
Chapter 17: Chapter 17

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  • 3rd Person POV

Elise grinned and turned towards the backend of the tent. There’s an additional space leading to an open tent and multitudes of cooking utensils, stoves, counters, and pans are displayed.

Two giant figures, one masculine and the other feminine currently operating them in tandem without even conversing to one another.

Fire spews from the stove top whilst the masculine figure expertly manoeuvre a large wok. The savoury scent burst forth permeating the air with its tantalizing smell. Even some spilled into the tavern’s tent, enticing the patrons.

Elise approaches them, revealing the masculine figure is much smaller than the feminine ones. Although, judging by the looks the male in front of the stove is older by many years. While the female who’s chopping some thick hardy meat is younger.

“Darlings~, another meat platter *Chu*”

Elise sing-sang when she moves closer, planting a small peck on the older male. In closer look, male’s skin colour has a hue of gold whenever the glow from spewing fire burst forth. Similar thing too happened to the female figure.


He exclaimed energized by the kiss.


She grimaced seeing Elise did that and return to her job in cutting slices from the array of different looking meats in front of her.

The chef presses his feet on top of a pedal and in turn, several mechanisms are being activated. One of which seemed to be a squeezer as it clamp down on a bag like object.


A bigger jet of flames burst forth from the tipped end of that bag upon being squeezed. He added more seasoning and slices of meat given by the female figure. The scent begun to be more intense, enticing the patrons.

Astra who’s currently practicing his mana senses, felt an intense burst almost like a geyser at the backend of the tent.

Quickly he turned his head towards it, and continuously try to ‘sense’ it deeper. Somehow it is intriguing in his vision, unlike the flow that’s in the air. This one just spouts and flickers intensely almost like....


It is a different shape that he usually sees in the blindfold. The mana surrounding him usually ebb & flow like air. While mana inside a humanoid’s body would be round and stable.

He kept this experience in mind and note it so tomorrow when he meets Cecilia, Astra will tell her about this in hopes to figure out more about ‘Mana’.

(“For now… *Sniff* *Sniff*”)

The tantalizing smell enticed Astra’s nose and the patrons as well. Elise came out carrying incredibly large plates, her muscles bulge & stretch taut balancing the weight as she expertly give the patrons their orders.


They all cheered while, Astra wiggling his feet eagerly waiting the food to arrive whilst keeping his ‘senses’ heightened. He can see Elise currently walking towards him and bring up a plate filled with what he assumed to be meat and a large tankard for a drink.

“Thank you, Ms. Lis”

“No problem, enjoy~”

She quickly left and gave the rest to the other patrons. Astra began to eat the famed meat platter in Vogun as he can taste many different textures of meat.

(“I taste chicken, beef, pork, and many more. How fascinating!!”)

He continues to munch the dish, as the name suggest meat platter is an array of different kind of meats probably hunted by the hunter’s whenever they went on an excursion.

(“Civilization is the best!”)

He thought as he continues to eat and drink. Enjoying the jolly atmosphere of the place.

Whilst Elise is sitting at the counter table, currently watching the patrons in earnest. Until the tent’s entrance opened revealing a big party of people.

Each of them wearing unique garments and somewhat intimidating. Black robes with metal paddings complete with decorations & headband, full metal armours that would have been quite heavy to wear yet the figure doesn’t seem headband from it’s weight. Their build is also much different than the usual patrons.

It is clear that they are the famed hunters. As they put their myriad of weapons to the designated spot. Each of them are so heavy that when they take it off. It made a loud impact, but the patrons seemed to not fazed by it rather they are used to it. It is only Astra who’s startled from that.

(“Who? What? Is there a battle!?”)

He quickly try to scout the area particularly where he heard the loud sound. Each ‘pulses’ he emits allowed him to ‘see’ how many people, what objects they are wearing, weapons they are storing. Understanding that there are no battle, he sighed in relief and continue eating.

One of the figure wearing the black robes twitched his head, as he felt a ‘pulse’ coming from somewhere inside the tavern.


Once again, He whipped his head to the source as he felt it washing over him. It is faint but one could feel the slight impact from the pulses of the surrounding mana.

(“Someone is purposely sending out Qi waves. But it’s different than What masters would do to intimidate others, this one have a curious & worry intent”)

He glances to his companions who’s already picking a large table to sit giddily as Elise gave massive dishes to them.

(“They didn’t feel it? They haven’t trained enough then.”)

A slight chill passes over Chen’s companions. Upon Chen thinking about that.

He decided to look over once more until he sees someone quite different than other usual patrons.

Vogun populations have their distinct westanian facial characteristics whilst this lone figure on that table have Eastanian facial features. Knowing that, he remembered something from the rumours circulating in Vogun.

[“Did you know? There’s another Eastanian here, I heard he’s Cecilia’s apprentice!”]

(“Judging by the looks, it seems that he’s indeed from the rumours.”)


One of his companions asked him while his mouth is filled with food.

“Go on, I’ll join you later”

Chen quickly replies while approaching the lone figure. He noticed, that the lonesome figure is wearing a unique looking blindfold with complicated embroidery.

Astra raised his head as in his vision, he could sense a tall figure approaching him. Being a curious person, he spoke with uncertainty thinking that the person might just moving towards someone else beside him.


“ ?”

That figure who approached Astra spoke in a language he didn’t understand at first. But as soon as the words uttered by that man. Astra ears began to rang & his tongue have tingling numbness.

Quick as it comes, the feeling fades away as Chen questioningly looked at the other Eastanian in front of him. Thinking that he didn’t hear him the first time due to how rowdy the tavern is. He reiterated...

