A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 19: 18 – A New Form (Smut)

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I skimmed through the options and finally landed on the Dark Summoner option having liked its power of summoning monsters even if only temporarily. “So is this how I will look if I choose this?” I asked the Dungeon Helper for clarification to which she did say it would. “I suppose I wouldn’t be opposed, alright. Then I choose this option to be my boss form.”

“Then it is decided.” The Dungeon Helper announced as the screen faded away before I felt a strange feeling roll over me. “I know you wished for these two to witness your ‘rebirth’, but for their sake and yours, I need to knock them out. I hope you can understand.” That was the only warning the voice gave before a sharp noise was heard before the two dropped to the floor.

“I assume you have a good reason for that?” I asked the Dungeon Helper as I attempted to hold back the change for now. I continued my questioning by asking, “Is it involved with what you said about Busta believing this will be my former form?” She didn’t respond, or rather she didn’t have the chance to, as I shouted in shock as the change continued. A ball of flesh began growing around my Dungeon Core forming in the shape of a yellowed-eyed female human infant.

My baby form continued to grow as I was softly placed on the castle floor. I aged into a toddler as my white hair began to grow and lengthened as I continued to shift into a childlike form. As my body began to enter what appeared to be puberty age as my breasts started growing. “This is certainly… Not how I was expecting this to go.” I commented noting the feminine voice that I was gaining.

My new form continued to grow into a teenaged shape as I grew even taller as looked even more like the woman shown in the option. The form then stopped seemingly growing as it looked like a naked version of the woman in the option. “Is it done now? Will you wake the other-!” I said calmly before suddenly being interrupted by my own pain.

The veins on my arms turned a bright black color as magic began to leak out of me. “O-oh yes, I forgot about these.” I cried out as I gripped both arms with the other arm bowed in pain. The pain began to ease as the black veins remained, if at a darker light, and instead my yellow eyes turned to gold as it was illuminated by the magic. Then to finally complete the process my entire body was covered in the garb of the Dark Summoner.

“That was an experience.” I said in haggard breaths as I recovered from the pain of my growth. “Now please speak up and tell me that is the end.” I noticed the Dungeon Helper was silent throughout the whole thing. She decided to break that silence.

“I am glad that I will not have to lie to you so I will say it is over.” She informed me with a slight amusement in her voice. “I will now do as you asked earlier and raise your two female minions from their sleep.” As she said that second sentence a sharp noise was heard before the two female monsters fluttered open their eyes in wakefulness. A second later the two jumped to their feet and swiveled their heads in alertness before looking at my new form quizzical, or Gadra at least.

“Who are you-!?” Gadra loudly asked before Busta ran up to me and jumped into me pulling me into a bearhug. “You’re back my lovely spouse!” Busta shouted in joy as she squeezed me tighter against her breasts. Noticing Gadra’s befuddled expression she let me breathe and turned to her to explain what she ‘remembers’. While she did so I looked into her with a newfound appreciation for her feminine form.

“So let me get this straight… This girl is actually the Dungeon Core and was your wife who was weakened by heroes?” Gadra asked in astonishment, Busta’s only response to which was to nod her head and say an affirmative ‘Yep!’ in response. Gadra seemed to still be unconvinced, it looked like monsters transformed from humans still had doubts, but decided to not press any further. “Whatever, since we missed the main event I am going to check up on how the new girls are doing.” She said before walking out of the room and towards Jeanette and Mota.

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Not a second passed after the doors closed before Busta turned to me with a sly smile on her face as she asked, “Shall we continue where we left off?” I looked back at her confused before she used her magic to instantly teleport me out of my clothes leaving me naked. “Since you have just returned to your natural form I will take the lead.” Busta ‘generously’ offered and continued her plan without waiting for a response. I then felt my feet raise above the ground before I was turned upside down looking straight at Busta’s crotch.

“Now… Do the thing, summon it.” Busta said with a need in her voice. My brain was confused but apparently, my body knew exactly what she meant as I felt a strange feeling coming forth from below, or rather up in this case. I bent my neck to see a see-through dick appear above where my newfound pussy is. “Oh how I miss this, now do a magic assisted 69 as we always start?”

Busta actually waited for my response this time so I nodded my head as best as I could. ‘I have chosen her specifically because I liked the idea of fucking her and other women.’ I thought back to what felt like years ago when I made my choice of Dungeon themes and Guardians. That was all she needed as she blew off her own clothes as well leaving her bare for me to stare straight into her pussy. Despite her memories, the pussy has clearly never been touched, whether this was due to her actually being a virgin in reality or the fact that in her crafted backstory she made sure she kept her maiden vagina was a mystery to me.

Since I was left floating in the same place it was up to Busta to walk up to me and make the first move. As she strutted over to me a hotness started to come over to me as the reality of what was about to happen came even closer to me. I was snapped out of that as Busta kissed my ethereal cock and began lubing it up by licking it up and down which made me realize that it felt like an actual male genitalia as I sensed all of the pleasure it received. I rid myself of my hesitation before I decided to return the favor to my ‘wife’. A tentative lick at first, which I note had a sweet sugary taste to it before I began my own tongue bathing of her genitals.

We both were moaning in pleasure at the other’s gratification as it continued for nearly a minute. Then Busta surprised me as she took the tip of my ethereal phallus in her lips before shoving her face down taking nearly all of its length causing me to gasp in pleasure. Wanting to return the favor I choose to go all in as I shove my lips against her bottom lips and swiveled my tongue inside. “Oh, how I missed this~!” Busta shouted out after she came out for air before returning to pleasure my summoned rod.

The sounds of us pleasuring each other continued for several more minutes as neither of us seemed close to cumming the first shots. That was when I came up with a plan, I figured out that Busta’s spell allowed me to float but not necessarily upside down so I decided to flip this around. I know my current form wasn’t the physical strongest so I need to catch her off guard but allow her enough time to realize what was going on and alter her spell or add a new one. Enacting my plan I grabbed at Busta and with the aid of the floating spell pulled Busta around to where we were now both floating with me standing straight up. Busta gasped in shock at this but like I hoped quickly altered her spell to allow me to hold this position.

It seemed this was new to Busta’s altered memories as even she didn’t know what to do and froze for a few seconds after altering the spell. That was fine enough for me as now with this position I could both hump my false manhood into her throat and lap up her womanhood even more. This lasted for what was probably minutes but felt like a blissful eternity before finally I came up for air and shouted, “I-I’m going to cum!” Busta nodded her head in solidarity even as I continued to facefuck her as she too was close. Eventually, we both came simultaneously as the really just a highly advanced magical strapon pistoned my first white ejaculation as a female into her mouth as she came in my mouth.

The floating spell slowly wore off as did the summoned member with it disappearing into smoke as we were placed on the floor. We were both exhausted so we lay there for a few more minutes without saying a word as we caught our breaths. “We got to try that again.” Busta finally with a sultry tone. I didn’t voice my agreement or disapproval at her words and simply fell into a slumber due to all that has happened today.

Author's Note: As you may have noticed this is the longest between updates since this story has been posted. If you saw my Profile Page you may have already noticed but ever since Tuesday, I have been dealing with muscle pain, particularly in my legs, so that is the reason for the delay. I will try to post more regular updates though it will probably be 2 updates a week instead of the 5 I did before. I hope you all understand and please be civil and kind to everyone.

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