A Way to Return Home

Chapter 11: Chapter 10 – Ennervae

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Ilos: Ennervae: Ennervae Northern Wall

Lucien was a Human High Knight of the Los Magian. Since Los Magian was special for being the center of magic he was also a capable mage which helped him earn his rank. Many of his men under him looked upon him with inspiration.

He was at his quarters at the wall doing some paperwork. Being tasked with protecting the city by defending the walls was tiring but it was the most honorable task given to a knight. 

"Good Afternoon, Sir Lucien" an elven woman greeted him in his quarters.

"Good Afternoon" he replied

"Sir, I bring a message from the spouse of the Archmage. She inquires if her daughter and the other royals have arrived" she asked

"No not yet, but I will send a messenger if they have arrived" Lucien answered

"I see, thank you for your time," the elf said then departed

After the interaction, he continued his work. It took him around 43 minutes to finish it. He rested his head on the table to rest for a bit. Almost dozing off he heard a commotion just outside his room. A bit annoyed he stood and went outside.

"What's going on?" he asked the confused men

"Sir look over there," a guard said panicly pointing over the distance

There were 3 large metal beasts flying in their direction. Borrowing a guard monoscope he check if he could identify the creature. To his dismay, he doesn't know so immediately prepares a force to fight it in case it was aggressive. Busy organizing his troops, an elf guard came to him.

"Sir, Mistress Eliza, and the other royals are almost near... But they are directly under the metal beast" the elf said

Confused he ordered his second command to continue organizing his force. He once again stood on the walls and used the monoscope to confirm the elf's statement.

"Prepare to open the gate for the mistress" Lucien shouted

With an audible creak, the guards open the gate. Eliza and the other royals entered the city followed by their security detail and Maxwell with his SFs. The Blackhawks then hovered right in front of the wall. The wall guards were scarred at the flying beasts so they readied their bows.

"Mistress, I'm glad you arrive but who are they?" Lucien asked pertaining to Maxwell's group

"They saved us from an Undead ambush," Eliza said

"Undead? How could they be here at Los Magian territory?" Lucien said
"I don't know Sir Lucien but send a messenger and request for healers, send them to the Plaza," Eliza said

"For whom, Mistress" Lucien asked looking for the injured people

"The injured are aboard those metal beasts and they need medical help immediately," Eliza said with urgency

"Understood, Mistress" Lucien replied

After the arrangement, Eliza and the other royals rode towards the Ennervae Plaza.  Maxwell and his men followed them and so does the Blackhawks. While on their way Maxwell noticed the civilians were looking at them with curiosity, especially at the Blackhawks.

The sound of the Blackhawks spurred the curiosity of the residents below. People were looking out windows or exiting the buildings they were in just to satisfy their curiosity. Eliza entered the plaza first followed by the others.  She ordered her knights to clear the plaza to allow the Blackhawks to land.

Minutes later the Blackhawks landed on the plaza safely. The injured who were inside were removed and laid to rest on the plaza street. The SFs gave the ones in critical condition first aid. Concerned civilians looked and decided to help. Offering assistance, food, and medical supplies to the wounded soldiers. A while later mages whose specialty in healing came with more soldiers.

While this was going on Maxwell ordered the 2 Apaches to relocate to the wall. The two attack helicopters were still fighting the gargoyles. Well more like distracting the majority of them. They barely fired their armaments since they could just outfly them. Their air-to-air missile was limited and their unguided rockets would be useless against the agile and maneuverable gargoyles. 

Ilos: Ennervae: Grand Halls

Currently, kings from different kingdoms come around and gathered at Los Magian. Archmage Machi Magos II, the king of the Los Magian has called for a La Latoma. Leaders of the different kingdoms have gathered around regardless of their status between each other.

One of the kings is King Harold Windrunner, the King of Eswart of the High Elves, who is sitting in an elegant chair provided by the staff.

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"Harold, my old friend, Why the long face?" the Archmage asked the Elven king

"Ohh, Machi, it's nothing I'm just worried for my daughter's safety" Harold admitted

Suddenly someone patted the Elven king's back which startles him a bit. It was King Arthur Hopesworth, the king of Lunen of the North.

"Do not worry about it Harold, my son vowed to protect the group. He is the strongest knight and an upcoming Paladin in my kingdom" King Arthur said proudly

"Well I guess so," the king said finally reassured

"By the way Machi, Why did you call for a La Latoma," King Arthur asked

"I did call for a La Latoma but one of my trusted Dukes requested it, he did give me a few details but an emergency came up and I had to leave" Machi explained

Harold was also about to ask another question to Machi when the large door of Grand Hall flew open. A knight run in and knelt in front of the King, Archmage Machi

"Archmage Machi, there is 3 flying metal beast that has landed on the plaza," the knight said

"What? Where is the Wyvern Corps, How about the civilians are they safe?" the Archmage asked

"The civilians are safe but it seems the metal beast is with Mistress Eliza, and they are treating injured knights. Reports say Mistress Eliza's group was ambushed by the Undead and the metal beast aided them." the knight said

The Archmage looked on with confusion.

"Prepare my horse I'll go and check," Machi said

"We'll join too," King Arthur said


Ilos: Ennervare: Ennervae Market

A hooded ghoul is walking carefully among the crowds. Turning around corners and making sure nothing is following him if there were unseen pursuers. After taking a moment he reached a place where few people dwell. It was quiet and no people can be seen in the contrast to the noisy and packed market. 

Entering a decrepit building he proceeds upstairs and proceeds to the furthest room. The ghoul entered and in the chamber and there were 3 people. Two were standing while one was sitting in a chair with papers in his hands.

"My Lord," the ghoul said with a raspy voice

"...., Speak," the man said with an unyielding authority

"My lord, the ambush has failed. Unknown men aided the Royals in their escape. Flying metal beasts were also present and reports coming from necromancers of saying destructive magic was observed but no mana can be detected" the ghoul explain

Silence dominates the room as the man takes in the information. The ghoul was nervous, unsettled by the aura emanating from the man

"I see. It is indeed unfortunate but it is merely a small hurdle for our plans. The fall of Ennervae is drawing near. The plans of our Dark Lord will be accomplished," the man said 

"How about these strange men, How did they defeat the ambush force? What do they look like?" the man asked the ghoul

"Sadly there were no survivors so I do not know how did they defeat them. But I did see them at the Plaza. They wear strange clothing and they are armed with black metallic sticks." the ghoul answered

"I see, they won't be a problem, they will be all dead anyways. Now then go, tell the troops to prepare. In 2 days' time, I will make sure Ennervae falls and the legions of the Undead and Demons will once again walk in this world," the man said ecstatically and ended it with a cackle

"Yes my Lord, I shall inform them at once," the ghoul said before leaving

"All right, You two, I've given you your instructions. Accomplish them and do not disappoint me" the man said

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