All I Want Is A Normal High School Life

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 ~ Leoric Club

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While Hotaru was searching for the hidden thing that touched him, a blue-haired person said to him;

"What are you looking for? first-year student!"

Hotaru turned back, took his time to look at that young man and then said;

"But you're in your first year too."

That young man asnswered surprised;

"How did you know this?"

Hotaru replied in a calm tone;

"The same way you used."

That young man put his hand on his chin and said after a few seconds of thinking;

"You mean you measured my height as I did with you?"

Hotaru raised his right eyebrow upwards and said;

"So, is this the method you used? Well, the sign on the hall door says 'First Year Students Entrance Ceremony' so I knew you were just like me since you are here."

A look of regret appeared on that young man's face and he said;

"Then there was no need for me to try so hard to measure your height."

"You shouldn't judge people because of their height"

"I know, but it's still the easiest way. So, Are you telling me there are 200 students in the first year? Hmm, that's too many."

Hotaru started walking toward the door, ignoring that person, which made that person say out loud;

"Wait! How can you ignore me that simple!"

Hotaru turned and said;

"I have to go to class. I think the students will start introducing themselves. Which means I have to be there now."

That young man walked towards Hotaru and then put his hand on his shoulder, saying;

"Do you really want to spend your first day with people you will be able to see them every day?"

Hotaru replied calmly;

"So do you have something better to do?"

That young man smiled and raised his glasses up a little, then said;

"Leave it to your friend."

Hotaru had no room for refusal, and he was also very surprised that person had quickly placed him in the friendship zone. But for Hotaru, he was sure that what you could call a 'friend' was something that wouldn't appear so quickly.

A few minutes later, Hotaru found himself in front of the door of a hall inside the school. It was a large hall, and the sign on the door said 'Leoric Club'.

For Hotaru, he could understand what was going on inside this hall after he read the sign, that's why he decided he wouldn't enter it.

Hotaru turned and started walking away from the hall door, but the blue-haired youth grabbed his arm, saying;

"Hey hey, we haven't even entered!"

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He turned his head and said;

"I have no interest in Leoric. I'll consider your offer if it's something like joining a basketball or tennis club."

Hotaru walked away from the room door, but that young man followed him and grabbed his arm, saying;

"I can't identify myself in front of these people, I would feel ashamed, that's why I need a friend to help me!"

A look of mockery appeared on Hotaru's face and he said;

"So this is your ulterior motive. No wait, how long have we been friends?"

"What are you talking about? We've been friends since the Stone Age!"

"Stop confusing me with your weird ideas, you don't even know my name."

While Hotaru was scrambling with that young man near the door, they heard a girl's voice from behind saying;

"Can you let me pass, the lane here is narrow and it's not a wrestling ring."

Hotaru looked at the source of the voice, and found that it was the girl he had met this morning who had been giving a speech just before.

They were standing in her way, and apparently she was headed for the club room.

Hotaru felt that the young man was no longer holding him tightly, and when he looked at his face, he found that he was completely in love with the beauty of that girl, drowned in his romantic thoughts.

Hotaru could have left the place at that moment, And he really did it. He started walking and passed by that girl, but she said the moment he was next to her;

"I overheard you talking about tennis and basketball."

Hotaru stopped for a moment and said while looking forward, ignoring looking to her;

"Is there something wrong with that?"

That girl was focusing her range of sight on the door of the room, that is, she was also talking to him without looking at him, then she answered him in a calm tone;

"Nothing in particular, but this club will fill up today. That is, they will find more than enough members, this happens every year. If you don't sign up today, there won't be another chance."

Hotaru was still standing there, that's why he said;

"And what made you think I was interested in this club?"

That girl took two steps forward, saying;

"Because this club is the reason most of us come to this school. Aside from wars, this is the only place where we can use our power freely."

Hotaru continued walking, ignoring the girl's words, and she placed her finger on her lower lip, thinking;

'Yari Yari, and I thought it would be easy to convince him'

When that girl approached the door, Hotaru turned and said in a voice she could hear;

"Thank you for what you did earlier."

That girl ignored Hotaru's words, opened the door of the club, and entered.

He was thanking her for what she did when he entered the hall late, so that she stole people's attention from him. And it seems that she understood the reason for which he thanked her.

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