A Way to Return Home

Chapter 10: Chapter 9 – Official Contact

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Ilos: Los Magian Territory: 7 Miles From Los Magian Capital

The Apache descended and hovered right above Emilia's position. Its mounted 30mm M230 Chain Gun burst to life and started shooting at the Undead Spell Casters. Firing at 300 rounds per minute the Helicopter easily tore through the enemy. The pilot can also kill the Undead Knights but decided not to because he might risk hitting the living.

"Wave Off Viper 1-2, The SFs will handle the rest," Maxwell said 

"Copy that Big Daddy, Waving Off" the pilot replied

The Apache then flew to the right and replacing it was a Blackhawk. In it, Anderson and his team threw a rope attached to the helicopter. Emilia was on the ground the shockwave from the sudden explosion of the giants threw all of them on the hard soil. She was looking at the metal beast aiding them in battle obliterating any Undead it saw. 

To her curiosity, another metal beast came along. This time it was a bit chubbier than the other. At first, it did nothing which confuses Emilia, and to her surprise, the metal beast's side suddenly open. Its side slid open showing people inside the beast. She watches as 2 ropes were thrown down and from them rappeled 12 men.

"Who are they?" Eliza asked

Emilia didn't answer her question. She was too busy thinking about the same question and finding any sort of answer. The men's attire and weapons don't match any standing army, adventurers, and mercenaries, she knew or for as long as she remembered.  

Suddenly a loud shriek was heard and it caught Emilia's attention. An undead knight was the one that gave a loud scream. It was clear that one was the leader of the Undead Attackers because it was the largest one of the group.

"Drop your weapon," one of the men said pointing his weapon at the enemy while the other men spread out pointing their own weapons at the other Undead.

"I said f*cking drop it" he repeated

The Undead knight didn't respond but charged at the man. Emilia knew the man would lose against the Undead knight. She fought many of those and prove it difficult to kill one. Heck, she even remembered that one time she exhausted almost all of her mana to kill one. All the man can do now is dodge its attack until one of her knights deal with it.




3 loud bangs emanated from the man's weapon, scaring everybody present except for his comrades. She looked at the charging Undead Knight now lying on the ground not moving. The Undead looked at each other not knowing what to do for their leader is now gone.

"Waste the F*ckers," the men said

A harmony of loud bangs soon rang out. Each shot killed 1 Undead Knight and from a valiant battle, it just turned into a one-sided massacre. The Undead didn't even stand a chance, with no ranged units the Undead couldn't close the distance against the men. Now with the battle ending, she asked the same question 'Who are they?'.

2 more of the bigger metal beast came and instead of throwing down a rope it then landed. Just like before the side opened and exited more same-looking men with only little differences. Only 5 were sticking out among the group. 1 of them was a well-dressed man and he looked like the leader. His attire screams that he is a high-ranking person or maybe a nobility. Emilia now standing up huddled with her friends.

"Who are they?" Macador asked, gripping his Long sword.

"I don't know," Ronnie answered

They saw 4 women dressed the same as the men but aren't armed with weapons. As soon as the 4 women reached near them, they suddenly knelt before them.

"Your Majisties" Sisilica said.

Maxwell heard this and was surprised not expecting that they would encounter a royal this early on.

"Who are you?" Annie asked Sisilica after seeing she was also a Feline beastman.

"I apologize I didn't introduce immediately," Sisilica said

"Us 4 are a part of a team that was sent to investigate the strange phenomenon near the borders of the U.B.K" Sisilica explained while pointing at Mathilda, Delia, and Cecil.

"You are? Then what happened to the rest of you?" asked Emilia

"Well, we were ambushed by bandits. We are able to kill a ton of them but even so, we were still outnumbered. They only spared us because they planned to rape us along with some women from nearby towns that the bandits raided." Sisilica explained

"The bandits then took us to their outpost and started enjoying themselves. Thankfully these men came from the darkness and saved all of us. I expected that they would rape us but to my surprise, they treated us well" Sisilica continued

"Also, these men are the same people that caused the bizarre occurrences at the border of the U.B.K, they're the ones that killed a number of high-ranking monsters and bandits, they also have a base located at the Guan-Tuan Plateau" Sisilica finally said

The group looked at the men with shocked faces. They don't know what to think of them and left them with many more questions. 

Summoning his courage Maxwell walked towards Sisilica and the royals. Beside him was Lanrey and the other is Anderson.

