Almark – Northern Sword, Southern Wand

Chapter 85: v4c28

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“Mr. Yorog came to visit us one day out of the blue."

 Ward continued speaking calmly.

“When the elderly man, with all his dignity, arrived at the house without a single attendant, there was an uproar. As soon as he introduced himself, he said he wanted to see the young lady and went into the young lady's room alone. Master Elmond was very worried, wondering what the head of the Academy of Magic wanted, and he peeked in from outside and listened, but all he could understand was that Master Yolog and the young lady were sitting on chairs facing each other, talking about something."

 Almark had also met him when he was five years old.

His memory is already faded, but he remembers the old man talking with his father for a long while.

 Looking back on it now, that day decided the course of Almark's life.

And he didn't know that the headmaster of the academy had come to Wendy's place as well.

“The two of them talked for a , very long time. , and sometimes I could hear the young lady crying, and Mr. Elmond was worried. When they finally came out together, the young lady looked refreshed, as if all her possessions had been removed. Then Mr. Yorog said to Mr. Elmond”

“When she is nine years old, send her to the Nork Academy of Magic. She has great potential."


 Morgen shouted.

“The headmaster's recommended her directly. She just happened to pass the selection test".

“No one gets into that academy by chance, Mister Morgen.”

 Ward told to Mogen and then continued.

"Since that day, the young lady has become very cheerful,...... just as she used to be. It does not mean that she has forgotten about Tilia, but ...... she seems to have gotten over it. In the spring of her ninth year, she entered the Nolc Academy of Magic. I am sure you all know what happened to her after that."

That's all he has to say,

They were unsure of what to say, but Ward straightened up and stood up straight.

"You two are the first to learn about this the outside of family ,. Please understand why I told you this ......, and please understand my feelings."

 Ward then bowed deeply.

"I can no longer protect young lady. Please take care of her. "

"Mr. Ward, please raise your head."

They said hurriedly, but Ward did not raise his head, no matter what they said to him.

'Thank you for telling us about .......'

 Almark said to Ward, who finally raised his head.

" I figured it out. I know why my tears flowed when I heard Mr. Ward's story that night."

 Ward looked at Almark.

He looked at Almark, his expression fading a little as he recalled that night's talk and Almark's tears.

"I've never had an adult tell me that they believed me after they found out I was the son of a mercenary when I first came here."

Almark's eyes were lowered in embarrassment.

"Mr. Ward,'"

 "I was very happy", Almark said.

I, too, want to live up to your faith in me, you entrusted me with your most precious thing," and I am just a kid".

 Almark looked Ward squarely in the eye and said,

"We will protect Wendy."

 Next to Almark, Morgen nodded strongly.

 'We will protect her," Almark repeated.

"We will."

Wendy was waiting for them when they left the main front door ...... of the winter residence, which was still rattling with first aid.

 Today, her sleeves were a little longer than usual.

 (Wendy is right, summer is almost over.)

 Almark thought.

Wendy smiled at them, but she was still somewhat depressed.

"'I'll escort you to the gate, okay?"


 The conversation was not as lively as at the picnic.

 The three of them walked through the courtyard in awkward silence.

As they approached the gate, Wendy said, "

"Thank you so much for coming."

 Then she smiled.

“I'll be back after the vacation,"

Wendy said.


 Morgen nodded.

"I'll be waiting for you."

Said Almark.

'I'll see you out the gate and you might not want to leave. Here's ......"

 Wendy paused.

"Yeah, thanks for everything, Wendy".

 Wendy replied with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

 Almark also tried to say something.

Wendy, waiting for Almark's words, too.

Suddenly, his chest got tight.

(I wonder if it's okay to part ways with her so simply.)

 Almark thought.

 He wanted to say something to Wendy.

In fact, he wanted to say something to her little back as she knelt in front of the many bodies on the night of the raid.

He wanted to give her support.

 Whether it was for Wendy's sake or just for his own satisfaction, Almark wasn't even sure.

 It was probably too late to say anything now.

 But if he left the mansion, he really would never say it.

 Almark's feelings now would no longer reach Wendy when they met again after the vacation.

 If there is still the slightest chance of reaching Wendy's heart.

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Even if it is a cliche.

 He wanted to say something to her.

“You know, ......."

 Almark was at a loss for words again.

 Wendy looked at him curiously.

Almark looked away from Wendy and looked at the garden.

 Just then, he sees that spot in the corner of the garden.

It was the place where the bodies of the mercenaries Almark had slain that day were lying on the ground.

 The place where Wendy looked down at the bodies of the mercenaries and said she would never forgive them.

 The place where she stood, with all the responsibility of the Barhab family on her small back.

"You don't have to take on so much alone, you know."

"We're right here with you."

 Cliches come and go.

 That's not what he want to say.

 Words like that, without any real feeling, would never reach Wendy's heart.

 (Even if I, the son of a mercenary, say something she don't understand, it will not be conveyed to Wendy, the daughter of a nobleman who actually bears the responsibility, as living words.)

 (The son of a mercenary.)

 At that moment, Almark's mind replayed the exchange he once had with his father.

'Almark, you are ......."

 Words he could not remember that night.

 When he remembered them, he found the one word he could speak.


 Wendy looks at Almark, who finally opens his mouth.

Wendy looks at him.

"I want you to remember something even after I leave you today."

 .Wendy blinks, her beautiful eyelashes fluttering.

“Remember that,"

"We are magicians,"

Almark said.

 Wendy stared at him.

“Maybe it's not for me to say, but I can't use any magic".

Almark struggled to make the words fit together.

 He looked at Wendy painfully.

 He looked at Wendy with pained eyes.

"Wendy, we are magicians."

 Almark said again.

 (Not nobles, not commoners, not mercenaries.)

"We are magicians, no matter what our status."

 (Get it .)

"So please come back as you are, Wendy."

Wendy's eyes wavered.

"I'll be waiting for you. On Nork Island. At the Nork Academy of Magic.'

 Wendy nodded.

She didn't say anything, just nodded over and over again.

 As he walked alongside Morgen to the waiting area for the white carriage, Almark remembered the exchange he had had with his father one day.

His father, illuminated by the flames of a bonfire.

 "No one will pick up a dead mercenary."

 Almark asked his father, "So, even if I die, will father pick up the body of mine ?"

 He took his eyes off the flames and looked at Almark's face.

 It was a gentle expression, completely different from the one he showed on the battlefield.

 He reached out his large hand and roughly patted Almark's head.

"Almark, you will not die on the battlefield."

He said slowly.

"You will become a magician"

 (How could I have forgotten?)

 (Maybe I didn't want to be a magician back then, so I had sealed it away at the bottom of my memory.)

The voice of his father in his memory echoed in Armark's head over and over again, like a signpost illuminating the path before him.

"You're going to be a magician."

 (I wonder how much thought father put into those words.)

(I hope my words to Wendy had at least half as much meaning as his.)

"We are magicians".

 Almark muttered again, as if to confirm.

"Yes, we are. Me, you, and Wendy."

 Morgen nodded next to him.

"It's been a pleasure traveling with you, Almark."

"Thank you, Morgen. I'm glad you were with me ."

They smiled, hunched their shoulders, and walked down the road.

 The late summer sun was shining on them.

T/n It's finale chapter of 4th arc ! Thanks for reading that far . I hope you had enjoyed it !  I hope you will sticking with me in the future as well

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