
Chapter 16: Chapter 16

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  • 3rd Person POV

Astra is currently alone inside the tent, standing in front of the entrance. He started to gather and disperse mana like a pulse identifying all the inanimate objects within the room.

Bookshelves, tables, chairs, and many more can be seen in the black world of his vision. He quickly manoeuvre himself towards the table where a book lies open.

The very same book that Astra discover the other effects of the blindfold. In doing so, he began ‘reading’ them to pass the time.

Sometimes he find interesting titbits regarding plants and also understand that the plant in this world is extremely different than in his original world.

(“Most likely due to presences of ‘Mana’, making the plants look and work differently. Maybe also their biology is different too?”)

Astra spends his time absorbed in the book and upon finishing that one book. He stands up and search for another while simultaneously practicing those methods.

So far, he’s able to pick up books and avoid knocking his feet on chairs or table. But he’s not able to discern the book contents from afar as he needed to touch the book for the blindfold to transcribe it. Arriving in front of the bookshelf in the centre of the room, he hover his hand on the unidentified books.

(“There are so many books here….”)

His vision reveals numerous books; there are ‘Herbal Medicines’ series the one he just read it’s the first chapter, ‘Human Body & Anatomy’ series, ‘Laws of Physical World’ series, ‘Alchemical Reactions’ series, and many more. Absorbed by many books laid out in front of him & reading their titles, he didn’t notice another figure within his mana sense radius.

A rather tall black haired man with metallic scales covering his left neck towards down below have entered the tent. He appears to be looking around, scouting for something until at the corner of his vision. He sees a lonesome figure with long braided hair currently stroking the spine of the books in the bookshelves. Seemingly absorbed while the blindfold’s embroidery faintly glows.

Recognizing that’s the person he’s looking for; Viktor moves forward making loud footsteps approaching him. Astra alerted by that sound turn his head as fast as possible and readied himself to hurl the book he’s holding.

“Who’s there?!!”

 “Whoa… calm down, I can explain! I’m ‘Black’”

Although he doesn’t recognize the voice, he recognized the name that was given. The guy who have seen his eyes. In a moment of panic, Astra stepped back and hit his back to the bookshelves.

(“What is he doing here? Is he going to capture me? I didn’t see other people beside him”)

That’s the question inside Astra’s mind until he heard other footsteps from afar different than Viktor.

“Oh? You’re here already? Maleah already told me about the verdict.”

(“That voice… Dr. Cecilia?”)

Sensing her, Astra calmed down but still perplexed.

“Uhmm… what’s going on?”

Astra unsure on what to do, decided to drop the book he’s holding and return it to the bookshelves. Sensing the confusion etched on Astra face Cecilia decided to say something.

“Astra… do you want to hear the good news or bad news first?”

“Eh? … Uhm… then, maybe good news first?”

Astra still feels a bit uncertain what’s going on, but still answered the best he can.

“The Good news is….  You have a home in Vogun, your own tent. I’m glad!”

Cecilia enthusiastically says that, with Astra took a second to process that information as she continues…

“Well… for the bad news… You need to be monitored for few months so… the council has decided to send out a watcher for you. Remember ‘Black’?”

Cecilia elaborate further.

“’Black’ *ehem* I mean… Viktor has joined the Watcher corps as a rookie. So he’s eligible to get the role and fortunately, the tent is large enough for two people.”

(“Ah… I see now… *SIGH*)

Astra sighed internally

(“At least, it is just monitoring. Hmmm… I don’t think he has rattled me out yet.”)

He made that judgement through assessing Cecilia’s tone.

“So… uhm… based on that. I’m going to stay with him as well?”

“Yes. There’s also a ‘condition’”

Hearing that, Astra curiosity piqued.

“A condition?”


Cecilia heave a large amount of breath and mutter under her breath regarding ‘Maleah’s habit’

“You need to ‘work’ or she says contribute to Vogun village… that’s in summary at least. Since I’m in charge of you as a teacher. I was thinking of hiring you as my assistant, what do you think?”

Astra contemplates for a bit; it would be a safer choice for him to do. Knowing that he doesn’t know anyone in this town. After a while, he reached into a conclusion and nod to Cecilia’s idea.

She smiles.

“Great! I’ll see you at the healer’s tent tomorrow for discussing your pay and on the day of Wind, Water, Fire, & Earth from now on. For the day of Light, we’re going to have a study session regarding magic. Take the day of Dark for rest, how about that?”

(“Hmm… its not bad per se. I wouldn’t mind”)

“That’s a good plan, Uhm… do you know where our tent is?”

“Ah right… Viktor here will guide you there.”

