A Way to Return Home

Chapter 12: Chapter 11

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Ilos: Ennervae: Grand Halls

It was a very hectic week for Sisilica. First, she was captured and almost raped by a bandit. Second, she was saved by humans from another world. Now she is being interrogated in the Grand Halls of Ennervae. She wonders to herself how all of this happened. 

Of course, she is nervous beyond a doubt. She was in front of three kings, three men that hold great power and authority, three men that have marked their names into history. Luckily there are only the three kings were present and the other 18 haven't arrived yet.

"Sisilica Teal isn't it?" The Archmage asked 

Just hearing her name spoken by the Archmage gave her goosebumps. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest and her body stiffening with fear. For her, it felt like time has slowed down.

"Y--YES!" she stumbled on her words.

"Do not be afraid, Dear. We're just gonna ask you some questions" King Arthur said trying to make her feel at ease

She just nodded trying so hard to suppress her fear. 

"Now then, you were part of a joint operation where 12 of you were sent and only 4 returned. What happened to the others?" the Archmage asked

"They are dead, Sir, we were ambushed by bandits. The other 3 and I were only spared because they plan to rape us" she explained forced to remember the traumatic experience

"I'm sorry for the loss, but how did you escape?" This time asked by King Harold

"The Americans, as they call themselves, saved us. To be honest, I thought they would also mistreat us but they treated us well. They then brought us to their base at Guan-Tuan Plateau via Helicopters" Sisilica said

Archmage Machi squints his eyes and tilts his head then asked "What are Helicopters and who are these 'Americans'" 

"The 'Americans' the same people who came riding those flying metal beast or the Helicopters as they say it, "Sisilica said

"Okay then, Prince Macador said that the 'Americans' claimed that they were from another world," King Arthur asked

"Yes, Your Highness, I saw the insides and outsides of their fort. I bear witness to their infrastructure, technology, culture, a little of their history, and especially... their weapons of war" Sisilica said with a bit of dread in her voice.

"All of those, mentioned are far advanced from the ones we have, and to make it more surprising they claim that back in their world magic doesn't exist" Sisilica explained

"PREPOSTEROUS!!!" the Archmage yelled

Everybody present except for the 2 kings suddenly cowered in fear after hearing the Archmage scream. The Archmage barely gets angry but when he does he never shouts.

"I apologize for the sudden outburst, but it is very hard to believe. Almost everything we have and use has some trace of magic. So you're telling me that they don't have magic?" The Archmage asked

"Yes, when we were at their fort we noticed there was no magic or mana found among them. Yet they can make fearsome weapons and grand infrastructure. In fact, magic is the only thing we have over them" Sisilica said

The three huddled together and can be seen discussing. Sisilica can feel sweat pour down her face. Her body was restless and she felt the air gets heavier as the time passes. She looked darted her eyes looking around the room without moving her head. 

 All she wanted to do now was to end this and leave finally. The three men then once again faced her and the Archmage asked his final question.

"Can they be trusted?"

She answered with one simple word and she didn't hesitate to say it.


Ilos: Ennervae: Plaza

Maxwell took a sip of hot water through his canister. He was sitting on the side of a Blackhawk and beside him was Anderson standing, talking to Roger. The 3 Blackhawks still rest at the plaza and the newly arrived Apache escorts are parked perpendicularly against the Blackhawks. Snow lightly poured down from the heavens showering the contrasting Black Helicopters 

They were sticking out like a sore thumb and the Los Magian citizen observed them at a distance and so does the SFs. Maxwell observed an assortment of different races, he saw elves, beastmen, dwarves, humans, orcs, and other species he is not familiar with. Meanwhile, a battalion of Los Magian soldiers was stationed around them to keep an eye on them.

Maxwell was a little familiar with fantasy creatures because when he was a teenager his beloved younger sister would always watch Disney and other childish shows. Heck he would often fight over the TV with her sister. Although her sister is now old she would still watch and read fantasy-related media.

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"Lily will be thrilled to be here" Maxwell muttered to himself 

Maxwell grabbed his phone, it became a habit of his to hold his phone after being transferred to this world. Hoping that he would somehow he would get a signal and call for help or his family. 

