Akatsuki: Shinobi System in Another Universe

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 Glade

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Chapter 1 Glade 

Ryu Jackson was no longer on Earth but somehow transmigrated into the Divine Star Continent world and miraculously merged with the other him, Aido Hwedo of this world, of the great clan Hwedo.

Hwedo clan was one of the four major clans in this Holy-Flame Empire. Hwedo of this world was an individual who lacked spiritual Roots, which meant he couldn't cultivate, nor could he bring forth the Inheritance of the Hwedo clan, a clan of Dragons.

The absurd thing is his mother was a member of the imperial clan, the ruler of the Holy Flame Empire. How could such a thing occur, Aido, so quickly? Who dares act against the Emperor? He racked his mind, but unfortunately, he couldn't come up with anyone so daring; also, Aido only had a limited understanding of the country; his whole life was one of misery, even though his mother visited him and talked to him, there wasn't love in her eyes. Last year he happened to sneak out and glimpse how she treated her other children. This caused him untold sadness, and he had many tearful nights.

And his father, the master of the Hwedo House, Bastion Hwedo, had never entered his courtyard, never had he visited. He only knew his image from photographs around his old abode.

Ryu leaned against a formidable tree. He saw his circumstances; unfortunately, he couldn't cultivate them. This meant he would lack personal power and couldn't actively wring the appropriate parties' necks.

In this world, there were three types of power. Illusion, Elemental, Warrior. Since he lacked a root, all of these were snatched away. His face contorted, and his fist impacted his hand. That action made him yelp in pain. "Ah..... stupid, I'm so weak I can't even take my punch." His facepalmed. But he did it lightly; he was afraid of giving himself a self-inflicted black eye.

He was a simple plebeian, a mortal by the world standard.
Ryu was studying this information in his brain.

Suddenly his mind roamed back to those he left behind on Earth. He hoped to see them again one day. He sighed, said a few words, and hoped they wouldn't take his death heavily.

Anything was possible; this was a world of Gods and Demons; who would say there was no way to move through space? He took a deep breath, drawing in his old problems and aspirations, and exhaled, letting the past flow from his Lips; this wasn't forgetting himself; this was a calculated response; he had to worry about this world and the problems he inherited.

Ryu smacked his lips, and an extreme bout of thirst hit him. He glanced around the glade, having seen stream previously. Eyeing the water source, he struggled from the support of the tree he leaned on like a crutch. After his weak body managed to pull together near the stream, he cupped his hands in anticipation of enjoying the crisp-looking water, but he saw his reflection. He stared at himself in the small stream for god knows how long. His mouth opened and closed unknowingly.

He was undoubtedly handsome, exceptionally so. But what caught his attention wasn't his godly good looks. It was his pair of scarlet eyes, each eye having a single inverted magatama.

"How did I manage to obtain the Sharingan?" He screamed. "Is someone fucking with me?" He cupped the water unceasingly and drank it, but he intently stared at his reflection.

"This is too much. I transmigrated to a cultivation world and somehow obtained the Dōjutsu: Sharingan...." he fell back on his bottom and couldn't believe everything was happening.

He knew that Dōjutsu didn't exist here... Aido didn't know much, but he was an avid reader and had an encyclopedia-like mind when it pertained to Inheritance, bloodlines, and Magical beasts.....

Ding... The Host has been located.
His face became utterly paralyzed, and he froze. "What the fuck was that shit?" He said, looking around himself. He heard a voice, and he didn't want to admit it was inside his head.

The voice continued. "Scanning... Scanning completed! Host bestowed the 'Akatsuki Shinobi System.'

"Akatsuki! The fuck. Who gave me t? I'm not the antagonist. Quickly come out!" He said in alarm. Suddenly a wave of pain exploded inside his mind.

He bolted up, disregarding his physical health. And started to yell. But he slowly stopped his shouting. He realized he was inside a dangerous area and he was defenseless. Also, there was no one around him: only the Everglades and the formidable tall trees.

"Host Ryu don't panic. I am the administrator of the 'Akatsuki System.' I need you to calm down. Ryu calmed as the soothing voice assuaged his prior feelings in a few words. "Thank you, Host. Please close your eyes and concentrate on my voice... Perfect!" Said the emotionless feminine voice. "In your mind, you should be able to locate the Interface...

Ash was highly nervous and chose to listen because he didn't have a choice. Also, he subconsciously trusted the mechanical woman's voice in his head.