The man mentioned already manoeuvre himself nearby Astra. Noticing that, Astra slightly side-stepped away and saying.

“Okay… see you tomorrow then. Dr Cecilia”

The pair left Cecilia’s tent with the doctor gave Astra several books to read so he can prepare for tomorrow in the healer’s tent as her assistant & also magical lesson.

Viktor volunteered himself to carry those books and Astra couldn’t complain as the pair moves deeper into the residential district. They moved in silence with Viktor occasionally glances at the small figure next to him.


Astra thought while walking, he’s figuring somethings out on how to break the ice between them. That is until…


Astra straighten his back hearing Viktor’s voice as he turn around to face him.


*Tap* *Tap*

They walked for sometime in silence until, Viktor speaks again.

“Ah....Uh... I just want to say.... thank you.”

Astra tilts his head upon hearing the word ‘Thank you’

(“What is there to thank you about? Did I do something?”)

“Uhm...okay? Did I do something worth to thank about?”

Viktor stare right at Astra’s face, seemingly assessing the man in front of him.

(“He doesn’t remember?”)

That’s what he thought after confirming his suspicion.


Viktor swish his head to the front.


Astra still confused on what happened just let it slide opting to think that Viktor is just being weird.

Before reaching the destined tent though, Viktor opens his mouth once more.

“We....we haven’t been formally introduced. I’m Viktor Von Ryusei. What’s yours?”

Holding every books in one-hand, Viktor extend his free hand towards Astra for a handshake. Forgetting that he is wearing blindfold.

(“ah... Shit.”)

Viktor felt like he’s going to slap himself in the face. But before he could retract his hand though. He felt a cool & smooth sensation on his finger tips.

Astra has extended his hand to shake.

“Well... Nice to meet you to Viktor, I’m Astra. Haha...”

Astra giggled a bit, he appeared to be enjoying the little mishap Viktor did.

(“Hahaha.... Although I couldn’t see his face, I can tell by his body language”)

“uh... Right, nice to meet you”

Soon after, they have arrived at the designated tent.

The tent is quite large, not as big as Francis & Cecilia’s house but it is enough to contain two people. Rather than rectangular, the builder opted to give circular design and an extra room at the back.

Astra uses his senses to figure out the shapes of the tent before he entered.

Upon entering the tent, Viktor gently lay down the books on the table as he assessing the interior of the tent.

It’s newly built and adequately furnished too. There’s also two hammocks opposite to one another rather than a standard bed unlike his previous tent.

You are reading story Aeterna at

Astra seeing this first hand using his ‘senses’ amazed on how it looks. It isn’t messy like in the scholars house.

Looking to the left, he sees a single bookshelf and started to transfer the books one by one. While Viktor just stood there unsure on what to do now.


Hearing Astra’s voice, Viktor flinched and stiffened his back.


“I’ll be taking this side of the hammock if you don’t mind?”

“Go ahead!”

Hearing the confirmation, Astra cheered to himself.

(“Great! This hammock is the closest to the bookshelf”)

Astra sat on the hammock, practicing his senses to identify any miniscule details of the interior of this tent.

After a while, he decided to lay down a bit on the hammock. The atmosphere between them is still awkward even after introduction.

So, he started to think about what else can he talk about.... serving as something to break the ice.

(“A small talk.... Just to get out of this! Ah- I know!”)

Astra who’s resting on top of the hammock started a conversation.

“Viktor... Where are you from?”

A question uttered by Astra

Hearing that question from Astra, Viktor was caught off-guard for a second before getting his bearings and answer.

“I’m from Draconia, and you?”

(“Eh… we’re getting somewhere at least. I wonder… ‘Draconia’? it sounds like dragon does it mean the place have dragons? I mean… there’s magic here so it makes sense that there would be dragons too…”)

“I’m from Earth, what’s like living in Draconia? Is it a nice place?”

Viktor widened his eyes and then quickly replaced with a strange look. Unnoticed by Astra.

“Its... A wonderful place. Filled with natural wonders. Mountains that reached the heavens. Beautiful flower petals known as ‘Sakura’ blossoms and fall enveloping the place with it’s soft pink colour.”

Viktor begun to trail off in his description of Draconia reminiscing past times he had.

Astra didn’t fully listen to Viktor after hearing the word ‘Sakura’ from him.

(“Sakura? Is it the very same cherry blossom in Japan I’ve heard of? Why is it here?”)

(“Could it be....? There’s someone also transported just like me?”)

(“But I couldn’t just ask him that all out the blue, we’re not that close yet”)

Viktor’s notices that the other party seemed to not be responsive as he asked.

“Astra?? Astra?? Have you fallen asleep?”