They were waiting for Eliza to return to the plaza before doing anything. She instructed them to wait for her and she would consult her father the Archmage of the Los Magian. Maxwell understands her actions because they were an uninvited guest and can be a security threat, especially since there will be a large gathering of leaders at Ennervae.

The snow kept pouring and Maxwell's group was left in the cold. All of the citizens seek shelter in their homes while the Los Magian soldiers went inside of any nearby stores to keep warm. It was freezing but the SFs didn't mind except for the Filipino SF because they are more used to hotter climates. They were still at the plaza when Eliza and Emilia with some knights accompanying them returned. She was surprised that none of them took shelter despite the downpour of snow.

"What are you doing? Why didn't you find a place to keep warm?" Eliza concerningly asked

"Well, you did say to stay here and don't go anywhere. Besides, we really don't mind" Anderson joked

"You say that but there are some of you who are literally shaking from the cold" Emilia said seriously while looking at the Filipino SFs

"Anyways my father agrees to your stay here in the meantime. Since it's already late, you may stay in one of the lodgings nearby. I'll order my men to accompany you. And tomorrow morning you will present yourselves in front of the kings of Ilos. Understood" Eliza said

"Yes Maam," Maxwell said

"I don't know why you call me Maam, but if you were to address a Royal, call them either your Majesty or your Highness. Am I Clear?" she continued

Maxwell just smiled and said "Yes, Your Majesty"

Ilos: Ennervae: Southern Wall

The sun has set and the 2 bright moons barely lit up the dark sky. It was peaceful and quiet at the Southern Gate of Ennervae apart from marching guards. 

There were 20 guards stationed at the Southern gate and another 30 were resting at a nearby barracks. In case of an emergency or an attack, these 50 guards are the first line of defense of Ennervae's South Quadrant. The wall where the guards were tasked to protect has stood for thousands of years and will stand for thousands more. Demons and other invading forces tried to take Ennervae in the past but thanks to the wall and its defenders the city stood still. Now for the first time in Ilos history, Ennervae has finally been infiltrated by undead forces.

"*SIGH* I want to go to sleep," a guard said rubbing his eyes

"Ohh Shut up, You agreed to a night shift remember? That's what you get for trying to impress Lady General Aqruila" another guard said

"You did force---" The guard suddenly stopped talking after seeing an edge of a sword bursting out of his torso. With what little strength the guard had, he tried fighting back but misses with every strike. Seconds later he stop exhausted and bleeding out. He saw his comrades on the floor dead while the guards below the wall were already being turned into ghouls by necromancers. The guard drops down dead after a lot of his blood left his body

With the guards gone the ghouls then hid the bodies or cannibalize them if the necromancers deemed the body was not fit for reanimation. Soon it was midnight and the South Gate was opened by the ghouls. The Ancient Wooden Gate, which is said to be reinforced with magic, creaked open. Outside waited for a Demon Lord with his legion of Demonic knights. These knights either succumbed to the unholy forces and received demonic powers which rivals the powers of a Paladin or a Holy Knight. The demon had a set of jet-black wings and two long red horns protruding out of his head. 

"Demon Lord Galeroth, We welcome you to Ennervae" a necromancer said

"I was expecting your master. Where is he?" the demon asked with a low and dark voice

"My master is currently in an important meeting but he will attend to you after it. He must keep his doings a secret for our plans to work" The necromancer explained

"My lord, we must hide you and your forces in one of my master's warehouses. The destruction of Ennervae will come but not today. Our preparations and forces are nearly complete" the necromancer continued.

Galeroth then caresses the scar on his chest. He remembers hundreds of years ago when he lay siege on this city. He remembers he led a force of thousands of Demons to destroy this city but the pesky archmage of that time along with a number of powerful Holy Knights defeated them and left Galeroth the scar on his chest. Due to his failure, his fellow demons looked down on and ridiculed him. No back in Ennervae, he plans to take his revenge, and wreak havoc upon its citizens. 

"Tell your master to hurry with his preparations. I can not wait to have my revenge" Galeroth said smiling





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