." 





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