Inside the sea of conciseness, he saw the 'Akatsuki System.'
The computer-like Interface had five tabs. 'Inheritance System,' 'Ninjutsu System,' 'Store System,' 'Doujutsu System,' 'Summons & Bijuu System,' and 'Mission System.' He zoned in on these tabs in astonishment.

"This is too much," he said aloud.

"Host, shouldn't panic; I'm here to help you through everything. I was hoping you could think of me as your administrator or secretary.

"But this Akatsuki System... Am I destined to be a villain?" He said, feeling wronged by the world.

"Host path is free, and your choices are your own. I'm aware of the Host's thoughts on the Akatsuki... I'm afraid the Host is wrong and is only based his observation on assumption and a small measure of point of view."
The mechanical-sounding woman said.

"I'm wrong, my ass. Akatsuki are deviants and villains. How am I wrong? You must haven't read the manga. Please come again." He fired back at the voice.

"Akatsuki (Literally meaning: "Dawn" or "Daybreak") is a group of Shinobi that existed outside the usual system of hidden villages. Over several decades, Akatsuki took different forms and was led by different individuals. Though each iteration is viewed as either subversives or criminals, all seek to improve the world through their means." Said the voice as if reading a script.

Ryu roared. "You dare quote wiki! Your argument is based on wiki. Akatsuki were terrorist. Quickly exchange the system for a Naruto Uzumaki exclusive one."

"Host possibly has brain injury... implementing Brain surgery...."

"Ah. No! Wait. I'm sorry. I'll take what I can get." He said, sweat dripping down his back. He felt a cold knife on his brain a minute ago.

"Assessment from the System has miscalculated." Said the mechanized voice.

Ryu swiped his forehead. "It's fine, it's fine. So I'm evil?" He said, falling on the ground uncaringly.

"Host is still mistaken. The Host might have the 'Akatsuki system,' but must remember this is not the Shinobi world. Akatsuki only used extreme means to bring about peace. Their only mistake is that Yahiko passed away, and Nagato was misguided by Black Zetsu.

This is Divine Star continent; far worst organizations exist here... overall Host mission is to bring forth change on this world by any means entire, which is the whole full might of the Shinobi world ." Explained the feminine mechanical voice.

Ryu thought about the system words. He knew Yahiko wanted to change; Nagato was tricked by Obito, who was then misled by Madara and fell to Black Zetsu's centuries of schemes. He tapped his chin. Akatsuki was the wrong kind of cool.

"Technically, I have everything of the Shinobi world in my head?" He asked.

"From now on, the host can learn everything that had appeared in Naruto world if the prerequisites are met."

This is too much. He was still quite shocked to see those things in his consciousness, but he knew that he had obtained a clear understanding of them, so he started to ask.

"I am just an A.I. I'm sure you know what that is. I'll be your helper, silent partner. The 'Akatsuki System' is wholly automated. My measure of control is limited. I cannot alter missions or the cost of purchases. Think of me as your first member of Akatsuki." Said the mechanical woman's voice beating him from asking.

"Why has this system appeared in my mind?"

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"Heaven has rewarded the Host. Host dreams have always been to transmigrate to another world. More concrete reasons are unknown."

After hearing the mechanical woman's answer inside his conscious, he pondered on everything. He was lost in his thoughts for an extended period.

Although he didn't know exactly why this 'Akatsuki system' had appeared before him, he had to admit this was a good thing.
In this world, strength was everything, and it was paramount to have the personal strength and a stable footing.

In the end, one can only truly depend on their efforts. It seems Aido Hwedo, not being suited for this world's ways, wasn't a curse, and it turned out it was a blessing.

"Since I can't cultivate, does that mean I can use chakra? What are the differences between this world essence and charka?" He asked, rubbing his chin nervously.

"Host is correct, and you can't cultivate the essence of this world. The difference isn't negligible; charka and world essence are fundamentally the same, just different names. At the same time, Shinobi's strength increases as he trains and masters Jutsu. Cultivators must absorb Qi, learn laws, train skills, etc. Those methods of this world are trash compared to the system in your hand."

"I see...." He said aloud.

"I need strength; what are my options?" Ryu asked the system.

"Also, is there a chance you have a name I can call you? Since we are conspirators, I feel calling you system doesn't inflect on our bond." Said, Ryu

"Simple, just call me Akatsuki." Said the mechanical feminine voice.

"Great. Call me Ryu. We should at least be on first name bases; you're in my head." Ryu said, laughing softly.

"Noted. Ryu."