“Oh?... OH! No no no, I haven’t.”

(“Shoot, need to make an excuse”)

“*Ehem* just thinking about going to Draconia. You said it’s a wonderful place. Maybe in the later future I’ll try to visit.....yeah....”

Viktor let out a slight breath and chuckled, giving a warm look to Astra. As he too wanted to visit Draconia but for a different reason.

“Me too....”

(“I still can’t remember of why I ran away from Draconia.... That’s the reason why I want to come back”)

To achieve that goal, he needed to have money and a form of independence. Resulting in this situation, getting a job as a watcher and climb up to become a hunter.

“Viktor? Hello?”

Astra’s comments caught his attention as he hurriedly reply.


“Do you have something to do today? I’m going to start preparing for tomorrow”

Viktor eyes widened like saucers as he remembered that his chief watcher told him to come to the hunter’s district for evening exercise with others.

He looked outside the open flap window and sees the sun almost setting. In a hurry, he dashed outside as he said.



Like a gust of wind and a small explosion, Viktor already gone from the tent. Astra lays there on the hammock stunned before calmly collecting himself.

“Welp... He’s already gone...way faster before my ‘pulses’ can detect the movements”

Swishing his hand and extending it, he manages to reach the bookshelf to  pick a book titled ‘Human Body & Anatomy’. Upon reading it’s contents, Astra giggled to himself.

(“It is similar to biology taught in Earth seems that the place of learning in this place is called ‘Etude Academy’ and they are….a bit... Eccentric “)

The introductory page written by the author, called out ‘Necromancers’ with respect since they contributed in making this book. Even if they are shunned by most population & used the power of words to defy the definition of ‘Death’.

Astra is just skimming the book rather than reading it intently as he moves on to other books. After some time have passed. Using the gap between his blindfold, he checked the daylight outside and looked at the mysterious pendant as it shows that the moon is starting to overpower the sun.

Realizing that it is nearly dark, he decided to leave the comforts of the hammock and bring out what looked like in his vision to be a lantern covered by a leather sack. Upon revealing it, the area inside the tent brightened by the light coming from the lantern.

In closer look inside this lantern, contained small ‘pebbles’ but Astra knew more about it due to Cecilia babbles during the walk.

[“These are the glands of Brightfly, it contained mana so it can emit bright light. Careful not to crush them because it will cause an explosion of light. In their natural habitat, they used it to momentarily blind predators to escape. We managed to preserve & harden them so they can serve as our headlight.”]

Remembering it, he looked from the under gaps of his blindfold. He can see the light coming from the lantern as he put it on the table allowing the tent to gives off light like the rest of the surrounding tents.

“Hmmm... I haven’t had dinner, I guess its time for me to visit Elise?”

(“I remember she did say that first time will be on the house. and maybe after.... I’ll try to enjoy the public bathhouse.”)

Leaving the tent, Astra uses his ‘senses’ to move towards one of the largest tent in the Residential District’. Even from this distance, He could hear chatters and laughter as he entered the tent.

He felt the inside of this tent is much warmer than outside. Most likely due to the amount of people inside.

Using his senses, he moved himself towards an empty table and sat. Wondering on what to do, what to say, does this restaurant require him to order first before sitting?

Stuck in that contemplation, he didn’t notice Elise already approaching from behind.

“Welcome to my Tav, Lil Astra!!”



Astra jolted a bit and quickly calmed himself down as he turn towards the culprit. He felt the impact of that slap but it seems that Elise control her strength to make it into a painless thud.

“Ms. Lis... Ah I got startled sorry”

“Haha, no need to apologize. Now, what would you like to order?”

Seeing Elise approaching another figure, several people murmurs to one another.

“Is that Cecilia’s apprentice?”

“He looks so young”

“Oh gosh, what did he eat? He looks so frail!”

“Lis!!! Get him some meat platter!!!”

The chatter continues drowning Astra’s own words whenever he tries to speak, afraid of rising his voice he remained reticent. Elise forehead twitched upon hearing the rattles from the other patrons.


At hear shout, several patron laugh and obey as chatters begin to quieted down.


Astra trembles a little bit from the shout.

“Oh goodness gracious me, sorry for that little one”

“Its okay... *Huff* I don’t know what to order uhm… what’s the most popular then?”

She chuckles and written down something.

“It’s the Meat Platter, the best in town! And as since it’s your first time, its on the house plus drink”

Astra lips slightly curved upward and made into a small grin

“Thank you Ms. Lis! I can’t wait to taste it!!”

You can find story with these keywords: Aeterna, Read Aeterna, Aeterna novel, Aeterna book, Aeterna story, Aeterna full, Aeterna Latest Chapter

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