Chapter 6: Chapter no 6: Paying A Visit To The Leech.

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These lowest level looking henchmen start sprinting towards me and just as the first one tries to punch me in the face I deliver a kick to his gut taking his air out. He sprawls on the ground with simply that.

Seeing his partner like that the one who was laughing like pig comes to an abrupt half looking panicked. Hey brat! What did you do to him. What kind of magic weapon did you use?  Are you blind can’t you see what i did I asked him instead giving him a look that says he is the absolute scum, hmmm it doesn’t matter I will deal with you. Oi jones quit acting and help me deal with this brat.

As he says that he nears me with a knife. Oh so you are wielding a weapon now. Are you ready for the consequences? Once you draw your weapon you should be prepared to die. As I said this I run towards him and throws him off my shoulder and stabs his own night on his left shoulder.

Tell me who sent you and what were your instructions? Damn brat you think I will tell you anything. He barked back! Oh it seems you are not only talk, let’s see how long you can hold on. I tell him as I take his knife from his shoulder and starts scraping it from his face then his arm his stomach and finally  when I was gonna carve his crotch but he seems to have broken at that point. Please don’t do it I will tell you anything, I will tell you what you want to know just please stop.

Ok now tell me who sent you and what did they tell you to do?

W..e. we wo..rk for Mark Felix. He stutters, he mostly asks us to capture orphan kids or the ones who are lost from home. We also beat who he doesn’t like or has offended him. Ok now that wasn’t so hard was it? I pat his face as I say that and knocks him out. I take bloody knife with me and knocks the other person who is still clenching his stomach.

Now I am truly mad I just wanna go and kill this guy. I have never felt this much anger towards anyone. But I can’t just do it, I must be patient this type of guy always shows his face when something does not go his way just like my business partner on earth who threw me out from ur business like you throw a bee from your tea.

Anger brew more and more in me as I think about all  that has happened to me now from Fiona hating me as well this bastard trying to had her I am 99% sure. Well why don’t I give his store a visit. Deciding to go there I clench the bloody knife in my hand and walk towards his shop. It’s a small shop with one salesman and a 2 guard I walk inside with the knife even when the guard tries to top me. Coincidentally Mark is also there, he is surprised to see me there, I walk up to the counter where he talking with his men and slam the knife on it. Are you surprised to see me Mr. Felix? No why would I he replies.

Take a look at this knife Mr. Felix I would like to sell this one. He looks down to the bloody knife and his face turns into an scowl like he has eaten shit. Oh where did you get it Mr……. Maash I give my name to him. Alright so Mr. Maash where did you get this knife and why is there blood on it? Oh I just killed some wild dogs in the jungle with it  there were barking too loudly so I killed them both but it seems like this knife is rusty and can’t work anymore. So I just want to sell and be done with it, rather than keep it. Next time I will just use my dagger, it’s really sharp you know, it can slice a pig in two really easily.

As the atmosphere becomes tense he motions his men behind him to take the knife. Alright what do you want for this knife?

Oh I don’t want anything I just want to give you an advice that you should keep your dogs at leash because the owner gets blamed for their behavior. I glare at him murderously then begin to go back but one of the men behind him blocks my path. Hey kid I am an E rank adventurer and I would like to talk to you about something. Would you mind coming with me to the back.

This bastard he wants to lure me in and deal with me I grab his hand gives it a strong squeeze enough to crack his fingers which was confirmed by his Face shifting to  a pained one.

He tries to get free but I don’t let go. You should be more careful with who you try to hold back Mr. E rank adventurer. I release his hand after giving him a good glare and walk away towards the inn. Hey john go and search about this kid he doesn’t seem normal this brat is already as powerful as an E rank adventurer Mark orders his lackeys.

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Meanwhile I walk towards the inn wondering how to deal with this leech.  This kind of person, I can almost smell it he’s really petty and is underestimating me right. He will strike back now that I have shown my blatant hostility towards him.

I walk back to the inn and take a much needed bath and apply new bandages to the wounds from yesterday. It seems my immune system is really amazing, the wounds are already healing. I get changed and go down the tavern to get something to eat it’s almost dinner time so I can’t see Fiona anywhere so I quickly eat some things and go do a little side quest where I just helps out a granny who’s an old friend of Fiona’s dad, she gives some coppers for that but I don’t go there for the money but because she always talks about interesting things and mostly about Fiona which I enjoy listening.

Listen Maash you have seen Fiona right, she used to a cheerful and kind kid since young but after her husband’s death she has just shut herself, you know she used to visit me quite often and she used to love my cookies and sweets. Hah if only she can find someone really made for her! What do you mean by that granny I asked her curiously! Well you see I think she just liked him but nit truly loved but she is faithful child so she would mourn for her for the rest of her life, no doubt her husband liked her but they sort of just got together when she was young you cannot say it was love. But this is just my speculations.

Anyways Maash you are a good child please treasure and make her happy for the rest of her life!

What do you mean by that granny I asked her with a blush on my face! Oh COME ON kid I know how your eyes twinkle by just the mention of her name and I know you are young but mentally you are more mature then adults these days. Just be good to her she will come around she said with a slight giggle but my face turns sour.

What happened granny asks Maash.

I don’t know granny if we’ll ever be together I do like her that I s a fact but I am not sure she likes me or not maybe she even hates me now. Why would you say that kid granny asks me and I told her everything that happened. Don’t lose hope kid she will come around. I am not sure about that granny she doesn’t even think of me as a man who can have an interest in her.

She just thinks of me as an ungrateful and prying spying person who looks into others matter. Why do you say that she asked me so I told her what happened. I think I will move out as soon as that creepy merchant stops bothering her. Anyways I should be going now it is always good to come around and talk to you. No kid I should thank you that you come and listen to these old bones. Oh don’t say that you are still plenty young. We giggle at our words then I say goodbye to her and go on my way. Maybe I should visit the guild it’s late but maybe I can get something to do quickly. Nah it’s too late in the evening and all the good quest would have been taken already if there are no new quest posted late in the day.

Deciding to go back to the inn and think something good for the incoming friction I walk back to the inn. It’s pretty late now and it’s actually past dinner time so I walk towards the inn and once inside I saw Fiona sleeping with her heads down on the counter and I just stand there she seems so vulnerable. Hah! I don’t expect her to like not since she doesn’t see me that way also I have never mentioned it to her that I like her so if I act differently or blame her or try to give her more advice about her personal life she is simply going to get more angry towards me.

Damn! Why am I in this situation I didn’t even get a chance to confess I think clenching my head anyways I should give her a blanket or she will get cold I so I get blanket from my room and quietly put it on he and walk away.

Fiona I am really sorry I just didn’t want the person I love to get hurt ever again so I couldn’t stop telling you to stay away from that bastard. I say it lightly to the sleeping Fiona and after giving her one last look of the day I say goodnight and retreat to my room.

After Maash goes to his room Fiona wakes and having a blanket draped on her.


Is this what he thinks about me, I never even imagined it that he would come to like me compared to a girl his age I am just an old woman who is just a sad widow! Why does he think of me like that?

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