"About your previous inquiry, you have quite a few options. One method is Simply mastering Justus's or obscure Shinobi techniques, which will inkind increase your reserves. Since you're the Host of this one, the Akatsuki Shinobi System, you have an extreme aptitude. You also have the potential to master every-single nature release, so what road you tread upon is wholly based on your imagination." Akatsuki saidanoudly.

He asked a question that weighed his mind since he saw those scarlet eyes. "My imagination," he repeated. "Since I have the Sharingan of the famous Uchiha, does that mean I'm one, too?"

"Do Uchiha have all nature releases?" Asked the Akatsuki.

"Hmph. You can use all the basic nature releases; you would have to exchange beast cores with the system to get the advanced natures since you are the perfect ninja; once you have the natures and have the time to train, you can even learn those powerful Kekkai-Genkai.

Ryu smiled devilishly. He was Uchiha, Uzumaki, Senju... His mind wandered onward as he mentally counted off countless clans.

Ryu's eyes bulged as realization struck. Wasn't he cheating? Should he care if your opponent tosses down fours aces and in your hand is a royal flush? Do you worry about their loss? He shrugged and disregarded the train of thought.

"In that case, Rinne-Sharingan is around the corner," he said, smiling like Cheshire Cat.

The Interface opened inside his head. He started at the tab of the Rinne-Sharingan.....

"It's blacked out." He moaned.

"Yes. You would first need to meet the prerequisite. Currently, you have stage one, Sharingan. That means you have one inverted Magatama Sharingan. At your disposal with these innate abilities.

-Eye of Insight-
You can see essence or chakra, giving it color to distinguish it by its composition and source. Please don't confuse this with the Byakugan; it is not as capable in that regard, it can see essence/chakra even through some but not all obstructions, and it can also detect irregularities in a person's body which is caused by the influence illusion/Genjutsu
Your eyes have incredible clarity of perception, enabling them to read lips and mimic movements. In combat, this will allow you to see fast-moving objects and, once fully developed, i.e., three inverted magatamas, you could predict others' capabilities. This will be highly valued in combat, anticipating an opponent's next move based on a simple twitch of their muscle.

With sufficient eye prowess via eye contact, you could enter a target's mind and rummage through their memories. With this, discovering those that acted against you is nothing.

-Eye of Hypnotism-
Genjutsu: Sharingan. If there is anything you shouldn't worry about is the illusionists in this world, your eyes might as well crown you king of illusions.
You suggest thoughts and actions to a target through eye contact, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness.

Also, you can control others with your eyes if daring enough. You can force them to do what you wish; the drawback to this is the image of your eyes will appear in the target eye.

Uchiha Madara is infamous for using this ability; with eye prowess alone, he controlled the Nine-Tails, the tail beast with infinite chakra. It's not a stretch to say that these magical beasts here, who are small compared to the tail beast, could be controlled by you; the question is, do you have the capabilities?

"Sweet!" Ryu exclaimed.

"Just let me get all the eyes then," Ryu said with a sneaky voice.

"Each has its prerequisite to be met before the system will allow purchase. Also, once you obtain a three-tomoe Sharingan, you can spend money and choose whose Mangekyou you want." Replied Akatsuki.

"Can I get all different Sharingan?" He said, channeling another MC from his world.

"First, your eyes are original, and I suggest you fully mature them before purchasing other Uchiha eyes; that way, you can obtain your own eyes and have some inclination to master other eyes. The method to obtain them is simple: you must purchase them, master the chosen eye, then obtain their Eternal version. If you want to disregard my suggestions, check the store for the price!" Said Akatsuki.

"Always something," Ryu said dejectedly. "If I lack spiritual root, what method do I need to cultivate."

"I am glad you finally asked," Said the system without hesitation.

"Since your body lacks spiritual root, you simply cannot use this world system of strengthening."

"Regardless, you wouldn't lose out to this Divine Star Continent super geniuses. As stated earlier, you have the highest aptitude to become a ninja. Since you transmigrated here into the Divine Star Continent, your body has undergone a metamorphosis. Your body is capable of sensing and molding chakra at any time. Since your body is dried up from being unable to absorb the essence, the beginning process will take some time.

Akatsuki continued. "As you have seen, you have striking good looks. This is because you are blessed in both lives with handsomeness."
Sweat rolled down Ryu's back listening to the system; good looks don't mean a good fortune in cultivation society; even men suffered.

"Who needs a spirit root when you have a far superior charka network." Akatsuki harrumphed in his mind loudly.

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