"Good Afternoon Your Highnesses" Maxwell anxiously said.

On Earth, he didn't have any problems talking to any presidents or country officials. But now his life and his men's life depends on this encounter which put pressure on him. They know little of this world and even though they have superior weaponry they can not underestimate them. A sword and a bow are still weapons and magic is a new frontier for them.

"I'm Brigadier General Maxwell and I lead these men," he said

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Macador observed him from head to toe before talking. He noted that there are scars on his face and hands and assumed he was a veteran of wars. 

"Who are you, people?" Emilia asked. 

She already heard the answer from Sisilica but she wants to hear their side as well.

"Well all of us here are soldiers with the majority of us coming from the United States of America" he explained

"Sorry I don't believe of hearing this country. Are you perhaps a newly formed kingdom? " Laluna asked

"Our kingdom is the oldest and I haven't heard or read any records of a kingdom called America" Laluna continued

"Ohh, Of course, you wouldn't know about us because we are simply not from this world" Maxwell  answered her question truthfully

This revelation shocked them and immediately didn't believe the man. Macador taught that they were ridiculing them so he drew his sword followed by his knights.

"Are you taking us for fools?!" Macador shouted angrily while pointing his sword at Maxwell

As a response to the hostile act Lanrey, Anderson, and the other soldiers pointed their guns at anyone who showed hostile intentions. The 2 Apache Attack Helicopters soon joined in after seeing the commotion.  Both sides had their weapons drawn, the air was tense, so tense it could be compared to a thick fog rolling over the people below. While everybody was standing off Emilia and Maxwell were the only ones who didn't take their weapons. Both taught ways of easing tensions and luckily something happened. 

That something was Maxwell's radio or more specifically the radio suddenly came to life. 

"This is Viper 1-1 to Big Daddy, Multiple Radar Contacts approximately 50 or 60 of them. They're moving around 20km per hour ETA 20 minutes" the radio crackled

Emilia's group was fascinated by this small box talking. It amazes them so much that past tension finally disappeared. Meanwhile, Sisilica and the other 3 knights have now adapted to this but still amazes them. 

"They must be gargoyles," Mathilda said 

"Are they dangerous?" Lanrey asked

"If alone the gargoyles only hunt kids but in a pack, they can be very dangerous, their main way of attacking is the use of talons" Mathilda explained     

After hearing this Maxwell reached for his radio.

"Viper 1-1, Radar Contacts must be gargoyles. Move in to intercept but keep a distance" Maxwell ordered

"Copy that, Big Daddy, but there are too many some might slip through" the pilot warned

"Understood" Maxwell reassured them

After talking to the pilots, Maxwell turned his gaze to Macador. The 2 Apaches then left about to face an unexpected visitor. 

"Listen I know you don't or rather won't believe us but right now our Attack Helicopters are about to face 60 gargoyles. They can't take them all on and some might be on our way. Let's finish our talk later, M'kay" Maxwell said trying to further diffuse the tensions.

Luckily Macador agrees and sheeted his sword. 

"How about the injured? We can't just leave them" Annie said concerningly

"We'll board them in the Blackhawks" Anderson recommended

"I agree," Lanrey said

Both men then looked at Maxwell if he also agrees.  Maxwell looked at the injured, mentally calculating if all of them would fit in the three Blackhawks.

"Okay we'll board them in," Maxwell said

Without a taught they started putting the injured in the helicopters. They loaded in the injured until all 3 Blackhawks were full but to add at least 2 SFs rode with them. Meanwhile, the other SFs rode on horses that were previously ridden by either killed or wounded knights.

"This is Viper 1-1, there are more than 60 of them, B*tches was waiting for us under the trees." Maxwell's radio crackled

"Multiple Contacts, South West" an Australian SF soldier screamed.

"You know the drill, Light Em' Up" Lanrey responded

The SFs point their guns at the ugly creatures and then let out a hail of lead.  Many gargoyles dropped dead while the others desperately tried to get close.  Archers and mages then aided the SFs as soon as the gargoyles were in their range. 

"We need to get out of here," Anderson said to Maxwell while reloading.

Maxwell nodded and gave the Blackhawk's Pilot a signal to take off. The fans spin slowly for a couple of seconds before spinning faster. Eliza noted that it was so fast that its motions started to blur.  Later the Blackhawks are now in the sky and its Doorgunners provided support with their mounted machinegun. Soon Maxwell's group and Macador's group left the forest for the Los Magian capital, Ennervae.

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