“Where are you from kinsmen? you looked like you came from Eastania.”

(“Kinsmen... Eastania? I’m Asian does the person in front of me is Asian too?”)

You are reading story Aeterna at

Astra understood what that person is speaking as he replies.

“I am Astra originated from Earth. May I ask yours?”

Chen raised his eyebrows.

(“He is speaking in old Eastanian dialect?! Looking at his features, he’s probably early  twenties. Is he a noble? He looked like he came from the north of Eastania. I never heard of nobles living there. I’m guessing ‘Earth’ is the kingdom somewhere far.”)

Chen Tianyu, the first disciple of once great heavenly sky sect have learnt different languages across Eastania to prepare him for his journey unfortunately it didn’t come to fruition knowing what happened to the sect.

The old Eastanian dialect is one of the language Chen has learnt. Commonly used by old martial arts masters or nobilities.

Astra stood there in silence with food on display as the strange man seemed to be in deep thought. After a quick second though, he replies.

“Ah... Nice to meet you Astra, I’m Chen Tianyu. The leader of the ‘Heavenly Demon’ hunters group. We came from the Eastanian capital city to here”

(“Hmmm... I’m guessing, Eastania is equivalent to Eastern Continent, His clothes have that ‘martial arts fantasy novel looks' AH! He’s greeting, I don’t want to be rude”)

Astra panicked a bit and start to emit the ‘pulses’ as Chen made a gesture of enveloping his left clenched fist with his right palm. Feeling another ‘pulse’ coming from Astra, he glances to him as Astra copy the same gesture.

(“Oh... So that’s how he ‘sees’”)

Chen got the answer he looked for. He’s the source of that Qi pulses but it’s harmless.

“Let’s enjoy the evening?”

Chen continues.

Astra nods as the other figure left the scene towards his own group.

(“This world is quite peculiar.... ah... I didn’t see Viktor, he might need some food. Maybe I can ask some left to bring home.”)

He thought as he ate the rest, finishing it he looked around trying to find Elise.

Noticing, the confused looking young man. Elise left her counter table and approaches him as Astra’s ‘pulse’ detect the approaching figure.

Although, he couldn’t see exact facial characteristics using that. He can differentiate body types and clothings worn.

“Ah! Ms. Lis! The food is delicious, the best I have tasted. Thank you so much”

Elise sheepishly smiles being proud that her husband beside being the richest half-giant in Vogun he is also a good cook.

“So, I was wondering....if it’s okay, can I take them home? I’m planning to give them to Viktor”

She raised her eyebrows before grinning ear to ear. It seems that other patrons have also asked this before.

“Sure you can darling~. It seems that you’re in luck, you’re the first one to ask! I have 9 left now”

She quickly moves from the counter and back, carrying a metal box. Astra notices the thing Elise carries as it shows within his sense that the box contain mana rather than a dark spot.

Elise places a portion of the meat platter inside the box and rubbed the etched words in an upward manner.

It begins to glow faintly...

The temperature inside the metal box heated up as she slapped the box

“My husband purchased this baby from a wandering writer. It is able to heat up or cools down on its own!”

Astra fascinated by it, continues to stare at the magical item whilst using his heightened senses.

(“So, that’s a magical item! I see... There are words engraved on top... Hmmm I can read it too”)

The word engraved said ‘Heat and Cold’

Snapping himself back by shaking his head, Astra take the box as Elise smiles & gave him a reminder to bring it back tomorrow morning.

Saying farewells to Elise and Chen’s group Astra walked back home alone.

Enjoying the night stroll, he arrived at his & Viktor’s home as he put the metal box on the table and move towards the back end of the tent.

Looking around inside that he now knows what’s the use of this extra room.

It is a washroom makes sense as the toilets are located outside & shared with other residents.

Taking off his clothes, Astra took a short and refreshing shower before drying up & prepare himself for the night.

(“I guess Viktor isn’t home yet. Might as well sleep”)

Astra decided to lay on the hammock as he fallen into slumber.


Long after, a shambling figure appeared smeared with grime, dirt, sweat, and dust. His once brilliant looking scales have been tainted with it as the tent flaps opened.

His eyes are exhausted but glimmers amidst the darkness that descent on Vogun. Even if his body is tired yet he feels more refreshed than before.

Greeted with a sleeping Astra and a strange looking box in the table. He grows curious as he approaches that item.

His sensitive nose detects a tantalizing smell coming from the box since it is slightly ajar. Opening it, reveals a warm food with a handwritten note attached as it fall upon the box being opened.

A simple piece of vellum paper that’s produced by Vogun and Viktor begun to read it.

At first, the handwritings are strange, sloppy, and messy. As if he’s reading unintelligible runes or symbols. But then he blinked, the writings instantly rewrite itself to what he can read like just a passing mirage. It says...

‘Food for you to eat, enjoy! – Astra’


He stifled a laugh; he never would’ve thought that Astra have such a messy handwriting. Nevertheless, he appreciated the gesture and began to feast.

It’s delicious and filling his empty stomach after a hard day of training. Finishing it, he immediately went to the back & washed himself clean before going to bed.

Astra already slept so peacefully that he believed even a loud roar of a gastodon wouldn’t wake him up as he too closes his eyes.

(“Its going to be busy tomorrow”)

Viktor thought before finally falling asleep.

You can find story with these keywords: Aeterna, Read Aeterna, Aeterna novel, Aeterna book, Aeterna story, Aeterna full, Aeterna Latest Chapter

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