Chapter 4: Chapter no 4: Growing Feelings.

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I also like her as well, should I ask her out?

Sigh! It isn’t this simple, she doesn’t see me like that, I need to present myself as someone reliable and, I need to earn myself some good cash and a house I can’t ask her to marry me like that I want to present myself as a man worthy of her and not just any random kid who is struggling to be an adventurer.

As I thought about her I went to adventurer’ guild and went straight for board where quests were lined up nicely. The quests for F rank were same as usual, to collect herbs, tending warehouses and helping some old guy. So I looked for some E rank quests there were quests for E rank horned rabbits that are the weakest of the E rank which I have become a specialist to hunt.

Should I hunt them today as well, no this gives only 1 silver per rabbit I need more if I want to get stronger and get more rewards. I can’t live off like a lowest E rank adventurer. Besides I need to establish myself and earn a constant amount of good wage if I want to live a good lift.

I moved up the board and found a quest to kill 10 E rank horned wolves and the reward was 8 silver per wolf so I took the quest even when the receptionist told me not to.

After accepting then quest I went to the forest to complete it I found my first group of horned wolf after exploring the outer region of the forest but the thing is they don’t wonder alone even If I want to kill one I need to fight them all because they won’t let me live after killing one of them.

I stalk this group for half an hour, there were 2 females and one male which was a bit bigger than them. So he is the leader of this group. I need an opening where I can go for insta kill. Right that’s it! it’s weak spot should be under his neck I need to be swift and kill the leader first then I can somehow solo his 2 mates which should be a little intimidated after its death.

Yes that’s it I just need an opening to strike without them noticing. I slowly get near them when they start resting at a spot nearby some trees. Whoosh! I leap from under a bush and just before the wolf can react I pierce my dagger under its neck ending its life. Its mates growl fiercely and leap towards me which I dodge with a hairs breath. And began to find opening to strike as I dodge their fierce assault to rip me to shreds.

I keep giving them cuts whenever I can to exhaust hem but as they get more aggressive as I strike them to wane their stamina. Whoosh, leap, cut, dodge!

As I dodge one of their bites to my neck I get an opening and piece it’s neck from the side. It was a lot harder but I put full strength and the dagger gets lodge inside ending this fierce wolf. Watching a member of its pack the last one abandons defense and charges at me madly and I quickly get in a passive position. Bam! I block its paw which from which I fall down, taking this chance the last remaining wolf leaps with open maw to bite my whole head off but just as his mouth nears me I shift myself and gets under its slicing all the from its neck to its belly and the wolf falls beside me with lifeless eyes.

Sigh! I sigh loudly as take a deep breath, it’s the first time I have been this close to death one wrong move and I would have been in its belly instead. No I need to get stronger or I die or live a worthless life in this world where strong thrives. Taking a deep breath I get back up and quickly proses these wolves lest other monster come here due to the smell of the blood.

I walk away after collecting everything that I can salvage and I also find a medicinal herb that Is good for stab wounds so I take some and apply it’s pulp on my wounds from the wolves and begin to find more but this time I know the strength of wolf packs so I spot the wolves first and built simple traps to not overwhelm me with their numbers and to get the job done easily. It’s another pack of three which engage and lead to the traps and quickly dispatch them. YES I should have used my brain more.

After doing it twice I harvest another pack of 4 wolves. Completing my quest. Ok It’s finally done I should go back now. I quickly wrap everything heads my way back to the city before sunset. First I go to the guild and submit my quest and gets my reward of 80 silvers. Hehehehe I should spend a little and save up the rest of for future use. On my way back to the inn I get some delicious chicken skewers and buy some for Fiona as well. I hope she likes it. Thinking about her I get reminded of what happened in the morning, saying that I have a crush on her is true and I don’t want to see her with someone else , so is this a sign of my love towards her because I don’t want to see her with someone else. I don’t know anything about love and all the stuff because I never had someone like that in my previous life.

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As I keep thinking about her I went to her and since it was nit sunset yet and there was a bit time left so the tavern place of the inn was empty and as expected I found Fiona just like I thought, she was behind the counter looking more lonely and sad than usual. Is this a in the morning, looking at her all sad leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Anyways I walk towards her with my best smile.

Hi Fiona! I got you some chicken skewers, hope you like it. But contrary to any of my thoughts she comes up at me looking worried.

Maash! What happened to you? Why are you injured like that, did something happened to you while working? What kind of F rank quest did you do for you to get this much injured?

Umm actually I have been doing E rank quest lately and today I went to hunt some horned wolves and one of them caught me by surprise otherwise everything went just fine it was not that difficult to deal with those wolves.

Maash, don’t try to lie I know these horned wolves are one of the most strong E rank monsters there are and you say it was easy, you are only an F rank why are you taking these dangerous tasks. You should be only taking F rank quests right now. look you are a smart kid you should not risk your life like that you should get stronger gradually and then after some experience you will be able to go up the ranks don’t be hasty.

Her saying that I am a kid hurts somehow even if she said I am smart. So it’s true that she only thinks of me as a kid and it’s only me that thinks about her that way and not her. heheh this feeling this is really bad I never thought after my early teens I will experience heartache in this new life as and not even at a teen age. How should I tell her that I am not just a kid I am an adult mentally and I have come to develop feelings for her and keeps growing day by day as I look at her daily. This pure soul, her beauty, her lonely self I can’t keep away from her. My feeling just keep growing and I also feel guilty as she is asking me why I am this reckless. She must be sensitive about this because her previous husband also died as an adventurer.

Fiona I understand that you are worried about me but I am not some stupid kid who doesn’t know his limits I know I could take care of those wolves. One just caught me by surprise and this happened. I lied hah! I can take care of myself I am a man after all. It’s fine Fiona! I am a bit tired so I will head to my room now see you tomorrow. I say all this with not the eyes of a young kid but a man.

Hah! I sigh visibly and walk to my room crashing on my bed. Sigh! I am an idiot I shouldn’t run away I need to explain to talk to her and pacify her. She is so kind I should treat her better. Ok I will apologize to her tomorrow. As I thought these things I drifted off to sleep.


Ha I should not pester him so much. I guess he knows what he’s doing but still I am worried you can be 100% confident and knows what you are doing but you can still die at the hands of cruel nature.

After saying he was tired, Maash went to his room. He must be tired he or maybe more injured than he looks because he never skips dinner.

Sigh I should go now it’s almost time for the dinner and I don’t like that much crowd.

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